America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 467 The Nosy Bird Thief

Chapter 467 The Nosy Bird Thief
Finally, I know what kind of guy has eaten the bear heart and dared to bully Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, and these bold guys dared to stay at the scene of the incident after committing a crime. They had no intention of absconding at all. .

Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai were pointing fingers at the sky and the earth, they now looked like ancient generals, and they were calling for battle now; with a large number of reinforcements, they didn't seem to be afraid of fighting at all.In fact, if the eldest brother and the others were not here, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai would not be afraid of other animals, because this is the fairyland forest farm, and this is their home.

"This is the eagle's nest. Look at how big this nest is, at least one meter long, and the height of this nest is almost one meter lower." Looking at this huge nest with dead branches piled up in a disk shape, Dad lost his courage, this is the eagle's nest!
"With such a large nest, there might really be eagles and the like. Even if it's not an eagle, it must be other large birds. If it's not a raptor, making such a large nest is a joke."

Seeing the heartless Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai still provoking their opponents here, Qi Ping was really sweating; this opponent seemed to be an extremely powerful type.If it was really an eagle, it is really possible that Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai were able to escape back to rescue soldiers because the eagle was merciful.

To be honest, looking at their luxurious lineup, three big bears plus one chimpanzee, these are extremely powerful existences.Not to mention pumas and the like, even big stupid elephants are still brought down; even if big dinosaurs come, they still have a certain ability to wrestle arms.

But facing opponents who can fly, there really isn't much to do; you can't really expect King Kong to smash those birds down with stones, right? As for Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, they can talk and curse, but To be honest, they are still not powerful enough to compete directly.

So for birds and raptors, there is really no way. Their own air force is relatively weak, and they really only have a strong army.And the army couldn't knock down the big guys in the sky, their arms weren't long enough and they couldn't fly up, which meant howling twice to scare people.

"It's really difficult for us to deal with eagles. It's not good for golden eagles. It seems to be protecting animals. If the bald eagle, the national bird of the United States, is more troublesome, let alone provoke them. It's really troublesome. Those people protect them all day long. This animal protects that animal, one by one treats the animals as their parents, and the parents who serve them don’t necessarily care about these flat-haired animals.”

Sure enough, Dad started to explode, there was no doubt about it.As long as it affects his own interests, Dad will definitely not be polite.Especially for some protected animals that cannot be messed with, it is even more troublesome; it is really because those wild animals are too troublesome, and if you want not to provoke them, you need to follow some rules, which is very troublesome.

Qi Ping thinks that his father's point of view is still very insightful. Both father and son have the same personality, that is, they will be dissatisfied with those laws and regulations that are not good for his forest farm and will restrict the development of the forest farm. .

Especially some pretty fucking regulations.

"Fight, they fight again!"

Liang Shanbo landed with fluttering fat wings. It was not only provoking, but also observing the enemy's situation. The final result was very satisfactory. Although it didn't find the culprit who beat it violently, it did find something.

"Children are disobedient and like to fight. This is not a good boy!"

Hearing Liang Shanbo's words, Qi Ping and his father were taken aback; it was a fight, why did they fight.And there are kids and stuff like that, which is not right.

Hurry up and grab Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, and now you have to ask carefully; ask what happened, including how they provoked those big birds, and ask who the children are Fighting or something.

I have to say that Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai are a bit talkative. They like to talk, play, and tell everyone what they see.Although they sometimes say things that don't match the preamble and the afterword, although it takes some associations to fully understand what they mean, they really like others to chat with them.

And I have to admit that sometimes they do have some pipes that are too wide. Compared with other parrots, these two guys are really much smarter, and they can also talk a lot.But the intelligence of these two little guys is that compared with other parrots, their IQ is obviously not enough in many cases. They just regard some knowledge and rules at home as golden rules.

When other people and other animals offend, they will act as supervisors, and they really have a wide range of control.These little guys may also get into some trouble because of these nosy things, because they are likely to offend some beings because of their meddling, such as birds that are more powerful than them.

"The bad boy beat my younger brother, and my younger brother cried!" Liang Shanbo finally spoke, and after half a day in the crooked building, he finally grasped the core of the matter, "No fighting, we must unite."

"So you hit them? You hit the bad boy and then its mother hit you?"

Qi Ping felt that he seemed to have mastered the whole situation, and he understood the whole story of the matter.It is really very possible, maybe Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai are too lenient, so they will be taught a lesson.

King Kong got an order to climb up this thick and big tree to see what it was; but he was also instructed many times by Qi Ping, that is, not to act rashly.The smart King Kong nodded straightly. It knew that now was not the time to start a war, because the most reliable elder brother seemed to have some ideas, so it would not go against some opinions of the elder brother.

King Kong held up carrot-thick fingers, and after gesticulating for a long time, he decided that two were more appropriate.Pointing to Liang Shanbo, that means two birds.The clever King Kong saw some movement in the tree. There were two birds in the nest, and they looked like small birds.

Qi Ping began to suspect that maybe there were two little eagles in the eagle's nest on the tree, which might not be good news.Because these little eagles may not necessarily have brotherhood, and they may even kill each other.

Most of the time, the larger juveniles that hatch first will often peck at the body of the smaller juveniles that hatch later, and devour the pecked feathers. If the lack of food is not long, the Small juvenile birds have the ability to avoid them, and they will not have serious consequences.If the parent birds cannot bring back food for a long time, it is inevitable that siblings will kill each other. The older chicks will peck the smaller ones until they are covered in blood, or even peck them to death and eat them.

This is the law of nature. These little eagles need to ensure that they will not be hungry. They need enough food to grow up.As for these incidents of cannibalism, they are actually the embodiment of the most primitive laws of nature.It must be cruel to judge according to the principles of human behavior, but according to the principles of these animals, it is nothing more than normal.

"Otherwise, we would steal a little eagle back. Anyway, if we let them kill each other, one of them would definitely die. We brought one back, not only saving a little eagle, but Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai will also have bodyguards in the future. Our family The environment of the forest farm is so good, it can always attract some raptors, and Liang Shanbo can't let them be bullied."

Dad had an idea, he felt that Liang Shanbo and the others needed to be better protected; this happened before, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai were beaten up by the Andean condor with bruised noses and swollen faces, unable to fight back.And this time, it was 'nosy' that was bullied by the Eagles. It seems that things like this happened too much.

Now we have to think of some ways, and we must not allow this kind of thing to continue to happen, so now we need to find some reliable raptors to protect Liang Shanbo and the others.

In fact, not only Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, but also Romeo and Juliet, and Dabai and Dahui.There are too many small animals in the forest farm. None of the small birds in the house are particularly ferocious, and they need more protectors.There are indeed Pooh on the ground and there is nothing to worry about, but there is always a relatively empty space in the sky.

Since it is possible to find a good bodyguard now, maybe you can try it; catch an eagle and raise it back, and raise it from childhood to adulthood, not to mention that it is definitely like Liang Shanbo and the others who are caring, it should not be too bad where to go.If the cultivation is good enough, there will be no need to worry about intruders in the sky above the forest farm in the future.

The father and son originally planned to seek revenge, but now they have become thieves; but they don't have any psychological barriers. They are protecting the little naughty people in their forest farm, and they are also protecting the little eagle.At this time, all we need to pay attention to is that we must not let some animal protection association know, at least we must not let them know that this little eagle was stolen.

This is a very reliable idea. In fact, this is also some careful thinking of the father and son.

Birds of prey like eagles are actually very exciting, because this is the dream of men; holding the yellow on the left and Qingcang on the right, and riding a thousand horses to level the hills, thinking about it makes people very excited, so raising an eagle and the like Things, they really have no way to refuse, the temptation is indeed too great.

Since there is such a big temptation, it is good to prepare well; King Kong has received orders, and it will act together with Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai who also received orders.Go steal the bird, steal a little eagle down.

It is necessary to speed up the progress, so that the success rate and safe retreat can be guaranteed before the eagle parents come back.

(End of this chapter)

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