America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 469 Little Secret Alliance

Chapter 469 Little Secret Alliance

Looking at the fat son who was blocking the door with open hands and legs stretched out in big characters, Qi Ping really didn't know whether to cry or laugh.This incident really made people feel dumbfounded, not knowing what to do, let alone how to persuade this stubborn little bastard.

Grandpa and Dad are going to take Pooh to the mountains, and they are going to find those big villains who dare to hurt Rudolph.This time Xiaoyao became excited. He couldn't help Liang Shanbo when they were beaten before, but now that Rudolph was being bullied, Xiaoyao couldn't continue to watch.

"Grandpa, I'm an older child now, I'm seven years old now!" Xiaoyao started persuading and lobbying, but now it seems that he has found the wrong lobbyist, "I can help you, I can't let The big bad guys are bullying our family."

"But you are too young now, we don't know what kind of big villains are hiding in the woods, they are still very dangerous. So we need to be careful, you can't provide us with more help now, if If we take you with us, then we need to protect you, so we may not be able to defeat those big villains."

Qi Weihui patiently explained that it is normal for the little guy to want to take risks, because this kid is an adventurer with a wide range of interests.This kid has a strong sense of responsibility and always wants to protect his family.So now seeing a villain bullying his family, the little guy couldn't sit still immediately.

"I can be with Baby Bear, Pooh and King Kong are fighting in the front, and Baby Bear and I are behind to cheer you on. I am the best, I don't need your protection, I always go to the mountains with Pooh."

Upon hearing this, not only Qi Weihui couldn't sit still, but Qi Ping was also taken aback; to be honest, Qi Ping really didn't know that Xiaoyao was so courageous that he dared to follow Pooh and run up the mountain. I usually play at the door of the house. After I grow up, it may not be necessary to play games under my nose all the time.

But this unreliable little guy is really full of wildness, and he really has the guts of a bear; he dares to run directly up the mountain, and he still has no adults to accompany him.Although there is Pooh, the violent bear bodyguard, but this is a little too bold.

Still 'always', it looks like a habitual offender; if it wasn't for the kid's slip of the tongue, the family might not know about it now.Now I don't care about those beasts lurking in the wild, now I need to educate the bold fat son; and the fat son's accomplices, all of them are bold.

The boy Pooh needs to be caught first, and King Kong; they plus Xiaoyao, this is definitely the devil trio at home, this is a combination of super destructive madness.There is no way to reason with these little guys, because these little guys are always here to disrupt, they can always do something that makes people anxious, they can always do some mischievous things.

"Do you often run to the mountains together? Do you often take your younger siblings to the mountains to play together?"

Qi Ping asked seriously, seeing the fat son standing in front of him with his head bowed, Qi Ping was not polite this time; this little guy is really too bold, he dared to run up the mountain secretly, isn't that true? what a safe thing.

It is true that Pooh is very powerful, and its protection can guarantee the greatest degree of safety; but these safety means prove absolute safety, which at most means that Pooh can guarantee the safety of being free and easy when facing some wild beasts.But this doesn't mean that Pooh can be smart enough to guarantee too much, and Xiaoyao is indeed too young, he will be a little ignorant now, and he will be very unreliable.

"I went to play in the mountains by myself, I would not take my younger siblings to play in the mountains. They are too young, I can't protect them well." Xiaoyao lowered his head, he also knew that this matter was wrong, " We won't go very far, we'll be home soon."

Listening to the fat son's answer, the adults began to discuss; speaking of it, this matter can be big or small, because Xiaoyao really likes to do some unreliable things.But speaking of it, this is also because of the cultivation of adults, because the family is more supportive of the children's spirit of exploration and adventure.

But now Xiaoyao often runs into the mountains. He likes to fight with Pooh and King Kong, and likes to go on adventures. He is full of curiosity.In fact, these problems are really related to the children's growth environment.

There is no way, the children who live in the forest farm must be somewhat different from the children who grow up in big cities.For example, Xiaoyao and the others can thoroughly enjoy the fun of the rural scenery; while the children in the metropolis may not have such a large play space.

The children's partners are animals and beasts, and some of the games they play are outdoor activities, which are also games that children have always loved.It must be admitted that compared to other children, these children in the family are very powerful and can make a lot of troubles. The games they play are even beyond the reach of other children.

Xiaoyao has been grounded, his biggest mistake is to do some dangerous things without the company of adults; maybe these things are very safe in his opinion, but such things are very dangerous in the eyes of adults, This is unacceptable, so these still need education.

Children are too young, they still need to be educated slowly, it is necessary to let the little ones realize some things slowly.They are too young now, and they need to slowly realize that there are some things they should not do at this age.

Even if some things are within the scope of children's encouragement, it should be done with a degree.Now it is really necessary to let the little ones know some things, and some things cannot be done according to some of their ideas.

"Father, I didn't make a mistake." Youyou pouted, the little girl didn't understand at all now, and she would also be grounded, "I didn't go to the mountains to play games, I don't like to pick fruits and eat them randomly."

"But you know this matter is hidden from mom and dad, and you can't choose to keep it secret because of some wrong choices made by your brother. Do you understand what I mean, mom won't judge you as a whistleblower, mom won't encourage you to be a nuisance. But you It should be clear that we need to help my brother correct some mistakes."

Kate is earnestly educating her precious daughter, and Yoyo is also grounded now; the reason is very simple, the little girl knew about it, but she chose to hide it.So now this question, the little girl is grounded, and she needs to be grounded now.

This kid Xiaoyao is really capable of making mistakes, and he made a mistake this time, but he still implicated a lot of 'accomplices'.In addition to Pooh, King Kong, Baby Bear, and Jenny who went into the mountain together, they even included Liang Shanbo and the others.No wonder Xiaoyao is so excited to avenge Rudolph, because Rudolph will follow Xiaoyao into the mountains, and even help Xiaoyao find wild fruits and the like.

This time, a thorough investigation was carried out at home, and it turned out that the children have really grown up, and they really have too many little secrets now, and they even know that they have formed a small alliance to keep secrets. It holds many secrets of adults.

Although Qi Ping and Kate do not necessarily want to know all the secrets of the children, they also need to know some ideas of the little ones, especially some crazy and bold ideas of the little ones.It's a 'rectification' campaign, because Chip and Kate really don't think the little ones will have too many secrets, especially things that they can't accept.

There are too many little secrets, and after this questioning, I found that these brats and little girls are all capable of tossing; even not only my own boys and girls are able to toss, it is also discovered that the old brother's family, Luo Yi The family and Steve's children are all accomplices; well, it's hard to say who the mastermind is.

Looking at each other, Qi Ping and Kate discovered for the first time that the children in the family had really grown up. They still had too many secrets, and each of them knew that they were starting to hide from the adults.

"Our little sweetheart is the most obedient and obedient, and our baby girl is the most outstanding and the most worry-free." Seeing the little sweetheart sitting on the ground happily playing with toys, Kate suddenly said dumbfounded, " I think we're going to start caring more about our kids now, they've really grown up."

"I think so too. I thought we had taken good care of the children, but now it seems that we are careless." Qi Ping also sighed straight away. There is really nothing he can do. Who makes the children too troublesome? , especially when children grow up, their abilities are increasing, and their ability to cause trouble is also increasing.

Maybe those mischievous things when I was young were only within a certain range; but now I really can't accept it, their mischievous things are getting bigger and bigger.They are more and more able to toss around now, and they are really worried, and now they are starting to find that the four children seem to be a bit unable to take care of them.

There is no way, I have really grown up, even if I take care of the children all the time, I still find some sparse things.No way, who made these little guys able to toss one by one, so tossed.

Now I have to get serious and think carefully to see what I did wrong. The children were taken into the ditch one by one.

(End of this chapter)

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