America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 474 The Origin of the Child

Chapter 474 The Origin of the Child

Qi Ping is more and more impressed by raising a child to know his parents' kindness; because he has four children, although sometimes those little naughty things really give him a headache, but there is no doubt that the most Still happy and happy.

Little sweetheart is still walking unsteadily. Although she has learned to walk, this little girl really likes to be lazy sometimes, and she has inherited the tradition of Lao Qi's children who don't like to study.

Little sweetheart liked to play with the little animals at home when she was young. At first, she might just play games with Romeo and Juliet; when she could sit, she began to like to hug the little pony.When they can climb, they are playing games with King Kong every day.

When it comes to climbing, the little girl is really good at it; with King Kong, Pooh and other good teachers around, it's hard to think whether she is good at it or not.In addition, walking is very challenging, and walking wobbly is not fast; it is safer to crawl around, and you don’t need to worry about pain if you fall.

"Dad, Daddy!"

Qi Ping stretched out his hand so that the baby girl's little hand could hold him, even though he had to bend over to do so.And the little girl can only hold a few fingers of her father, but this feeling is really similar to the feeling of having the whole world in her hands.

"You have to walk more, you really can't be so lazy all the time. You have to learn like your brother, who likes to take risks and challenges." Qi Ping is taking his baby daughter for a walk, and he is taking her baby girl to practice more walk at once.

"Brother is good, sweet is good." The little girl is happy, the carefree little girl laughs when she is happy, and cries when she is sad; she doesn't need to hide her emotions at all, she can let everyone know her Emotions.

This caring little girl actually knows that too many people like her, so she is very happy every day, which can also bring more happiness to her family.Even if the little girl can only play some simple games, even if she can only speak some simple words now, she is indeed a caring little padded jacket and pistachio.

In fact, it's also because of her unreliable older brothers, who are all too naughty; and the boys have grown up now and know the emotion of shyness.

Especially Xiaoyao, what this wild-looking kid actually dislikes most is when his father kisses his little face.And Little Sweetheart and her sister actually like to kiss with their family members.Especially little sweetheart, whether it is grandparents, parents, or brothers and sisters, as long as she is kissed, it will make her happy.

Even though she was licked by Pooh a few times, the little girl was actually very happy; she was a cheerful little girl, she would not hide her emotions, she preferred to release her emotions.If you like it, you like it. The little girl still doesn't know what it means to be shy.

Taking a little girl for a walk will make people feel very happy. Although you need to bend over and walk slowly along the way, it is really happy.Even if it's Xiaoyao running around in front of him, these will actually make Qi Ping feel very happy, because watching the lovely children grow up is indeed his greatest happiness.

"Father, why is there no baby in my mother's belly?" Lele started to think again. As always, he had too many thoughts like his brother and some things made people laugh, "Now I want a younger brother again, I like the younger brother who lives in our family, not the younger brother of the uncle's family."

Qi Ping was dumbfounded, wondering how his precious son thought of these things.In fact, Lele really has brothers and sisters. The only one he doesn't have may be his own brother, but he has a cousin.Although now the cousin is too young to play games with him more, although Lele is trying to teach his younger brother how to play games.

"Mom told me my sister is a girl, I know a lot of games girls won't like. Dad, mom told me to come and ask you this question, because we are all boys! I want a brother who will always be in our house like a sister , I can give my brother toys, and I can also take care of and protect my brother.”

Hearing these words, I really felt that there was such a feeling of deja vu. At the beginning, Lele said that he would become a good brother and take good care of his sister.He seems to be doing a good job, but now he really makes his sister cry from time to time, although he often thinks that her sister is annoying and only cries.

Now we have encountered some difficult problems. Regarding the children's question of 'how did we come here', it is really a difficult problem that parents all over the world will find quite difficult to solve.

And on this question, the answers of the parents are all kinds of strange things; what was picked from the tree or picked up in the garbage dump, these answers are really quite a lot.In fact, such an answer is really not only found in China, but also quite popular all over the world.

As for the "correct" education of American parents, it is actually just a joke; it may not be appropriate to explain this to the little kids one by one.Even when it's time to give them some solidarity, it is still necessary to ensure that the children have reached a certain level of age.

The few little guys in the family really couldn't say what they picked up, because except for the youngest sweetheart, the remaining three little guys knew that their younger siblings should be born from their mother's womb.It's actually not that easy to deceive them. Don't think that children just don't understand anything. In fact, they know a lot.

A good idea came to Kate, and in fact it was what she always advocated; in some cases, it was that the boy's education was more of the father's responsibility.And mom, maybe you can have a lot of topics to talk with the girls.

So now that Lele has some questions, he should go to his father, and I believe he can get a very good answer.If Lele is not satisfied with this answer, or Lele's mother is not satisfied, then this matter is really hard to say.

The fat boy is very curious, and he wants to know the answer; so now, it is really necessary to consider giving the fat boy some answers that will satisfy him.Anyway, it's time to start brainstorming, so as to ensure that Qi Ping will not 'make mistakes' in such things.

"Did you know that you are angels, and all children are angels. Mom and Dad pray to the gods, and at the right time, the gods will plant the seeds in the mother's belly. Wait until ten months, and you will see Cute little baby. Like a sister, she lived in the mother's womb for a long time before you saw her."

After wiping off his sweat, Qi Ping felt that the answer he gave was quite good; basically he gave the children an answer that was closest to the truth, but there was no need to worry that the children would not understand such things.In fact, it is relatively simple, and there are some fairy tales and innocent colors that children like.

Qi Ping felt very proud because he gave the children an understandable and educational answer.It is definitely not enough to lie to the children, because this is the birth process of a fairy-tale child.It's just that during this process, Qi Ping felt that he seemed to have exaggerated his father's responsibility and status, and he had become a god!

"Then I know, I remember that my mother was like stealing a big, big watermelon. I know now, if I see other aunts with big bellies in the future, I will congratulate her, Because she's going to have a baby. But Daddy, how long is ten months? Is it my birthday?"

Well, originally Qi Ping was still amused by the fat son's cute answer.But now, before he had time to praise Fat Son's cleverness, he discovered that Fat Son had all kinds of crooked signs here.It's like this every time. It's really hard for children to "focus". They always have all kinds of whimsical ideas.

The fat son ran away again, it was enough for him to know the answer; as for Qi Ping, in fact, he had already accepted this kind of treatment, and he was used to children's "crossing the river and tearing down the bridge".In fact, in the impression of the children, it seems that the father is only responsible for helping them solve some difficult problems; as for the answers, there is no need to stick to the father all the time.

The children are very clear that although their father is not around all the time like their mother; but every time they want to find their father, the children will find that their father is by their side and can appear at any time, especially in the Kids need daddy moments.

Taking the children for a walk made Qi Ping feel quite happy. He felt that this matter made him feel extremely happy and happy.Even if the children are often jumping around, even if these little guys are very dishonest and only mischievous, but in fact they don't care about it at all, because the cuteness of the children is enough to make Qi Ping forgive everything.

Walking on the grass happily and happily together will make Qi Ping feel quite satisfied; Qi Ping thinks that it would be great if such happiness can be kept forever, even sometimes, Qi Ping really does not want to see Until the children grow up, because in this way he can always feel the happiness of the children around him, this is his children.

Such a thing may be unrealistic, because the children will grow up, and they may not be the innocent little people they are now, and they may not be willing to walk with their parents in the future.But Qi Ping can guarantee that he hopes to be able to accompany the children more when they were young, so that the children will know that their parents love them so much and have always been with them when they think back growing up.

(End of this chapter)

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