America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 476 Children's Interests

Chapter 476 Children's Interests

"I'm not going to take any steps back, know what I mean? I've given my full offer now, and now that's my entire bottom line. I'm not going to give them more convenience, they either take it or reject."

After receiving the call, Qi Ping gave his own conditions again, and now he has basically given some of his bottom lines.Qi Ping will not be too polite now, because he knows that the tougher he is, the more effective it will be, because this will bring him more benefits.

Expressed some of his own bottom line, this is what Qi Ping has to do now.There is nothing to say at all, anyway, Qi Ping will not give in again and again.

"I know that you are getting more and more powerful now. This is a very good thing. My mother told me before that he thought you might care too much about face. Even under your influence, our happy life has become A good man, he is too tolerant and magnanimous in many cases."

Kate is smiling, she likes to see Qi Ping so strong; this is what Qi Ping should do, if you want to be an excellent boss, you need to be strong enough in many cases, and you can't be too talkative.

"I know what you mean, but I've never been a talkative person, it's just a misunderstanding. I get strong and that scares everyone. Some of my business partners know what I am. People, they all know that I pay attention to details, I pay attention to my own interests."

Qi Ping doesn't think that he is a good man, he knows that once he becomes strong, his business partners will also have a headache.In fact, Qiping did not do less of such things, he just looked too easy to talk to sometimes.

Qi Ping and Kate are gossiping, they are used to the current life, they already know how to be a good boss.Maybe they haven't studied business management, and they haven't read courses such as MBA; but it really doesn't matter, they have already learned this and know how to lead the development of forest farms.

This is easier said than done, because after all, Qi Ping did not learn these things before, and he did not have much business talent.But he has really learned these things, and he really needs to constantly enrich himself in the process, so as to ensure that there will not be too many mistakes.

It's not bad, although Qi Ping is just a half-hearted boss, but he has some outstanding professional managers under him, and there is no shortage of outstanding management talents under him.In this way, the development of the forest farm can be guaranteed to the greatest extent, and the development of the industry under one's hands will become more and more healthy and stable.

The husband and wife were chatting about the development of the forest farm and their expectations for the next development.These things are things they are willing to talk about, and this is what they now feel that they must have a good talk about.

"Mom, can I have a piano? I love piano now, I want a piano, and I want a drum set. They're all cool and fun, and I think I'm falling in love with them."

Youyou rushed into the house in a hurry, which shocked Qi Ping and Kate; not only because the little girl rushed in suddenly, but also because of some hobbies of this little girl.

"Piano? Are you sure you really like pianos now? If we were to buy you a piano, it would leave you without pocket money for a long time. And you should know these things too. You can't buy a piano easily Give up; you can’t just learn the piano for a few days and choose to give up, it will definitely make us unhappy, and you can’t do these things. To persevere, you need to learn better piano playing skills slowly.”

Kate reminded her precious daughter that the little girl should now learn to know that there are some things you can want, and some things you can't just give up if you want to.Just like a piano, a little girl should never want to get it because she is curious; as a result, as soon as the enthusiasm passes, she immediately throws the piano aside, such a thing cannot be allowed to happen.

Yoyo seems to like piano for a while, she seems to like playing piano for a while, she will often run to the musical instrument store arguing; she will go to listen to some piano music with joy, and she will often talk about herself Like the piano, she wants a piano or something.

"Mom, I really like the piano. I will always work hard to learn how to play the piano. I want a teacher to teach me to play the piano, so that I can play many beautiful songs. I like the piano the most, but I will still play it." Like drums, that's cool, I think I like drums too."

Yoyo said solemnly, but both Qi Ping and Kate felt that something was wrong; because this serious little girl repeatedly emphasized that she likes to play drums, which was something that had no sign of it before.The sudden appearance of the drum set should not be of Yoyo's character, she is not the kind of particularly impulsive person.

"So can you promise us? We can buy you a piano, and of course we want you to be the best pianist you can be, but I think you might be able to take these as your hobbies as well. As long as you keep going Keep it up, as long as you can always like the piano. This will take a lot of your time, and your spare time will be reduced a lot. And you also need to know the responsibility, because there will be some important moments in the future that you need to perform. "

Kate asked the baby girl again, and she needed to make sure that the baby girl really wanted a piano.This matter does require the baby girl to realize some things more clearly. Having a piano also requires some responsibilities, and this should not be just a hobby at all.

As for things like the drum kit, there's no need to worry about it at all now; the drum kit is pretty cool, it's a really cool instrument, and for a lot of boys it's full of charm.In fact, girls also like to play drums, but they don't necessarily like to play them by themselves.

The little heads of Xiaoyao and Lele are looming outside the door of the study, and these two boys are really curious about some things, and now they are pushing each other for a better position to eavesdrop.So they have been discovered now, the drum set seems to be what they want, because Qi Ping remembers that Xiaoyao always likes to hold two small sticks and pretend to shake his head and beat around, and there will still be some messy rhythms in his mouth .

"Mom, I can learn the piano. I want to play the music by myself. I am very patient. But I can't just play the piano. I need to play games. Mom, can you tell me how long I have to play the piano every day Is it?" The little girl is full of expectations for having a piano, but the little girl is also worried that the time spent learning the piano every day will be too long, which will make her have no time to play games.

"You don't need to worry about learning the piano for a long time every day. You need two hours of learning time every day on weekends. Now that you are on vacation, we will have three days a week to learn to play music, two hours a day. Hours. You need to lay the groundwork now, we're not going to ask you to be a professional pianist, that would leave you with no time to play games."

Kate briefly discussed with Qiping, and they knew that there was no need for the children to study every day; it was just their hobbies, as long as the children wanted to play the piano.There is no need to go to the training class every day, that is her hobby; but this is also necessary, because after buying a piano, it must be persisted.

Yoyo is seriously calculating, although the math is poor, but the little girl still figured it out; if it is during school, there will be four hours of study time per week.And now it's on vacation, although it seems that it takes a long time to study.But now I have a lot of time to play every day, so it won't have much impact at all.

Seeing Yoyo thinking seriously, Qi Ping and Kate still find it quite funny; but they are very satisfied now, because the children are thinking seriously now, which is enough to show that the children are serious about learning musical instruments, at least for now During this time, the children still maintained enough enthusiasm and interest.

"Xiaoyao, do you want to be with your sister? You can learn to play drums. I know you and Lele both like drums. I can also buy you drums, but you have to accept this condition. Gotta keep going to the classes so you can get a drum kit from Mom and Dad."

Call out the hide-and-seek sons, these two brats now love the cool drum kit, they think it will be bitter and fun.And you can still have brothers and sisters as companions, they can learn the musical instruments they are interested in, and they will play more interesting games now.

The little ones are very happy because they can all get some great games because they can have a lot of fun.This is the happiest thing for children now, because there are too many fun games for them that are of great interest to them, and they will have more meaningful things to do in the future.

Qi Ping and Kate will actually feel very happy. The children are interested. They are exposed to the musical instruments they are interested in. These are not forced to learn by others, and in the learning process for the children, It's not too stressful, and it's actually a lot of fun for the kids.

All this seemed so interesting, because Qi Ping and Kate suddenly felt that the home seemed to be much quieter.

(End of this chapter)

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