Chapter 479
Although there are some more musical instruments in the house, and it is very noisy, but now there are so many joys, which makes people feel very happy and happy.Naturally, this must be quite meaningful.

It is not clear whether the children's ability to play musical instruments has improved to the same level, but one thing he is very clear about is that the adults in the family are now familiar with the piano and drums.

And among the musical instruments they like, men naturally like to play drums; as for Yoyo's piano, it is also very popular now, but there are not a few old men.

Even the grandpa of the children, even if he sometimes dislikes playing drums and making noise, but sometimes he will beat the drums twice and smash the cymbals a few times.As for Qi Ping, who has long accepted the sound of bang bang bang bang or kakkaka, he can still discuss with the children how to play some tunes when he is in a good mood.

"Dad, you and grandpa quickly take out the drums. You have to be careful not to break the drums, they are very expensive." Xiaoyao has the temperament of a capitalist and is quite talented in exploitation and oppression. , "If you break the drum kit of me and my brother, then I will take all your pocket money, and you will pay me a lot of money."

"Don't worry, I will definitely not damage your drum kit. I really have very little pocket money, so I have to be careful so that you won't deduct all my money." Qi Ping smiled Carrying a large snare drum, this thing is not cheap and heavy, "You two have to be careful with me, I don't know how to install a drum kit now, if you break the steps, I can't install it by then. Can't blame me."

"I'm already very obedient. My brother and I disassembled the drum according to what you and grandpa said. You can't blame us. It's something you have to do well, because this is what you arranged, and you should have a plan!" Le Le Yi immediately became excited, and the little guy almost threw away the brackets he was carrying.

Hurrying to appease the fat son, Qi Ping had already discovered that the younger son had a rather reckless character, and this brat was really impulsive sometimes.In Kate's words, Lele likes to rely on strength to do things a lot of times, but he doesn't care about his brain when doing things and is easily agitated.

There is actually no big problem with such an impulsive personality. You can't expect every child to have a meek personality.There is nothing wrong with such a small impulsive personality. Every child has a personality of every child.Be a little impatient, anyway, Qi Ping can accept it, as long as it is not irritable, then it is almost the same.

A few old men are really busy carrying and moving; there are six cymbals and hi-hats, so naturally five brackets are needed.The number of bass drums, snare drums, and snare drums has reached seven, which is really a lot.It's tiring just to move these things, not to mention the delicate work of assembling them.

Qi Ping is really heartbroken, and he will be so lucky; because the drum set is too loud, so there is no way to keep the drum set in the piano room, or it is more comfortable to stay in the son's room. That's the space for the fat boys. Anyway, their room is big enough, and the room is full of toys.

So now the piano is moved downstairs, because the piano is placed next to the living room; it is really because the piano is too big, although the various compositions of the baby girl make people feel that they are the type of magic sound, at least compared to the drum set. It is much softer to beat and smash randomly, and the drum set is the scariest and loudest.

It's a good thing that you don't have to carry the piano around, and Qi Ping really doesn't understand the piano audition.He has set a good example for Lele, that is, there is really no need to use more brains for things that can be done with strength.It's actually easier to put in some effort than to brainstorm.

Compared with those technical jobs, there is really no need to learn any technical things; obviously, those things are not good at all.It's really easy and effortless to carry a drum kit around.

"Grandpa, you are going to be as stupid as Dad!" Hearing Yoyo's words, Qi Ping was taken aback; how come this is almost the stupidest one, it shouldn't be, "Don't you know how to check the position now? , It's really not allowed to put a drum kit here, it's too close to my piano, we can't sit down. We have to sit in a row, so that it looks good."

Tong Yan Wuji, Qi Ping felt that there is no need to feel overwhelmed by the baby girl's words now; the baby girl was right, the drum set and the piano overlapped a bit, who made the drum set really big.

Anyway, the little girl is still a little naive now. Although she is a cute little girl now, she already knows how to love smug beauty, and she also knows how to run around in princess dresses.The little girl also likes to dress beautifully on some formal occasions now, so the little girl will not learn from her father like her elder brother and younger brother and don't like to dress up.

This is decisively a little lady. Although she was very wild when she was young, but now that she has grown up slowly, the little girl has begun to show the temperament of a little lady.

This made Qi Ping very happy, and finally he didn't need to worry about having a tomboy in the family; a little girl can be cheerful and sunny, but her temper is too boyish, which may not be a good thing.

This time, the whole family played some pieces together, which will make people feel very meaningful and happy; maybe everyone can’t play a perfect piece now, but the whole family participates, which is the most meaningful .

This is also the reason why Qi Ping is busy running up and down carrying the drum set. It actually takes a lot of time to move the drum set down and assemble it.But when it comes time to play, there are at most two or three songs, but it really doesn't matter at all, and Qi Ping doesn't think it's a waste of effort, because he enjoys it very much.

"I want to play two tigers, but I don't remember all the pieces. Mom wants to help me." Wearing a beautiful princess dress, Youyou happily expressed her wish and announced the performance, "I want to play with my mother." We are all the best at playing the tune. Brother, don’t play the drums indiscriminately. You and your brother must learn to cooperate.”

"I know, I know. I want to play the drums, and my younger brother wants to play the gongs." Xiaoyao's words make people laugh and cry. He is also a drum fanatic and has learned a lot of time; but the name of the cymbal has always been very down-to-earth, Although cymbals and gongs look alike.

"I'm going to play the big drum, and you have to play it faster. I won't steal the key, I won't break the rhythm. But if you play slowly, then I will definitely play the drum."

Lele's words made people laugh even more. At first, I thought it was Kong Rong's courtesy like pears; but in the blink of an eye, it became a threat. According to this kid's character, his patience is relatively limited, it must be Beat the drums first.As for the tune and the integrity of the tune, Lele really doesn't have much talent, although he likes drums very much.

Yoyo once again reminded her elder brother and younger brother not to beat gongs or drums indiscriminately. This should be learned to cooperate, and there should be a rhythm.So the little girl needs to discuss with her brother and brother now, how to implement the plan that was agreed before, and how to ensure that the piano music can be better integrated into the drum kit.

No way, these are two instruments that don't seem to match in style; nothing good or bad, but the piano seems to be more elegant and high-end.As for the drum kit, it's a bit of a rock style.But now these impossible things can be well integrated at home. Smart children know how to combine two instruments with different styles to perform together.

Yoyo actually doesn't understand music scores and the like, but the little girl remembers some of the songs she has learned; although she is not very proficient, she can't control many keys well because her hands are too small. After all, she has just learned, and her hands are still Somewhat inflexible.But it doesn't matter, there are places where her hands can't reach with her mother's help, and her mother can help her press many keys.

Qi Ping felt very happy, playing with the family DV happily; the piano music was intermittent, but it was obvious that it was the tune of "Two Tigers".It's not just a long piano solo, a sudden bang or a bang.

This is the rhythm of Xiaoyao and Lele, who are next to them. The two brothers are holding drumsticks and waiting in full force; one is waiting for the right time to rush in, with one drum and one cymbal. The cooperation is still very tacit.It not only makes this piano piece have a different style, but also ensures that the performance of the piano piece will not be disturbed.

The happiest thing is Little Sweetheart, the little girl is happily squeezed into King Kong’s arms; playing with King Kong’s fingers, she happily listens to the songs performed by her brothers and sister, and now the little girl has accepted it, because the family always With these piano sounds, drum kit sounds.

In fact, it’s not just because I’m used to it, but also because Little Sweetheart’s brothers and sisters are very powerful; now it’s not completely out of tune noise, and if you listen carefully, you’ll find a rhythm. It's a pretty good repertoire.

Very happy, the children played very happily; the audience was naturally even happier, watching the fat grandsons and granddaughters happily performing songs, the children's grandparents were of course very proud.As for the cameraman, although he is busy, he may still need to continue to act as a porter; but seeing the music performed by the children, it feels like everything is worth it.

(End of this chapter)

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