America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 501 Survival in the wilderness

Chapter 501 Survival in the Wilderness ([-])

Qi Ping felt that he was still a little negative, and he felt that he still underestimated Pooh and the others.It is true that these unreliable younger brothers showed a rather pitiful look at the beginning, but now Qi Ping is proud of his younger brothers, and it is obvious that they are all powerful assistants.

Trekking hard in the dense jungle all morning, although this is not the worst natural environment, but in such well-preserved forests, it is basically impossible to find a way.This journey is indeed quite difficult and challenging.

When it comes to hunting and the like, it was indeed quite difficult at the beginning, Pooh and the others are characters with various pitfalls.There is no doubt about this, and Qi Ping even wonders whether these younger brothers who have high hopes will lose the chain at a critical moment.But now, there is really no need to worry; the tacit understanding has come out, and these little guys are now showing their strength one by one.

"Course apple, it's not delicious at all." Luo Yi picked up his mouth. The custard apple is really not delicious, so even if it is rare to see in the mountains, he doesn't want to eat it. "I still like apples. Although they are wild Apples, but they taste different. And those blueberries are also good, these are authentic wild fruits."

"I knew that King Kong and Pooh are the best. Their excellent sense of smell can help us find delicious wild fruits, and with King Kong's help, we successfully wiped out an apple tree. It's great, we have enough We all ate delicious fruits." Steve was also very happy, although he didn't eat meat, he didn't need to be hungry now.

Now Qi Ping felt that it would be better for him not to say anything, he really couldn't bear to see his pig teammates anymore.You must know that these two bastards were still suspicious of being tricked by Pooh and the others before, but now they immediately sang praises, because Pooh and King Kong were able to find wild fruits, and even King Kong was able to pick fruits from trees.

King Kong is very happy now, it is the most powerful King Kong, because it can climb very tall trees easily.Although it looks a bit huge, King Kong, like other chimpanzees, actually has no difficulty in climbing trees.There is no doubt about this. No matter how big the chimpanzee is, they can climb the tree to pick the fruit.

"Pears, did you see that! Dayang Li, now King Kong is going to pick more pears, we can all eat enough!" Seeing King Kong happily jumping up and down the tree trunk, several people followed King Kong forward, it I found out, "Hurry up and act, we will be full this time!"

This is a relatively large pear tree, almost seven or eight meters high; the branches and leaves are dense, and these pears are of the fully mature type, and even a lot of mature fruits have fallen from the ground.But now there is no need to pick pears on the ground, because King Kong can pick a lot of fruits for everyone.

King Kong squatted happily on the big tree, and it picked the fruits one by one; King Kong likes that he can do many things, and he hopes to help others.Now that everyone wants to eat more fruits, King Kong knows that he needs to work hard.It did well, and after looting an apple tree, it found a pear tree again.

Qi Ping and the others were happily picking up the pears that King Kong kept throwing down, which is definitely not too much; just look at Pooh and Baby Bear, they are actually super big eaters.And black bears are not just pure carnivores. In fact, they are often vegetarians and eat fruits. These delicious pears are also very delicious for them.

With a smile on his face, this is developing in a better direction; there is no doubt that now it is not just the role of King Kong that has begun to play out, Pooh and the others are now slowly realizing some things, such as Said that this trip into the mountains is a little different from before, they have found the right location.

"I just got the news that they got a lot of fruit now." Bell looked at Joshua, the news he got from the film crew was very depressing, "They have harvested enough pears and apples, King Kong is now Picking fruit from the trees, they now have enough to eat, which is enviable."

"We all know that if you have a chimpanzee as a partner, then you certainly don't have to worry about not being able to climb the big tree. Now we may only be able to look at the fruit trees, but they can enjoy the fruit feast with gusto. "Joshua envied and hated, those film crews are really bastards, they can't go to the tree to pick fruit now, but what made things worse at this time was that other news came from the film crew.

This is indeed quite a jerk, not only Joshua has such a dare to think, Bell also feels the same way.He is an expert in survival in the wild, but it is obvious that not every tree can be climbed by him.It's a pity to look at his competitor, the chimpanzee who looks very smart doesn't need to worry about these things, no matter how tall the tree is, it doesn't seem to be difficult in his eyes, and he can find more fruits.

Compared with my current situation, Qi Ping's team is really cool; if you think about it, you can know something, that is, the two groups of opponents are in completely different situations now.

One group seemed to be really surviving in the wilderness, while the other group seemed to be camping; the gap came out, and the treatment was different!
Qi Ping is very proud, he is enjoying this trip quite a lot now; although it is definitely not possible to be completely full by eating only fruits, this is already good news, at least there is something to eat, so there is no need to worry Hungry.That's good news, pretty good good news.

King Kong made a good start, this kid showed his strong sense of presence; his good performance has now made Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai feel more at ease now, it's really not that the big brother wants to throw them away, no Because they are naughty and now the big brother is already angry or something.

So now you can rest assured that they are now completely ready to have fun; there is nothing to hesitate, these guys belong to the type that is like a fish in water after entering the mountains.Although this is not a forest farm or their home, there is nothing to worry about in such a mountain forest, and they can still start playing.

Entering the state, this is the best news; Qi Ping knows that this time he is ready to enjoy it, and now everything is so enjoyable.And Qiping can guarantee that everything will get better.

"Catching rabbits and hunting pheasants, we are the best!" Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai flew out screaming, and they are now in a state of dogfighting, because they are very aware of their strong strength, "Big pieces of meat , Big bowl to drink, we are heroes of Liangshan, and we will do justice for the heavens!"

Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai are speaking Chinese now, and these bilingual parrots are actually quite powerful; watching these two originally cautious parrots become more and more active, the members of the film crew are of course happy to see this .It's just that they also have headaches sometimes, and they don't understand what the two parrots are talking about.

As for counting on Qi Ping to translate, this is definitely unrealistic, Qi Ping would not do that.As for Luo Yi, he wisely chose not to speak for the time being, because he knew that Qi Ping definitely didn't want his younger brothers to leave an image of being outspoken.As for Steve, he should know that some words are definitely not very good, but it is unrealistic to say that he also understands Chinese, and he knows very little English.

Go be spies, these two pioneers have finally entered the state, they finally know what they should do now.Going to the front to explore the road is naturally the most important thing. If you find a suitable prey, you must come back and inform King Kong and Pooh.

As for these two guys who can only talk, Qi Ping is very clear about their personalities; this is the slogan of eating meat with big mouthfuls and drinking with big bowls, but in fact the two of them are just shouting.Compared with wine and meat, they still prefer some dried fruits; they are unforgiving characters, they just shout slogans all day long, but when they encounter real big events, they will definitely lose the chain character.

Moving forward, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai are moving in the general direction, they are exploring the way in advance; coupled with the enthusiastic follow-up of Baby Bear, their combination has established a standard pioneering model.There is no doubt that such a combination can save Qi Ping and the others from taking a lot of wrong roads, which is naturally the best thing.

"We should be able to win the game. Look at our current efficiency. It's really great!" Qi Ping is full of expectations. Overcoming obstacles, we will definitely win by a big score tomorrow, there is nothing to doubt."

"I also have such confidence, but we still need to pay attention to it now. Your Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai opened the way in front and improved a lot of efficiency. But I don't know if you have noticed that they are now letting go, so Along the way, I also found that their small thoughts were exposed. No matter how you look at it, it’s a bit like the baby bear, and the paths they find basically have wild fruits.”

A pig teammate like Luo Yi shouldn't be brought out, because he habitually disrupts the stage; this is really disrespectful and very depressing.It's obviously good to pretend that nothing happened, anyway, it doesn't have much impact; but the last fig leaf has been lifted, is it really good? !
It's really too shameless, this is a typical example of getting cheap and selling well; if it weren't for Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai who worked hard to open the way ahead, it would not know how many detours it would take.After all, if you just rely on yourself to open the road in the mountains, you will definitely encounter some troubles or some situations where the road cannot be opened.

So now Qi Ping doesn't look down on Luo Yi and Steve at all. These bastards are a little bit too irritating;Although Liangshanpo may have their own little thoughts at some times, they may be a little bit fond of selfishness; but this is to the smallest extent, even when they are opening roads, they will find trails full of wild fruits, but It won't cause too much trouble to level them, at least it won't be a messy and difficult way to walk.

It must be said that Qi Ping thinks that Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai are actually very smart, and they actually took on the role of pioneers very well.They are constantly learning and improving, and they are now less and less likely to take those difficult roads, and now they know which roads are more suitable for the big brother Qiping to walk, and they will not deliberately find them as a prank Those are the roads that make people laugh and cry.

Baby Bear is also having a great time playing now. In fact, sometimes he likes to eat some small fruits of plants or shrubs; with Liang Shanbo and them leading the way, he can eat more delicious fruits.As for opening the way, there is no difficulty for it, isn't it just rampage, it couldn't be easier.

Such a combination makes people feel very happy and looking forward to it, and Qi Ping thinks this is the state he needs.He's enjoying it now because he knows it's all about getting into his ideal state; it's a little frustrating at first, but so what, it's just a hard start for a while Running in, the current smooth sailing is what he is happiest and most looking forward to.

It's just that it is not a simple matter to want smooth sailing. It is obvious that Qi Ping has encountered some challenges now; he thought everything was developing in a good direction, and then it is basically smooth sailing.But now it doesn't look like that at all, no matter how you look at it now, there will be some sudden things that break the plan.

Obviously, the most difficult thing in this kind of forest is not the rough and difficult roads. In fact, the most dangerous thing to see and experience here is naturally the encounter with some wild animals.Although Qiping has a luxurious lineup here, it definitely does not mean that Qiping and the others can just take it lightly, because other wild animals are also very scary.

"Help, help!" Zhu Yingtai flew back screaming, opening her mouth to call for help, but Qi Ping didn't feel a little nervous, it would be a big deal if it came back without saying a word. Shouting and shouting for help with great fanfare is a typical example of thunder and rain, "Pooh, big Pooh!"

Well, I should have seen a big bear, maybe bigger than Pooh; this is the most dangerous existence I have encountered in the mountains, the overlord of the forest.

(End of this chapter)

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