Chapter 509
Qi Ping felt it was funny, the children were all like thieves; they knew now that it was a cute groundhog, not a fat mouse or something.The children like these cute little guys very much, and now they are looking at these groundhogs carefully, for fear of scaring them.

Fat and fleshy groundhogs are indeed quite cute; moreover, these little guys are relatively timid, and the children can only watch from afar now, and they dare not run too close, for fear of being frightened These cowards.

The children had some more interesting games. Although this litter of groundhogs was not very willing to approach the children, this did not affect the children's good mood at all.Speaking of which, the children at home really like all kinds of cute animals, and they all think that they can be good friends with many cute animals.

These naive little fellows have indeed done a very good job, very naive and kind.This is a very interesting and interesting thing. Qi Ping has always been proud of his children's innocent childhood. They must have a lot more fun and happiness than other children. These things are indeed worthy of Qi Ping's pride.

"Don't just idle around all day long, you have to do something serious. The children have a vacation, so you should also take the vacation, right?" My mother hates iron but steel. Compared with the motivated older son, this youngest son is really It is one more tendon than the average person, a lazy tendon that makes people gnash their teeth.

"I'm not lazy. I'm taking care of my children and working at the same time. Now I'm busy with a lot of things every day. I want to keep an eye on the Breeders' Cup and the development of the island. It's the cattle on our ranch. I have been staring at the improvement, so I have no time to be lazy." Falling on the sofa, Qi Ping replied weakly, taking the children out for a crazy circle, he was very tired.

"I think you are the king of children. You are thinking about playing all day long now. If my precious grandchildren don't have much ambition in the future, you must be the one who brought them up." Dad said in a bad mood. Lazy, he is really not surprised now, this kid is really too lazy.

"That's a good thing. Our family is in good condition. The children don't necessarily have to work hard. Enjoying life is actually what the children have to do. Do what they like to do, and I support them!" Qi Pingyi Said like an enlightened father, in fact, this is also making excuses for himself.

"I see, I will tell the children. I think Xiaoyao may become an excellent LOHAS family, and he will still ask you for money after he is 30 years old. Our Yoyo, I believe she may be better than her brother With some aggressiveness, she should have a job. But I can guarantee that Lele will definitely go to the game, form a super group with his brother, and travel. Now I need to get our little sweetheart away from her Stay away from Dad, otherwise she will definitely think that life is just a game in the future, and playing games is more important than anything else."

Kate's words made everyone stunned for a moment, and then they burst out laughing.

Thinking about it, there is really such a possibility. The kid Xiaoyao has too many interests, even wider than his unreliable father.

Horseback riding, golf, baseball, basketball and the like are all dabbled in, although none of them are proficient.And now he is also interested in yachts and racing cars, and even this kid has already started to study rock and jazz.This kid really loves everything he sees; he's not the particularly impatient type, he's constantly enriching his life, running to join in the fun with everything.

As for Lele, this irritable kid is not only staring at baseball now, but now he is also interested in rugby.Not only because many people and children around him like baseball, but also because rugby fits his personality so well.

It's not a running back or a commanding quarterback, this guy is a defensive lineman looking at the defense or something, and he's the strongest guy on the team.They compete directly with opposing linemen and are responsible for rushing across the offensive line to tackle the running back with the ball and the quarterback before the pass is released.It also includes the blocker of the special team, which is responsible for tackling the opponent's returner to prevent him from making a successful run.

This kid, Lele, just likes simple violence; if it weren't for Qi Ping not allowing him to fight, this kid might really want to go to learn boxing or wrestling or something.Let's learn rugby now. It's very interesting to directly hug other children to the ground and get cheers and encouragement on the field.

Xiaoyao, Lele and a pair of little brothers are really unreliable; these two brothers really deserve to be brothers. If the two boys follow the current development model, it is estimated that they will really play together in the future. Playing with mountains and rivers.It's hard to say whether they are playboys or not, but they are basically sure about being idle, who makes them have too many hobbies!
Qi Ping felt some pressure. Although he really didn't expect his children to be young and promising in people's impression, he definitely didn't want his precious sons to be unreliable. It's just unreliable.But speaking of it, it really needs to be a little bit aggressive, or the children still need to pay attention to cultivating a sense of professionalism and the like.

This matter really needs a little attention; not only that the best teachers for children are their parents, but also because children's character development really needs to pay attention to these childhood.Qi Ping doesn't care if the children are "promising", he wants the children to be happy; however, he can't just let the children live in their own world all the time.

Still, baby girls don’t need to worry, Yoyo is much more reliable than her elder brother and younger brother, girls may mature earlier than boys, Qi Ping now has more say.Look at how sensible his baby girl is, and look at the two unreliable brats. This is the biggest explanation. Anyway, Qi Ping is not worried about girls at all, but boys are worrying.

Speaking of children's education, it is indeed a big deal; but there is no need to be trembling and the like, after all, it still needs to be logical.There is no need to deliberately make the children what kind of person they are. This point has long been agreed in the family, as long as the children are not particularly unreliable.

Just do what you want, although some things about the children make people feel quite funny, and some topics really make everyone pay more attention.However, this will not affect life, and it is not enough to make everyone make changes; after all, this is because the children's current personality is acceptable, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Qi Ping was responsible for driving the children. In addition to the three live treasures in the family, there were also two boys from Luo Yi's family; if it wasn't because the eldest nephew Benben was not in this school, there must be more people.At this time, Qi Ping started a serious conversation with his fat son.

"Dad, I don't want to be in the same class with my sister." Xiaoyao sat weakly on the co-pilot, the little guy looked a little stressed, "My sister always wants me to be with her, I can't even play games with other children .”

"Dad, no. It's my brother. My brother doesn't allow me to play with other children. He doesn't allow other little boys to be friends with me." Hearing her brother's complaint, Yoyo became even more excited, "I don't want to be with my brother now either. In the class, he always took care of me, he told me that many things were not allowed to be done, and I was not free at all.”

The two children began to expose each other, which was fierce.

Xiaoyao said that his sister is too young, and her friends are only girls; so Xiaoyao is under a lot of pressure at this time, he likes to be with boys, he doesn't like to play games with many girls, he doesn't like dolls and the like.And Yoyo seems to have a lot of say, because her brother always controls her and doesn't allow her to meet some boys.

Qi Ping thinks it's better for him to keep silent on this topic, because he still can't figure out whether it is Xiaoyao who is the younger sister or Yoyo who is the younger brother.Anyway, this pair of brothers and sisters, they are the typical love and kill each other; who made them twins, although sometimes they don't like each other and often have conflicts, but their relationship is really nothing to say.

Let them continue to sue, this matter should wait until the children go home and talk to their mothers; Qi Ping actually has no good way to deal with these matters.Kate is still more patient, this is not a joke, this is the truth; because Kate is full of patience when it comes to children's education.

Qi Ping, on the other hand, often gets his scalp numb from the noise of the children, which makes him quickly lose his patience and just want to run away.So for things like this, let the children go to their mother; what he has to do now is just hum and haha, just perfunctory the children here, and he can't put forward those insightful opinions anyway. .

Just taking care of children is indeed a bit monotonous; Qi Ping feels that he needs to hurry up and go crazy now, otherwise he will really grow old.At any rate, I am only in my early 30s, which is the prime of life, and the current economic conditions are good enough, so at these times, let’s do something that I want to do.

In itself, Qi Ping is not a person who particularly likes to be high-profile, but now he is starting to be a bit rebellious; go crazy while he is still young, so that he will not have the energy to go crazy when he is old.It is also because the conditions are relatively mature now, so there is not much to worry about; anyway, what needs to be worried now is these trivial conflicts between the children.

"Why are you thinking about buying a sports car at this age?" Mom felt it was funny, but she didn't care. Now she won't say anything about how expensive the car is. , and don’t buy too much, and don’t make a mess. You should pay attention to your identity a little bit, and don’t be nondescript.”

"I know, I just want to buy a car to look good in front of the children. They either think my car is too old-fashioned or not handsome at all, which really irritates me." Qi Ping said half-truthfully, He really wants a cool sports car now. Although the children are the catalyst, it cannot be said that it is the children's responsibility.

"So you're a weird guy. When we first met, we were both young. I think you should be able to pick a cooler car at that time, and you'd get a lot of girls' attention. But look at your Cars, Cadillac Escalade, pickups, are so frustrating. Waiting for you to think of a better car, it's just a normal Aston Martin. Your Bentley, too grown up. I've always been I think you don't have enough vigor, you are too old!" Kate complained, quite speechless about her husband.

Kate's words seemed to resonate with her parents, and they all began to condemn Qi Ping. They all felt that Qi Ping was a little too conservative.This is not a good thing.

Not to mention some stars, or some Texas Hold'em champions, who buy a big house or a luxury car team after making money, it will appear a little upstart temperament.But if you have enough money and you are not too old, you also need to look young and energetic. It is really nothing to buy a good sports car, let alone Qiping's worth here.

"I don't want that kind of high-end goods. Don't talk about Lamborghini or Ferrari 458. I want a sports car, and I want one that is enviable. I want a limited edition, and I want a customized one." Qi Ping I started to put forward my own requirements, which were not low at all.

"Don't buy the kind that you can buy for a little money. If you buy it, buy a good one. You don't even look at your son. Both Xiaoyao and Lele like sports cars. Just buy them a better car." Dad's words made Qi Ping choke a lot. Although the children strongly stimulated Qi Ping, there is no need to say that buying a sports car is also for them.

"I want to buy Kossenig or Silbert, McLaren, Pagani, etc., I don't like it now." Looking at the children lying on the sofa playing with car models, Qi Ping felt a little resentful Da, "Even if I don't want that kind of car that sells globally, I should still want that kind of customized car. Anyway, I have to be handsome."

"I think the Koenigsegg Agera is great, it's a super sports car, and it's not too ostentatious like some sports cars. You know what I mean, it's elegant." Kate's opinion surprised Qi Ping, which was 100 Is a multi-million-dollar car good, but Kate nodded without thinking about it, and was very supportive; it seems that the flush car really made the family resentful.

(End of this chapter)

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