America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 516 Inheritance of Protection Desire

Chapter 516 Inheritance of Protection Desire
A sports car is high-profile enough to attract people's attention; but a classic car is low-key luxury.In fact, it is not luxury. Anyone who knows a little now knows that the price of ordinary classic cars is definitely not lower than those of sports cars, and even the price of some sports cars is far lower than those of classic cars.

"I really didn't expect you to be interested in those antiques now. Am I mistaken? I thought your rebellious period came a little too late. But now it seems that you are prematurely aging. Like when I first met you, you are more mature than those young people."

Kate was sneering, she felt that she still didn't understand the guy who shared the same bed; well, it can be said that as expected, her husband is such a person, and he doesn't look young at all. human temperament.

Qi Ping rolled his eyes. He felt that it was better for him not to quarrel with Kate now. Anyway, once the quarrel started, it would definitely end in misery.

Of course, Qi Ping knows some things. For example, many young people are relatively high-profile; although they may not have the attributes of a playboy like Steve, sports cars and yachts are their favorite products. It is indeed something that many young people like.

There are also relatively high-profile ones, who seem to be relatively low-key and luxurious; such people are actually from some well-established wealthy families, and they may not be full of 'upstarts' attributes.Food and drink, or even clothing, may not be the kind that are particularly eye-catching, but they are definitely high-grade.

As for Qi Ping, it seems that he has such attributes, he is such a 'low-key' person.

Although he is a rich man, he has the attributes of a nouveau riche; sometimes he is indeed a little extravagant and careless about spending money, but most of the time he behaves relatively low-key.His car is not a high-profile sports car, and his expenditure on food and clothing is not so exaggerated that he looks like a rich man when he wears gold and silver.

Being old-fashioned and hiding wealth are indeed some attributes of Qiping; many people who are familiar with Qiping know that he has never been the kind who is willing to show off his wealth.But sometimes, he is really showing off his wealth in a low-key manner, not like posting his luxurious life on Facebook or Instagram.

But looking at Qi Ping, it must not be underestimated; his private jet, yacht and the like are all very good.Although his home is not inlaid with gold and foil, it is really a low-key luxury.

It's really like this, showing off your wealth is really hated; although showing off your wealth is a tradition in the United States, Qi Ping really doesn't like these things.He thinks that there is no need to be hated by others; moreover, some flaunting of wealth is really too low-class and unlevel, such a low performance, Qi Ping disdains it.

Of course, he will not wrong himself; not showing off his wealth does not mean that he will be a miser or live a life like Grandet.What Qi Ping likes is that it is not too ostentatious. His living standard is definitely quite high-quality.

"Dad, I want to ride a horse. Ryan said he can ride a horse too. He's not as good as me. Can I ride a horse to school? I can do it without Heitan. Heitan is too smart. It's not fair to take him. Yes." Xiaoyao ran into the study to find his father, this stinky boy is now beginning to know how to win.

"Are you going to compete with others again? It's unfair, you don't need to compare with others, you know. You should know something. The conditions in our family are different from other children. You have been in contact with some children since you were young. way to get in touch."

Qi Ping was patiently explaining to his fat son that he didn't want his precious son to be a rich second generation who was quite unqualified, he didn't want his precious son to be the kind of rich second generation who was hated on the Internet.By the way, our family's conditions are really good. Even in the economically developed country of the United States, our family belongs to a group of people with enviable wealth.

"No, Ryan is very good, he also rides a horse, and he can play golf. I can't play golf, and I can't play tennis. I don't like him, he always brags, he I also like to show off to my sister." Xiaoyao sat on father's lap, although the little guy didn't like to act like a baby, but he was still a child after all.

Qi Ping thinks that he still needs to have a good chat with the fat son, he wants to know some things about the children; Qi Ping is obviously a good buddy of the fat son, so many topics can be chatted together, little guy I am also willing to chat with my father about many things, such as his life, his troubles and so on.

Xiaoyao is a good brother with a lot of attributes, he knows to protect his younger siblings; because he knew such things when he was very young, younger siblings are too young now, they are not strong enough now.So as the older brother, Xiaoyao, he felt that he wanted to protect his younger siblings and prevent them from being bullied.

This kind of thing, the family is willing to see; because Xiaoyao is responsible and responsible, this is a very good quality.Although this kind of quality may not necessarily be what the eldest son should have, after all, the children in the family are similar in age, but he is the eldest son anyway, and sometimes the family members do have some expectations for Xiaoyao, different expectations.

Xiaoyao just dislikes many people now, especially those children who want to be close to their sisters. These are Xiaoyao's dislikes.So this little guy will always hit those kids who are close to his sister, making them quit.

Anyway, Xiaoyao has a high vision, he can be friends with many people, and his circle of friends is also very wide; but I have to say that this kid's friends are also divided into circles.In addition to the younger brother of Luo Yi's family or the cousin of the uncle's family, the little guy also met some good friends at school; it's just that he is friends with many people, but the friendship is not necessarily deep.

Xiaoyao is a boy with high vision. In fact, his younger siblings are not low-sighted. After all, their family conditions are here, and the environment they lived in since they were young is indeed quite beautiful. Naturally, they are not shallow-sighted people.

Very powerful Xiaoyao, he doesn't like to compare with others; even though he is a child, sometimes he may not be very sensible, and sometimes he will unintentionally show the fact that he is a child of a rich family.However, this kid is still a bit rebellious. Once someone wants to show courteousness in front of his sister, the little guy will definitely blow his hair.

This matter is really dumbfounding, Xiaoyao has always been very concerned about this matter; even if he sometimes dislikes his sister, he will never accept a child he dislikes approaching his sister.Anyway, he felt that Yoyo was his sister, and other people definitely couldn't take his sister away.

Xiaoyao is going to compete with Ryan in riding horses now, because Ryan is bragging that he is good at riding horses; so Xiaoyao is very concerned, and he wants to let Ryan lose in what he is good at.In this way, Ryan will have nothing to brag and show off in front of his sister.

Qi Ping was explaining some things to his fat son in a funny way. Xiaoyao's desire to protect his younger siblings is naturally the best thing, but this kid sometimes acts too protective.

It's really hard to talk about such things; it's definitely inappropriate to say that the little guy doesn't protect his younger siblings, but it doesn't seem appropriate for the little guy to protect his younger siblings in such a 'meticulous' way.

The children are still young, so at this time, they should continue to guide and educate. It is definitely not achieved overnight. This is not to expect the children to know these things immediately. The children may also make mistakes in the process. of.Therefore, it is still necessary to educate slowly and patiently. This is definitely what a responsible parent should do.

I took Xiaoyao to ride a horse. The reason why this kid doesn't like Heitan is very simple; that is, Heitan is too smart. If he is riding Heitan, it is really not challenging at all.

Children now understand this truth, even the youngest sweetheart knows some things; for example, if she lies on the back of Pooh or King Kong, they will run slowly, and even King Kong will backhand to protect her when running children's.

So being smart is sometimes really disliked by people, because it is not challenging; the most important thing is that older children like Xiaoyao now know that some of the little friends in the family are different.The children are sensible now, and they have a good relationship with their friends at home, but sometimes they will cause some small 'distress'.

Seeing the little knight happily riding on the horseback, Qi Ping watched happily; the little guy is still very powerful, and riding some more docile ponies is certainly not difficult.

As for the boy Heitan, there is nothing to look forward to now; he is indeed a little too smart, and now he is wandering around the racecourse high above, looking at some horses locked in the stables, he is arrogant.Moreover, this kid is actually more concerned about harassing some beautiful mares. He is definitely the absolute overlord of the racecourse, because the employees of the racecourse know how much the big boss spoils this slow-moving and bad-tempered horse. Fat dark horse.

Qi Ping just needs to be a competent guardian now. What he has to do now is actually to protect his family.

In fact, don't say that Xiaoyao is a person who is too protective of his family. In fact, Qi Ping made a good start, because what Qi Ping values ​​​​is his family. He just hopes that his family can live a better life. Well, happier.

(End of this chapter)

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