Chapter 519

"You guys went out to play around, and it's all isolated from the world." Seeing her son and daughter-in-law bringing their grandchildren home happily, Mother Qi joked after kissing the children one by one with a smile, "You are a little bit old now." I don’t even know what’s going on around me, so I just stay in the forest farm and isolate myself from the world.”

"We just need to take care of our own affairs now. Why take care of so many things. I don't care about the affairs of my family and country. I only care about my family and my career."

After Qi Ping finished speaking, the adults all laughed; professionalism is really a luxury for Qi Ping.Quite a luxury, because such a thing is not owned by Qi Ping at all.

Regardless of the ridicule and jokes from his family, Qi Ping now feels that he has a clear conscience; no matter whether he is professional or not, anyway, the conditions at home are already very good, and his business is running quite well now.That's fine, and you have a strong sense of professionalism, but it doesn't necessarily mean that you can't wait to be busy working 24 hours a day or 23 hours a day.

This is definitely a misunderstanding, and Qi Ping feels that he has been misunderstood; if he had no ambition and no vision, it would be impossible for him to make such a big movement now, and it would be impossible for him to have so much property now.Misunderstanding, it's just that many people think that the rich, especially the self-made rich, are all devoted to work, and they may not be busy enjoying a leisurely life with much time.

"How many things have happened here recently? Is it racial discrimination or shootings, or what policies are these officials coming up with?"

Qi Ping said casually, anyway, he knows very well that many people in the United States are just idle, and many people here are really unreliable.It's good to have so much time to do your own things well, but you spend all day doing unreliable things, where do you get so much time.

"I heard it was some kind of protest or parade. Your father ran over just now. Your father-in-law said that many people in the town participated. He wanted to find you, but you ran into the mountains. I guess you don't have much interest, so let your dad fill the number."

What his mother said made Qi Ping stunned. He really didn't expect that there would be some protests on Ramona's side.But he didn't find it surprising that Americans were used to regular protest gatherings.This is already the norm in their lives. They just want to do these things every now and then, so it's not surprising.

Qi Ping asked briefly, and this matter really has something to do with him; at least, this is also some of his changes after coming to Ramona.

In the final analysis, it is because of interests, because they feel that the government has not protected the interests of citizens well. Although the speeches of those politicians are very good, they have not implemented them.Sure enough, the best liars and the most unprincipled people in this world are lawyers and politicians, because they have no position of their own.

"It seems that everyone has seen the opportunity to make money, but now everyone thinks that they have not received a satisfactory part of the benefits. I am very happy. It seems that I am very powerful and can benefit the society."

Qi Ping said in awe, he felt that this matter was really worth showing off a little bit; no way, who made him very powerful now, he can now earn a lot of money, and his careers Big and strong.And now, it also shows that Qiping's business is very large-scale, and it can bring some changes to the surrounding people and the environment.

The wildlife sanctuary is getting better and more people are now attracting more and more people to Ramona; which is good, because tourists basically have some spare cash, which makes Ramona This small town in California, which used to be relatively ordinary, has undergone new changes; the economy here is no longer just ordinary farming and animal husbandry, and now tourism has also developed.

In fact, a large part of the reason is that the tourism industry is "oriented" to the public; if you look at the GDP of Ramona, the tourism industry has been quite advanced and developed in the past few years.This is not easy, just look at the Fairyland Forest Farm. The tourists there are either rich or expensive, and it is considered that Ramona's tourism industry is "developed".

However, this is the same money; these rich people all live in the forest farm, and all their food, accommodation and consumption are in the forest farm.Even the Fairyland Forest Farm may need some employees, but basically there are very few residents of Ramona Town, because such service personnel have very high requirements; Nothing technical.

Qi Ping is very clear that his contribution to the regional economy of Ramona town is very average; chips.This is normal, because Qi Ping lives in Ramona, and all his properties are in Ramona; naturally, if he has achieved results, he will be counted in Ramona.

However, such a huge "enterprise" has appeared, and its contribution to the overall economic development of the town is very low, which is a bit weird.After all, as a rule, once some big companies appear in a certain place, they will certainly be able to drive the development of the local economy. This is a normal thing.

There is no way, who makes the fairyland forest farm so different, so the standard and routine are naturally also unusual.

Speaking of it, Qi Ping doesn't have much sense of social responsibility, and he doesn't think about giving back to the society.There is no market for Qiping’s idea that those wealth comes from the people, so it needs to be returned to the people. In other words, even if doing charity, Qiping’s starting point is to think about his own image And there are some benefits to taxation, and the amount is certainly not large.

Don't mention those naked donations on Qiping's side; even if your descendants are not very up-to-date, the money will fall into the pockets of your descendants.Splurge also belongs to the profligacy of Qi, not some inexplicable people.

As for those who are being donated, Qi Ping also chooses to look at them; he just doesn't like some people, especially those in the prime of life.Don't want to do a good job and find a job, it's really disgusting to go to the relief fund.If there are really difficulties, that may be another matter. Qi Ping may have given out a little money, and his donations will only be aimed at those people who are really in difficulty.

It's not surprising to have such an idea. Why should Qi Ping care about other people's lives? He only needs to take care of himself and his family.As for those messy and inexplicable people, let those politicians take care of them.

For many Americans, Qi Ping just feels disgusting; all day long, he says that this person has robbed them of their jobs, and those people have made them lose their income.But these people don't even think about what they did, they just complain.There are many such Americans, and most of them live very badly.

Qi Ping is not enthusiastic about doing charity anymore, which doesn't seem to conform to some people's aesthetics at all; that is, rich people should have more sense of social responsibility, and they should be enthusiastic about some public welfare.

Now that he is not enthusiastic about charity anymore, don't expect Qi Ping to do something more "authentic"; indeed, Qi Ping's family has a big business, and he has a lot of industries under his hands, which are developing very well.Generally speaking, the employees under him are paid well and have a good working environment.

But Qi Ping is a boss and a capitalist after all, he will not write checks generously, and he will not exploit employees like skinny skins; but if he wants to get a job and a good salary, he needs to show enough money. level and need to appear worthy of the salary.

The result of this is that Ramona has launched a star enterprise; but this really has nothing to do with the vast majority of Ramona people. They seem to be guarding Jinshan but have no way to enter.This kind of thing is normal, because Qi Ping takes his property very seriously, he will not let all the people of Ramona sing praises for him in a poor, hypocritical way; in fact, if he really does that, he will definitely be taken for a ride ,Fool.

Now the situation needs some changes. The residents of Ramona feel that they should fight for more rights and they need to protect their own interests.

The Fairyland Forest Farm is something they can't do; maybe these people know better that they have no way to ask for a part of the money to be shared with them.However, they can be as required by the government.

There may be no way to provide jobs, but with a large taxpayer like Qiping, it must be no problem to improve some public infrastructure in the town; and now the wildlife sanctuary has opened and is developing very well.So at this time, it is natural that Ramona people need to get some benefits, not all outsiders.

For money, to earn more money, and to improve living standards, it is definitely necessary to work hard.Of course, you can also use a great banner, such as for children to receive better education and a better living environment for children. At this time, you should stand up and fight for your own interests, instead of being judged by those politicians. They cheat.

So now, my father was pulled out to fill up the number of people; such games and parties sometimes really look like old friends and picnics.It is really unreliable to expect these people who can only shout slogans to accomplish something; if you have that time, you might as well think about doing something practical.

Or it is also possible that they really succeeded in protesting, because as long as the incident gets bigger and attracts more attention, those politicians can't bear the pressure, maybe it will happen!

(End of this chapter)

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