America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 558 Vulgar and not vulgar

Chapter 558 Vulgar and not vulgar
"It's like this again. I'm going to be their agent again. It's been several years. Except for the fact that I was short of money and asked them to help me earn some pocket money at the beginning, since when did I want them to help me shoot commercials to make money?" .”

Qi Ping was really depressed, holding a lot of bills and invitations in his hand, all about King Kong and the others.

"I think that's normal, you know Grumpy Cat, Grumpy Dog, they can make a lot of money just because of their looks. But those guys are just unique enough because of their looks, they can't compare to my guys. I think That's normal, every time our guys are in the public eye, they get enough attention."

Kate definitely sees her family as the best, and that's it; she thinks the little ones in her family are not only cute to look at, but they're also the smartest animals in the world.All the compliments fell on them, and Kate was able to accept them with peace of mind. This is a matter of course, and there is no doubt about it.

"Of course I know how smart they are, but this is not a problem. I don't look down on these money now, and I don't intend to let them suffer. These little things run around without a home all day. If it's true Taking them out to make movies and commercials, they must be uncomfortable. I don’t want to, anyway, our family doesn’t lack the money, just let them play games at home.”

Qi Ping is absolutely telling the truth, he is not short of money, so naturally he doesn't need his younger brothers to help him earn pocket money.Qiping does not have such an idea, but some people can always find Qiping's contact information.

The result of this is that there are a lot of quotations, and they are all advertisements of some big companies and well-known products; even if Qiping is putting on airs here, there are still many people who are not willing to give up.The continuous increase in quotations seemed to confirm that Qiping, a big businessman, would not be hard on money; there was nothing that could not be auctioned, but the price did not meet Qiping's heart-moving expectations.

"A movie can earn millions of dollars, and a product endorsement can be even more expensive. I finally understand why some pet owners can make a fortune, but I support you. Our guys don't need Just take on the task of making money and they’re happy. I know they used to be curious about doing commercials, but they’re not interested anymore.”

Kate said irresponsibly that she naturally knew that Pooh had filmed commercials, but that was several years ago.At that time, they were still young and curious about all new things; but now that they have really grown up, they like to stay at home except for games, and they don’t want to shoot any commercials, which is not interesting at all.

The young couple looked at each other, and the teasing was just teasing, but some things really need to be resolved; sometimes being too famous is not necessarily a good thing, just like in the entertainment industry.

The remuneration of top Hollywood male stars like Tom Hanks is astonishing, but there are still many film companies willing to pay a sky-high salary contract.The purpose is to bring more generous returns.Although such scripts and remuneration still have to be picked on by others, but in order to make money in the future, they are willing to negotiate again and again and increase the quotation.

Now King Kong and the others are like this, although Qi Ping has no intention of letting King Kong and the others sneak into the entertainment circle again to cheat some pocket money.But some advertisers don't think so, they think that raising the quotation is the best way; although it is true that Qi Ping has money, who will make trouble with money.

Don't think that Qi Ping won't go if he says he won't go, because Qi Ping is also a big businessman after all, and the industry under his hands still has great power in the catering industry.Although there may be a competitive relationship with some people, sometimes it is also a cooperative relationship; so it is not just a simple quotation, some are really favors.

There is no human relationship in the United States, what a joke; any business is a business, which is obviously impossible.With the maintenance of some favors and connections, it is really not just the exchange of interests.This also led to some things. Some invitations to Qi Ping are really not good to refuse directly.

The current situation is indeed so embarrassing, Qi Ping really does not intend to let his younger brothers collect money; but some things really cannot be completely resolved at once, and many of Qi Ping's younger brothers who dote on him know this information.It's not that these guys are all white and fat and look rich or have silver bells around their necks, nor are they all popular and hot, and Qi Ping treats them like children, even worse than children Be tolerant.

But this is so good, there should be a limit; the result of this is that if there is an opportunity to make money, Qi Ping will definitely not miss it.Besides, these invitations are not the products of low-end small workshops, and these quotations are also expensive.Therefore, please move Qiping to take King Kong out of the mountain, many people are still very confident; it is enough for the sake of money, regardless of friendship and the like.

"I don't want to drink soda, I want to drink fruit juice!" Before the couple could think of a better solution, they heard Lele's bluffing voice, "Grandma, I want to drink Juice, I don't want water, soda is not good at all, not sweet and tasteless."

"Then you can't drink fruit juice and drinks every day. You have to drink some soda and mineral water. The drinks are delicious, but some drinks don't have the nutrition of water."

"No, I'm not thirsty at all now, I don't want to drink water."

Xiao Lele is now at odds with grandma, this kid is staring at the sweet juice; as for the ordinary water that grandma said is not good at all, it is tasteless.

Qi Ping and Kate smiled and did not intend to get involved in this matter. My mother now attaches great importance to these matters, anyway, she is trying to raise her fat grandson and granddaughter well.Now it’s not just about delicious food and drink, but also balanced nutrition; Qi Ping feels that his mother’s current level is definitely at the level of a nutritionist, and his mother takes good care of the children’s basic necessities of life .

As for the occasional conflict between children and grandparents, this is also a normal thing; conceptual conflicts and differences in cognition will naturally cause some conflicts.But this kind of conflict is only a small conflict, just the simplest household matter; not to mention the children, even Qi Ping occasionally has some small differences of opinion with his parents.

"Have you figured out the equity incentive plan? The company is going public, and you must be the major shareholder. Luo and Steve also have some shares, and my brother also has shares. But our employees, they should also get some shares. .”

Kate mentioned something very normal, which is the share incentive.

Many listed companies are like this, they will give some equity to employees; this can turn some core management into partners, not just wage earners.This can indeed mobilize the enthusiasm and sense of responsibility of the employees, because even if the equity is relatively small, it still belongs to the boss level.

Like Wal-Mart, they give employees a lot of stocks and dividends, which also creates a lot of benefits.At least the development of the company is good, and the bonuses of these employees are also large, so the loyalty and cohesion to the company have been greatly improved, and the core management is also relatively stable.

This is a very good management method. In the management method of modern enterprises, there are many such equity incentives, and such things are quite common.This is the situation now. Before many companies go public, the first thing they think of is their employees. This is a way for everyone to make money together. This is also why many companies have become a lot of millionaires and tens of millions at once when they go public. Regal reasons.

"I will definitely put down some equity rewards. I am also making plans and investigations, and everyone's emotions are very high. This is a good thing. We are only conducting investigations now. Those with performance, ability and potential are naturally It's for a reward. I know, I'm not stingy."

This is absolutely true. Although Qi Ping has already offered good salaries to his employees, he will not be stingy when the company is about to go public.This seems to release a large amount of wealth figures, but this can really mobilize the enthusiasm of employees; he naturally knows the strength of his own products, but without the help of these employees, the company may not be able to go public now. level.

Not stingy, Qi Ping can pat his chest and say this confidently; those employees who followed him earlier, plus some current management, can get some equity, but there is a difference .Besides, even if some equity is released, it is actually just a drop in the bucket.

A miser, this is definitely not Qi Ping's character; a big family, in fact, does not have the attributes of a miser.Even a few children, except for the little sweetheart, don't understand the value of money, and the other three actually know something; but fortunately, these little guys are not money strings.

Xiaoyao and the others are really not money strings, and the little ones don't need to care about money or not; this is the responsibility that parents should bear, and children should grow up happily and carefree.In fact, Qi Ping is also very clear that the little guys have a wide range of interests now, and most of the time they are doing what they like.

Both Qi Ping and Kate have the same attitude, as long as the children do what they like, they may not need to consider the pressure of life for the rest of their lives.These little ones are sure to be happy as they get to do what they love.

As for mundane things, Qi Ping can just do it; he is busy with work and making money, doesn't he just hope that his family can have a solid foundation? What a joy.

Now, Qi Ping can do very well; he can be vulgar, but he has created a good condition and foundation for the children.This is Qi Ping's greatest pride, because his greatest pride has always been his big family, and what he is proud of is that he can take better care of his family.

Although Qi Ping does have a lot of things to deal with now, especially when the company is about to go public, Qi Ping is naturally busier.It is definitely not possible to keep your feet on the ground, but it will definitely not be as leisurely as before; it is better to be busy as long as you are busy. Such things are not unfamiliar, let alone exclusive.

Of course, he is no stranger. Although Qi Ping has always lived a leisurely and nourishing life, he has done so many things in the past few years. If he really spends all day eating, drinking and having fun, the company will definitely not be able to reach the level of listing.Some things can be dealt with, Qi Ping is quite handy for such things, there is not much difficulty, this is just a periodic busyness.

There is no such thing as exclusion, because when the company goes public, the biggest beneficiary is Qi Ping; although he is not busy developing his career and planning to make money all day long, but in fact Qi Ping has no enmity with money, of course he hopes The more wealth he has, the better. This kind of busyness is naturally valuable. As long as he thinks of his precious children, he will be full of motivation.

It’s actually good to be busy, especially for a person who doesn’t have much to do all day; being idle all day will be boring, and occasionally come to some work to adjust, in fact, Qi Ping feels more full.

"My brother, you can't be busy working all day, I know this is not your character. The most important thing is I know your ability, you are a good person, you have some abilities. But the company's Management, this is an unfamiliar field for you. So follow your heart and let's go crazy together!"

Steve popped out with treacherous eyebrows. Although this old boy already had a child, the child's mother is not sure yet.This old boy is still the same as when he was young, not to mention a playboy, and he is still very playful; with his bad behavior, it is estimated that his son will be taken to the ditch when he grows up, this is not a typical dishonesty The lower beam is crooked.

"Tell me about the plan. If it's not interesting, I won't participate. I'm very busy now, and my company is about to go public. I have to keep an eye on it."

Qi Ping said in disbelief that he was actually quite playful; Steve, an old boy, was full of flamboyant ideas, and he would not presuppose some unreliable things; but some plans were really fun People are excited.

"It's not hunting, it's not going to sea, and it's not racing. I know it's not attractive anymore. I have a very good arrangement now. Believe me, you can't go wrong with me!"

Steve's secretiveness is disgusting, but Qi Ping is really curious and moved.

(End of this chapter)

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