Chapter 572
Qi Ping hugged Yoyo, and was patiently explaining some things to his precious daughter; isn't that what educating children is all about, there will always be some unexpected things happening, and there will always be many problems that need to be solved.As a parent at this time, you really need to be patient, because it is impossible to avoid these troubles during the growth of children.

"Why do you want a cute bunny too? I don't think you like bunnies or because you need a bunny. It's because you saw your friend had a bunny and you want it too it."

Qi Ping had a headache, and the baby girl took Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai to the school, and naturally got unanimous applause; but soon, the baby girl started to put her mind to it again.

"But Emma has it, and I want it too!"

The little girl said confidently, if others have it, Yoyo thinks she should too.

Qi Ping lightly slapped the little girl's butt in a funny way, which is why he is patiently explaining to the little girl now; it seems that there is nothing wrong with a pet rabbit, as the family has money and someone can take care of it, even It is because the carrots and fresh pastures in the forest farm are plentiful, and a rabbit is no problem at all; however, this matter really cannot be like this.

"Yuyou, you can't compare blindly with others. It's not good to compare. Think about it, you can be friends with Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai. We have King Kong and Pooh in our family. But other children can't be friends with you." They become friends, they can only envy you. And you can eat a lot of good food, you can wear beautiful clothes, these are yours, and other children do not have."

The little girl blinked her big eyes and seemed to be listening carefully, but Qi Ping knew his precious daughter very well, so the little girl was listening seriously.It's just obvious that the little girl has not been convinced for the time being; she must still be planning to get a cute big white rabbit now.

For Yoyo, this matter doesn't seem to be too difficult; because the little girl is one of the most favored objects at home, she can usually make many requests, and her parents, grandparents and grandparents will meet her requests.So now, there is no need to worry about the small expectation of a big white rabbit, it will definitely be obtained.

"Let's put it this way, you can't just want the white rabbit just because someone else has it. Otherwise, if a kid wants to take Pooh away, why don't you give it up?"

Seeing that the baby girl was still "obsessed with obsession", Qi Ping simply took out the ultimate move; the child is still young, so he understands a little bit of truth, but it is difficult to understand more profound things.Therefore, it is best for the little girl to be more aware of this matter. Such an intuitive feeling can make the little girl understand some things.

"But other children's homes don't have that much meat, and they don't have a forest farm. It's impossible for Pooh to go. Pooh likes to run around and play games in the forest farm. And Pooh likes me the most. It's impossible for Pooh to like children who are holding back. "

Yoyo is proud, Pooh will definitely not like other children, Pooh will always play games with her in the forest farm.

"Suppose, suppose other children's homes also have a lot of beef and a lot of land. You should know that not only our family has a lot of land, but other children's homes also have a lot of land."

My brain hurts, these little guys are really too difficult to educate; it is not enough to say that the children are at fault.But kids are so young, it's really hard for them to figure out some deep truths and things like that, so it's even harder to explain.

Seeing that the baby girl seemed to be in deep thought, Qi Ping hurriedly struck while the iron was hot.

"You can't want to get all the good things. You need to see clearly what you need now. You should understand whether you can take care of them. The most important thing is to look at your ability. You still can't make your own choices. To get a little white rabbit, you need to grow up before you can make a decision. Most importantly, Dad doesn’t want to see you comparing yourself with others, you are the cute Yoyo.”

The little girl pouted, feeling aggrieved for not getting a cute white rabbit; but the little girl had nothing to do now, her father just refused to buy her a big white rabbit.It seems that even going to grandparents will not work, because grandparents will not agree to her now.

As for asking her mother to put forward her opinion, the little girl didn't even think about the possibility; Mom and Dad are together, and they must have made the same choice.So the possibility of getting a cute little white rabbit is completely lost for the time being.

Don't think about the possibility of the white rabbit now, the little girl decisively chose to go out to play games; although the little girl wanted to get a cute white rabbit, she seemed to understand something after her father's patient explanation .

Some things and some toys can be owned, but some toys are not necessarily necessary.

In this matter, it's better to listen to my father. Although Yoyo really wants a cute big white rabbit, Yoyo has always been a good and obedient child, so she won't make a fuss.The most important thing is that the little girl obviously wants a big white rabbit, but she doesn't necessarily need this big white rabbit to be happy, she still has a lot of playmates.

"Wow honey, I'm so proud of you. Looks like you've finally figured out something that it's not important to meet every need of your kids. They're still young and their desires are endless. So you need Let the kids know some cruel things, like daddy is not omnipotent, daddy won't do everything they want."

Kate smiled, she was very satisfied with Qi Ping's handling of this matter; the most important thing is that this scheming guy pushed all the troubles on Qi Ping, so the villain role of rejecting the baby girl should let Qi Ping Ping to do it.And she will play the role of a good mother to the baby girl, and she will comfort and explain to the baby girl later.

"Of course I know I'm good at this thing, I've always been the best. But honey, I think we need some role reversal. Xiaoyao wants a Decepticon and you don't agree, but I refuse; Le Le wanted to get a group of Thomas the Engine and I was the villain, and now Yoyo wants the rabbit or I will not agree. Think about it, I have occupied most of the opportunities to be the villain, which is not fair.”

Qi Ping really felt that it was unfair. Although such things would not affect his status in the hearts of the children, he had always played the role of a "strict father", which might make the children hold grudges. It will affect the image of father in the minds of children.This is not good, Qi Ping felt a little worried.

"Haha, that's what dads should do. You need to let children understand the cruelty and reality of this world, and not everything can make them happy and satisfied. This is part of educating children and what you should do .Believe me, according to some of our previous agreements, this is part of your educational responsibility."

Kate ran away resolutely. It was really difficult to do this, and it would always make the children unhappy; even if the children were only angry for a moment, Kate still ran as long as she could.This matter should be done by Qi Ping. If Qi Ping does not do well, then she will do it again; after all, Qi Ping is just a puppet pushed by Kate to be a puppet of bad people.

It's really wronged, but Qi Ping also knows the importance of this matter; educating children also needs to let them understand that many things cannot follow the children's wishes.More importantly, it is still necessary to prevent the children from having more comparisons, which will definitely not do any good.

You can say that comparisons have positives and negatives, you can say it’s part of vanity, it’s part of jealousy; but it really needs more guidance.Because such things are not handled well, it is easy to cause some bad things, at least it will make the children have some psychological burdens in the process of growing up, etc.

If we talk about the positive nature of comparison, it is nothing more than a positive and positive comparison, a legitimate competition driven by rational consciousness, which can often trigger individuals' positive desire for competition and generate motivation to overcome difficulties.That's a really good thing, it seems to be part of the competition, which is nice of course.

But Yoyo's comparison just now is not like that at all, that's why Qi Ping is serious about chatting with the baby girl, because he knows that the baby girl just wants to show off, which is vanity.

In fact, more comparisons sometimes have negative effects. This refers to those negative comparisons accompanied by emotional and psychological barriers, which will cause individuals to fall into a dead corner of thinking, resulting in huge mental pressure and extreme self-affirmation or denial. .The biggest problem with negative comparisons is that they lack a rational analysis of themselves and their surroundings, and they just blindly indulge in comparisons and cannot extricate themselves, which is not good for others or themselves.

This world is so real and realistic. Most of the time, what you have seems ordinary to everyone, while what others have may be a luxury for you.Then at this time, it is definitely not good to compare and be jealous.

When the differences between individuals are small and the external conditions are basically the same, it is easy to develop jealousy, which is a psychological tendency that desperately wants to exclude or destroy the superior status of others.This kind of comparison also makes my life very tiring and makes me lose my psychological balance.

And sometimes it's unrealistic for people to compare with others, because they don't pay attention to their own actual situation; in this way, when comparing, they just compare their own shortcomings with others' advantages, and wait for their weaknesses to confront others strengths, then the result can be imagined.Comparing without principle, comparing comfort, wealth, and affluence without restraint, will definitely lead to psychological imbalance and more dissatisfaction.

Therefore, comparing yourself with others is a coward's act, but comparing yourself with yourself is a real hero.Therefore, if you focus on your own body and mind, life will definitely be more joyful and satisfying.

So Yoyo seemed to just want a big white rabbit, but it was obvious that this time she was only stimulated by that little girl named Emma.In fact, the little girl may not necessarily like the big white rabbit, she just thinks that others have it but she doesn't, so she wants a big white rabbit, which is to compare with that little girl named Emma.

This is definitely not advisable, and such a comparison is of no benefit; it is true that a big white rabbit is a small matter, but shouldn't we start with small things when educating children.So when you should be ruthless, you still need to be ruthless, because this kind of attitude is the real responsibility to the child; Qi Ping dotes on the child, but it is not unprincipled.

Now I have promised to buy a big white rabbit for Yoyo, it’s not difficult at all; but now Yoyo has fulfilled her little wish, maybe next time she sees other children have a beautiful dress, a Cute toys... There are endless comparisons with others; moreover, a psychology of liking comparisons will be 'cultivated' in repeated small comparisons, which is not good.

Lao Qi's family is rich, a billionaire, and even said that if it can really be bought with money, it must not be too difficult for their family to buy it.However, there must be people who are richer than the old Qi's family, and some people's wealth figures are too much ahead of the old Qi's family; How unbalanced.

So sometimes you really can't blindly compare and compare, so it's really easy to only see the excellent side of others.Taking one's own shortcomings to compare with others' advantages, isn't this purely asking for guilt, isn't this obviously trying to create trouble for oneself?

So it's better to be smarter, and sometimes it's a good thing to have a competitive mentality; but once it becomes a comparison mentality, then you must pay attention.Because such comparisons are not good for you, and it will also make people around you feel pressure.

Then, it’s good to look at your current strengths and your current happiness; sometimes you really need to be content with yourself, this will not only make you happier, but also make yourself a better person. personable person.You can't break your own way of life because of other people's things, and you can't completely compete because of other people's things, otherwise it's really easy to get more distress.

Qi Ping feels that what he has done is still very good. Although it is only a small matter, he is willing to do such a small thing; the most important thing is because Qi Ping understands that there is no such thing as a small matter when it comes to educating children .He is willing to put more effort into these little things, so as to ensure the children's education and better personality.

Small things, many big things are slowly reflected in small things.

(End of this chapter)

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