America's Mountains Are King

Chapter 87 The Little Guests Are Here

Chapter 87 The Little Guests Are Here

After breakfast, I also had a punch, and then I checked the time, it was almost nine o'clock, and Kate and her students should also be arriving.

Kindergarten children will visit the forest farm, which is a big event; Laomei's school still pays attention to these things, and there are still many extracurricular activities.And this time not only taking the children for an autumn tour, Kate also said that she hopes to make the children understand the protection of nature, the protection of small animals, and the harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

Anyway, Qi Ping doesn't care about these things very much, as long as Kate is happy, it's fine, anyway, there are only a dozen or so brats, the standard Xiaozheng Taixiao Lolita; the same is true for Laomei's kindergarten, with small class education.There are only a dozen children in a class, because once the number of children is too large, the teacher will not be able to take care of them. I heard from Kate that these are hard rules.

The four tall and mighty German Shepherds just took a bath last night, and they are also somewhat fleshy, and with their fluffy hair now, they look It is also cute among the mighty.

Pooh, the little meatball crawling around among the dogs, is very happy. The little guy is always playing happily; as for his brothers and sisters being pestered, he doesn't care.Although it was squeezed away by the south wind again, Pooh, who had rolled on the ground, got up and continued to run over in high spirits.

King Kong is still the most worry-free, standing at Qiping's feet; although it doesn't know what the big brother is looking at, it likes to learn from the big brother.Looking at the small dirt road leading to the outside of the forest pretending to be deep, if it weren't for smacking his lips from time to time, no one would have guessed that this guy who pretended to be worried was doing two things at once.

Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, anyway, Qi Ping was lazy to talk about it, but he couldn't talk about it; he finally learned to fly. Although he can't fly very high or far now, he can still fly to the roof.Standing tall and seeing far away, the elder brother stopped them from going out to play; so they climbed up and looked far away, which can be regarded as slightly relieving their throbbing of wanting to go out to play.

"Don't come here, I'm the one who is angry now!" Seeing Heitan's big head poking into his arms with a faceless face, Qi Ping was really a little funny; With the door closed, Heitan can come in and out freely.So now well, in order to avoid being caught by the boss, it always keeps a certain distance from the level to escape.

Heitan scratched his neck, forget it, don't train this guy for the time being; this kid didn't clean up properly two days ago, that is, he made peace with him this morning.Thinking of this guy always keeping a distance of about ten meters from himself, Qi Ping is really a little funny; Heitan doesn't want to practice riding skills, but he won't really get angry with Qi Ping, Otherwise, it won't be flush with where to go, it's just making a small temper.

Seeing the north, south, east, and west, Qi Ping stared at the road with his ears staring at him. Naturally, Qi Ping knew that the masters were coming, and the little guests were coming; he hugged Pooh, who still wanted to play games with his brothers and sisters, and told him to be honest for a while. better.I also greeted the southeast and northwest, don't scare the little guests; Heitan, since the reconciliation has been made, then let's go out to play, otherwise this guy's bad temper may really scare the next guests.

The school bus came and drove directly into the forest farm, which was also discussed by Qi Ping and Kate; there was still a distance from the bus, and this was because I heard the voices of the children, and the children were very happy to be able to come out to play.

The car door opened, and Kate got down first, smiling and looking at Qi Ping who brought a large group of younger brothers, Kate felt very proud.

"Teacher, I saw King Kong!" The little ones were the most excited. They had seen King Kong a long time ago. "There are also little bears, they are very cute."

"Children, line up and get off the bus in an orderly manner. It's very impolite of you to do this. Mr. Qi warmly invites you to be our guests. You need to express your gratitude to Mr. Qi." The person in charge of the kindergarten and others followed the school bus. Two teachers, because they both knew that Kate and Chipping would never be able to take care of twelve children.

The little lolis and the little boys lined up and started to get off the bus. Although their eyes could not be separated from the cute little orangutan and the little black bear, they still listened to the teacher very much. Every little guy in the car would be polite. Say hello to Qiping.

"Welcome, welcome! I am Liang Shanbo!"

"Welcome, welcome, I'm Zhu Yingtai!"

Standing on the roof and looking at the distance in a daze, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai are excited. When guests come, they naturally show their best greetings. They are very hospitable.

"What beautiful birds, they can also talk. Uncle Qi, they are so cute!" The little Lolita and the boys were very happy. Talking birds are really amazing.

"Mr. Qi, I really appreciate your support for the children's education. I know this will bring a very good memory to the children. Thank you for your dedication and support." Ms. Carrie, who has gray hair and looks rich, is very grateful to Qi Ping, this extracurricular activity is really wonderful for the children.

"Ms. Carrie, this is what I should do." Qi Ping smiled, but he was actually more concerned about Kate's face; it's just that Qi Ping knew what to say, "I'm very happy to see cute I hope they will have a good time playing here."

When Qi Ping was still greeting Ms. Carrie, Kate clapped her hands, and took the children to the lawn with the other two teachers; besides the silly Pooh, King Kong and the southeast and northwest were very loyal. In flush footsteps.

"Pooh likes to play games the most. I think it will be the happiest today." Looking at the chubby Pooh trotting after the children, Qi Ping smiled and said to Ms. Carrie, "It is naughty, I hope it will not be today. Wreck the kids, and it will do nothing but be mischievous."

"I think it is very innocent and funny. Pooh will be the best friend of the children, and the children will protect Pooh." Carrie was actually worried for a long time, although she did hear about it; but think about a little bear There was also a chimpanzee, who was really worried about danger.But now seeing these smart little guys, she was completely relieved.

Patted King Kong on the head, let him go to Kate to greet the children first, and also let the southeast and northwest go first; don't look at the little guys who are staying by Qiping's side now, but their minds are long gone, they are obviously I also want to say hello and play games with those cute little guests.

The children cheered loudly, and the children looked at these cute little animals happily; especially when the talking birds flew over their heads, the children clapped their hands and cheered loudly.

Now it's Kate's time, she is introducing these cute little guys to the children; with Kate's introduction, the children seem to know most of the little animals, because in addition to Dongfeng is a black dog, West Wind, South The wind and the north wind are really similar, and the children can't tell the difference for the time being.

"That beautiful black horse is Uncle Qi's partner, and it is Heitan. But children, Heitan doesn't like others to approach it, and it likes to play games alone." Kate also pointed to Heitan and said, She is very aware of Heitan's bad temper.

King Kong and the others are very happy now, they have already plunged into the pile of children; the children can hug, touch, and play games together. This is what the little ones are happiest now.Even Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, who are always arrogant and arrogant, are now happily plunged into the group of children, and they have found new playmates.

He and Qi Ping returned home, ready to get some drinks for the children; the two also whispered a little bit, after all, the children are here, and some young couples are really not easy to say in front of the children.

"Honey, I'm really proud of you!" Kate hugged Qi Ping, she was really proud; not only because of this tree farm, but also because of Qi Ping, "I know many people I love kids, but they won't allow kids to visit their house, they'll be bothered and worried about a lot of things."

"I won't, because they are the students of my favorite girlfriend. We need to entertain our little guests now, they are very cute." Smiling and kissing Kate's rosy lips, Qi Ping really didn't think it was allowed It's such a troublesome thing for children to come to the forest farm as a guest, "Quietly tell you, I'm earning performance points, this is your student, of course I hope the cute children will accept that their favorite teacher has a boyfriend Reality."

(End of this chapter)

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