The most interesting folklore

Chapter 32 The Most Interesting Folk Appellation

Chapter 32 The Most Interesting Folk Appellation (2)
A category that expresses people or things related to "I".Usually a noun or adjective modifies the person or thing.

Foolish, such as foolish brother, foolish brother, foolish opinion, foolish intention, etc.

Despicable, humbly claiming that I have little knowledge.

Open up, humble yourself or your own things are not good.Such as our country, our city and so on.

Home, a modest term used when referring to someone who is a senior or older relative.Father, mother, family kindness, brother, etc.

Home, humble one's family or one's humble relatives.Brother, sister, nephew, etc.

Cheap, such as cheap body, cheap body, cheap interest (calling one's own son in front of the emperor), and cheap inside (calling one's wife).

Plagiarism has the meaning of private and selfishness, and its use often has the meaning of recklessness and abruptness.Such as stealing thoughts, stealing thoughts and hearing.

Fu, like Fu Wei, means to lie on the ground and think, expressing thoughts to the superiors or the juniors to the elders; Fu Wen, "Chen Qing Biao": "Fu Wen's holy dynasty ruled the world with filial piety."

Old, used for the self-effacing of the elderly.Such as old man, old man, old man, old clumsy, etc.

Other humble words include:
In the next, because the ancients respected the elders when sitting at the table, so the juniors or those with low status are humbled.

Xiaoke is the self-effacement of a person with a certain status, which means that he is very ordinary and not worth mentioning.

Kid is what younger generations call themselves to their fathers and elders.

14. What are the titles of people in ancient times?
The ancient appellations for the people mainly include:
① common people.The general term for nobles in ancient times.The slave owners in the Shang Dynasty were nobles, collectively referred to as "common people" (because only nobles had surnames at that time).After the Warring States period, "common people" is a general term for common people, and it is synonymous with "people".

② Limin.That is, civilians, which means "all the people".When you say "Li" is connected with "Li", it is black. "Li Min" is famous for his black hair.Generally refers to working people.

③ Qianshou.Qianshou was the name given to common people during the Qin Dynasty.Guizhou, black. "The head of Guizhou" is like a black head.Qin Shang was black. At that time, common people used black cloth to cover their heads, so it was called "the head of Guizhou".

④ Commoner.That is, civilians.In ancient times, rich people wore silk and ordinary people wore linen, so they were called "commoner clothes". "Teacher's List": "The minister is a commoner, and he is farming in Nanyang. Gouquan lives in troubled times, and does not seek to be known to the princes."

⑤ common people.Also called "common people", also known as "common people" and "Li Shu".The title of agricultural producers after the Western Zhou Dynasty.In the Western Zhou Dynasty, common people could be the objects of feudal gifts, and their status was higher than that of slaves.During the Spring and Autumn Period, the status of common people was below that of scholars and above that of industrial and commercial slaves.After the Qin and Han Dynasties, it generally refers to ordinary civilians who have not been officials. "Mencius Gong Kong Chou [-]": "Looking at the king who stabs ten thousand times, it is like stabbing a brown husband."

⑦ left.In Qin Dynasty, the poor people were called "Chang Zuo". "Chang" is the gate of the alley, the poor are on the left and the rich are on the right, hence the name. "Historical Records Chen She's Family": "900 people from Yuyang were relegated to the left."

15. Which words expressing clothing have become synonymous with a certain type of person?

Ancient clothing and kimono colors have a strict hierarchy, which can reflect the wearer's status and occupational gender.Therefore, many words expressing clothing or clothing color have become synonymous with certain types of people.Listed below:

Qianshou: Guizhou.In the Qin Dynasty, common people wrapped their heads in black scarves, so it refers to common people.

Heroine: The head scarf worn by women in ancient times, so it refers to women.

Yellow Crown: A yellow hair crown.Because it is the crown decoration of Taoist priests, it refers to Taoist priests.

Golden sable: after the Han Dynasty, the crown ornaments of the emperor's left and right courtiers, so it refers to the courtiers.

Yellow clothes: Taoist priests wear yellow clothes, so it refers to Taoist priests.

Commoner: Clothes such as linen.Because commoner clothes are the clothes of civilians, it refers to civilians.

Tsing Yi: In ancient times, maidservants mostly wore blue clothes, so it refers to maidservants.

Bai Ding: In ancient times, common people wore white clothes, so they were called Bai Ding.Or call it white clothes.

Qingjin: Jin.Also known as Qingjin, the clothes often worn by scholars in ancient times, so it refers to scholars.

Huang Chang: The name of the prince.

Wei belt: a belt made of cooked cowhide.Ordinary civilians wear Wei belts, so they refer to civilians.

Jinshen: The drooping part of the big belt of the ancient scholar-officials was called the squire, and the wat inserted between the belt and the belt was called the squire (also called a cover), so the squire was called a senior official.

Husband: Brown is made of linen and wool, of inferior texture, and is worn by the poor.Brown husband refers to the poor.

Qunchai: After the Tang Dynasty, skirt hairpin was used to refer to women.

Paoze: Clothes worn by ancient soldiers, so it refers to soldiers and comrades-in-arms.

Left lapel: lapel, ancient skirt.The lapel should have been covered to the right, and the left lapel refers to the lapel to be covered to the left, and the left lapel is used to refer to distant enemies who refuse to accept the court.

16. What are the other names of ancient women?
There are many nicknames for women in ancient times, the main ones are:

Red sleeves: originally refers to women's red sleeves, referring to beauties.For example, Bai Juyi in the Tang Dynasty "Singing to Wine": "If you are still drunk tonight, you should be helped by the red sleeves."

Red skirt: originally refers to the skirt worn by women, and also refers to women.For example, in Tang Dynasty Han Yu's "Drunk Gift to Secretary Zhang": "All the rich children in Chang'an eat meat and meat on plates; they don't understand words and drink, but they can only get drunk in red dresses."

Red powder: originally refers to the rouge and white powder used by women for makeup, and also refers to beauties.For example, Li Shangyin's "Mawei" in the Tang Dynasty: "Ji Mayan came to the ground, and the red powder and white turned into ashes."

Fendai: Originally refers to the white powder painted on the face by women and the blue-black pigment used for thrushes, which is a metaphor for beauties.For example, Bai Juyi's "Song of Everlasting Regret" in the Tang Dynasty: "Looking back and smiling, Bai Meisheng is born, and the six palaces are colorless."

Crescent eyebrow: originally refers to the slender and curved eyebrows of a woman, and is also used as a synonym for beauty.For example, in Gao Shi's "Sai Xia Song" in the Tang Dynasty: "The prodigal son fights in the military, and the moth-eyed cicada guards the empty boudoir."

Qing'e: refers to young women.E, the provincial name for "Crescent Eyebrow".

Hongyan: originally refers to the beautiful face of women, and also refers to beauties.For example, in Wu Weiye's "Yuanyuanqu" in the Qing Dynasty: "Cry bitterly that the six armies are all innocent, and become a beauty when they rush to the crown."

Qunchai: Because women wear skirts and insert hairpins, women are called skirt hairpins.For example, in Cao Xueqin's "A Dream of Red Mansions" in the Qing Dynasty: "I am a dignified man, and my sincerity is not as good as that skirt hairpin."

Heroine: Originally referring to women's head scarves and hair ornaments, later became the synonym for women with outstanding intelligence.

Fairy: Bai Juyi's "Song of Everlasting Sorrow": "The pavilion is exquisite and five clouds rise, and there are many fairies among them."

Jiaoniang: Li He's "Tang Children's Song": "The Dongjia Jiaoniang is asking for the right value, and the book is empty for Tang characters."

Enchanting: Li Shangyin's "Biwa": "He didn't know what he wanted at the time, so he gave enchanting gifts."

Shuli: Liu Yong's "Jade Girl Shaking the Fairy Pei": "There are many Shuli, and I plan to compare famous flowers."

Jinghong: Lu You's "Shenyuan": "The green spring under the sad bridge was once the shadow of Jinghong."

Jasper: Wanlin Watching Prostitutes in Five Days: "Journey to the west and roam the spring yarn, Jasper fights Lihua today."

Quenching the country: Bai Juyi's "Song of Everlasting Regret": "The emperor of the Han Dynasty loved the country, and Yuyu couldn't ask for it for many years."

Qingcheng: Li Shangyin's "Northern Qi Dynasty": "Qingxiao knows the enemy's ten thousand opportunities, and Qingcheng is most in military uniform."

Chanjuan: It means beautiful posture, and later used to refer to beautiful women.For example, Qianjin in the Qing Dynasty: it used to be called someone else's daughter, which means noble.

Oiran: The leader of all flowers, used to refer to a famous prostitute.

Beauty: radiant, referring to a beautiful woman.Du Fu's "Beauty Walk"; "There are many beautiful people by the Anshui."

Beauty: Refers to a beauty. "Nineteen Ancient Poems": "There are many beauties in Yanzhao, and the beauty is Yan Ruyu."

Yuren: Used to refer to beautiful women.Xie Fangde's "The Song of the Silkworm Woman": "If you don't believe in the willow moon at the top of the building, the jade people singing and dancing have never returned."

Ladies: Refers to gentle, kind and beautiful women.

Xi Shi: A synonym for beautiful women.

Stunner: Refers to a beautiful woman.Especially, strange meaning.

Xiaojiabiyu: In the old days, it referred to a beautiful woman from a small family.

Everyone's lady: In the old days, it refers to a beautiful woman from a wealthy and powerful family.

Peerless Beauty: Refers to the unparalleled beauty in the world.

Erbajiaren: Refers to young and beautiful women.

Young girl: refers to a woman who is in her prime.

Banlaoxiaoniang: A middle-aged woman who still has her charm, later used to describe a middle-aged woman who still retains the demeanor of her youth.

18. Who is the title of Miss Qianjin related to?
Nowadays, "Qianjin" is often used to honor Miss. As the name suggests, a thousand pieces of gold is of course very precious to address someone's daughter, which is a decent way of praising her.

It is said that the source of the name Miss Qianjin is related to the story of Wu Zixu.According to legend, Wu Zixu defected to the state of Wu in order to avenge his father and brother.On the way, he was so hungry that he saw a laundry girl by the lake with food in a bamboo basket, so he came forward to beg.Seeing him in a state of distress, the girl felt compassion for him, and generously gave him a gift.After Wu Yuxu had a full meal, he vowed that in the future he would be rewarded with a thousand bucks.

Later, Wu Yuxu became the prime minister of the state of Wu and avenged his murder.He often remembers the girl who saved his life, but he doesn't know where the girl lives now.In order to fulfill her old vow, Wu Zixu invested thousands of gold in the place where she washed clothes at that time.So, there was "Miss Qianjin" in the drama "Xue Rengui Returns to Hometown" by the composer Zhang Guobin. Women's written records.Since then, in the literary works of Ming and Qing Dynasties, more and more girls are called daughters.Today, the word "qianjin" has been used for hundreds of years, and it has lasted for a long time.

18. Why are unmarried girls called "yellow girl"

In the folk, people often refer to unmarried girls as "yellow flower girls".How did this name come about?
It turns out that women in ancient times paid great attention to dressing up, especially girls from famous families.Legend has it that Princess Shouyang, the daughter of Liu Yu, Emperor Wu of the Song Dynasty in the Southern Dynasties, loved beauty very much.One day, she was lying under the eaves of the palace, just as the wintersweet was in full bloom, and the north wind blew the plum blossoms down in pieces, and a few plum blossoms fell on her forehead.The plum blossoms were dyed, leaving spots and scars, making Princess Shouyang more delicate and charming.When the maids saw this, they couldn't help exclaiming.Since then, the beauty-loving princess often sticks plum blossoms to her forehead.

This kind of dress in Shouyang is called "plum blossom makeup".When it spread among the people, the daughters of wealthy families all rushed to follow suit.But plum blossoms are seasonal, so some people began to collect other yellow pollen to make powder for makeup.This kind of powder is called "flower yellow" or "forehead yellow".There are also yellow paper cut into various patterns and pasted on the forehead or cheeks as decoration.Over time, yellow flowers have become a characteristic of women. In "Mulan Poetry", there is a poem "When the window is set with clouds, and the mirror is decorated with yellow flowers", it can be seen that it was very common at that time.Since then, "Huanghua Maiden" has become synonymous with unmarried young women.

This custom was not gradually eliminated until the nomadic peoples of Jin and Yuan invaded the Central Plains.Although women no longer wear yellow flowers, people still like to refer to unmarried young women as "girls with yellow flowers", which has been passed down to this day.

19. Does the ancient "girl" only refer to little girls?

In ancient times, girls had to comb two "knots" on their heads when they reached Jizhi Niu, separated from the left and right, and stood symmetrically, like the word "ya".So little girls are called "girls".Liu Yuxi in the Tang Dynasty once wrote a poem "Send a Gift to Xiaofan": "The flower-faced girl is thirteen and fourteen, when spring comes and makes an appointment with others."

In fact, "Yatou" can not only refer to a little girl, but also can be used as an affectionate title for a junior woman.For example, in Chapter [-] of "Dream of Red Mansions", Jia Mu said: "I was as old as Feng girl that day, and I was better than him." In the book, Sister Feng is not a child but Jia Mu's grandson-in-law.

In addition, maidservants in ancient times often wore a bun, so "yatou" is also used to refer to maidservants.Wang Yang of the Song Dynasty chanted in the poem "Yitou Rock in Yiyang Road": "It doesn't mean that this state is beautiful and beautiful, but the name is too rough." The title "girl" is popular in Wu, and northerners don't understand it, so Wang Yang wrote poems as annotations.

20. Why does the son-in-law have the elegant titles of "tan belly" and "east bed"
Xijian, the Taifu of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, was a person who liked simplicity, and simplicity became an important criterion for him to choose a son-in-law.One day, he sent his disciples to the Prime Minister Wang Dao's house to ask the Wang family's children to be his son-in-law.At that time, all the children of the Wang family were in the East Wing, and Director Wang asked this student to go to the East Wing to choose.But seeing these juniors all neatly dressed, waiting to be selected, there was only one junior who was dressed in old clothes, lying on the east bed with his breasts and belly exposed, motionless.The disciples reported back to Xi Jian that the sons of the Wang family are all very good, and they are said to be very reserved when choosing their son-in-law.There was only one young man "lying on his stomach" on the east bed, as if he didn't know about it.Xi Jian said: "I will choose the young man in the east bed as my son-in-law." After further interviews, he found out that this man was Wang Xizhi, Wang Dao's nephew, so he married his daughter to him.Later, Wang Xizhi became a famous calligrapher and was honored as "Sage of Calligraphy".

22. How does a half son-in-law come to be

People often say: "A son-in-law is half a son." How did this proverb come about?The early Tang Dynasty was the heyday of my country's feudal society.The economic and cultural prosperity of the Tang Empire was admired by people of all ethnic groups in the frontier.The enlightened Emperor Taizong of Tang implemented correct ethnic policies and was supported by people of all nationalities as "Heavenly Khan".At that time, the heads of ethnic minorities were all proud to marry the princesses of the Tang Dynasty, and Tang Taizong also used betrothal princesses as an emotional bond connecting all ethnic groups.After the Anshi Rebellion, the Tang Dynasty went downhill, but the ties connecting the ethnic groups were still maintained.In 788 AD, Tang Dezong married Huihe Khan with Princess Xian'an.Huihe Khan wrote back respectfully and said: "I was a brother in the past, but now my son-in-law is half-yu. If your majesty suffers from Xirong, please use soldiers to get rid of it." The son-in-law called "banyu" has since spread.

22. How did the title "husband" come about?
We now call a woman's spouse her husband.In ancient times, "husband" did not mean this. "The Legend of Guliang?"The 12th Year of Wen Gong" records: "Men are crowned at twenty, and their husbands are crowned." Crowning is an ancient etiquette. When a man is 20 years old, he holds an award and is called a husband.Another theory explains the husband from the height of the human body.Xu Shen's "Shuowen·Fubu" in the Eastern Han Dynasty records: "The Zhou system uses eight inches as a ruler, ten feet as a zhang, and a person is eight feet long, so he is called a husband." At the turn of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the meaning of "husband" expanded, Not only does it refer to adult men, but it also refers to male children. "Mandarin?"Vietnamese" records: "For a husband, three pots of wine, one dog, for a woman, two pots of wine, and one dolphin..." The "husband" here corresponds to the "woman", which obviously refers to a male baby.

The later name of the woman's consort comes from a legend.According to legend, some tribes in our country have the custom of snatching marriages.A woman’s choice of husband mainly depends on whether the man is tall enough. Generally, one foot is the standard (one foot is ten feet. Now one meter is equal to 16em. In ancient times, the length of one foot was different. In the Shang Dynasty, one foot equals 95 today. .22cm, according to this scale, the height of a person is about one foot, so it is called "husband". According to various ancient books, relevant experts have calculated the length of one foot in the past dynasties: one foot in the Warring States period was 5 centimeters; 23 cm; Three Kingdoms 1 cm; Jin 24 cm; Southern and Northern Dynasties 24-5 cm; Sui 24 cm; Tang 2 cm; Song 29 cm; Ming and Qing 6 cm).Only with this one-foot-tall husband-in-law can he resist the strongman's snatching of marriages.According to this situation, a woman calls the man she marries her husband.

23. What are the titles for wives in ancient times

Ancient people used many titles for their wives, the main ones are:

Xiaojun and Xijun: They were first called the wives of princes, and later they were used as general names for wives.

Zitong: The emperor's name for the queen.

Madame: In ancient times, the wives of princes were called madam. In Ming and Qing Dynasties, the wives of first- and second-rank officials were named madam. In modern times, it is used to honor the wives of ordinary people. Now it is mostly used in diplomatic occasions.

Jing wife.In the old days, people humbly called one's wife, Jingren, Jingshi, Jingfu, Zhuojing, Shanjing, and Jianjing, which meant poverty.

Niangzi: A pet name for a husband to his wife.Before the Song Dynasty, "Niangzi" specifically referred to unmarried girls, which means the same as today's girls.

Dross chaff: Describes a wife who shares hardships when she is poor.

Wife: used to call others his wife.Written language is also called insider and insider.Respect other people's wives and call them virtuous housemates.

Inner shopkeeper: In the old days, the wife of a businessman was called "inner shopkeeper", and some were also called "inner headed family".

Wife: In the old society, it was generally called the wife of an official, or the powerful and rich man called his wife "too big", but now it means respect, such as "your wife is here".

Wife: It is a two-syllable word in ancient times, referring to wife and children.

Wife: commonly known as, mostly used in nine languages.

Successor wife: The second wife remarries after her death.

24. How did the title "husband and wife" come from?
In our country, husband and wife often refer to each other as "husband" and "wife". According to legend, this title first appeared in the Tang Dynasty, and it has been more than 1000 years.

In the Tang Dynasty, there was a scholar named Mai Aixin. After he passed the examination, he felt that his wife was old and unattractive, so he wanted to marry another daughter-in-law.Without mentioning it clearly, he wrote a pair of couplets and put them on the desk: "The lotus defeats the lotus, and the fallen leaves turn into old lotuses." Coincidentally, the couplet was seen by his wife.From the couplet, the wife noticed that her husband had the idea of ​​abandoning the old and accepting the new, so she picked up a pen and continued to write the next couplet: "The yellow rice is ripe, and when the bran is blown, you can see the new grain." Therefore, using "Xinliang" to "Old Lotus Root" is not only very neat and appropriate, novel and popular, but also the homonym of "Xinliang" and "Bride", which is very interesting.Mai Aixin read his wife's second couplet and was moved by his wife's quick thinking and compassion, so he gave up the idea of ​​abandoning the old and accepting the new.

This educational story quickly spread, and it has been passed down from generation to generation. Since then, the words "husband" and "wife" have been used in Chinese, and there are also couples calling each other "husband" and "wife" "custom.

26. Which two "mouths" did "couples" originally refer to?

It is said that it began in the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty to refer to couples as "couples".According to legend, during the years, there was a talented man named Zhang Jixian in Shandong who had an ambiguous relationship with the wife of the local villain Shi Wancang, and they often communicated with each other.

Shi Wancang was addicted to alcohol, and on one occasion, he drank too much and died.The Shi family suspected that Shi Wancang was killed by his wife Zeng Suzhen, so they sued the county government, accusing Zeng Suzhen of committing adultery and killing her husband.After the county magistrate received the certificate, Zhang Jixian and Zeng Suzhen were sentenced to death without careful investigation, and they were taken to the capital from the county government.Once, Emperor Qianlong read the case, saw Zhang Jixian's confession, and saw that his writing was extraordinary, so he went to visit him in prison.During the conversation, Emperor Qianlong was convinced that Zhang Jixian was a talented man, so he had d to save him.

Soon, Emperor Qianlong went to the south of the Yangtze River for a private visit. When he passed by Weishan Lake, he got acquainted with the mountains, rivers and waters here, and he gave imperial approval: Zhang Jixian was assigned to Crouching Tiger’s Mouth, and Zeng Suzhen was assigned to Heifeng.After Zhang Jixian and Zeng Suzhen were pardoned, they often came and went between Crouching Tiger and Heifeng, very freely.Therefore, people called them "the couple".

Since then, the title of "couple" has spread, and gradually evolved into a synonym for the couple.

26. How did father-in-law and mother-in-law come to be called?
In the fourth year of Kaiyuan (716), Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty went to Mount Tai to enshrine Zen. According to the custom, when he enshrined Zen, he had to be enshrined in the Jin Dynasty and all officials.Zhongshu ordered Zhang Shuo to serve as the "envoy of Zen".He brought his son-in-law Zheng Yi with him on the day the emperor enshrined Zen.Zhang said that by virtue of his power, Zheng Yiguan, a junior official of Jiujing, was promoted to Wujing.Later Xuanzong asked about Zheng Yi's promotion, but Zheng Yi faltered and was speechless.The eloquent court artist Huang Fanchuo beside Tang Xuanzong explained his ridicule: "This is the power of Taishan!"Tang Xuanzong was very upset, and soon demoted Zheng Yi back to the original Jiujing.

However, the term "Taishan" was inherited in this way and became the title of the wife's father.Because Mount Tai is the head of the five mountains, it is also called "father-in-law", "father-in-law" and "Yue Weng". At the same time, the wife and mother are also called "mother-in-law" and "Taishui".

27. When did the wife and father start to be called father-in-law?

(End of this chapter)

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