The most interesting folklore

Chapter 4 The most interesting chapter day culture

Chapter 4 The most interesting festival culture (4)
"Worshiping the Weaver Girl" is purely a matter for young girls and young wives.Most of them make appointments with their friends or neighbors in advance, and five or six people, up to a dozen people, jointly hold the event.The ceremony is to set up a table under the moonlight, put tea, wine, fruit, five seeds (longan, red dates, hazelnuts, peanuts, melon seeds) and other offerings on the table, and a few flowers, bundles of red paper, and put them in the bottle. , a small incense burner in front of the flowers.Make an appointment for the young women and girls who will participate in the Weaver Maid Worship, fast for one day, stop taking a bath, and come to the host’s house on time. Vega constellation, meditate on your own thoughts.Girls who hope to be beautiful or marry a good man, young women who hope to have a baby early, etc., can pray silently to Vega.

34. Is July [-] the Hungry Ghost Festival?
According to ancient records: "The Taoist scriptures set the [-]th day of the first lunar month as Shangyuan, the [-]th day of July as Zhongyuan, and the [-]th day of October as Xiayuan." China has believed in ghosts and gods since the Shang Dynasty.Although in people's beliefs, there are gods of heaven and earth in addition to humans and ghosts, but "humans and ghosts" are the central belief.The Hungry Ghost Festival is a festival that is closely related to humans and ghosts.

There are many legends about the Hungry Ghost Festival, the most important of which is: Yama, on the first day of the seventh lunar month every year, opens the gate of ghosts and releases a group of lonely and wild ghosts who have no one to offer sacrifices to the world to enjoy people's offerings.On the last day of July, before the gate of hell is closed again, these lonely and wild ghosts have to return to the underworld again.So July is also called ghost month.

In addition to being called the Ghost Festival and the Yulan Basin Festival, the folks also call July [-] the Ghost Festival, and it is also called the Three Ghosts Festival together with Qingming and October [-].The folk Ghost Festival is closely related to the Buddhist Ghost Festival and the Yulan Basin Festival, and has a unique color.The integration of monks, Taoists and vulgar people constitutes the rich folk activities on the [-]th day of the seventh lunar month.

The name "Zhongyuan" originated from the Northern Wei Dynasty. "Cultivation Records" said: "On the first day of the seventh month, the local officials came down to determine the good and evil in the world. Taoists then chanted scriptures every day, and prisoners on the Hunger Festival were also freed." Orchid Pension.The meaning of the Obon Festival is hanging upside down, implying that the pain of life is like a bat hanging upside down on a tree, and being hung upside down is miserable.In order to save all living beings from the suffering of hanging upside down, it is necessary to chant scriptures and give food to lonely souls and wild ghosts.This move coincides with the ghost day worship in China, so the Ghost Festival and the Yulan Basin will be handed down at the same time.

35. Why do you put river lanterns on the Ghost Festival?

River lanterns are also called "lotus lanterns". Generally, lamps or candles are placed on the base, and they are placed in rivers, lakes and seas during the Mid-Yuan Night to let them drift.The purpose of releasing river lanterns is to save drowning ghosts and other lonely ghosts in the water.

People think that the Ghost Festival is a festival for ghosts, and lanterns should be lit to celebrate the festival for ghosts.But humans and ghosts are different, so Zhongyuan Zhangdeng is different from Shangyuan Zhangdeng.Man is yang, ghosts are yin; land is yang, water is yin.Ghosts haunt the water.Therefore, Shangyuan Zhangdeng is on land, and Zhongyuan Zhangdeng is in water.Today, it is a folk custom to release river lanterns, but it has lost its original content and consciousness.

According to Buddhist legend, Mulian's mother fell into the realm of hungry ghosts, and the food and population turned into raging fire. Mulian asked for help from the Buddha. .In modern times, offering melons and fruits and Chen Hema to ancestors, although it has the meaning of trying something new, is also a legacy of pot sacrifices.People use melon rinds, noodle bowls, and paper to make lamps, and use streets and alleys as units to make extra-large paper boats. Zhizamulian stands on the boat and holds a nine-ring Zen staff.On the night of the Zhongyuan Festival, people put lamps and paper boats into Hanoi and went down the river. The lights on the river were suddenly brightly lit, swaying and swaying like stars in the sky.

36. How did the Mid-Autumn Festival come about?
The Mid-Autumn Festival is an ancient and traditional festival in my country.On the day of the festival, there are customs of worshiping the moon, admiring the moon, offering sacrifices to the moon, and eating moon cakes.Whenever this time, the family reunion, happy and harmonious.

The ancient emperors had the ritual system of worshiping the sun in spring and the moon in autumn. As early as in the book "Zhou Li", the word "Mid-Autumn Festival" has been recorded.Later, the nobles and literati also followed suit. During the Mid-Autumn Festival, facing the bright and round moon in the sky, they watched and worshiped and expressed their feelings. This custom spread to the people and formed a traditional activity.In the Tang Dynasty, people paid more attention to this custom of offering sacrifices to the moon, and the Mid-Autumn Festival became a fixed festival."Taizong Ji" records "August [-]th Mid-Autumn Festival". This festival prevailed in the Song Dynasty. By the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it had become as famous as New Year's Day and became one of the main festivals in our country.

Others believe that the Mid-Autumn Festival began when Tang Minghuang admired the moon.The book "Kaiyuan Legacy" of the Tang Dynasty records: On the night of Mid-Autumn Festival, Tang Minghuang played with his concubine Yang Guifei in the lower reaches of the moon. Complementary and complete, it becomes a masterpiece handed down from generation to generation.Tang Minghuang never forgot the trip to the Moon Palace, every year at this time, he must enjoy the moon.The common people also came to follow suit, and gathered together to enjoy the beauty of the world when the moon was full.Over time, it has become a tradition that has been passed down.

37. How did mooncakes come about during the Mid-Autumn Festival?
In China, the history of cakes has been more than 3000 years since Taishi cakes were made when King Wu defeated Zhou.It is said that moon cakes were named after Yang Guifei, but there are written records of moon cakes from the Southern Song Dynasty, when the cakes were steamed in a cage.

At first, moon cakes were only used as sacrifices, but with the knowledge of God, the sacrifices were eaten, and gradually became a kind of festival food.Ming Tian Rucheng recorded: "August [-]th is called the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the folks use mooncakes to share the meaning of reunion." That is to say, eating mooncakes and giving mooncakes has become an important custom of the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the meaning It is reunion, so moon cakes are also called reunion cakes.

As early as the Song Dynasty, the production of moon cakes was very particular, and they had nice names such as "Lotus Leaf", "Furong", "Golden Flower", but they were only popular in the palace, so they were also called "small cakes" and "palace cakes". .It was not until the Ming and Qing Dynasties that moon cakes became popular among the people. There were many shops making and selling them, and there were more and more varieties. They not only paid attention to the materials and taste, but also designed various patterns related to Mid-Autumn Festival stories and legends on the cake surface.

There are many theories about the origin of eating mooncakes on Mid-Autumn Festival.

The general saying is: During the Tang Dynasty, Emperor Taizong Li Shimin ordered his general Li Jing to lead his troops to fight in frontier fortresses in order to conquer the northern Turks and quell their repeated invasions.On August [-]th, he returned to Beijing triumphantly.To celebrate the victory, cannons and music were fired inside and outside Chang'an City in Kyoto, and the military and civilians carnivaled all night.At that time, there was a Tubo man who was doing business in Chang'an, and presented Li Shimin with a box of mustard cakes.Tang Taizong Li Shimin took the ornately decorated cake box, took out colorful round cakes, pointed to the bright moon hanging in the sky and said: "You should invite the toad (that is, the moon) with the cakes." Then, he distributed the congratulatory cakes to civil and military officials.Since then, the custom of eating moon cakes on Mid-Autumn Festival has been handed down.

Rabbit Lord is the jade rabbit in the Moon Palace in folk myths and legends, which is related to people's worship of the Moon God during the Mid-Autumn Festival.The myth of the jade rabbit in the middle of the moon is so widespread that sometimes the rabbit becomes a symbol of the moon.In the old custom, when offering sacrifices to the moon during the Mid-Autumn Festival, people should enshrine the tablet of the lunar star, that is, the "moonlight yard".There is a jade rabbit pounding medicine under Xingjun. The "Rabbit Lord" is about one meter big and less than 3 centimeters small.The color variety is very rich.Generally, the human figure has two big rabbit ears, armor on the top, some are wearing a flag, and some are wearing a red robe.Some ride tigers, some ride deer, some ride horses, and some ride unicorns.Riding on a tiger is like a general, and some of them even have a treasure-like umbrella inserted behind their backs.

As an old custom, every year on the eve of the Mid-Autumn Festival, there are many stalls selling rabbit babies in the streets and alleys of Beijing. Citizens buy them one after another and use them at home.Then it became a toy for children's festivals, called "Putting Buddha Foer" to play.

38. Why do we appreciate chrysanthemums on the Double Ninth Festival?
As a traditional festival in our country, the Double Ninth Festival has a long history. It was first mentioned in the works of the Southern and Northern Dynasties.Qu Yuan wrote in "Yuanyou": "Gather the emperor's palace in Chongyang, and watch the Qing capital at the beginning of ten days." But the Double Ninth Festival here does not refer to the Double Ninth Festival.The "Nine Days and Zhongyou Book" written by Cao Pi during the Three Kingdoms period has such a record: "The years go by and the moon suddenly returns to September [-]th. Nine is a positive number, and the sun and the moon should be in harmony. For a long time, so enjoy a feast and a high meeting."

In the Wei and Jin Dynasties, there was a custom of appreciating chrysanthemums and drinking wine, which was reflected in Tao Yuanming's works.The custom of appreciating chrysanthemums on the Double Ninth Festival on the ninth day of September began among the folks. Tao Yuanming, a famous writer and pastoral poet in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, loved chrysanthemums all his life and took chrysanthemums as his companions. .

Tao Yuanming planted chrysanthemums for both eating and viewing.Every autumn, when the chrysanthemums are in full bloom, folks nearby and friends from afar often visit his house to enjoy the chrysanthemums.He would spread pancakes and burn chrysanthemum tea to entertain relatives and friends. When everyone left, they would pick chrysanthemums and send them off.

It was not until the Tang Dynasty that the Double Ninth Festival was designated as an official festival.Since then, the whole country has celebrated the Double Ninth Festival together, and various activities have been carried out during the festival.In the Ming Dynasty, during the Double Ninth Festival in September, the entire imperial palace would eat flower cakes together to celebrate, and the emperor would personally climb Longevity Mountain to enjoy the autumn aspirations.In the Qing Dynasty, this custom was still prevalent.

In ancient times, the activities of the Double Ninth Festival were rich and colorful, including sightseeing in autumn, having fun near the water, climbing high and looking far away, viewing chrysanthemums, planting dogwood everywhere, eating Chongyang cakes, drinking chrysanthemum wine, etc.

39. When did the picking of cornus officinalis in the Double Ninth Festival come from?

The Double Ninth Festival falls on the ninth day of the ninth month of the lunar calendar, which is the season of crisp autumn and the fragrance of chrysanthemums.On this day, people go to the field in groups to pick dogwood in the mountains.The custom of picking dogwood may have originated in the Han Dynasty.It is said that picking Cornelia officinalis can ward off disasters, avoid evil spirits, and bless peace.

According to the records of Wu Jun in the Southern Dynasties in "Continued Qi Harmony", during the Eastern Han Dynasty, the plague was prevalent in the Ruhe area of ​​Runan, threatening people's lives.A man named Huan Jing went to the mountain through all kinds of hardships and dangers, and worshiped Taoist Fei Changfang as his teacher to learn the magic of eliminating disasters and saving people.One day, Fei Changfang told Huan Jing: "On September [-]th, the plague will harm people again. You should go back and save your parents and relatives. On September [-]th, people are asked to climb high, put dogwood in red cloth bags and tie them on their arms." If you drink chrysanthemum wine, you will be able to thwart the plague and eliminate the disaster." Huan Chong went back to his hometown and told his fellow villagers.On September [-]th, the Ru River was surging and filled with clouds and mist.When the plague demon came to the mountain, he suddenly felt the pungent smell of chrysanthemums and cornel, so he couldn't get close.At this time, Huan Jing fought fiercely with his sword, beheaded the plague demon to death at the foot of the mountain, and eliminated the disaster for the people.In the evening, when people returned home, they found that the chickens, dogs, sheep, cattle and other poultry and livestock in the house were all dead, and the disaster was avoided.Every year on September [-]th, everyone climbs up to pick cornel to avoid disaster, and this custom has been extended.

40. What month and day is the Xiayuan Festival?

October [-]th of the lunar calendar is the traditional Xiayuan Festival, also known as "Xiayuan Day" or "Xiayuan".The origin of the Xiayuan Festival is related to Taoism.Taoism believes that the qi of three elements generates human relations and nourishes all things; there are three officials: heaven officials, earth officials, and water officials. The "Taishang Sanguan Jing" says: "Heavenly officials bless, local officials forgive sins, and water officials relieve misfortunes." The three days are called "Shangyuan Festival", "Zhongyuan Festival" and "Xiayuan Festival".

The Xiayuan Festival is the time when the water official Jieer Changgu Emperor Jieer Jieer.The common saying is that it is the day, and the water official, based on the investigation, plays the heavenly court to relieve people's misfortune. "Chinese Customs" records: "October is expected to be the Xiayuan Festival. It is customary to say that the water official will relieve the calamity. There are also people who hold fast and chant scriptures." Officials solve problems.In the past dynasties, there were regulations by the imperial court to ban massacres on festivals and postpone the execution date of death sentences.Song Wu Zimu's "Mengliang Record" records: "(October) [-]th, the day when the water officials relieved the misfortune, the palaces watched the scholars, set up fasting and built sacrifices, or relieved the misfortune, or recommended death." There is a custom of folk craftsmen offering sacrifices to the furnace god. The furnace god is the Taishang Laojun. This theory originated from the Taoist activity of using a furnace to make alchemy.In addition, the three officials are honored as great emperors, corresponding to Yao,

Shun, Yu.Therefore, the Xiayuan water official corresponds to Dayu, who is famous for his water control.

41. Why do we worship the sky at the winter solstice?

It is an ancient custom to offer sacrifices to heaven during the winter solstice.Its origin can be traced back to the ancient Dawenkou culture and Liangzhu culture.For example, according to archaeological excavations, there is a tall altar in the Liangzhu Cultural Site, which can be regarded as one of the sources of the Temple of Heaven in later generations. The etiquette and custom of offering sacrifices to heaven can be traced back to more than 5000 years ago.In ancient times, many natural phenomena could not be explained by people, so they were regarded as being manipulated by the gods.Especially the emperor, after the king considered himself the descendant of the god, worshiping the god was held as an important ceremony. Since the angle of the sun was the lowest and the closest to the horizon on the day of the winter solstice, the ancients believed that the ground was closest to the sky on this day, so the winter solstice was designated as The day of offering sacrifices to heaven.

(End of this chapter)

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