Chapter 684
In the middle of the first month of the third year of Chongzhen.

The ice at sea began to melt.

By the end of the month, it was ready to sail.

By the end of the last ten days, Qin Liangyu's men and horses had boarded a ship in Jinzhou, and all of them arrived at Sancha River [now Yingkou] by sea.

Mao Wenlong's troops in Dongjiang Town were also ready, and the cavalry soldiers were still the main ones dispatched this time, and their task was still to serve as Qin Liangyu's cavalry.

Also coming was Hong Chengchou, the new governor of Liaodong, who also brought Jinning's cavalry, and he still served as Qin Liangyu's cavalry, just like the previous mission.

Although Man Gui also acted as a cavalry team, his cavalry team was different from the above two cavalry teams. These two belonged to the additional cavalry team and were temporarily incorporated in order to be more confident in dealing with the Eastern Captives.Mangui's cavalry, in fact, it should be said, like the white soldiers, is itself a member of this new army.

This is not the first time for Qin Liangyu to come to Sanchahe. She has been here last year. When she comes again this year, great changes have taken place here. Last year, this place was still an initial creation, and everything was very simple. Come here, this place is already quite large, the docks, houses, towering watchtowers, and city towers all show that this is a military fortress. The appearance of all these, but in just one year, it feels a bit like the sea has changed. .

Watching the ships in the distance continuously shuttle to the shore, unload all kinds of supplies, and then leave, and then the ships behind can't wait to pick up, this kind of busy scene.The first feeling that gives people is that the Ming Dynasty is rich and powerful.

The tens of thousands of horses under her command were all transported from Jinning to Sanchahe in just a few days, and she experienced the power of the Ming Dynasty firsthand.And the white soldiers under her command have changed a lot now, and they are very different from before.

Now, the white soldiers under her command can no longer be called white soldiers, they should be called Che Ying white soldiers.Horses, carts, guns, and supplies are all available, and all are equipped with newly developed four-wheeled carriages. The vehicles are light and flexible, and have a large load capacity. It can be regarded as completely getting rid of the weakness of the white-armed soldiers in the past. A strong army that can only advance and attack, and retreat and defend, it can be said that it has been armed to the extreme, and it is the first-class strong army on this land.This army was prepared to deal with the eastern captives who were about to flee west into the grassland.

"Lin'er, how is the situation everywhere?" Qin Liangyu asked when seeing his son Ma Xianglin approaching.

"Mother, everything is fine. It's not the first time I've been here. I'm still getting used to it. I'm well fed, dressed warmly, and I'm determined to kill Tartars..." Ma Xianglin replied immediately.

"Okay, now my white soldiers have completely changed their equipment and turned into a car battalion. The tactics and equipment are completely different from before. Although I have trained for a long time, now that the big battle is coming, we still have to hurry up. Try your best to be familiar with the battle in this car camp..." Qin Liangyu said.

Relying on the battalion of chariots and equipped with cavalry to sweep the grasslands, this has always been Yang Reform's first idea. However, in the first battle of Sanchahe, the tactics of the battalion of carts were not used, but the infantry tactic that the white-armed soldiers were more familiar with was still used. The reason for the formation tactics is also simple. The carriage manufacturing technology at that time did not reach the state that Yang Reform wanted. On the one hand, Yang Reform did not dare to take the risk of using the car battalion tactics rashly.

In the first Battle of Sanchahe, the white-armed soldiers were new to the capital. Che Ying’s tactics had not been tested in actual combat for many years, and their reliability was unknown. They were still in the experimental stage of restoration. Reform did not dare to rashly change the tactics of the white soldiers who had just come into contact with the car camp. The risk was too great.Then there was the first Battle of Sanchahe, the strategic intention was only to understand the siege of Songshan Fort, and to open up the Sanchahe battlefield, and only needed to fight near the sea. There is no need to travel long distances to fight, so it is enough to meet the enemy with the infantry phalanx that the white soldiers are good at, and it is enough to achieve the desired goal.

But this second battle of Sancha River was completely different. The strategic intention was to attack the lairs of the Eastern captives, and then chase into the grassland and sweep across the grassland. It was obviously impossible to fight on two legs after traveling such a long distance.Furthermore, the technology of the four-wheeled carriage has matured, and a new type of chariot battalion can be rebuilt with the new type of four-wheeled carriage technology, which can greatly increase the efficiency of the chariot battalion; and the white-armed soldiers also have more time to train new tactics. .Therefore, when Qin Liangyu came to Sanchahe again, the white soldiers under his command had completely changed, becoming super white soldiers of the chariot version.

"Mother, don't worry, the child has already given orders, and now they are stepping up their drills." Ma Xianglin replied.

"That's good. After a while, Mr. Sun Ge is coming, and he will participate in the discussion of the war, so remember to read more about it..." Qin Liangyu said again.She arrived at the Sancha River by boat from Jinning, but the actual chariot battalion started from the capital, driving chariots all the way from the capital to Jinning, the chariots stretching all the way, strict military discipline, really caused a sensation , not only to show the strength of the imperial court to the world, but also to the frontier army, and it is also a field exercise for them. On the road, they are basically advancing in an offensive posture. When I arrived at Sanchahe, I immediately put myself into training again. New ideas and experiences must be practiced before they can be mastered.

"Mother, don't worry, the child knows..." Ma Xianglin said.


Sun Chengzong didn't celebrate the new year in the capital, he took the post of Nine Frontier Supervisor, and immediately began to inspect the frontier troops in Jixuan.In addition to patrolling and rectifying combat readiness, there is also the gathering of a group of frontier troops to be used as a mobile force to cooperate with the new army.In addition to dealing with matters related to the frontier army, it is also necessary to assemble, distribute, deal with, and promise the Imperial Association Army.After dealing with the two ends, they went along the border to Jinning, appeased and encouraged Jinning's officers and soldiers, and then went to Sanchahe to join Qin Liangyu.Although they all left Beijing at the same time, Qin Liangyu arrived at Sanchahe for many days first.

Sun Chengzong did not hold a meeting on the battleship this time.

When they arrived at the Sancha River, they went ashore. The current situation is quite different from last year. Daming has already gained the upper hand, and the Sancha River has become quite large and has become a fortress. To go deep inland, so the emperor "allowed" him to go ashore.

Sancha River is now a large barracks, full of officers and soldiers.

Supervisor Xingyuan.

Sun Chengzong also just arrived in Sanchahe. As soon as he arrived in Sanchahe, he immediately held a pre-war meeting to coordinate and deal with the relationship between all parties on the spot, and deal with and decide on emergencies nearby. This is his main task.

This superintendent's hall was also temporarily rebuilt, and it was not very luxurious.Sun Chengzong did not have high requirements for other places, but he had relatively high requirements for the war room. The most important requirement was that it be large enough to accommodate various utensils, such as sand tables, and cabinets for storing various materials.

In the war room, except for Hong Chengchou, who is considered a newcomer, almost all the faces from last year are considered very familiar, and they have cooperated and fought with each other, so they are quite affectionate. , and comrades-in-arms, they trust each other, and they are full of confidence in this second Sanchahe battle.

Mao Wenlong looked at the young governor of Liaodong, and took a few more glances at the new governor of Liaodong.He and Yuan Chonghuan did not get along. This is a public matter. Although they fought together, they still have a grudge in their hearts. Now Yuan Chonghuan has gone to the capital to serve as the Minister of the Ministry of War, and has changed to a new governor of Liaodong. It is said that the emperor himself selected and trained him. Yes, it is still the imperial party, Mao Wenlong thinks, maybe this time they can fight better than last time.I just don't know if this young governor of Liaodong is reliable or not, don't make mistakes like a literati again, if that happens, the emperor will make a bad move. Thinking of this, Mao Wenlong couldn't help but take another look at Hong Chengchou.

Hong Chengchou also felt Mao Wenlong's staring eyes, and returned with a slight smile. His official position, in terms of power and authority, can control Mao Wenlong, but in fact Mao Wenlong's official position is much higher than him, and Hong Chengchou has no intention of Really go to control Mao Wenlong, it is not easy for him to become the governor of Liaodong, I dare not expect too much, I only hope that this time I will cooperate with Mr. Sun Ge to fight this war well, and his status in the emperor's mind will be good. No matter how good the position in the imperial court is, it is really stable.

Mao Wenlong got Hong Chengchou's good-natured smile, and remembered another incident. A few days ago, there was a heated discussion in the capital about this man's proposal to strengthen military control outside the customs. Mao Wenlong suddenly thought of this, and was full of enthusiasm for this young Liaodong governor Out of curiosity, if it is really the young governor of Liaodong's own thoughts, it means that this young man is not simple, and has eyes that ordinary people don't have; if it is ordered by the emperor, it also means that at least he is an obedient person. As for the matter, Mao Wenlong felt that this young governor of Liaodong might indeed be a good partner, and he would not make the mistakes that those stinky literati in the Ming Dynasty loved to make. The victory of this war should be beyond doubt.Mao Wenlong always believed that if it weren't for the constraints of the literati inside the Ming Dynasty, the Eastern Captives would have been pacified long ago, and there were so many troubles there.Seeing Hong Chengchou's kind response, Mao Wenlong also gave a rare smile, accepting this new "teammate".

"I think you all know the strategic goal of this war, so I won't repeat it here. I just hope that you will unite sincerely, live up to His Majesty's trust, and earn a living for our Ming Dynasty..." Sun Chengzong was also quite To express my emotion, from Xuan, Ji, Jinning and then to Sanchahe, it took so long to turn the axis, and the expectations for this war are self-evident. He knows what the emperor thinks and what he is worried about, so he said this clearly this time. a bit heavy.

"The old man's words are serious. We will fight the enemy bravely and live up to His Majesty's trust." Everyone said quickly.

"Okay!...Little General Ma is here first, so let's let General Ma introduce the situation here." Sun Chengzong said again, the few people here are all big figures from the leading side, and Ma Xianglin can't really get in, but However, Qin Liangyu won this opportunity for him, and Sun Chengzong also gave him this opportunity to let Ma Xianglin show his face in front of everyone.

"Yes, Mr. Ge... Now that the Sancha River has opened up, all kinds of war preparations are being received on a large scale. They are hoarding everything from grain, grass, weapons, and equipment. The grain, grass, and supplies needed for this war are abundant. The officer army has also assembled in place... Because this battle is going deep into the inland and deep into the grassland, the tactics are different from before. It is a battle in a car battalion. running in..." Ma Xianglin began to introduce the latest movement of Sanchahe.

Sun Chengzong nodded as he listened. Although the cavalry on Jinning's side and Mao Wenlong's side had also done drills to cooperate with the chariot battalion, in the second half of last year, in addition to suppressing the Eastern captives and covering the battlefield, they also trained this new method of warfare. Of course, training Returning to training, the actual combat is still to cooperate with Qin Liangyu's white-armed chariot battalion, so we have to re-run it. I heard that it is already practicing and running-in. Sun Chengzong nodded. Now, there is still some time to ride, and it really needs to be strengthened This aspect of the run-in.

Mao Wenlong, Hong Chengchou, Man Gui and others were all listening carefully.

"... As far as we know about the situation of the Eastern Captives on the opposite side, there is only one banner man, less than 1 people. The banner owner is Amin. Because he was severely suppressed by my Ming Dynasty, he only dared to hide in Haizhou Acropolis If you can’t come out, it seems that you have no intention of fighting me, Daming…” Ma Xianglin continued to explain.

Sun Chengzong nodded again.Everyone also listened carefully.

"Where is the chieftain? Didn't he come?" Sun Chengzong asked.

"Mr. Huige, according to the spies' reports, it seems that he didn't come, and he seems to be concentrating on dealing with Lin Danhan..." Ma Xianglin replied.

"Oh, that's right!..." Sun Chengzong nodded. This is indeed in line with the deduction. According to the probability of the deduction, even if the Eastern Captives want a decisive battle, they will not choose to be near the Sancha River. Find a way to fight decisively when you are inland, or it is an idea of ​​food and grass, or it is to cut off the way and harass.However, Sun Chengzong is not afraid to go deep into the inland this time. In the war last year, the Ming Dynasty had no strategic intention to go deep into the inland, and it didn't need to go deep into the inland, nor could it go deep into the inland.This time is different, all are newly equipped chariots, with chariots, the speed of travel is greatly increased, and a forced march can reach hundreds of miles in one day. The official army of the dynasty, and be prepared for a decisive battle, otherwise, once the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty approach the city, it will be the result of breaking the city.The Ming Dynasty relied on the car camp, and brought enough food and grass by itself, and was not afraid of running out of food in a short period of time. What Donglu could really do was to keep delaying the progress of the Ming Dynasty.Therefore, it is foreseeable that the main force will not come to Sanchahe.

"Old Huige, yes, according to the reports of the spies, in the second half of last year, the chieftains of Donglulu were all targeting Lin Danhan, and they never came to Liaodong at all. I think Donglu wanted to escape west..." Ma Xianglin said.

"Oh, hehehe, isn't it? Then according to little general Ma, what should I do now?" Sun Chengzong said with a smile. Ma Xianglin is the son of Qin Liangyu, and Sun Chengzong also has a good impression of this young man. Opportunity to cultivate, but not stingy.

"Mr. Huige, the last general thought that I, Daming, should march northward to reach Haizhouwei, take down Haizhouwei in one fell swoop, and use Haizhouwei as a support for the army to advance..." Ma Xianglin immediately said enthusiastically. Obviously, for himself I have strong confidence in this idea.

Sun Chengzong listened, smiled, nodded and said: "That's right, Donglu didn't mean to fight our army in the near sea. Haizhou Weicheng is only a hundred miles away from Sancha River. Our army can indeed reach Haizhouwei suddenly. Hit the Eastern captives by surprise..." Sun Chengzong agreed with this statement, and the actual staff department also meant this.Equipped with chariots, the Ming army could indeed travel hundreds of miles in one day without interception. What's more, due to the shielding of the battlefield, it could get closer to prevent the Donglu from being noticed.

(End of this chapter)

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