Chapter 312

Chu Yun raised the knife in his hand, wondering why Bu Fang suddenly wanted to kill him?Does she know his secret?Did she want him to die?It's ridiculous that he still clings to that promise and doesn't see through her scheming.

It's just that the people in front of him seemed to be unable to kill them no matter how hard they tried, those men who were as bloody as him fell one by one at his feet, his heart was numb, they used to be brothers, but now they became enemies.Right in front of a familiar face, he was hesitant to kill, but he didn't guard against the sound of breaking through the air behind him. He subconsciously threw himself on the ground and rolled, the spear pierced his chest and abdomen. Once, but he was cut.

At that moment, he only felt that the entire chest cavity seemed to be torn open, and the blood in his body rushed out from the opening.

Brothers around him were exclaiming and shouting his name, their voices were very sad.

Then he heard a burst of loud roars, he was picked up by someone and put on the horseback. During the bumpy journey, he barely opened his eyes and looked at the gray sky again. God, when will he open his eyes? ?

There were only dozens of people left to break through the encirclement and rush to protect Chu Yun. At this time, the world was vast, but they had nowhere to go.

The soldier stopped his horse and looked down at Chu Yun, who was covered in blood and his face was as pale as paper. The man whimpered in a low voice, "General, where are we going now?"

Chu Yun smiled faintly, recalling those nimble little hands when shaving the stump, raised his hand with difficulty and pointed to the distance, and said softly: "Bu Jingyan, where she is, that's where you and I go."

Bu Jingyan was sitting in front of the stove, always feeling that her eyelids were twitching violently, she felt that the omen was bad, she hurriedly put down her work, and pulled up the twitching right eyelid with her hand, Ah Zi saw, "Miss, what is this? Is there something wrong with your eyelids?"

She was just teasing her, but unexpectedly Bu Jingyan really nodded, "Exactly, it's always beating non-stop, which makes my heart flustered."

"Is it because Miss is too nervous? Come on, let Ah Zi see how she dances..."

Before she finished speaking, she felt that the tent was being lifted away. Mu Changfeng walked in with a serious expression, grabbed Bu Jingyan's hand and walked out.

"Why are you going? In such a hurry?" Bu Jingyan didn't understand what he meant, and was dragged away by him inexplicably. Now that he has a big belly, he feels that walking so fast is uglier than a penguin.

Mu Changfeng turned his head to look at her, his eyes were never serious before, and he said every word: "There is someone who wants to see you."

Bu's heart beats in amazement, "Who?"

Mu Changfeng stared at her, and slowly said two words between his lips and teeth, "Chu Yun."

"Chu Yun? Why does he want to see me? Why don't you let him come over?"

There was an indescribable meaning in Mu Changfeng's eyes, and he whispered: "I really want him to come, but...he may not be able to make it now..."

Bu Jingyan never imagined that Chu Yun would meet her in this way.

She pushed away the crowd in a circle, and on a thick cloak lay a man almost congealed by blood. He was slightly curled up, his handsome face was also messed up, and his black hair stuck to his chin. It was like a dark rope strangling him, a little ferocious and a little twisted.

It's just that those eyes still seem to be smiling faintly at her, as if saying goodbye to her, "I'm sorry, I have to go."

She walked over slowly, lifted his blood-stained body, brushed away his messy hair, and called softly, "Brother Chu, why did you come..."

Chu Yun leaned in her arms, his eyes gradually brightened, his eyes rolled slightly, and fell on her face, showing a smile, "Don't worry, General Huang Xian has already led [-] troops from Kagoshima. In a few days, he will be able to drive the powerful enemy away for you...don't be afraid..."

Bu Jingyan smiled and shook her head, "I'm not afraid, as long as Brother Chu recovers, I'm not afraid of anything..."

Is something sour from the corner of the eye slipping?She tried desperately to keep it, but she couldn't.

Chu Yun looked at the crystal drop, and said softly: "Actually, don't cry, I will watch you at the nearest place... There should be no war, no cold, it seems that there is still some warmth... I am right there looking at you..."

His voice became lower and lower, his gaze became loose again, a cold and quiet thing suddenly enveloped him, the rustling of wind and grass, the fluttering of clothes, the sound of breathing, and the sound of crying, he suddenly felt all I can't hear you.

Tired and sleepy, it's time for him to rest. After walking this time, he met many, many people, loyal, loving, cunning, resourceful, and unjust. , only the woman who smiled like Du Juanhua coaxing him to eat candied fruit is so real, if he can still dream, let him sleep with that dream...

The dark clouds were dense again, and the sun was cut into countless pieces, shattered in the middle of the sky.

Someone was telling the story of what had happened.

Bu Jingyan took a deep breath, and raised her hand to catch a falling snowflake. She didn't seem to remember seriously how many snowfalls it was.

She calmly looked at the faint shadow of the city in the distance, there was a person there, a woman who used to call her sister weakly, that woman stood up to prevent others from bullying her, and knelt down because of her , but I don't know when, she is no longer her, and has become a strange woman like a snake and a scorpion.She once wanted to protect that weak woman, and she once wanted to scratch that woman's hypocritical face.In the end, she didn't do anything. She just wanted to say that the merits and demerits are equal, and they are always blood relatives. She smiled easily and could put all grievances aside.

Now, in exchange for Chu Yun's death.

She suddenly felt very painful, the pain spread all over her body, as if it was going to take all her strength away.

But so what?It hurt less than her unspoken words.She hadn't had time to tell him that that woman had nothing to do with him at all, she just gained a reputation in her place.

But even when she saw him close his eyes, she didn't dare to tell that fact, because it was his belief. If she knew that belief was a mistake, his death would become meaningless.

He is a person who values ​​faith and justice so much, how can he bear that belief deceives him?

It's only to blame that she didn't find him sooner.But there is no chance to start all over again, so she can only blame herself again and again.

In the distance, there seemed to be a flute sounding, sad and melodious, just like the voice that smiled and told her not to cry just now, winding around the ground, penetrating into the heart and lungs, it was pleasant to hear, and it made people feel like crying.

"Look, prince, the second lady is bleeding a lot..."

"Is it about to give birth... Hurry up... Go back to the tent and call the midwife..."

(End of this chapter)

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