I, BOSS, just want to live a peaceful life

Chapter 110 "Embedded Memory Part 2"

Chapter 110 "Embedded Memory II"

[Bathermelo is the family lineage at the top of the Clock Tower, and this domineering lady suitor was the contemporary Patriarch of Barthemelo at that time, one of the twelve monarchs of the Clock Tower, and the monarch of the Law and Politics Department.

This lady came to the United States probably because of something, met "???" who was working as a priest in a church at the time, and then launched a rather intense pursuit.

Her methods are quite straightforward and bold, but the effect is minimal.

Probably "???" I have no interest in this kind of thing.

Because I have all the memories of "???", I still know exactly what he was thinking.

For Veronica, he only wanted more possession than need, and need more than love, not to mention Barthel Melo, who broke in halfway.

So it's normal for him to turn a blind eye to Barthemello's pursuit.

?You ask me what happened after that?
What happened after that "???" I probably don't want to let me talk about it.

Although these three people have a story that is entangled like a novel, it doesn't have a happy ending like a novel.

Basemero committed suicide in anger, and Veronica died of a terminal illness, "???" Finally, alone across the ocean, he came to Japan, a foreign country, looking for the remains of the legendary "omnipotent" saint.

No, don't comfort me, it's just a memory, I don't feel the same way now, even if it's my experience.

What's that look on your face, thinking both stories are sad?
There is no need to think this way, other people are more pitiful than me.

——Coordinate points: Inner World·Basic World
——Unknown Time, Gravity Reversal Space·Sea of ​​Electrons
——After Kujo Josuke regained his memory, he saw the memory fragments she associated with. 】

"Okay, it seems that there is a touching love story in this event story." Kyle twitched the corner of his mouth, feeling that as a single dog, he really didn't want to know at all.

"No! Is the point here??!" A barrage questioned sincerely: "The point is obviously the information that was inadvertently revealed in other places!!! Anchor!"

"I just saw the words "one tour, two tours, and three tours of the world" and I was completely stunned. I'm afraid I'm going to link the three, four, five, six, seven, and eight parts of JOJO's Bizarre Adventure together. "

"Please take pity on Chunyue Chef who has never watched JOJO's Bizarre Adventure (流泪猫猫头.jpg), I am almost autistic online, I can't understand what you are talking about!?"

"Hug upstairs, it's okay, isn't this memory fragment just a puzzle? It's like slowly unraveling the messy clues and sorting them into the only accurate truth. When this puzzle is completed, you must understand everything. what."

"It's roll call now, Kawajiri Shinbu is Kawajiri Shinobu, Kujo Josuke is Kira Yoshikage?"

"Kavagili is indeed Mrs. Shinobu, but Kujo Josuke can't be regarded as a complete Kira Yoshikage, right? I see what he said about the wall's eye, which is composed of two people. Although I can understand a little bit, but this is what does it mean?"

"The baby upstairs has never seen the eighth part of JOJO, the Gospel of JOJO. There is a setting in the eighth part that two people can become one person through the [Eye of the Wall], which is the so-called synthesis. People. The protagonist of the eighth part, Sidan, is a synthetic human, a poor child who also has amnesia."

"Is this completely out of the world? Whether it's the eye of the wall or the remains of the saint, these are all from the new world created by Puqi and his heaven???"

"Before, the president and the bosses of Nengzhen Arakizhuang were together to make troubles. I am already a Buddhist, so I can see it as a mixed world."

"No, you guys just talked about JOJO, didn't you notice it? How familiar is this question mark brother?? Is it you Kotomine Kirei? You happy priest went abroad to harm others??"

"This... feels a bit similar, but I don't dare to think that maybe it's some kind of parallel world. Do you have enough things to swim in parallel worlds? (King Arthur can't be a girl.jpg)"

"Indeed there are many. So many sex-changing characters in FGO are parallel worlds. I suddenly feel that why should I be more realistic with the world view in the game? Even Oda Nobunaga, a super popular figure in the Warring States Period in Japan, can't keep his own Jill "

"The topic is so off-topic, you guys." Looking at the trend of the barrage, which perfectly realized the function of an online chat room, Kyle couldn't help but said: "My focus is not wrong, what this game talks about is nothing but It’s just a setting, the most important thing now is that this is an event!”

"This is a joint event. If you want to clear the level, you have to follow his request." Kyle shook the mouse and clicked on the interface of the game announcement, and said: "Look, his request is to investigate clues in different places and collect memory fragments , and finally find the real [accidental demon]."

"Now the last boss must be this Kutiao Josuke, and the attributes of order and evil don't look like a good person, do you still have to guess?"

"Is the upstairs stupid? Even if the real name of the BOSS is told to us, his name is Kujo Josuke, so what? How could he reveal his real name in this event?"

"I agree plus one, otherwise it would be too conspicuous to have a Japanese name in this game with an American background, right? Anyone can find out what's wrong. Let me say this softly, so I actually doubt the one who guides the NPC. "

Glancing at the bullet screen, Kyle smiled and said, "So, we only have two of these memory fragments now, and we can't see anything at all. Why do you think so much? Let's continue with the main storyline now."

"That day, a game anchor finally remembered that his main job is to play games, not show us the plot of the game!"

"Mr. Kai Er, you still know that you want to play the main plot. Now the highest progress on the Internet has finished Chapter 2. I am here to watch you play the plot. I am really your true fan."

"Leave me alone, I can't compare those big guys with livers all over their bodies." Kyle exited the game's announcement interface, clicked on the activities in the game interface, and what came into view was Kahn City, which had dissipated a little after the fog Map: "I remember I chose this suspension bridge."

Just like the maps of other plots designated by Destiny Crown, this [Reaper's Dream の一周间] is also a 2D flat-spread map.Before, everyone could only see that the motel was located in the slightly remote lower right corner of the map, surrounded by several criss-crossing roads.

Surrounded by forests on the left front is Eccleston Wine Estate, which is surrounded by undeveloped mountains and forests, full of the vitality and beauty of nature; on the right front full of tourists is Kahn City West Garden, Even though it is located far away from the urban area, there are still so many people who come and go regardless of the cumbersome traffic.

Continue straight forward from these two locations, and you will head towards the downtown area of ​​Kahn City.On the left is the expressway in Kahn City. This mountain-crossing road is not convenient, but the road is winding and the scenery is wild and pure, but it also has a special flavor; Standing quietly on the sea, let a row of roaring trains come and go on it, and the beauty of the sea waves under the sunset is also a must.

Kyle clicked on the icon of the cross-sea suspension bridge and said: "Now we can gradually see the prototype of this city. At the beginning, the place we came to was more in the suburbs, no wonder there are so few people on the map. It's going to be in town."

"I'm a Buddhist, so there are few people? Suburbs? Is this really the big Tom of the capitalist empire? A suburb with the level of construction just now?"

"It can only be said that there are traffic accidents in the west of the city garden. It is precisely because the west of the city garden itself is a very famous scenic spot, so there is nothing wrong with a lot of cars. What's wrong with it upstairs?"

"Here, a person who beat Eccleston Manor said that there are not so many people here, so the way of death is more pursuit of quality haha, the number of deaths is not many but it is disgusting! (I am autistic.jpg)"

As an anchor, Kyle is certainly no stranger to Heizi.His psychological endurance is not low, and at the level of a normal person, he naturally wouldn't take Heizi's words to heart.Just when he was preparing to form a team and start the battle, he found that there was no battle in Chapter 2: "Wow, it's okay, it's okay without the battle, I feel a lot easier all of a sudden."

When he played against Red A last time, Kyle could only say that he was lucky that he had five treasures of all the heroic spirits, and his skills were 310.Although he said at the time that it seemed easy to drop the three treasures in seconds, but later Kyle watched the video of others playing: If you don’t kill all the blood of the sword-level red A in the first round, the next round will be red. When A becomes the bow rank, there will be a huge attack power BUFF comparable to that made by hanging force, and then it will not be able to withstand the control and use the infinite sword system once every round.

Although Kyle himself, with his oil tycoon's European aura and liver emperor's training, certainly has nothing to fear in battle, but it's hard not to feel relieved when he doesn't have to fight. Who would be so diligent if he could be lazy.

"But I suddenly had an ominous premonition. This wouldn't be an even more disgusting plot than the first one, right? Dead people die more disgustingly, more???" Kyle suddenly felt that things were not that simple!Although someone has already played Chapter 2, Kyle still doesn't know what Chapter 2 is about.Always feeling flustered, he glanced at the bullet screen, wanting to be spoiled by it: "Is this chapter difficult?"

"It's not difficult, it's not difficult, it's easy. It takes 10 minutes to go online for 10 hours of leisure, and it will only take [-] minutes to play this chapter!"

"It's not disgusting, it's not disgusting, how could it be disgusting? It doesn't exist, even if the child doesn't eat all the time, after reading the plot of this chapter, his appetite will increase. It's great."

"What the upstairs said is really true! This event is a one-shot 999, you can play without krypton, stab a pig to explode the magic weapon, and the boss is as crisp as paper! Is it a brother? An anchor? If you are a brother, come and kill me! I I will wait for you at the crown of fate!"

"It seems that the upstairs is not playing the same game as me, or the video I watched before is wrong??"

"The last silly kid said the truth, so let the anchor raise his hopes by saying something nice, otherwise he won't have that surprise when he sees the plot of Chapter 2 later!"

"I believe what you say is a ghost! Do you think I'm stupid enough to be fooled by you?" Kyle can't laugh or cry, if he can't see that the plot of Chapter 2 is difficult, there will be a ghost: "Okay, don't take Bad guys who tell the truth, I know your consciousness, this Chapter 2 has no battles, but there must be a lot of plot kills, right?"

"It's not too much, it's just that it's impossible to play at all! I watched the customs clearance video of the big guy next door, and it's just that other people can't learn all kinds of extreme operations!"

"I don't think many people can beat the entire Japanese server, that is, many people, like the anchor, saved the plot of Chapter 2 to play today, otherwise the official Twitter will be blown up if it wasn't yesterday."

"Agreed, you really have to be more careful this time, the anchor, and I don't know who wrote the game script. What happened in Chapter 1. Are you wise to protect yourself or help others? This Chapter 2 is even more disgusting, it has risen to the level of human beings. moral high"

"@爱的战争色远光, old Xu, come out, did you write this script?! Why does it look so familiar to me? Let's play Emiya Kiritsugu, shall we?"

"Uh, I know how you feel, but I have to continue to play the plot anyway, everyone calm down, calm down." Kyle was taken aback by the sudden anger of the people, he didn't expect this at all. It's only Chapter 2, everyone is so angry, it seems that they have the heart to send blades to the game planner.

"It's not a matter of being angry or not." A very sensible barrage brushed over: "We are not angry. How should I put it, just hate iron but not steel? You will understand after reading it. This chapter is not about It's not good, but it's too good and too realistic, so it's just making people play psychologically."

"I feel a sense of criticizing the society. I am also drunk after playing this feeling in a Two-dimensional mobile game. But this chapter is very good. Although it makes my teeth itch, I like it very much."

"Anchor, you will know after playing. We can't give you spoilers, but I would like to express my personal opinion: I feel that this kind of activity is much more interesting than simply playing for game resources. This novel mode can really be shown on the screen. The sentence [exquisite plot design] in the official game announcement."

"So at the end of the day, what are you talking about, let's finish with one sentence, come: three, two, one! Praise Brother Ye! Brother Ye is a god!"

With a speechless smile, Kyle clicked on Chapter 2 of the game and said: "I see haha, I really like this event. Originally, the fate crown designated whether it is a turn-based combat method or a command card. Attacks are quite old things. If it weren’t for the successful IP and strong fan stickiness, the game would not have been popular for such a long time. It’s rare for this novel level design and suspense-oriented plot, even if you don’t reward materials, of course Have fun."

"I love what the anchor says! If I didn't like Xingyue's world view, how could I have played this ordinary game for so long!"

"It can't be said that there is no material. I, a strong party, really obediently came here after seeing the skills of Kujo Josuke, the heroic spirit. The right to use the battle aid is much better than entering the card pool. At least I may not be able to draw it. Five-star UP, but you can definitely use it after clearing the battle!"

"So I still hope that the game of Destiny Crown Designation will get better and better. One of my students saved money and gave it to these paper people. Don't shut down this game!"

"Why did the topic get to this point haha?" Kyle said helplessly looking at the screen loaded on the computer screen. "The purpose of playing games is to have fun. A game that can be fun is a good game. You see that this game is so good now, so everyone should be happy and enjoy the moment."

[Choose the place that can be investigated: the left leg - Kahn City Ring Expressway; the right leg - Xienbu Sea-Crossing Suspension Bridge (route selection)]

[Main plot——Chapter 2——Seinbu Suspension Bridge, conduct investigation. 】

【Status details:
Mash Kyrielight: Doubt (0%)

Da Vinci Leonardo: Doubt (10%)

Sherlock Holmes: Doubt (0%)

Abigail Williams: Doubt (10%)

Katsushika Hokusai: Doubt (10%)

NOTE: A 60% skepticism will cause the client to react. 】

[The scenery of the blue sea and blue sky makes people open-minded. Looking at the scenery of the sea and the sky in front of you, you feel that all the depressions that have been smoldering in your heart just now have dissipated.Under the guidance of Hanawa Chizuru, you enjoyed a delicious meal and had a conversation with the guest and host. 】

[Now you are preparing to take a short sightseeing train to the urban area of ​​Kahn City. According to the locals, this is also a very famous tourist route in Kahn City: Sit comfortably on a soft and comfortable sofa and watch the The sparkling water surface under the setting sun makes for a perfect excursion on the train. 】

【You can't help but start to look forward to it after hearing such a description. 】

Matthew Kyrielight: [Senior!The sea here is very beautiful, we can take the train to see the scenery in a while. 】

Fujimaru Tachika: [Well, Matthew, you should take a good rest later, you haven't had time to rest yet after the battle just now.I heard that each of the trains is an independent single room, which has a series of rooms such as toilets and lounges. 】

Hanawa Chizuru: [That's it, the luxury of this train is comparable to that of the famous Orient Express—in fact, it's not even comparable. 】

Hanawa Chizuru: [But I am looking forward to it, looking forward to trying the so-called noble treatment.We were bored with the tour group before and took the bus on the highway to the urban area. This time I can finally make up for my expectations! 】

Sherlock Holmes: 【Excuse me, Miss Hanawa, please excuse me.What is the point of this train?Could it be that the so-called nobles are Xienbu, the family who built the bridge? 】

Hanawa Chizuru: [It's nothing to be particular about, even commoners can ride in it, and even homeless people can ride in the exclusive carriage if they're lucky.As for the nobility, that's fine, but there's no such thing as nobility in the United States. 】

Sherlock Holmes: [That's right, thank you, beautiful lady. 】

[The train is about to leave, and the crisp bell lingers in my ears.You look at the approaching train and imagine what your trip will be like in the near future. 】

 Thanks to the book friend 20181015165203060 for the 500 starting point reward hehe~
(End of this chapter)

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