I, BOSS, just want to live a peaceful life

Chapter 112 "Site Investigation——Right Leg: The Sea-Crossing Suspension Bridge Part 2"

Chapter 112 "Site Investigation——Right Leg: Sean Bu Suspension Bridge Part [-]"

"Don't talk about what's wrong, junior girl, it's obvious that you are not in a good condition, right?" Kyle looked at the sudden blush on the vertical painting and said, "I just read the reminder that the junior girl already has 41% infection rate, isn't that bad?"

Anyone who has played the game of Destiny Crown Designation knows that Matthew is the only shield servant in the game, but she is not a heroic spirit, but a designer test-tube baby artificially fertilized and bred in Chaldea , and because Master suitability and magic circuits were given priority in the design, Mash's lifespan is very short.

Matthew lived in a sterile room since she was a child, and was not allowed to move inside Chaldea until she was 15 years old. Her physical immunity is very low.Although Mash later merged with Galahad and became a pseudo-Heroic Spirit, her immunity has been enhanced, but her cell decay has not stopped, and the limit of her physical activity has changed from the original 30 years old. In a state where he could die at any time.

Such a girl, now that the heroic spirit in her body has left, is still insisting on accompanying you to continue fighting.The petite girl gritted her teeth and raised a shield taller than herself to protect you, how could it not make people feel distressed.

The vast number of FGO players in the bullet screen have brushed up the bullet screen one after another, because seeing the change of the vertical drawing and the direction of the plot, I am afraid that Mash is not going to be infected!

"I rely on who wrote this script, come out! Come out! If you dare to make Matthew sick, see if I can take out a 40-meter-long sword and chase after your door!"

"Don't worry upstairs, don't worry. Thinking about it better, this is a game, the protagonist can control it! As long as Mash's infection rate is kept below 60.00%, isn't it all right?!"

"Didn't you say that heroic spirits can't be infected? Why does this girl with a shield feel like she's about to be infected?"

"Because Matthew is actually human like the protagonist, and she can only fight with a heroic spirit named Galahad. Now that Galahad has left, her body is actually very fragile, but she still insists on fighting with her." You fought together, so this is really, really true love! If you, the host, feel that you have infected Matthew in this link, you just wait to die on the spot!"

"Add one, and we even organized a group to go to your grave!!!"

"How could I possibly infect my junior? Are you kidding me? If I infected myself, I wouldn't let my junior be infected!" Kyle said sincerely. He clicked on the profile picture of the junior in the lower right corner and was about to see Take a look at her status. "I originally wanted to be more Buddhist in this game and be more friendly to those NPCs, but now don't blame me for showing the ancestral tearing skills!"

[Matthew Kyrielight:
Status: slightly dizzy
Infection: 45%
(Note: Those with an infection degree of sixty and above are infected, please be careful.)]

"What's going on? Didn't you see it was only 41% just now? This is 45%?? Didn't you say that you get a little infection every 10 minutes? How long has it been??" Kyle was surprised, he saw Matthew The degree of infection can even be said to have risen in a straight line, and immediately felt that my heart was restless.

At this speed, wouldn't Matthew's infection rate rise to over 60.00% in a while? ?This is not okay, Kyle felt that his head was getting bigger, he observed carefully on the game interface, and finally found the culprit of the abnormal increase in Mash's infection rate.

[Matthew Kyrielight:
Status: Slightly dazzled (Hidden status: Low immunity, gain 10 extra points of infection every 2 minutes.)
Infection: 45%
(Note: Those with an infection degree of sixty and above are infected, please be careful.)]

Although Matthew himself has a hidden state of low immunity, what actually makes Kyle feel helpless is the compartment they are in now. Success, every 3 minutes to gain two additional points of infection].

You should know that this travel train has only No. 15 carriages. Although the total length of the train is less than half of that of the real train, each carriage can be said to have quite ample space, and there is very little walking between the carriages.Except that the first and second carriages at the beginning of the train are provided free of charge, the 1th, 2th, 7th, 12th and 13th carriages are respectively the activity room, dining room, infirmary, conductor's lounge, and traffic control room. Each car is a private car, which is equivalent to a single room in a hotel.

In the game settings of this chapter, the two most suitable options to reduce the infection rate are [go to the infirmary to take medicine: reduce the infection rate by 15%] and [go to the infirmary for full-body disinfection: reduce the infection rate by 10%].The second option is to ask him to disinfect his whole body, which is too risky. If there are infected people in the passing train, it will definitely speed up the infection of Matthew.

In this case, the only option left is to [go to the infirmary to take medicine].

However, as the No. 3 compartment at the rear of the car, if Kyle wants to go to the No. 13 infirmary compartment to get medicine, he must go through the remaining seven compartments.

The passengers in the seven carriages from No. 4 to No. 11 are almost tourists like Fujimaru Tateka in the game, but generally speaking, the background of the people who take this train must be very good. If you think about it this way, you will think that those people cannot be They seem to be very talkative, and they may even choose to report the people passing by their carriage because they are worried that they will be affected.

Even if you get the medicine, you don't know how much time will be wasted going back and forth just to reduce the infection rate by 15%, which means that the round-trip time must be controlled within 10 minutes.

Kyle watched Matthew's face full of trust in himself in the game, looked at the two options flashing in front of him, and finally made a decision.

[Branch plot: Facing Mash who is extremely susceptible to infection, what do you decide to do? 】

【Don't hide anything, tell everyone in the car. 】【Properly conceal and discuss with the heroic spirits. 】

[Properly conceal and discuss with the heroic spirits. (chosen)】

Fujimaru Tachika: [Matthew, it's okay, you can rest first.I just thought the doctor was weird just now, Qianhe, Xianghe?Did you hear what she said?Shall I paraphrase it for you? 】

Hanawa Chizuru: 【It's too far away, I can't hear you!If this compartment is only used by a few people, it is really big!Was that doctor just now?Looks like a pervert. Don't tell us! 】

【You heard Hanawa Chizuru's answer, and silently clenched your fists. 】

[You also want to tell all the facts, but you have to admit that in your heart, Matthew's life is far greater than your trust in these two new friends: you are afraid that if one of the Hualun sisters You think Matthew is dangerous and choose to report to the doctor. You definitely don't want to see such a result. 】

[The hearing of Heroic Spirits is beyond the reach of ordinary people. Perhaps the Hanawa sisters who were on the other side of the carriage just now didn't hear what Dr. Lailier said clearly, but you know that Da Vinci and the others definitely heard clearly of. 】

【You grab Matthew's hand, and the two of you walk slowly to the semi-open space on the left side of the carriage, look at Da Vinci and Holmes, and sit down slowly. 】

Da Vinci Leonardo: 【I know what you're worried about, MASTER, but it's useless to be anxious now. I don't know the physical condition of little Maxiu for a day or two. 】

Sherlock Holmes: [Which two ladies are having fun with Abigail and Hokusai, don't worry about them for now. 】

Sherlock Holmes: [Looking at your expression, it's really good. Have you thought of a countermeasure yet? MASTER? 】

Fujimaru Tachika: [Da Vinci dear. I know you have been researching props that can shield our magic power just now, but please stop now and control Mash's physical condition within a balanced level. 】

[Itinerary: Please make a choice. 】

[Disinfection of the whole body in the compartment - reduce infection rate by 5% (cooling time is 20 minutes.)] [Cleaning work in the compartment - reduce infection rate by 1% (cooling time is 10 minutes)]

[Disinfect the whole body in the compartment - reduce the infection rate by 5% (cooling time is 20 minutes.) (selected)]

[Note: There are still 15 minutes before the first survival trial. At four o'clock, everyone will be forced to go to the activity room of the seventh car in the central car for discussion and debate. 】

Fujimaru Tachika: 【Matthew, you just stay here first, I'll be right back, and I'll bring you the medicine when everyone goes to the No. 7 car together later. 】

Matthew Kyrielight: [Senior!There’s no need for that, I’m actually fine——]

Da Vinci Leonardo: [Don't be brave, Matthew, look at Li Xiang's worried expression, you should be more obedient now.It’s true, Matthew didn’t listen to Da Vinci’s words when she grew up—]

Matthew Kyrielight: [There is no such thing!senior--】

[Story branch: Please choose the accompanying heroic spirit]

[Da Vinci Leonardo: Infection (0%)]

[Sherlock Holmes: Infection (0%)] (selected)

[Abigail Williams: Infection (0%)]

【Katsushika Hokusai: Infection (0%)】

Fujimaru Tachika: [Matthew, you and Da Vinci should stay here first.After a while, I will explain to Qianhe and the others what the doctor said. Let's think about the part that will cause disputes. 】

Fujimaru Tachika: [Mr. Holmes, I’m sorry to trouble you, I hope you can walk with me once to get the medicine in compartment 13. Because of what the doctor named Lailier said just now, I think she should also be concerned about other compartments. That said, so even if we don’t take the initiative to attack, we still need some clues as countermeasures.]

Sherlock Holmes: [No problem, it might be better to say that I am still interested in this kind of puzzle.And looking at it this way, MASTER, your growth rate is amazing. Ever since you arrived in the Wandering Sea, you have grown rapidly. 】

Sherlock Holmes: [And if you want to end this incident early, you must find out the source of infection in time.Although there is no theoretical support for this inference, the source of infection is likely to be in compartments 1 and 2 behind us. 】

Sherlock Holmes: 【MASTER, please be mentally prepared. The things that human beings may do in order to survive cannot be limited by knowledge. 】

【You look at Sherlock Holmes, his usual mild expression reveals alienation, this famous consulting detective must have experienced countless similar incidents.There is no doubt that his advice to you now is sincere. 】

【You turned your head to look at Matthew again, her flushed cheeks made her face even more innocent and lovely, but at this moment you were not in the mood to tease and play with her as before. 】

Fujimaru Tachika: [Matthew, you wait for me, I'll be right back. 】

Matthew Kyrielight: [Although I want to go with you, senior, but... now I'm a burden, I'm still.]

【You walked over and hugged Matthew, touched her warm skin, and the way she encouraged you all the time flashed in your mind. 】

Fujimaru Tachika: 【What are you talking about? Mash, of course you are not a burden.You have always taken care of me before, now give senior a chance, let me take care of you too. 】

"Don't cry anymore, this game has another trick, is it because you are afraid of being scolded by the players? If you don't want to be scolded, just honestly don't engage in such a dangerous plot!" Kyle looked at Matthew The CG screen of hugging Fujimaru Tachika said: "No wonder some viewers said that the plot of this piece is a bit too much."

"But it shouldn't be too difficult to just pass by, right? Should it be?"

Kyle stretched his waist and prepared to drink his saliva. The plot just now had no chance to distract him, so he delayed the plot of the game until he was about to leave the carriage and go to the infirmary, and glanced at the barrage :

"Where is the excessiveness here? It's better to be in the back, the way of death in the back is disgusting! Thinking of it, it's up to me, people who died of the plague really died miserably!"

"I really want to spoil it, so it's really too much to say that the source of infection is too much. Just because I don't want to die, I dragged the whole car to die. Damn, it's really convinced."

"Looking at the naive appearance of the anchor, I feel a burst of sadness. Afterwards, the people in the next few carriages really have very, very, very top-notch people, who make you want to shoot them to death; but there are also very friendly people. How should I put it, human nature is full. state?"

Startled by the layers of barrage, Kyle put down the water glass and said quickly: "I'm already mentally prepared, don't worry too much, I can probably guess what the plot is about, so I just brought Sherlock Holmes. The collection of clues and subsequent discussions and debates, the world's number one detective will definitely not lose!"

He clicked on the pause button of the plot, and watched the background image of the game change from the background of the interior of the carriage at the beginning to a closed door, with a door plate with a number on it - "No. 4", this should be the No. 4 carriage Bar.

【You and Holmes crossed the junction of the train carriages, and after a few steps, you arrived at the No. [-] carriage. Looking at the door in front of you, you knocked on the door a few times. "Knock-knock--" "Knock--" "Knock-knock--"]

【You hear footsteps, but no one opens the door. After a while, there is a sharp voice. 】

Strange woman: [Leave quickly, my God, I feel uncomfortable when I am near that group of garbage, I feel that the air here stinks!How dare you knock on the door? How disgusting! 】

 I am promoting a small group of authors 992856069, let's play together, everyone in the group is super cute hehe!

(End of this chapter)

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