I, BOSS, just want to live a peaceful life

Chapter 12 "The Killer Queen Has Been Touched"

Chapter 12 "The Killer Queen Has Been Touched"

"Please don't be excited or surprised, precious experimental subjects." The man named Aoki Miya didn't move at all, and the angle of the smile on his face didn't change at all.

"From a legal point of view, your rights to personal freedom, right to know, and right to life safety are no longer in your hands. What a pity."

100 teenagers and girls with different expressions are locked behind the silver-white desks, the only exit is locked. The whole room is a closed space sealed by reinforced concrete, and there is nowhere to escape.

"I'm really sorry for scaring all of you precious experimental subjects. I'm just an ordinary civil servant. Compared with your precious experimental subjects, my importance is like an inconspicuous pebble on the street."

Aoki Yu also comforted some people who were frightened, although this only exacerbated the panic of everyone.

Finally, some people broke down.

Leaving home, with no relatives, the happy vacation that was expected is suddenly free and imprisoned. The originally promising famous student has become the experimental product of a terrible project. The speed of falling from heaven to hell is not so fast.

Some wept softly, some cursed loudly, some trembled uncontrollably, and some stood up and slapped the closed exit.

"What experiment?! We don't even know!"

"Let's get out, I'm not going on this shitty trip! I'm going home!"

"What is going on at school? Is it a prank?"

"My father is the director of a well-known consortium in Japan! How dare you...?"

From silence to riot is also an instant thing, like a group of demons dancing wildly, many impulsive students are even ready to rush forward to fight this so-called instructor.

"This is really difficult. Didn't you expect the best high school students in Japan to be like this?" Aoki Miya

It is always that expression, while speaking, the hand movement will never exceed 0.5 seconds.

Draw your gun and shoot.


"Even if you are precious experimental products, the management right is in the hands of the subordinates."

The boy who was about to raise his fist had a blood-red hollow in the center of his forehead.The squirming flesh and blood, the bright red blood, and the brains mixed with white burst open.

The body fell heavily on the smooth white floor tiles, and echoes lingered back and forth in the empty room.

Gunshots, screams, crying, wailing, chaos.


"Dead, dead dead, dead—"

"If possible, it's better for you precious experimental subjects to keep quiet. I've been suffering from insomnia and neurasthenia for a long time." As if he was having a headache, Aoki Yu also gently rubbed his forehead.

The movement of holding the gun in his left hand remained unchanged, the dissipated white smoke rose slightly, and the black muzzle of the gun silently threatened everyone.

The classroom was quiet again, but this time it was deathly silence.

The crying girl covered her mouth and was about to suffocate. The vomiting boy closed his eyes and dared not open them. The person who left his seat crawled back to his original position with his hands and feet. Only the cold male voice could be heard echoing in this classroom.

"Experiment No. 53, it's too impulsive. It's a pity that it was consumed before the experiment started." Aoki Yuya slowly put down the pistol, looked down at the dead body on the ground, and said regretfully.

"Well, but the remaining precious experimental products must be able to last until the experiment begins!"

No one answered, and no one dared to answer. The social nature of human beings made these young teenagers unanimously keep the same.

"Then I will start to explain it below. First of all, all precious experimental subjects, please bring this."

The much-anticipated exit finally opened, but no one felt the initiative to step forward, because afterward, heavily armed soldiers filed in. They were silent, tough, and couldn't help but put black metal collars one by one. , worn around everyone's necks.

"Okay, I'll come down and explain the rules of the experiment." Looking at the re-closed door, and the frail students, Aoki Yuya once again smiled and said.

"In the next 7 days, all precious experimental subjects, please cross the desert, pass through the tropical rainforest full of poisonous insects and beasts, pass through the graben as deep as the Great Rift Valley in East Africa, and walk through the artificial ice sheet with an average temperature of minus 30 degrees. Finally reaching the southwestern part of the island, crossing the desert again."

"In this way, the experiment is completed." Aoki Yuya looked at everyone's unbelievable faces and said, "How about it, it's quite simple."

"We not only license 10Kg of luggage for each of you, but also provide you with maps, necessary food, and various weapons."

Facing the crowd like little quails after heavy rain, Aoki Yu also smiled and compared his neck.

"No matter how far away, I will, always, watch you."

Signal transmitter?

Kujo Josuke thought indifferently, this collar should not only have this function.

"Of course, if you violate the rules, this little cutie will explode in an instant."

Sure enough, Aoki Yuya then added that he told the user not to think about taking off the collar without permission.

"By the way. Speaking of regulations, you don't know about the precious experimental subjects yet." The tall and thin man spoke slowly, his pale lips opening and closing to reveal terrifying words. "In the end, there is only one person who can reach the southwest and complete the experiment."

"You are now in a group of 5 people, share a map, a share of food, and fight with other groups. In the end, there can only be one person who survives."

Seeing the students trembling with fear, or looking in disbelief, Aoki comforted him with a smile, "Don't worry, don't worry, within these 7 days, all illegal activities such as killing, causing injury, and holding firearms are all illegal now. Restricted by law, that is to say, murder is innocent!"

"So, be careful with people who usually have a bad relationship with you."

"Next, all the precious experimental subjects, please line up and leave the classroom. Everyone outside the door will kindly distribute the necessities to you." Aoki raised his right hand and looked at his watch. "It's almost time, the experiment is about to start."


As if they lost their voice, everyone walked towards the exit with stiff expressions.No one lowered their heads because they were afraid of seeing the corpses under their feet; no one raised their heads because they were afraid of seeing the teacher's fake smile.

Like the kindergarten students queuing up to go out, everyone is so obedient.

Everyone hugged their backpacks tightly, not daring to breathe loudly for fear of attracting others' attention, even if they were blushing, even if they were trembling, they would fall to the ground in a second.

"Instructor, can I shake your hand?"

Aoki Yu also followed the voice and looked down, the one standing in front of him was No. 79, his neat student uniform was not a trace of dust, and the smile slightly raised at the corner of his mouth was natural and relaxed.

"Of course, the precious experimental product No. 79, as long as it does not violate the rules, any requirements will be satisfied."

Aoki Yu also stretched out his left hand, the blood stained by his thumb remained on the back of the opponent's hand.

"Thank you, Instructor."

No. 79 is really a good boy with good manners.

Aoki recalled the personal information he had read before, and that false smile deepened even more.

Height 183cm, weight 66kg, American and Japanese dual nationality, good-looking, thin build, what he likes is "a peaceful life", what he hates is "everything that destroys peace", what he is good at is "none", and what he is not good at Things are also "none", IQ and EQ are standard.
'Have I broken your peace?Do you hate me? '

Aoki Yuya stared at the blond figure in the crowd, thinking with a smile.


The clean white handkerchief looked a little distorted because of the owner's vigorous wiping, and the blood stains on his hands had disappeared early in the morning.

Kong Tiaocheng's face was expressionless, his ferocious eyes seemed to glow with black flames, and he repeated a sentence with a hint of nervousness.

"(Killer Queen) Killer Queen has touched"

 It's the Japanese horror movie Battle Royale

  Very nice, really
  Ask for comments and recommendations every day, I have updated qaq

(End of this chapter)

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