I, BOSS, just want to live a peaceful life

Chapter 126 "Boss-sama hates uninvited guests"

Chapter 126 "Boss-sama hates uninvited guests"

"Everyone should know about jigsaw puzzles, right? This is a very common thing." Sherlock Holmes said with a smile. He seemed to be in a good mood, smiling as if he was really showing off his face for victory. "The murderer this time is the only one who knows how to put together a jigsaw puzzle. It's really wonderful. This way of killing people with a knife is really perfect. It perfectly hides the identity of the real murderer."

"What are you talking about!? How come all of us are murderers again??! It's unreasonable!" Several unemployed young people in the first carriage glanced at each other, and finally let their temper speak with disdain: "Then if all of us are murderers! Then how can there be a trial! Just arrest all of us!"

Sherlock Holmes didn't care about the attitudes of these young people. They had lost face before, so naturally they were full of thoughts of trying to save face.But when he saw that the people in other carriages were also silent, he had no choice but to smile and was about to start explaining.

The atmosphere at the scene seemed to be that there was a heavy mountain on everyone's shoulders, and everyone was panting and unable to breathe.It's not that these passengers don't want to believe Holmes. Holmes' outstanding reasoning ability has always been seen by everyone.But they really can't imagine, if everyone is a murderer, then what's the point of their survival trial here?

They probably thought so, which is understandable, after all, Holmes also fell into this misunderstanding at the beginning.

"To say that all of us are murderers, it is better to say that all of us are [accomplices]. Of course, this is an inappropriate metaphor, because people who passively assist in crimes without knowing it cannot be called accomplices. You are just being used by the real murderer, that's all."

Sherlock Holmes explained. He said: "The murderer's method of committing the crime is very skillful and ingenious. Even if I know who the murderer is, I can't do anything about her."

"Aren't you right? The magistrate who wasn't in the voted seat, Dr. Lauriel Svendik?"

It's like pouring cold water into a hot oil pan, and the atmosphere in the car instantly becomes "crackling" and complicated. The passengers can't help talking in twos and threes, and their eyes are all on the woman in the white doctor's uniform. .

Even if they couldn't believe that what Sherlock Holmes said just now was the truth, it didn't prevent this group of people from throwing their suppressed negative emotions to this woman.That's right, it's all this woman's fault, and it's all this doctor's fault.Regardless of whether she is a murderer or not, as long as she gives us medicine, can we not be infected? .It's all this person's fault anyway, we're just innocent passengers, pawns being used——

"Cut, mob." Jeanna raised the corners of her mouth and sneered disdainfully. Before Lailier Svendik had any reaction, she kicked the iron door of the carriage vigorously, and yanked the hunting dog with her right hand. rope.Looking at the group of passengers who were too frightened to speak by the "barking" and "bang-dang" sounds, Jeanne Barthemeiro said mockingly: "We are really strong, why, do you think we are easy to bully? Did you say that we will do it obediently! Don’t be kidding!?”

"I told you a long time ago that it is better to come to me than to carry out this trial. I will give you a happy ending. I told you that it is impossible for you to find the murderer!" His short hair unrulyly drew a lightning-like arc in the air: "And you, dare to speak without evidence, and want to try to end in violation of the rules? Da, detective, detective——"

"I really have no evidence. In other words, there is no evidence in this world that can identify the murderer." Sherlock Holmes' face remained unchanged. Still kept calm. "How could there be evidence? After all, Dr. Lailier has never taken over any part of this case."

"Then what were you talking about just now!—I believe you!"

"Really! If I knew it earlier, I shouldn't have believed you—the doctor, the train conductor! I really didn't doubt your intentions just now!——"

"That's right! I just want to chat, I really don't think you guys are murderers!"

Frightened by the contradictory words of Sherlock Holmes, the passengers all began to apologize to Lailier and Jeanne, and some even poured sewage on Holmes, saying that it was because he himself said just now said that.

Seeing this situation, Fujimaru Tachika couldn't help but stand up, glaring at the group of upside-down weeds, and said to Lailier Svendik with a stiff smile: "Doctor, I think you should explain it better." Good! Even if you are not the murderer! At least try to defend yourself!"

"Justify? Did you make a mistake?" Lailier Svendik didn't seem to care at all when she heard Fujimaru Tatsuka's sarcasm, and the corner of her mouth still had the standard smile in the service industry."I don't have anything to argue about because I didn't do it at all. It's an undeniable fact," she said.

At this moment, Holmes, who was restrained by Jeanna, couldn't help laughing. He didn't care about the majestic girl in front of him, and he walked around her very freely and walked to Fujimaru Tachika's side.

"Yes, you did nothing, Lauriel Svendik," said Holmes. "Because we did it all, didn't we?"

"The people in the first car are infected with a virus similar to [G virus], which resists the infection of the plague virus. The people in the second car are only left with Ace Dick. The virus content in the air of the third car is much higher than the average level of the sixth car. The reagents that knocked down the plague virus were expected in the compartment. The drunk shot was taken for granted in the eighth compartment. The group of sold mercenaries in the ninth compartment carried out their tasks unconsciously. The drug dealers in the tenth compartment felt good about themselves. "

"How should I put it, all of this is just our own behavior, and has nothing to do with you at all. However, it is our behavior that caused the current consequences, the consequences you need."

Holmes exaggeratedly said in an operatic tone: "Who would have expected that you said [the plague virus was carried on the train], but in fact it was a complete lie?"

This series of revelations made everyone dumbfounded, but it was not over yet. Holmes suddenly said seriously: "You guide all people to follow your plan, complete what they should do, and finally achieve the result you want."

"At the very beginning, there was no plague virus at all. In other words, the test tube containing the original solution of plague virus is still safely placed in your infirmary."

Holmes walked up to the three people in the tenth car, ignored their bewildered faces, and said directly: "Thrilling racing cars can attract the attention of teenagers the most, and the group of children in the eighth car is naturally overwhelmed by the group of amateur racing cars." Hand] caught the eye and took the drug-laced cigarette."

"We didn't—"

"It's better to shut up for this kind of hypocritical excuse, and I have to point out the needle holes in your arms and the remaining stock in the compartment?!" Holmes turned his head in disgust, and he took a few steps forward: "A drug addict's self-control The force caused the original pure party to change its taste, and the group of children themselves had some contradictions, and they were provoked to kill as you expected."

"Even if the sea is outside, it is obviously not allowed to throw corpses on the train, and the only place on this train that can dispose of corpses openly is the infirmary." With Lil's straight gaze, Holmes said: "The group of children said something like [She suddenly convulsed and unconscious, I don't know if there is some emergency!], and then you pretended not to know that you took over a dead person, Put that body on the operating table."

"Is this the reason why the No. [-] car was attacked first? Destroy the evidence? They came into contact with the virus stock solution in the infirmary, and brought the source of this evil outside the infirmary. The group of children who thought everything was fine didn't know that they had spread it all the way." The virus has unlocked the prelude to death."

"In fact, the No. [-] car is the most infected car, right? The question you mentioned [which car has the most infections and deaths], infection and infection deaths are not the same concept. The conditions of different cars are enough to change the speed of the disease." Holmes said: "It's like our No. [-] car, which is the car with the best survival conditions for the virus in the whole train."

"No wonder, Matthew!" Da Vinci turned his head and looked, and Matthew was stunned when he learned of this. It turned out that it was not that her immunity was too low, but that the third carriage itself was the most susceptible to infection and disease.

"Next. Car No. [-], the so-called source of the virus, is another way for you to hide your eyes." Holmes said: "After confirming that the plague virus has started to spread, you personally come to each car to inform the news, and then tell the people in No. [-] car It is enough to say [Your infection symptoms are more serious.] Similar words are enough. After all, normal people think that the most serious infection is the source of the virus, right?"

The people in the No. [-] carriage looked at each other and nodded slowly: "Actually, we are just a few thieves who are about to flee. We don't want to struggle when we know about the infection. It's better to eat and drink until we die."

Holmes smiled calmly, with such an expression on his face: "Then it's the turn of carriage No. [-]. This group of mercenaries is looking for joint personnel and mission targets. You only need to quietly change the number of carriages to make them change. The target. This group of mercenaries used drug overdoses to kill nine people in the second car, but they didn't know that they had already killed the wrong target—"

"I see, do you think I did that?"

Lailier Svendik, who had been silent all of a sudden, said lightly, "Do you think I'm killing people with a knife? There's no need for that."

"The fate of everyone on this train is to accept death. This is the will of the god of death. Compared with the miserable appearance of those accidental deaths outside the train, it is a rare kindness for you to die in a mild dreamland under the influence of a high fever."

Liliel Svendik no longer pretended, she tore off the mask on her face without fear, and said publicly her purpose: "The novice agents sent by Umbrella in the tenth car were originally abandoned. waste products, I just recycle them."

"You just said that everyone is a murderer? Actually, no, to be precise, there is no murderer." Lairier said with a cold face, "The [T virus] infected in the first car was an experiment I did casually. How many people died? It doesn't matter to me. The assassination in the second car was only because their physical fitness is too poor, so they are not qualified to be my experimental subjects."

"The reason why the No. 0 compartment became my main experimental compartment is also very simple. After all, some of you have maintained a zero infection rate. Normally, it is to improve the environment for the virus to survive?"

"The virus tolerance of the children in the fourth car is also quite concerning. The thief in the sixth car died as social garbage. For the group of high school students in the eighth car, this is just an entrance exam. It’s normal to fail if you don’t pass.”

"The two virology experts in compartment No. 11 came with research materials from Umbrella Corporation. Of course, after the materials are delivered, they should be kept forever."

Lariel spat out a series of truths in a very cold-blooded manner. It is true that the so-called virus was not released by her, nor was she trying to kill anyone specifically.

"This train is just my laboratory, and it has been like this from the beginning." Lailier Svendik looked natural, and said as a matter of course: "My job is to prevent people from passing the Sienbu Suspension Bridge. As for the reward, It’s just a batch of fresh experimental subjects every day.”

"So what are you talking about spending so much time on, it's really—" Hanawa Chizuru said suddenly: "Let's put it bluntly, as long as you keep moving forward, there will be countless similar thought bodies chasing and killing you. "

"I waited at the starting point from the very beginning, and Lailier waited at the second location. In addition to the resident thought bodies like us, there are many patrolling thought bodies in the back." She said. She smiled cutely, full of the air of the sister next door: "The purpose is to get rid of you outsiders who don't belong to this world, whether it's ordinary lost wandering souls—" She glanced at the other passengers in the carriage.

"It's still a Heroic Spirit with a different purpose like you."

"Let me re-introduce myself. Next is Chizuru Hanawa, the golem envoy, the resident thought body of [Starting Point: Motel]. This is my golem, and also my dear, beloved, older sister Hanawa Shouzuru. "Hanawa Chizuru came to Lailier's side, bouncing around like a naughty child, and even made a funny face at the end.

"I'm Lailier Svendik, a senior researcher at Umbrella Corporation, department head, and the resident thought body of [Sienbu Suspension Bridge]." Lailil opened her green eyes, facing the panicked passengers Said: "Jianna, execute it directly, the boss said that there is no need to pretend if it is exposed."

"Hmph—" Glancing at everyone in Chaldea inexplicably, Jeanne Barthemelo said, "I am Jeanne Barthemelo, the adopted daughter of the Clock Tower Barthemelo family, a member of the Department of Law and Politics. The next generation of monarchs, patrolling thought bodies."

She walked slowly in front of everyone in Chaldea, and showed a bloodthirsty smile under Fujimaru Tateka's nervous expression: "However, I won't listen to the boss now—"

"Mr. Jotaro, you must be looking for Kujo Josuke again. How about we work together? You have also seen the strength of this detective named Sherlock Holmes." Jeanna attacked Lailier and Hanawa Chizuru Posture: "Boss is Kujo Josuke no matter what you think. I want to find him and ask him to return my things to me. For this, I need these few people!"

"Aren't you always looking for your child too!?"

In everyone's eyes, Kujo Jotaro finally got out of his irrelevant attitude.He thought of his child who had never been heard from, and the responsibility he couldn't get rid of. He nodded.

 Crackdown seems to be going on recently, although what I wrote doesn't involve anything, but I'm still a little scared.
  [Ding: Your teammate Hanawa Chizuru has left the team] [Ding: Jotaro Kujo and Jeanne Barthemelo have joined your team]

  Thanks to Obsidian for the 500 starting point reward! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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