I, BOSS, just want to live a peaceful life

Chapter 129 "Successfully Filled Up the Boss' Rage Points"

Chapter 129 "Successfully Filled Up the Boss' Rage Points"

[Jianna's expression is obviously apprehensive, as if human beings instinctively don't want to touch the unknown, so you can't help but be curious: what can make Miss Rangna, who seems to be fearless, feel troublesome? Jojosuke, what kind of personality does he have?Of course, at this time, you don't dare to fully believe the information that Kujo Jotaro said under the heavy family filter. 】

Sherlock Holmes: [Oh?Is the gap that big?It's incredible. Could it be that Mr. Kujo Josuke is a patient with dual personality? 】

Jeanne Barthemelo: [Hmph, I don't believe that a person like BOSS will suffer from any mental illness, or that this kind of person's heart is like ice, how could he be involved in mental illness. 】

Jeanne Barthemelo: 【And after listening to Mr. Kujo Jotaro's content, I think this is just a disguised image of the BOSS in front of his family.However, he would actually wrong himself to put on a show for the sake of his image in the eyes of his family. This also surprised me. 】

Jeanne Barthemelo: [I used to think that the BOSS was a monster without human emotions. It turns out that he still has something to care about. 】

[This is normal, human beings always have things they care about.In other words, this is a rule that no intelligent creature with reason and emotion can escape.Of course, even though you think so, you are still somewhat puzzled by the fact that Kujo Josuke is a ruthless monster in Rangna's words.The difference between the narratives of these two people is too big.?】

[Obviously you are not the only one who thinks so, Matthew Kyrielight, who was lamenting the fate of Kojosuke before, reacted more obviously.When Holmes asked questions indifferently before, Matthew's puzzled eyes kept drifting towards you. Finally, now, she couldn't help asking. 】

Matthew Kyrielight: [Miss Jeanne. Is the boss you are talking about really Mr. Kujo Josuke? 】

Jeanne Barthemelo: [Yes, I am very sure of this now, no wonder he is the only one who treats Mr. Kujo Jotaro special among all the thought bodies. 】

Jeanne Barthemelo: [Ah, you probably don't know what the "Thinking Body" is, do you?Hehe, I forgot about this, now that I tell you, you should be more aware of the horror of the BOSS.]

【You are forced to stay out of the matter, because you really can't get involved in the content of this kind of conversation.You saw that Mr. Kujo Jotaro frowned tightly, and he was obviously not interested in Miss Jeanna's remarks.You saw that Holmes and Da Vinci both looked serious, and Matthew also looked in a trance and couldn't believe it. 】

Jeanne Barthemelo: [You should know that the essence of this world is the dream world, right?This is also the reason why I called you "NPC" before, because all life in this world is actually composed of two parts: the memory body similar to "NPC", and the thought body with independent thinking ability. 】

Jeanne Barthemelo: [Memory is easy to understand, it is just a poor life that is born and died without any purpose, and the life and death are completely controlled by the BOSS.They are created in batches like data, and go on forever according to a fixed program, instilling in their heads the inherent "distorted common sense" of this world-death is the most common thing. 】

Jeanne Barthemelo: [You don't need to look at me with this expression, hehe, do you know how scary the boss is now?With all the memories in his hands, he is like a god in this world without any suspense!No, it's not just the memory, we thought bodies are all pawns in his hands. 】

[Before you have time to be surprised by this fact, your thinking seems to have stopped, and you dare not think deeply.If he can really control the fate of all life, then in this world, who else can defeat the god-like BOSS?This conjecture completely explained why the red Mr. ARCHER returned in a feather. After all, even if he is a heroic spirit, he cannot be compared with a god at all. 】

Kujo Jotaro: [Chess pieces..?]

Jeanne Barthemelo: [Well, don’t worry about such a trivial matter, hehe, Mr. Jotaro’s task is to study dolphins well, that’s enough, my task is to turn my hobbies of killing into a job. Anyway, about this There is nothing to be dissatisfied with. 】

Jeanne Barthemelo: [Our thought bodies are similar to "GM", right?You uninvited guests are "BUG", isn't such a metaphor easy to understand?Moreover, the BOSS's vision of seeing people is quite accurate, at least the work assigned to each thought body can be regarded as the best of their talents.That quack doctor Lailier has experimental products every day, so he can't be honest. Chizuru Hanawa's sister-in-law seems to have the same job. To be honest, if I hadn't made a guess to prove it, I would have let you be killed just now. 】

[When you look at Jeanne Barthemelo's obviously sincere words, you realize once again how capricious this person is. This kind of feeling of life being controlled by others is not good.Jeanna is a lunatic in the true sense. You don't quite understand the things that support her actions, but at present this person is on your side, and that's enough.After all, the situation is grim and there is no other choice. 】

"That's why Gu Dazi kept the second and fifth boys in the team. Such a big FIAG will lose 100% in the end! Although I also think that I can't win at all, it's better to go directly to the boss battle. "

Kyle murmured, now he doesn't want to explore the complicated background of Kujo Josuke anymore, and wait for the official disclosure, or wait for the "memory fragments" to embed the memory to see Chengsuke's confession is over. This is the ceiling strength of hanging B without Merlin Fu, and he can do whatever he wants. Kyle has completely given up the idea of ​​​​victory in the plot.

Besides, Kujo Josuke has been tantalizing people from the beginning to now, and Kyle can't wait to see the true face of Lushan.What is the setting, what is the vertical drawing, what is the animation of the treasure, and what is the modeling. It can be said that the hunger marketing of this event is really good, and it completely captures the psychology of the players.

Most of the bullet screens at this time were similar to this reaction, and they were all discussions about the plot or background settings:
"True Ancestor? The Holy Grail? The Fantasy Tree??? There won't be a linkage in the future, right? If there is a Fantasy Tree, this will be a rumor belt! It's amazing, and the script is a bit miraculous."

"No, you didn't think that Kujo Josuke's configuration is simply an addition to the protagonist's halo, and the skills and treasures when landing are completely the strength of a thug who can take off the crutches independently, which is comparable to the ceiling level. Now it is said that it has a godhead? This Nima is completely comparable to the force of the beast."

"Now I just want to know how Gudazi and the others won in the plot. The guardians are dead, Alaya is defeated, the enemy's mind body can't beat it at all, and the abilities of my teammates have been weakened in an all-round way. Adding new teammates is still [-] Boy, mentioning its BOSS is a crazy rainbow fart. How can you beat this shit, is there any difficulty in hell!"

Glancing at the bullet screen, Kyle said, "So I want to see the standing picture of the boss now! I really want to go directly to the boss battle! But there are at least five or six levels in front of me, so sad."

At this time, Kyle and other players thought that the next step was to continue to break through the level, and slowly crossed the target one by one, and then moved forward, and finally found the BOSS Kujo Josuke.They didn't expect that the real Hell mode would be the one that greeted them next, but it's normal to think about it, there is a boss dad in your team.
The people in the game plot probably didn't realize anything, and they were still conducting normal information exchanges.In addition to the simple impression explanation, Holmes probably planned to start talking to these two about "how can he win" Kujo Josuke for the sake of the battle in the near future.Of course, a more euphemistic term is used.

【You turn your head and look at Holmes, believing that this detective should have quite a plan.Sure enough, Holmes then glibly changed the topic to Kujo Josuke's combat effectiveness. This was probably to prepare for the battle that had to be fought later. 】

Jeanne Barthemelo: [It's so pitiful, I have to fight the BOSS.But if you want to leave this world, the only way is to defeat him, ah, no, if you are killed, you will also "leave" this world. 】

Jeanne Barthemelo: 【And I don't allow you to retreat, now you can be regarded as rescued by me, you have to find the BOSS properly.Well, I'll help you until then. 】

Kujo Jotaro: [Fight against Josuke? Although I don’t know what you think, it’s better to give up, and it’s okay to stay in this world. 】

Kujo Jotaro: 【If you insist on fighting with him, I will not stand by your side. 】

[Compared to Jeanne Barthemelo's schadenfreude, Mr. Kujo Jotaro is very simple and honest.Indeed, it is impossible for a father to help outsiders deal with his own children. You fully understand Mr. Jotaro's approach, but you are still a little disappointed emotionally.It seems that Jotaro-san won’t be able to tell you any information, so you can only count on Ms. Jona?]

【Holmes probably thought the same way. He smiled and said a few words to Jeanne Barthemelo, and actually let Jeanne Barthemelo say that he knew all the information about the BOSS. 】

Jeanne Barthemelo: [I didn't want to say this at first, it's impossible to have a good end against the BOSS, and the true ancestor, but now it's also very interesting!I suddenly wanted to see the panicked expression of the BOSS!Hehe, by the way, you have to find the person I'm looking for, detective.Don't find him after I find it! 】

Jeanne Barthemelo: [The Heroic Spirit BB next to Kujo Josuke is his assistant. She usually contacts us. We are not qualified to contact the boss directly.I don't know the real identity of the BOSS in this world. Anyway, he can't just bear the real name of Kujo Josuke, so I have to find out the hidden identity of the BOSS in the future. 】

Jeanna Barthemelo: [But it's okay, Mr. Jotaro should be able to recognize his child completely! 】

【You see Da Vinci staring at you in surprise, obviously frightened by the fact that BB is the enemy.If BB is the enemy, why did you tell them "cannot use special abilities" in the first place?This doesn't make sense! 】

[But what surprises you is far more than that, the words that Jeanne Barthemelo uttered next are what really make you feel overwhelmed.You have experienced many storms, but this time the ordeal is really a journey with no hope: if the opponent is an invincible god, no matter how you look at it, it is impossible to win, right? 】

Jeanne Barthemeiro: 【The BOSS is actually very cautious. He does not allow us to know his appearance, voice, and contact information, but he himself knows everything about us.As for the ability, the BOSS has never done anything in front of me. The reason why I know that he can manipulate time is entirely because of a previous incident. 】

Jeanna Barthemelo: 【Didn't I almost use the treasure before? At that time, Mr. Jotaro paused the time, right?If they are father and son, their abilities are very similar. 】

Kujo Jotaro: 【.】

Jeanne Barthemeiro: [I remember that I was not on this train at that time, but was patrolling at the racing track.Once I fully transform into a servant state, my madness level will rise to EX, and I will fight completely by instinct, and keep releasing treasures.Ah, I didn't tell you that my Noble Phantasm is self-destructing, right?After inserting the sword into the magical furnace core of my body, I will explode myself. Of course, I will recover quickly due to my special physique, but this treasure is indiscriminate. It must be enough to choke. 】

【It's a bit. When you hear Jona's words, you can't help but think about what everyone would have done if Jotaro hadn't stopped her before.This terrible idea makes you pay less attention to the fact that Mr. Jotaro can pause time, and you are fully aware of the degree of madness of Miss Jeanna, which is probably equivalent to carrying a nuclear bomb with you!Too dangerous! 】

Jeanne Barthemelo: [So when I was in the heroic spirit state and was about to release the treasure, the BOSS suddenly stopped me.He said: "Your Noble Phantasm cannot be used here." He gave me a hard lesson, and changed me from the heroic spirit state back to the original form without showing my face. 】

Jeanne Barthemelo: 【This is normal, right?But I still have the memory of finishing the Noble Phantasm in my mind.So let’s say—the BOSS has reversed the time of the entire world, how about it!Great! 】

[The silver-haired girl's mouth evoked an interesting smile, that expression mixed with coldness and madness made you tremble involuntarily.However, your gut tells you that it's not the man in front of you that's really scary, but the bright red eyes staring back at you.That sense of oppression, that sense of looking down, that distorted killing intent, that incomparable impact.This is comparable to the aura of Tiamat, the mother of the gods, and you suddenly know who the gaze is coming from. 】


Very good, unexpectedly, I found this group of unexpected guests because of Mr. Jotaro.

It's been a long time since I've seen such an impolite guest. It's fine to come here uninvited, but they actually took my father hostage?Great, really great.

Huh, I was still thinking that even if the seal was lifted, I would be the same as before, and I still seemed to have no emotions.

Thank you also for making me realize now what real anger feels like.

As a thank you gift, please choose a way to die.

 Thanks for the silent January support~
  Thank you for the 100 starting point currency support of Bujue Bian Huabuyu~Thanks to Qianyou qun for the 100 starting point currency support~
(End of this chapter)

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