I, BOSS, just want to live a peaceful life

Chapter 144 "Birthday Greetings"

Chapter 144 "Birthday Greetings"

[A small door seems to separate the two worlds.You step into the attic, close the door tightly, and feel that you can no longer hear the crazy whispers of those people. 】

【You feel an unprecedented sense of peace of mind, you can finally take a break, because, at least now, it is safe here. 】

[Although the room is pitch black, it may be because you have a lantern, so you feel that you are in a good mood.You looked up and looked around, walked around the room with a lantern, intending to take a closer look at the structure of the attic.Unexpectedly, the space in this attic is not small, and it is filled with all kinds of dolls and furniture. 】

[This attic looks like someone has carefully prepared it. Unlike the dilapidated castle, everything here is brand new.Curtains, sofas, tables, carpets. Every decoration is full of dreamy Barbie style. The ground is also full of various gift boxes, and several life-sized SD dolls are placed in Lolita-style clothes. In the corner, with a stiff smile on his face. 】

[This kind of decoration is a bit too fairytale and matte, you look at the walls painted pink and think.Such a fantasy princess-style room is only liked by girls in elementary school, maybe some parents will think their children like it.Dressing up your child as a princess is indeed something that many parents will do. 】

【You are not too interested in such a pink and tender princess style, time is limited, you just want to quickly find the mirror in the attic.Regardless of whether the world in your mirror is real or not, but Matthew Kyrielight repeatedly mentioned it, this mirror must be very important, maybe it will be the key to breaking the game! 】

【You try to find a mirror among a bunch of dolls and gifts, but it is not an easy task, and soon you give up.Maybe in other rooms, you think, there are several other rooms around this attic besides this living room, maybe the mirrors are in other rooms. 】

[You take the lantern and decide to go to another room to have a look. This lantern may feel less windy because it is surrounded by a circle of glass, so although the candles in it are small, they burn very slowly, and it is probably still usable. a long time. 】

[You step on the clean and soft carpet and walk through the corridor connecting the living room on the west side. Under the light of the lantern, you can vaguely see a mirrored white wooden round table in the opposite room, on which there are several layers of birthday cakes. 】

Fujimaru Tachika: [! ! ! 】

[You were walking intently, but unexpectedly water poured down from the top of your head, your physiological reaction made you raise your arms to try to stop it, you instinctively closed your eyes, and only slowly opened them when the water stopped pouring .Too bad, you think, the gust of water just extinguished the candle in the lantern, and now you can only rely on the moonlight outside the window for illumination. 】

【You gritted your teeth, ran back to the living room just now, and opened the pink curtains.Let the moonlight shine in wantonly, and then I feel less afraid. 】

[When you walked to this corridor again, you discovered why there was suddenly water pouring down just now.There are two small shower heads above this hallway, and the rain head will pour water whenever anyone tries to pass by. 】

【There are triangular-shaped buntings all over the top of the head. They decorate the ceiling of the attic together with colorful garlands, balloons, and streamers, and they also perfectly cover the shower head. 】

[Although the lantern is off, you still have to continue looking for the mirror.You walk up to the table with the birthday cake, and your attention is drawn to the writing on the table, and you take a closer look at the writing. 】

[It doesn't look like an adult's handwriting, and the twisted and childish tone can also be seen at once that the person who wrote this is a child. "Happy birthday to you, brother! This is my birthday present for you, are you happy? Pick up a lit candle and insert it on the birthday cake, let's make a wish on the birthday cake together, and celebrate your 13th birthday brother ! By the way, don’t even think about leaving this room, I want my brother to taste the loss of freedom too!”]

【elder brother?You are a little surprised, this room is for boys?And, loss of freedom?What does it mean?Don't tell me you can't leave this room now! ? 】

[You don't care about the bad feeling of being soaked, and rush back to the living room, trying to open the attic door.Although the doorknob that can be twisted tells you that you can leave this attic, there is no doubt that you feel that this place is full of danger. Do you want to leave here? 】

[Story branch: What are you going to do? ] (Please choose carefully, the choice of this option will affect the subsequent development of the plot)

[Push open the door, leave the attic, look for Matthew] [close the door, stay in the attic, look for the mirror]

"You don't have to think about it, you can't leave the attic." Kyle said without thinking, "Now the candles in the lantern are extinguished, and the windows of the rooms outside the attic are nailed down. If we go out without a light source, we will just kill ourselves." what."

"Agreed with the host. But, I feel like this loft is full of that kind of planned feeling? The person who designed this room must have figured out that if you just go to investigate the birthday cake, you will blow out the candles."

"It means that this door always has the illusion that when you open it, you will be prompted [there is an evil atmosphere outside, are you sure you want to open this door]?"

"It feels like the attic here is some kind of easter egg plot. The lines between the lines just now are full of the feeling of imprisoning PLAY, hehe."

"Be purer in thinking! Look, brother, it's 13th birthday! My brother is only 13 years old, the younger one can't be younger, there's no need for such a young child to think about that???"

"Facing this princess suite, don't you think my brother is full of disobedience? I'm afraid he's not a master of women's clothing, or a master of Lolita women's clothing!"

Kyle watched the trend of the topic gradually drifting away, and decided to turn the barrage back. "I chose to stay in the attic. Although it feels like death reprieve, it's better than seeking death immediately."

[Close the door, stay in the attic, look for the mirror] (selected)

[It's so dark outside, there is no light at all, and now you go out without a light source and you have no way of knowing where the enemy is.Isn't that as dangerous as a sheep joining a pack of wolves?You realize this, so you have to stay in the room, although it makes you feel bad, but at least it is safe for the time being. 】

【You went back to the room with the birthday cake just now, and read the words written on the table again. 】

【He said he wanted you to light a candle and put it on the birthday cake, but when you came to the hallway of this room and there was water pouring down, there should be a place in this room where you can light a fire! 】

[You turned your head and looked, and saw big bear dolls placed in the closet on the other side of the room. The open cabinet door allows you to see the whole picture of the bear dolls.This is probably a teddy bear doll, the little brown curly fur is nice to touch.The teddy bear sat in the closet in a suit, filling half of the closet. 】

[You glance at the open door of the white wood wardrobe, on which is written twisted and twisted with colored crayons: "Twisted hairline". 】

【Clockwork?You search, and you find it on the belly of the teddy bear.Although you always feel that you should not do what this handwriting says, as if you have fallen into some scheme, but now there is no other way. 】

[You unwound the clockwork, black liquid gushed out in front of your eyes, you jumped back subconsciously, watching the liquid splash and fall on the pure white carpet, forming dots of black stains. 】

【You shake the metal spring in your hand, looking at the scene in front of you in a daze.The inside of the teddy bear seems to be a device for storing liquid, and the clockwork is the plug that blocks the outlet. When you pull out the clockwork, the liquid in the teddy bear's stomach will flow out continuously. 】

【This smell in the air. You sniffed it, and your expression changed.Even if you don't know much about these chemicals, you still know the smell of gasoline, and now it is obvious that the black liquid in the teddy bear's stomach is gasoline, and it is still flowing out through the outlet of the clockwork. 】

[You searched, although there are many dolls and toys in the room, but there is nothing that can block this teddy bear.The curtains are fastened securely around the window too, and you don't have sharp scissors to cut it off. You know you can't let it run like this, so you'll have to think of something else first. 】

[You walk inside and find that there are several doors in the room with the birthday cake, and one of the rooms is probably the kitchen.You go into the kitchen and take a look. The things inside are also brand new, and the cooking stove seems to have been connected to the power supply. Turning it on should be able to light candles. 】

【You put the lighted candle back into the lantern, and take the lantern to look at the other rooms.If the room from the attic is the living room at the beginning, and the room on the west side with the birthday cake and wardrobe is the small living room, then the rooms connected to the small living room are relatively small. 】

[Except for the kitchen-like room you entered just now, the other room is empty and filled with nothing but colorful balloons.You picked up a black balloon that hadn't been blown up inside, and the only balloon in this room seemed to be black. 】

[You pass through the sea of ​​balloons and see a locked door with a combination lock on it.Next to the door is the familiar handwriting, written in red crayon: "I want a password!"]

[Return without success, do you still need to decrypt it?You feel a slight headache and return to the kitchen with the balloon.This balloon is black, and the surface seems to be very thick rubber. It is heavy in the hand, and there must be something inside.Because you just saw a balloon blowing device in the kitchen, so now you want to try to inflate the balloon, maybe you can get the contents of the balloon. 】

【"Come closer!" written in black crayon next to the balloon-blowing device. This handwriting has always been used as a guide, so you think about it and decide whether to listen to him or not. 】

[Story branch: What are you going to do? ] (Please choose carefully, the choice of this option will affect the subsequent development of the plot)

[Get closer and watch the balloon inflate] [Leave the room and don't watch the balloon inflate]

"Here. How should I put it? Although it feels like an unimportant option, I always feel that if I choose the wrong one here, it will be very difficult." Kyle said: "Although the decoration of this room is new and beautiful, it is obvious that this People who don't know if it's a younger brother or a younger sister are full of malice towards his elder brother."

"You also have a taste of losing your freedom. Could it be that this elder brother was imprisoning this younger brother or younger sister?" Kyle said to himself, he didn't watch the barrage, and felt that no one else would interfere with his choice at this time. "Let's choose the second one."

"The first one may have clues, but I always feel that it is more likely to be raped. Although the second one is a little scared, I think that there may not be anything inside the heavy balloon. After a while, the inflated balloon will explode. Just leave for safety."

【Leave the house without watching the balloon inflate】(selected)

【But you feel that the words in this handwriting are full of malice, so not only did you not obey his words, you even left the room after putting the balloon on the blowing port on purpose. 】

【You close the kitchen door, quietly waiting for the sound of the balloon exploding.After a while, you hear a "bang——" before you open the door, followed by a series of "poof—" and "boom—" and the like. 】

【You were taken aback, so you didn't open the door to go in immediately, but waited until all the sounds disappeared, and then slowly opened the kitchen door. 】

Fujimaru Tachika:【.】

[You are stunned by the picture in front of you. The pink and white walls of the small kitchen are full of thin needles everywhere, and the exposed length is as big as the palm of an adult.Looking at the depth and density of these needles embedded in the walls, cabinets, and floors, if you were still in this room just now, you may have suffered a lot of injuries. 】

[Then, if you follow the crayon words "get closer", even if you block it with your hands, the densely packed long needles will definitely pass through your body and pierce your eyeballs and internal organs. It will pierce you into a hedgehog ! 】

【You feel the malice from the owner of this crayon writing.He seems to be holding a game attitude, he doesn't care about you, no, his brother's life.What kind of hatred made him present such a birthday present to his 13-year-old brother? 】

【Your mind is in a mess, but you still step over those long needles carefully, trying to find some useful clues here.Then, the strip that is obviously different in size from the long needle comes into your sight. 】

[This should be a silver quill pen, not particularly large in size, and even if it was treated roughly like that just now, its blue feather is still smooth and shiny.You Mosuo a few times, this quill has a pointed tip like a fountain pen, and a delicate barrel engraved with retro patterns. 】

[There is a line of small characters on the pen holder, which reads: "A 6th birthday gift for my younger brother"]

 Everyone's brains are so big, the author Ji is trembling as she hugs her outline tightly!Speaking of the plot of the attic, I actually wrote a paragraph of a game. I don’t know if you have seen it~
  Thank you for the support of the February ticket of Hate Shoutout!Ask for collection here! ~ Refills for everyone hehe!
(End of this chapter)

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