I, BOSS, just want to live a peaceful life

Chapter 149 "The meeting was a big success!"

Chapter 149 "The meeting was a big success!"

[Open your eyes again, what you see is a golden flame that seems to have no boundaries. 】

[You are a little bit at a loss. In this dim room, you listened to the sound of the recording for a long time in a daze, and then you saw a rare light in front of your eyes with the sound of "tick", and it exploded.It's like a person who has been in the dark for a long time suddenly sees the light. Your brain has no time to react, and what you do subconsciously is to close your eyes. 】

[When I opened my eyes again, the world in front of me had already turned into hell.The original delicate dolls and soft silk have all turned into a mass of pitch-black fuel in the flames, and the gasoline-soaked carpet has already given you the illusion of thorns everywhere.]

[Moreover, compared with the visual perception, your body actually feels this situation more intuitively.You feel a burst of tingling pain on your skin, dense burning feeling as if someone is stabbing your whole body with a needle, and the flames are burning and consuming a lot of air in the attic. Bursts of blackness. 】

[Happened. What happened! ! ?Just now you were immersed in the recording reserved by Hanawa Chizuru, and you didn't pay much attention to the little "tick" sound of the countdown, but now you realize very clearly: that birthday cake is a time bomb!This puzzle game in the attic is a dead end from the start! 】

【How to do! ?How to do.! !Rather than panic, you are more helpless now, because you know that you can't stop everything in front of you: the main control valve of the water source is in the kitchen. Do you want you to go through the flames to the opposite kitchen?The corridor next to it is also covered with carpets, and it is now in the state of a hell passage full of flames. Do you want you to go from one hell of flames to another?Isn't this also useless! ? 】

[No, I can't wait any longer!Suppressing the pain, you grabbed the cotton blanket that didn't burn much, wrapped your body with it, and ran towards the kitchen.Even if the gate that controls the water valve is not working well, you have to try it to know!You threw the blanket covered in flames into the sea of ​​flames again, and ran into the kitchen without looking back, finally gaining a clean place temporarily. 】

[I guess this was expected a long time ago. When you twisted the valve, you found that it was just a one-way valve, that is to say: it was destined to be just a waste product for closing the sluice and not opening the sluice!You gave up trying immediately if you failed at the first attempt. Obviously Hanawa Chizuru had already planned for this. He would never let you have any chance to obtain water sources. He just wanted you, no, "brother" Hanawa Xianghe enjoys being trapped to death by the flames! 】

[Suddenly, you realize something is wrong.That's right, it's impossible for Hanawa Chizuru to let his brother die. Your brain, which was confused by the crisis in front of you, started working again: For Hanawa Shouzuru, a 13-year-old genius magician, This so-called flame dilemma is just a special firework!And even if this flame can't threaten Hanawa Shouzuru, Hanawa Chizuru, who has a special obsession with his brother, will definitely leave a way out! 】

【stay strong!It's okay, it's going to be okay, Fujimaru Tachika!You cheered yourself up, and slowly regained strength from your limbs that were sore and limp just now.Although there is no Heroic Spirit now.You are so fragile, but you are also like this at the beginning, you have nothing but a firm confidence to move forward! 】

[You thought of the secret passage in the bedroom and even if you don't have the key to the secret passage, the bedroom is an excellent hiding place!Its lockable doors and breathable windows give you some time! 】

[After you have made your decision, you don't hesitate anymore, and you simply leave the kitchen that is already on fire without nostalgia.Even though facing the oncoming heat wave made your cheeks ache like scorching, your tears just swirled in your eye sockets, and you finally held back your tears. 】

[You have never felt that the distance from the kitchen to the bedroom is so far away. During this journey as if time stopped, you feel that your whole body is burning, and you are shouting "Water!" "Water!", When you finally grit your teeth and rush to the bedroom, you feel as if you have peeled off layers of skin! 】

[Obviously the Chaldean uniform on your body is cold-proof, but it doesn't have any accomplishments against heat.You threw the Chaldean-style anti-cold uniform that had a tendency to burn back into the flames, then tightly closed the bedroom door, and blocked the door gap with some non-flammable things in the bedroom. 】

【You looked at the silver piano wires shining in the moonlight in front of you, and smiled wryly: Even if this bedroom is a place of danger, it can always bring more vitality than the sea of ​​fire outside.You're still dreaming about trying to put on a fairly new pajama dress you've found in your bedroom: luckily these two brothers both wear women's clothing. 】

【Key key key. You murmur about what you are longing for now, as if you say the name of the key a few more times and it will come out by itself.You rummaged carefully, searching every corner of the room more carefully than the previous time. 】

[You know that you are fighting to the death. The exquisite white wooden door already has a faint woody fragrance. It is obvious that you are being roasted by the flames outside the house. You who are trapped in the house are just drinking poison to quench your thirst: if you cannot find the secret The key to the Tao, you can only choose a more beautiful way to die than being burned to death! 】

【You want to put your thoughts into Hanawa Chizuru. As a 12-year-old boy at the time, he arranged such a birthday party or called it a ceremony. So what exactly did he want to do?Where will he hide the key to the only secret way? ? 】

[There is no doubt that he can't let his brother Hana Lun Xianghe die, then you suddenly realized something when you flashed the key! 】

[If Hanawa Chizuru is imprisoned, why isn't he willing?This Stockholm psycho. That doll, the one that sparked the bedroom piano wire mechanism in the first place!The doll that screamed and resisted when you tried to free it!She should still be tightly bound on the top of the bed by black chains, doesn't that also mean Hanawa Chizuru herself who is willing to be imprisoned? ! 】

【You carefully bend over, lower your head, step over the coldly shining piano wire, and come to the big bed in the middle of the bedroom.You stepped on the soft mattress and groped for a while on the doll, but in the end you found a small reflective key in her mouth. 】

[It should be this!You couldn't hide your excitement, quickly took the little key out of the doll's mouth, and immediately lifted the carpet to try it by the bed.Sure enough, the key in your hand turned smoothly, and the secret door in front of you also became loose.But at this moment, you suddenly remembered that the secret room must be dark, maybe there are enemies hidden! 】

[This situation is really a dilemma, you can't help but hesitate.Should he choose to die trapped in this bedroom, or enter a secret room whose safety is unknown ahead?Should I give it a go at this point? 】

[Story branch: What are you going to do? ] (Please choose carefully, the choice of this option will affect the subsequent development of the plot)

[There is no choice now, go to the secret room] [There should be other ways, not to go to the secret room]

"How can you choose the second one at this time? Isn't that a dead end?" Kyle quickly pressed the option of [There is no choice now, go to the secret room]. "So much has been laid before, there must be a plot in this secret room. If you don't choose this meeting, wouldn't you have entered the route of death? The outside is burned like that, what other methods are there? Could it be jumping off the building? ?”

"The anchor of 2333 made a lot of complaints, but jumping off a building is okay, you are looking for your own death!"

"I didn't fucking expect that cake to explode, okay? Damn it, it scared me to death! I thought it would just end right away??? God damn it is a death-defying ending??"

"Brother upstairs, don't be irritable. Go along with the hair and go with the hair, isn't it a mortal ending? Isn't there a secret room? It should be a new plot, and it should be able to continue!"

"I didn't expect Hanawa Qianzuru to be such a thing. The man is still a Stockholm, and he is also a brother-controller! And then he designed such a deadly game pervertedly! Damn, I thought this girl had beautiful features when I saw Lihui before." Yes, I can, but now I look at it, I might be able to point out what kind of strong man it is!"

"Wouldn't it be better to be a man (funny) 23333"

"That's right, no matter how you look at it, you can only choose the first option! The second option is so negative, it feels as if you have given up on yourself."

Kyle glanced at the bullet screen and said, "Then let's watch the plot first, I feel that there should be something in this secret passage."

[You got into the secret passage, groped for something like a ladder and slowly descended, but unexpectedly, the secret passage was not as dark as you imagined, although there was only one dimly lit wall lamp, it was also dark. It is enough for you to see the layout of the secret passage clearly. 】

[You get down from the ladder, first close the hidden door of the secret passage tightly to prevent the flames from getting involved here.When you look at this place carefully, the first thing that catches your eyes is actually a door.The rather high-end retro brown wooden door is the only exit of this secret passage, and you can only choose to try to open it. 】

[There is no lock, can you open it directly? Just as you were tinkering with this door, you suddenly heard a clear male voice.This voice has a gentle and kind tone, like a burst of warm sunshine, which makes people unconsciously feel good. 】

Gentle male voice: [Please come in, guest. 】

【After you got his permission, you realized that the door was not locked, so you held the handle of the door and slowly turned it. 】

【You wipe your eyes, and look at the arrangement inside the door in disbelief. These are exactly the same as the bedroom you came in just now, giving you the illusion that you haven't left yet.The same pink and white color scheme, the same doll carpet, the same bed curtain and curtain, the only difference is that there is a "girl" sitting with her back facing you, with a straight and elegant back. 】

Hanawa Xianghe: [I didn't expect to see a familiar guest here.Fujimaru Tachika, welcome, I'm sorry for my poor hospitality. 】

[Although it's a male voice, with this handsome face, you don't feel that it's inconsistent at all.The girl in front of you, no, the boy looks about 15 years old at most, wearing a plain white tea dress with a calm face, speaking softly and slightly frowning, making you feel as if he is really sorry. 】

Fujimaru Tatsuka: [Xianghe. Mr.Do you know how to get out of here? 】

Hualun Xianghe: [Well, you know my true identity. 】

[In the face of your unfriendly questioning straight to the point, Hanawa Xianghe on the opposite side didn't move, still facing you with his back, a gentle voice came slowly. 】

Hualun Xianghe: [Since you already know my identity, you should also know that I don't have the right to act on my own right now? 】

【You saw Hanawa Xianghe raised his arm, put it down, and said the surprising fact in a flat tone. 】

Hanawa Xianghe: [Although I still have a certain amount of action right now, my every move is under Chizuru's control, and he can take over my body at any time.It can be said that besides me, there is still a free mouth, and the body has become a puppet. 】

Fujimaru Tachika: [Why!Could it be that you were forced to! ?Then...then you know how to leave, right?Can you tell me? 】

【You look sad, on the one hand you are shocked by this fact, on the other hand you want to find a way out through Hanawa Xianghe.Pretend to be sympathetic to the other party first, although this is also true, but you feel that you can’t interfere with the affairs of the Hualun brothers. One is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. Now you only want to find Matthew Kyrielight and leave safely with her That's all. 】

Hanawa Xianghe: [Why are you in such a hurry? Even though I can tell you how to leave, you have no way to leave. 】

Fujimaru Tachika: [What.?]

Hanawa Xianghe: [When you were on the train before, you should have realized that Qianzuru is a natural messenger of golems, especially good at fighting dolls, and I am his most successful work. 】

Hanawa Xianghe: [And all the dolls you see in this building are Chizuru's works.The eyes of the doll are Chizuru's eyes, and the senses of the doll are Chizuru's senses.]

[So, from the first floor to the attic to the secret room, all your actions have been under the control of Hanawa Chizuru! ?how is this possible! ! ?Then why didn't he come and deal with you directly?Although you are deceiving yourself in your heart and want to convince yourself, but your rationality knows that what Hanawa Xianghe said is correct. 】

【Wait, since you've been being watched all the time, why does Hualun Xianghe refuse to turn his head or look at you?Is it to prevent Hanawa Chizuru from finding out that he is talking to you? 】


[A laughing voice came from behind, and the cute and cute false voice made the scalp tingle. 】

"My brother didn't turn his head because he didn't want to see me—"

 Thank you for the support of Lengyue Tianhu's February ticket! ! !Your 2-month ticket support for the super cute Toothbrush! ! !Thanks to the handicapped scumbags for their January ticket support! ! !

  I have a headache today, and I wake up with a terrible pain, and I will have more episodes tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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