I, BOSS, just want to live a peaceful life

Chapter 172 "Establish the FLAG and let's talk about it"

Chapter 172 "Establish the FLAG before speaking"

[Second round: end of action]

As the tall buildings behind gradually darkened, the game interface was gradually replaced by CG images from the original background.

The angle of view is God's perspective from top to bottom, 45 degrees left and right, the maze filled with mist in the upper left corner is vaguely visible, and the three people facing the light in the lower right corner cast long shadows.Among the vaguely transparent gray figures, the retrograde figures of the three of them could be easily seen.It's as obvious as a rainbow in a dark cloud.The unique colors stained on the appearance of those three people are particularly conspicuous from the perspective of the players.

"The second round passed a little too quickly? How should I put it, compared to the first round, I feel that this second round is a bit more relaxed. Although it is not easy at all from Holmes' point of view, this The CG is too scary, emmmm, or this one called Leng Yue is too violent? Uncle B possessed? Tear up the heroic spirit?" Looking at the CG on the game interface, he recalled the standing drawing of Sherlock Holmes that he saw just now , Kyle said with a sigh.

Although this second round is actually very dangerous, there are no such horror scenes as the battle with Hanawa Chizuru, but this is also because the first perspective is the scene of Sherlock Holmes's battle coming to an end, and does not show how he was injured. Otherwise, look at Sherlock Holmes Li Hui's appearance, it is estimated that the bloody violence that can be reported in this way will scare some people.

Sherlock Holmes, who has always been gentle and polite, suddenly staggered with blood all over his body. It was quite impactful.

"It's not just fast, it's super fast. If the rest of the round is the same as the second round, it won't be long before the boss battle. Although, I always feel that the abbreviation of this piece means that the next Difficult"

"It still feels quite scary, eh. Or is it more appropriate to use unexpected? Gudazi actually called Kujo Josuke, it's really a miracle!"

"I'm looking forward to the appearance of the BOSS! Just a phone call can pave the way for such an oppressive force. I feel that Kujo Josuke can be forced. I'm afraid it won't be the same as the appearance of Saseiin and Gaitia in the end!"

"I think this event is so big, independent map, independent plot, and the last boss Kujo Josuke himself is even more powerful. The three sets of voice actions are still unreasonable? I am already treated like a son!"

"It's all talking about BOSS, and no one pays attention to Holmes' injury! Crying, decent characters have no human rights!"

"Hehe, Holmes's clothes are all torn like that. The various bloodstains and holes in the vertical painting feel like wounds caused by hard-resistant nuclear bombs. The impact force is like when Da Vinci was stabbed in the back by Ma Po and hugged Holmes. !"

"I'm mainly worried. If Da Vinci, Arong and Abi are injured, I can accept it. Don't take the box! Otherwise, I'll send the host a blade!"

"Well, if there is a command spell, it shouldn't be a big deal. Sherlock Holmes also encountered a relatively violent NPC." The corner of his mouth twitched, and Kyle, who was lying innocently on the gun, said bitterly: "I also hope that everyone is intact. Don’t talk about receiving lunch, I’m not happy even if someone gets hurt, okay? But this is a plot kill, I can’t make a decision, please send me the script of this event!”

Kyle tried his best to push the scapegoat off his back, comforted his fans for a while, and then watched the game fall into the settlement page, and a new option popped up.

[Status update:
Fujimaru Tachika: SAN value: 87
Note: Your SAN value drops by more than 10 points in one round, and you will get a negative BUFF for one round.

Fujimaru Tachika's current status: no DEBUFF. 】

[Status update:
Matthew Kyrielight: Doubt (0%↓)
Sherlock Holmes: Doubt (10%↓)
Leonardo Da Vinci: Doubt (60%↑)
Katsushika Hokusai: Doubt (20%)

Abigail Williams: Doubt (20%)

Note: When doubt reaches 80%, they will act. 】

"Sure enough, the suspicion of Matthew and Sherlock Holmes has decreased, so that's right!" Kyle said in a good mood just after seeing the skepticism of Matthew Kyrielight and Sherlock Holmes in the status update. Then his expression changed: "Surprised, what happened, why did Da Vinci's suspicion level rise so high, day!"

"Could it be some fantasy again? Did the [Fantasy Rubik's Cube] that acted on Fujimaru Tachika shift its target to deal with Da Vinci?" Kyle reasoned by himself, and then overturned his conclusion: "Impossible, this substitute Isn’t it aimed at one person at a time, Gudazi is still affected here, how can it be possible to add [Fantasy Rubik’s Cube] status to Da Vinci over there?”

The suspicion that Leonardo da Vinci was about to become popular made Kyle flustered, and the barrage had no clue.After all, there was no clue about such a sudden notification, so it was impossible for people to judge what happened.

[Please choose the map through the props Marauders, and choose the location you want to investigate:] (Please choose carefully, the choice of this option will affect the subsequent development of the plot)

【Leonardo da Vinci, Hokusai Katsushika and Abigail Williams, Jotaro Kujo】

The Marauder's map that BB gave last time appeared on the game interface, but this time the entire screen was completely occupied by the Marauder's map, and BB's figure disappeared.

The seemingly childlike strokes have drawn all the locations of the playground in colorful colors, but in line with the current actual situation, the atmosphere is a bit weird, and it is not as cute and warm as an ordinary playground.On the entire map, the locations of the Magic Mirror Castle and the Fantasy Labyrinth are marked with a bright red "X", originally active in the Magic Mirror Castle **** "Hanawa Chizuru" and "Hanawa Sho" The three little red dots of "Crane" and "Xie Xinxiu" also lost their figures, leaving only the little red dot representing Leng Yue wandering alone in the dream maze.
Watching the three small green dots move slowly and crowded together, Kyle thought about this [Leonardo Da Vinci, Katsushika Hokusai and Williams Abigail, Kujo Jotaro] Here, which of the three options is better?

"Da Vinci's suspicion suddenly skyrocketed, which makes people really worried. I also really want to see what happened." Kyle said: "But the two young ladies from out of town and Josuke Kujo are The same job agency, it feels like it will represent some clues to decipher, and the sudden appearance of Kujo Jotaro, I remember that he was not there last time! If you don’t investigate him this time, and you don’t have a chance to investigate next time, then It's a pity too"

"I said hurry up to see Da Vinci dear! Otherwise, the suspicion level will rise to 80%, and it will be bad if something happens!"

"It's not obvious, choose Kujo Jotaro! I just called Kujo Josuke just now, and this time there is such an option, it must be a reminder, okay?"

"Upstairs, let me tell you, this option is more like a trap than a reminder. Everyone knows the attitude of Kongtiao Chengjie on the phone just now. It is that people in Chaldea are regarded as mice, and they hate Chaldea. Rady contacted Jotaro Kujo."

"Quietly asking, am I the only one who thinks that I should find two young ladies from other places? Since there was such a setting [intentionally summoning Katsushika Hokusai and Williams Abigail], Then it should come in handy here.”

"You're not alone, boy, I've decided. I'll choose Katsushika Hokusai and Williams Abigail here!" Kyle thought for a while, and finally decided to follow his original idea: " Originally, I thought I would be Sherlock Holmes first, and then choose Jeanne Barthemelo or the two foreigners. Now there is no option for Jeanne Barthemelo, and the outlander is a must. To put it bluntly The matter of Da Vinci's suspicion can be eased, but after Kujo Josuke's threat, we can no longer ignore the matter of combat power."

【Katsushika Hokusai & Williams Abigail】(Selected)

[Prop Activation: Map of Surprise Amusement Park (pseudo) Marauder’s Map*1
The props obtained from BB look like an ordinary amusement park map, but in fact, as long as the "marauder" appears, it can show the location of the person you want to know.

Chaldean members currently on the map: "Fujimaru Tateka", "Mash Kyrielight", "Sherlock Holmes", "Katsushika Hokusai", "Williams Abigail "

Enemies currently on the map: "Grim Moon", "Lariel Svendik"]

With the click of the mouse, two or three small dots appear on the map, all showing the location of the surprise roller coaster.The green dot representing "Katsushika Hokusai" is being chased by a group of densely packed black dots, and the one representing "Williams Abigail" is actually a yellow dot. Motionless, with the red "Lairil Svendik" beside her.

This situation, obviously, is what happened.Thinking of the setting of the special job title of outsider, Williams Abigail, who turned into a small yellow dot, might not have been attacked by foreign gods and could not maintain his personality, so he showed "neutral" " of yellow.

"Really. If you don't choose the option of Katsushika Hokusai and Williams Abigail, I feel that these two young ladies from out of town will become terrible tentacles or something rebellious."

Kyle was a little scared after thinking about it. He stared at the game screen and complained with lingering fear: "Now, let's go to the roller coaster and die. Hey, the enemy is Lailier. I'm afraid it's not the tentacle version of Resident Evil."

[The third round: the action begins]

[Currently open play items: Collision World, Fantasy Maze (blocked), Surprise Roller Coaster, Magic Mirror Miaomiao House (blocked)]

[Please select the location you want to investigate] (Please choose carefully, the choice of this option will affect the subsequent development of the plot)

【Amazing Roller Coaster】

[Status update:
Fujimaru Tachika: SAN value: 85 (-2)

Note: Your SAN value drops by more than 10 points in one round, and you will get a negative BUFF for one round.

Fujimaru Tachika's current status: no DEBUFF. 】

[List of easter egg collection you got:
1. Veronica's Rib Ring

2. Hanawa Chizuru's Magic Mirror of Love (not obtained yet)

3. Peeps from Another World
This is a pair of glasses that Sherlock Holmes found next to the dead body in the corner of the maze of dreams.

From the outside, it looks like steampunk style goggles. It seems that the workmanship is very careful, but after all, it has been used by people, so there are some scratches on the edge of the frame.

The lenses are bluish white round lenses, the frame is bronze, and the design has a British style, and the style is old and classic.

It is called "Peeping from Another World" because such English letters are engraved on the black frame.

After wearing it, you will see help from another world. Of course, this help may come at a price.But this help will definitely benefit you.

(After choosing to wear the props, the visual senses will be restored, and they will be able to perceive the "reality of the dream world")
(After wearing it, it will be easier to provoke creatures in other worlds, and the rate of SAN value decline will increase.)]

At first, I thought that this second round would be fruitless, but I didn't expect Holmes to get back a collection of easter eggs without making a sound, and it was the kind of prop that just happened to be used.Although it also has some side effects, it is better than Veronica's unknown ring. That ring is a prop with only side effects!

"It's all right now. With these glasses, Fujimaru Tachika can see those memories, which is not bad, and it doesn't mean that it is possible to see [the reality of the dream world]." Kyle thought for a while and said: "Although I think the truth is a bit intrusive, but if it might help pass the customs, there is nothing wrong with it."

"Although it is a bit of an act of courting death to go to foreigners to play Cthulhu games with glasses that will increase the rate of SAN value decline, but it's okay to seek wealth and insurance."

Kyle smiled a standard FLAG to the audience in the live broadcast room.

"Anyway, it should be resolved soon. The monsters in Resident Evil are still very simple for Heroic Spirits!"


Kujo Jotaro rarely hesitated, wondering if he should continue.

He was standing at the opposite position from the main entrance of the playground. This was the most western part of the playground, facing the tower in the center. It was a play project called "Dense Forest Adventure".Just like its name, this area looks like a virgin forest in a fairy tale, exuding a mysterious atmosphere.

I don't know why, there is no one around, but that's fine.Kujo Jotaro thought.

Cheng Jie told him that if he wanted to know something, Cheng Jie would not stop him.However, this needs to be found by himself.

Kujo Jotaro tugged on his hat, his blue-green eyes were deep and moving, like a quiet pool of divine springs, beautiful and peaceful.

At this moment, the emotion revealed by these eyes is indeed worry.

Although he misses him at first sight and cares at his second glance, it doesn't mean that Kujo Jotaro can't find out what's wrong with Kujo Josuke.This once obedient and sensible child is now planning something dangerous
Kujo Jotaro sighed, but still made up his mind. No matter what, he would not give up his child. There is no parent in the world who really doesn't care about his child.So, sorry.

"Chaldea, which does not belong to our world, is a matter of position, sorry." Kujo Jotaro thought.

 Silently counting the countdown to go home, please don't get fat, my dears!Come and see the poor author Ji Ba every day!
(End of this chapter)

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