I, BOSS, just want to live a peaceful life

Chapter 19 "Probably the wrong strategy line"

Chapter 19 "Probably the wrong strategy line"

According to common sense, the state of getting along with one man and more women is definitely not what it is now.

Handsome boys and stars are usually surrounded by beautiful girls of all kinds and styles. Even if it is not a romantic comedy atmosphere, it should not be the current horror and horror atmosphere.

Although Kujo Josuke didn't feel much about it, he was even glad that the group of girls didn't come over by himself, and enjoyed the rare leisure time quite comfortably.

It seems that he has a handsome face, good relationship with the opposite sex, and many people like him, but he is not aware of the status quo of low emotional intelligence.

However, it can't be said that his EQ is low.After all, it seems that when the GALGAME love branch option is selected, the kind of people who intimidate and threaten female characters openly have no intention of attacking them at all.

That's right, it's now, in this spacious and bright restaurant.

"Heroes to Save the Beauty" was also saved, and his condition was not bad, but instead of being stared at by the envious eyes of all the girls, he was so scared that he didn't even dare to look straight in the eyes. Kujo Josuke thought he had given up his disguise.

Considering the known fate of all the women present, Kujo Josuke, who had been pretending to be gentle and upright, ignored Jill after putting away the food, daily necessities, and even vehicles that had been exchanged for the points. In the anger of Gamesh, he instructed the King of Heroes: "All the life forms in this building except the virgins, the magic power is yours."

Gilgamesh, who was in a rage at the time, smiled wickedly, and deliberately left a sigh of relief for those people when he was absorbing the magic power, so that they could just leave a pitiful moan in their ears, leading to the current scene—— —

The originally dangerous guards were slumped in the corner, and they couldn't even lift their masks to take a breath of fresh air. They could only make weak and painful wailings; The sweat-soaked uniform was tightly attached to the exposed ribs, depicting strip-like undulations. Even a confused call for help could only be expressed through a nearly stopped beating heart.

Although I don't understand what Kujo Josuke has done, but come to think of it, the only person who has the ability to turn these 30 or 40 people who were still alive and kicking into mummy-like creatures in an instant is Kujo Josuke.

Only this mysterious and ruthless person could commit such a massacre-like act.

This kind of thinking is probably in the mind, let these girls face their "savior", not to mention getting close, as if they don't know each other at all.

Ibuki and Hiyori were very close, sharing simple food with each other, not to mention looking at each other, but really not even looking at Josuke at the previous table.

Igarashi remained motionless with a sluggish face, mechanically repeating the movement of chewing; Sakayanagi next to him was like a bystander, asking Dai Takeuchi something unknown in a low voice with an expressionless face.

The girl with double ponytails had long since lost the bad look she had at the beginning. Facing Ogami Sakura who abandoned herself and sat next to Chengsuke, she silently ate dry biscuits without saying a word.

And how should I put it, the Ogami Sakura who dared to sit opposite Kujo Josuke, and was still alive, was an existence that the girls present admired in their hearts.

At the beginning, I thought about the reason why Chengsuke rescued them, but now the girls who are so shocked by his terrible "talking to themselves" that they have goosebumps will not think about getting close to him at all. The city is introduced.

Probably only Sakayanagi, who didn't see the scene because of the fall at first, is still relatively calm now.Ogami Sakura, who has evolved towards a believer, can still look at Kujo Josuke with fiery eyes.

In the atmosphere of this suspected horror movie, Kujo Josuke himself was at ease, and even made some hot food with the utensils in the restaurant, picked a well-lit and well-ventilated location, and ate lunch comfortably with the accompaniment of moaning .

"5 groups of 25 guards, plus a group of 5 people who stay here to give up on themselves, and a team of 5 people who exchanged points." The clean plate, the white table, and the delicious food all made Kujo Josuke feel even more excited. He calmed down: "Including the 3 members of the original Sakayanagi team and the 3 members of the Ryūen team, there are about 52 people left. It is already 47 people. How about the magic reserve, Gilgamesh?"

Gilgamesh stood with his chest crossed, raised his eyebrows at the Master who was clearly obsessed with cleanliness but ignored the magic residues around him: "Originally, this little magic power was absolutely impossible to fill the empty Holy Grail."

Faced with the failure of his own provocation, Gilgamesh looked to the southwest where the Holy Grail was located with a lack of interest: "But just now, this king felt that the magic power in the Great Holy Grail was almost overflowing."

"Although I don't know what the reason is, but, Josuke." Gilgamesh raised the corners of his mouth again, and leaned towards Chengsuke's ear: "But maybe, those sacrifices are no longer needed."

After eating, Kujo Josuke put down his chopsticks, and after thanking him politely, he stood up without raising his eyes: "I'm trying to make the instructor think that everything is as usual, and you'd better let the next people breathe."

So Chengsuke let the monitor explode early, and the collar that monitors the heartbeat also endured.As for the sacrificial offerings, although they were dubious at first, if they were prepared early, killing them would only be a matter of waving at that time, so why should they be so impatient.

The girls all seemed to be in a cold war.

Girls: I don't know why but I think it's better to keep quiet.

"Oh?" Gilgamesh looked at Kujo Josuke inexplicably, and the characteristics of a mortal like the other party are not bad at this time: "Then you are not afraid of them running away?"

For Gilgamesh, who doesn't understand the dust-eating ability of Josuke's third bomb loser, Josuke is a master who is useless after summoning the Great Holy Grail.

Then, to endure this period of time, he will treat it as a good show, and after the Holy Grail comes, he can just kill Chengsuke.

After all, although the command spell is just meaningless magic if it does not command the followers.But there is such an existence that restricts oneself, which is disrespectful to the king.

"."no answer.

Kujo Josuke is a person who attaches great importance to the concept of time, and today he is a little unhappy to have lunch after 12:00, so now he is not that interested in dealing with Gilgamesh's obvious malicious intentions.

"Let's go." It was a warning to Gilgamesh and a notice to several girls.

Kujo Josuke thought that he would be on his way in the tropical rainforest for the next few hours, as if he had already entered the big steamer, but he didn't want to ruin the meeting time he had agreed with others: "Diagonally crossing the rainforest The area goes directly to the ice field area."

A few girls who knew they couldn't resist also stood up from the dining table. They didn't say much, even if they were reluctant to part with the indoor environment, the next journey was an unavoidable and necessary road.

If you really go through the rainforest area, the ice field area, and then return to the southwest desert area, maybe you can really return to the normal world again.

Thinking this way, although they knew that the hope was slim and the future was uncertain, they still worked hard as much as possible and ignited a little expectation for the future.

Maybe the man in front of them didn't think so.

This man named Kujo Josuke, because of the hot and humid climate in the rainforest, once again impatiently put aside a strand of blond hair in front of him, thinking about the reason why he survived alone.

 It's super late to go home today. . .I didn't expect it to be so late qaq
(End of this chapter)

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