I, BOSS, just want to live a peaceful life

Chapter 197 "Waiting for a Vacancies"

Chapter 197 "Waiting for a Vacancies"

【This chapter has been replaced】

"Uh..." The smile on the blond man's face couldn't hold back anymore, he felt goosebumps keep coming out of his body, and cold sweat dripped from his back. "No, no, I was just joking."

What are you doing, he is just kind. The man named Fleck twitched the corners of his mouth, wishing he could run away immediately with his feet getting oily.

Originally, Fleck himself was not proud to join such a powerful multinational company as Umbrella and even became a researcher in the product research and development department.He graduated from a well-known university. He has good looks and a good figure. He has dated countless girls (of course they are all yours). Now he has even become an employee of Umbrella, the hope of mankind in the new century. It can be said to be a standard life winner.

Now Fleck just wants to blow his head off when he thought so at the beginning.

That's right, less than a month after joining the famous company Umbrella, Fleck regretted it.

As a graduate student in bioengineering, he joined the "Goddess of Life Project" and became an ordinary researcher in the group.Even though he is the most ordinary low-level researcher, Fleck still enjoys a high salary that ordinary people cannot get. As long as he mentions that he is a member of Umbrella Company when he goes out, people around him will flock to him with envious eyes.

However, these fame and fortune are not as important as life.

The establishment of the "Goddess of Life Project" mainly revolves around a girl named "Veronica Ashford".She is believed to have the blood of the gods, and is the experimental subject of the whole plan. She looks like a lively red-haired girl, and she is extraordinarily cheerful and outgoing.

At the beginning, Fleck just thought that the company was mentally ill, because after contacting Veronica, he found that the character of the other party was no different from that of an ordinary girl, and it was impossible for her to have any relationship with the so-called goddess of life.Capture such an ordinary girl as an experiment, and watch those cold colleagues inject various virus reagents into her body expressionlessly
This is the hope of mankind?Fleck felt that he, who thought Umbrella was reliable at the beginning, should have been fooled by his mental retardation. He said that he regretted it lightly. He simply wanted to resign on the spot and stay away from these perverted colleagues.

Although Fleck is frivolous, he still thinks he is a normal and good person. In the name of "awakening the goddess", he abused an ordinary girl in a fancy way?Sorry, this is illegal.

But it is obviously impossible for him to call the police. Compared with the attribute of kindness, Fleck's more obvious attribute should be to cherish his life.How could he, a little researcher, fight alone against the behemoth Umbrella?Not to mention calling the police, even public opinion is now firmly controlled by Umbrella.Now the media dare not even say a bad word about Umbrella. You must know that those reporters are like wolves, and the price is to make them shut up.
Thinking of this, Fleck immediately became timid, and the idea of ​​"running away with Veronica" immediately disappeared.Although he is an American, he has always been indifferent to the heroic protagonists of American blockbusters.Love is precious, but freedom is more expensive. If it is for life, both can be thrown away!
Anyway, Fleck forced himself not to take care of Veronica's affairs, the water was too deep here, he was a small researcher, he had to leave his job to save his life.It just so happens that the team is going to send someone to Japan for a business trip recently, and he has already taken over this position. When the time comes, he will go to Japan and leave Umbrella's base camp. He should be able to leave the job safely, right?

For such a long time, Fleck has hidden his sympathy for Veronica and his disdain for the goddess of life very well. He will not say a word to those crazy colleagues who are fanatics. The only exception is the one in front of him. The green-haired woman, Lauriel Svendik.

It's not that Fleck has any thoughts about Lailier, but that in the entire research team, only Lailier treats Veronica sincerely.

Others either regard Veronica as a mere experimental product, or regard Veronica as the omnipotent goddess of life, but only Lailier regards Veronica as a real human girl, like a gentle She is also very serious and takes care of her like a mother.

Lailier has done much more than Fleck, a guy who only talks about sympathy but doesn't do anything. She will seriously worry about Veronica's physical condition, and will specially bring Veronica nice clothes and delicious food. Even Lailier treats everyone except Veronica with a cold face, but Fleck still believes that the other party must be a kind woman who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

In the end, "Well, Lailier, what I said just now was nonsense, so please don't say it." Fleck looked at Lailier's face with a bad expression, and couldn't help but feel a wave of fear, and his heart went crazy.

He was wrong!Originally thought that Laryl took care of Veronica only because she was kind, unlike those lunatic colleagues!Unexpectedly, the craziest and most obsessed person here is Lailier!

"I don't need to say it." Lailier frowned and looked at Fleck, until he looked like he wanted to beg for mercy, and she said lightly: "Your blasphemy words, the gods will naturally hear."

Does that mean she won't talk too much?Fleck was overjoyed, and Fleck only heard the first half of Lailier's words. He believed in Lailier's character. This woman was capable and decisive, and she said what she said. It was impossible for her to do such a shameful thing as lying.

"Okay, okay, thank you, Lailier." Fleck escaped, feeling a feeling of kidney failure, and thanked Lailier, but he didn't dare to look at her again: "That .I'm leaving first? I still have experiments to do in a while, haha, goodbye haha!"

After saying a word, he didn't dare to look at Lailier's expression at all, and fled here as fast as he could in his life.

Lailier Svendik looked at the back of Flake running away without any other expression on her face.

She was a little angry at Fleck's words. She didn't expect that this guy's respect and admiration for the goddess is just pretending. Lake to deal with.

On second thought, however, Lailil Svendik dropped the idea.Although the higher-ups intend to let her take over the entire team, it is only an intention, and she is not currently the overall person in charge of the plan.If you want to do it yourself, it's not only obvious, but also too eager. Laryl calculated the time, and the next experiment on Veronica will be in a few days.

At that time, send Fleck to be the temporary person in charge of this descending experiment, and let him see what the real god looks like. Lariel recalled Veronica's real appearance, and the shocking appearance. Under the magnificent soul essence, when she was sorting out the materials and deciding on Fleck's future, a text message came suddenly.

"Drip, you have new information."

Lailier put the documents at hand on the table, pulled out her phone, and glanced at the sender.

From Veronica:

Lailier!I'm so looking forward to my trip next week, I packed my suitcase and brought some beautiful dresses!

I don’t know if there are any interesting things in Japan. However, no matter how interesting things are, it must be boring if I am alone!

Lailier, I've been having headaches a lot lately. It feels like something is drilling into my brain.

Although I vomited blood again when I was eating yesterday, I held back today.

"." Lailier Svendik glanced at her watch, packed up her things and was about to go to Veronica.However, she still edited a text message to appease the helpless girl.

To Veronica:

The itinerary has changed. I should be able to go to Japan with you. Mr. Flack, who originally planned to go to Japan with you, just resigned from me.

Ps: Please wait for me in the restaurant for 5 minutes, I will go over to have breakfast with you right away.

After sending the message, Lailier seemed relieved.Her pace was a little anxious, the corners of her fluttering clothes were conspicuously white, and she walked in one direction with a clear goal.


"What, a replacement?"

Marutesai raised his eyebrows, his tone was mocking, and he burst into anger. He said directly to the director of CCG and Shuji: "It was originally said to be a man named Fleck, but now it is changed to a woman. Let me see, what is it?" name."

Although the expression is not happy, Marute has a very high quality of work after all. He glanced at the information handed to him when he was with Shuji just now, and said, "Lariel Svendik? Forget it, Director, I can't see Umbrella. They didn’t pay much attention to it, so they sent these two people here? And they’re only at the researcher level?”

"You didn't read the information seriously, Marute." Beside the conference table, Toru Shinohara said kindly, "This Miss Lailier is the person in charge of the project, and the one named Fleck before was just an ordinary researcher. "

"." His complexion became much better, but Marutesai was still a little upset.This matter is cooperation, how come it is only their CCG side that contributes?Accompanied by only one researcher, if the experimental subject went berserk in Japan, wouldn't their CCG be fully responsible?
"Okay, Marute."

He was not angry with Xiuji, he has always been gentle, especially when facing this group of special investigators, he is even more respectful.

"The former Mr. Fleck seems to have had an experimental accident and unfortunately lost his life. That's why Miss Lairier went to Japan in person. In fact, she is very sincere."

The other special investigators at the scene did not speak. Most of their attitudes were similar to Marute's, but their temper was not as hot as his, and they would not choke at their superiors.

Reasonably speaking, CCG's attitude towards Umbrella was good enough. It was obvious that the other party came to the door, but their CCG didn't put on airs at all, and their attitude was very positive and kind.As a result, the other party is like this?The extremely dangerous experimental subjects were brought directly in this way, and all the security work and defense work were handed over to CCG, not to mention, only one researcher was brought along.

"This is really reassuring for us." The man with the mustache said, when he looked at Shuji, his tone was also a little mocking: "Now the ghouls are suddenly active collectively, let's not talk about Germany, Umbrella is here to intervene again foot."

"Indeed, we are short of manpower." Hei Panyan nodded, and said, "The investigators have already divided into teams and started working. There should be no spare personnel to take care of Umbrella's experimental body now."

"That's the question." He Xiuji glanced at Umbrella's statement, and said with a wry smile: "Umbrella's project leader, Liliel Svendik, said that there is no possibility of their experimental subjects going berserk, so don't worry."

"Just kidding!" "Big words!" "When is this, are they sincere!"

The special investigators were so angry by this sentence that Marute even smashed the table, and the atmosphere of the meeting gradually turned bad.Although he had expected this scene, he still smiled wryly with Shukichi, so he had no choice but to turn his gaze to Kisho Arima, looking at him with a hint of pleading for help.

"Let me take this task." Pushing his glasses, Arima Kisho made the meeting better with one sentence: "I can be responsible for the safety issue. If there is any accident with the experimental subject, I will eliminate it immediately." dangerous."

"It's OK"

The special investigators believe in the strength of Arima Kisho. Compared with other people who were elected as special investigators because of their command and family background, Arima Kisho, a special investigator who was promoted only by his strength, is absolutely reliable in terms of combat power .

"But... Arima is your job?" Special Officer Shinohara said slowly, "Where in the 24th district, you will be indispensable for the time being."

"That can be postponed for now." Arima Kisho nodded, and continued: "I'm going to wait for a while, and go to District 24 with this class of more talented investigators."

Strictly speaking, the 24th district cannot be divided into districts. It is a huge underground labyrinth developed by ghouls all over Tokyo. Although CCG has been exploring here, the progress has been slow and the casualties are serious. .

"Are you going to take those newcomers there, Arima?" With a bad premonition in his heart, He Xiujishi hurriedly asked Arima Kisho.

Just now, He Shuji was satisfied that Arima Kisho stepped forward to take over the task, but this time he felt flustered.Don't let Kujo Josuke go, he thought.Before that, Kujo Josuke and Hexiu's blood completely matched each other. They and the Xiu clan had already treated each other as lost blood. Arima can't let him take him to the 24th district for a while.

"Among the newcomers, Suzuya Jozo from Shinohara's family and Kujo Josuke from the recruiting expansion have more potential?" Heiban rubbed his chin and said, "Although 24 is dangerous, there are Matt and others who bring Team, there will be no problem."

No, it's not about whether it's dangerous or not, and Xiuji smiled wryly in his heart.

The point is, if Kujo Josuke went to the 24th district, and the ghouls in the 24th district recognized the Hexiu blood on his body, when he thought of this scene, he felt terrible when he was with Xiuji. Let's discuss it again."

"How's the progress of the cleanup activities organized by District 20 recently?"

"It's progressing well." Marutesai said with a gentle expression, "Not only the bulimia, but also the traces of Jason have been discovered by us."

 Thanks for the support of the 0 starting point coins for turning the bar to 100! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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