I, BOSS, just want to live a peaceful life

Chapter 199 "Preparation for Battle"

Chapter 199 "Preparation for Battle"

Kujo Josuke doesn't have any detailed understanding of Kaneki Ken. He probably only knows that he and the other party are regular customers of the same shop. Josuke's contact information, but Kujo Josuke still has no impression of this limp boy.

Perhaps this kind of gentle and good-tempered person has always restrained himself from disturbing others, but in Kujo Josuke, such a person has no sense of existence.

The annoying fleas that bother people are small troubles that can be crushed to death, and the fleas that don't bother people stay there quietly and don't care about it. That's probably how it feels.

At this time, Kujo Josuke hadn't connected Kaneki Ken with the pervert who sent him strange text messages every day, otherwise he wouldn't have let him and the mother and daughter go so easily.

That's right, Kujo Josuke could easily see that the identities of the mother and daughter were not right.The trembling person staring at his epaulet representing the identity of the ghoul investigator is obviously a ghoul, right?

Let Kaneki Ken and the ghoul mother and daughter leave, but Kujo Josuke himself has no intention of pursuing it. After all, he himself cannot be regarded as a pure human being, and has no interest in the love-hate entanglement between ghouls and humans.Moreover, compared to the encouragement and rewards brought by catching ghouls, Kujo Josuke hopes that he can keep a low profile in CCG salted fish.

Although he is high-profile enough now.

Thinking of this, Kujo Josuke felt a little headache. An accident happened to his well-planned plan, but he still can't find the reason. This is quite an incredible thing.

Whether it's the rumors in the CCG bureau or the special treatment and importance given by the top management, it seems that Kujo Josuke, a rookie with unlimited potential, has a big boss behind him.But, how can there be any big boss?It is impossible for Chengsuke to have any background in this world!

No matter how much Kong Tiaochengsuke could reason and estimate, it was impossible for him to guess the truth: in fact, it was just the old and childless Chairman Hexiu who wanted an heir to think about it, and everyone had the blood of the Hexiu family.

How do you think Kujo Josuke has nothing to do with the Hexiu clan?One is a pure-blooded Yamato ethnicity, with black hair and black eyes, and the height is generally lower than 180; the other is a mixed-race youth visible to the naked eye, with a height of 185 and still rising, light-colored hair and pupils.
If there is a blood relationship, how strong is the gene of the [——] wife who is suspected to be Chengsuke's biological father to give birth to such a child?
In fact, many special investigators of CCG who received the news found it inconceivable. They looked left and right, up and down, and no matter how they looked at it, they didn't think that Kujo Josuke, a mixed-race youth association, had anything to do with the Hexiu clan. .As for Hexiu Changji and Hexiu Jishi, the two joined hands to pave the way for Kujo Josuke, and gave the green light to the act of not doubting the identity of Chengsuke
They can only say: Your circle is really chaotic.

In fact, this is a matter of Kujo Josuke's blood.Modern human society does have advanced means of identification, whether it is DNA verification or blood vein analysis, it can easily and quickly analyze whether two people are related by blood.Hexiu Changji personally went to the University of Tokyo to ask for a small tube of blood from the interventional medical examination in Kujo City. After the appraisal and saw the 100% matching result, he naturally believed in the "Hexiu blood" of Josuke. No doubt.

But please note that it is "analyzing whether two people are related by blood". No matter how advanced modern technology is, there is no precedent for analyzing the DNA of true ancestors.

True ancestors are also sometimes called blood races.They feed on blood, use blood as strength, rely on blood to do many things, and it is not uncommon for them to be resurrected with just a drop of blood.

Their blood has powerful "assimilation", "phagocytosis" and "camouflage", allowing the vampires to simply accept the blood of alien organisms, assimilate them, devour them, and transform them into their own blood.The blood of the vampire will also pretend to be copied into the same structure as the variant when preying, so that the prey will not feel the strange and defenseless digestion.

From the point of view of the blood testers who don't know the truth, Kujo Josuke's blood will become exactly the same as Xiu Changji's blood when compared with Shu Changji's blood, and it will become the same when compared with Shu Changji's blood. It is exactly the same as Shujishi's blood, as if Kujo Josuke's blood is compared with someone and it will turn out to be that person's blood. In short, in the eyes of the testing personnel, although it is very unscientific and the reason is unknown, but Kujo Josuke Jojosuke must be related to the Hexiu clan by blood (not).

This is how the misunderstanding came about. In the eyes of the Hexiu family, Kujo Josuke's Hexiu status is a certainty.And at a young age, "White Death" Arima Kisho praised: "I can't see the depth of his strength", which shows that Josuke has extraordinary potential and is worth cultivating.

Compared with those crooked offshoots in the family, Kujo Josuke, who inherited the [——] direct lineage and has great potential, is a piece of unpolished jade.

Now, while Xiu Changji, the patriarch of the Hexiu clan, is slowly observing Kujo Josuke in secret, he has also prepared the most perfect career promotion route for him.

Although the person concerned does not want to be promoted.

But since he is an office worker, he must obey the orders of his superiors, and Kujo Josuke still understands this very well.

When he was in the shopping mall before, he was standing next to the RC cell testing gate, and his expression remained unchanged when so many people saw him at the book signing.

It's not that Kujo Josuke's patience has improved, but he's used to it. After all, Mado Wuxu has used this patrol method in recent days. The gymnasium the day before yesterday, the general hospital yesterday, and the shopping mall today. As for the search method, Kujo Josuke, who doesn't like to shoot, has already expelled 5 ghouls.

But the ones that can be searched are all ghouls hidden in human society. They don't know much about those S-class ghouls with a bad reputation, but in the end it was Mado Wuxu who caught the clue.When he was in the shopping mall, he asked Amon Kotaro to go to multiple sources to confirm the reliability of the information.

This clue is one of their targets, the trace of Jason in District 13.

"Here, is this the 13th district? Will Jason really appear here?" Amen Kotaro held the box containing Quinker in one hand and stacks of papers in the other hand, looking quite surprised. Take a look at your surroundings.

Grass, swings, slides, houses full of childishness and play facilities.Children's crayons pasted on the wall, flower arrangements on the bookshelves, children's books and word recognition books by the bedside.
It looked like a place where a family of three lived, and there was even a trace of tranquility and warmth. No matter how you looked at it, it had nothing to do with a ferocious ghoul like Jason.

"Well, it should be true. Even if you don't believe Marude's information, you still have to believe the information we found out, Amen, hehehe." Mado Wuxu glanced at the intelligence investigation report in Amon Kotaro's hand and said , he was different from Amon Kotaro who was surprised by the surrounding environment, he looked around very calmly, and then turned to Kujo Josuke and said, "How is it, Josuke, do you see what's coming?"

"That ghoul named Jason should come here often." Kujo Josuke thought for a while and replied: "There are many footprints on the surrounding grass, and new ones appeared before the old ones disappeared. The house The things in it have been turned over in a mess, but they are only concentrated in one area."

"He should be looking for something, and he has been actively dividing the scope of his search in a fixed area before." Kujo Josuke concluded, and he slowly approached the building: "He should come again, but This time, it is to expand the scope of the search.”

"Hehe, that's right, Yamen, look at Chengjie, the newcomer is really not to be underestimated, he is much better than you were back then—"

Mado Wuxu nodded with a smile, and the distorted expression on his face seemed to be less scary.

"Mr. Mado!" Amon Kotaro blushed a little. He quickly stopped his partner from revealing his dark history in front of his juniors, and changed the subject solemnly, "Ahem, according to the investigation, the ghouls who lived here are No. 743 is dead, and the direct cause of death should be Jason. No. 743 used to live in District 13 and was good at making weapons. The tool like pliers should be made by Jason looking for No. 743."

As he talked, Amon Kotaro himself became more serious. He took out a few photos, which were the death scene of a man in a white coat.

"The method of death was that after being pierced through the chest by Hezi many times, he died of serious injuries and could not recover." A photo was changed: "We found photos of his wife and daughter in No. 743 home, but there are no clues about these two people so far. "

"Let's put the two hidden ones aside first, Yamen. The most important thing now is Jason, the big prey, haha." Mado Wuxu smiled, and the expression on his face became even more distorted because of excitement: " Yamen, Josuke, we are really lucky, we didn't expect to meet the famous Jay-sen--"

Amon Kotaro raised his head suddenly, looked in the direction of Mado Wuxu's line of sight, and sure enough, he saw a tall man.

The visitor was burly, wearing an off-white suit, with a light yellow cropped head tightly attached to his scalp, and he was full of a fierce temperament.

"Josuke, step back—!"

Amon Kotaro quickly searched the identity of the comer in his memory. That's right, this man who is not kind at first sight is Jason called "Gecko". Kujo Josuke, who was still a newcomer, unexpectedly met him so unexpectedly!

Amon Kotaro made a supporting gesture beside Mado Gore, and when he pressed the button on the handle of the suitcase, Quink immediately appeared in his palm.

"Cheng Jie, you step back and make sure your own safety comes first!"

"Hey, hey, I said, aren't these eye-catching guys white pigeons?" Jason walked over carelessly, and looked at the tense investigator with a nasty smile: "Let me have fun with you guys." Bar--"

PS: Thank you for the 6000 starting point coin reward for your super cute tooth essence! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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