I, BOSS, just want to live a peaceful life

Chapter 206 "Secret Agreement"

Chapter 206 "Secret Agreement"

As a Heroic Spirit, Ms. Asakami Tenno has been responsibly completing the tasks assigned to her by the Master.

Whether it is quietly collecting information or blatantly attracting attention, these tasks are really difficult for outsiders, but Asakami Tengno will complete them meticulously and do his best.

Compared with the non-violent and non-cooperative heroic spirits like Gilgamesh and Black Joan, Tengno Asakami is really more competent.It is precisely because of Asakami Tengno's seriousness and responsibility that Kujo Josuke has always been very reassuring about her.

In terms of combat effectiveness, Asakami Tomono's distorted magic eyes may not be top-notch, but in this world that knows nothing about magic, it is a weapon that ordinary people cannot resist.

So something that Kujo Josuke didn't expect happened like this. In his opinion, Asakami Tengno, who would complete all the tasks smoothly, suddenly encountered a thorny big trouble.

Asakami Tengno looked at Kaneki Ken through the plain white mask, and neither of them spoke for a long time, which made the voices of other people in the antique coffee shop even more noisy.

"Hey, Kaneki." Yongjin Hideyoshi, who has always been keen, looked at his friend, then at the girl in kimono opposite, couldn't help but poked Kaneki's arm, and asked him in a low voice: "This girl, how about you?" Do you know him? Uh, it really looks good in this very formal kimono."

But ordinary people don't dress up so grandly in their daily lives, do they?And she's wearing a mask. If you look closely, this girl's eyes seem a little strange, don't they?

Yongjin Yingliang was a little puzzled, but he didn't say much because of his high EQ.Over the past few days, he knew that something must have happened to his best friend Kaneki Ken. His personality became silent and his thinking became a little extreme. What's more, this nerd didn't go to class, but went to a coffee shop to work part-time!

After repeated cryptic persuasion to no avail, Yongjin Yingliang also let his friend suspend school and work.It's just that I often visit him and tell him some interesting things, hoping that Kaneki Ken can return to normal sooner.

Yongjin Hideyoshi did not ask Kaneki what was the relationship with that kimono girl, he insisted on the attitude of "talking when you want to talk", he didn't even talk about why Kaneki quit school to work, such a trivial matter He even chose to remain silent.

"." Ken Kaneki, who was stared at by his best friend, stiffened for a while, and still looked at the kimono girl opposite him awkwardly. Although he didn't speak, his heart was full of waves.Originally, he just wanted to have a good time with Ying. Why did an unfamiliar ghoul suddenly appear in the Antique Cafe? !
And the most embarrassing thing is not only that, this strange ghoul said a word when he first came in, it doesn't matter what he said now, what is important is her voice!After thinking about it for a while, Ken Kaneki knew the true identity of the girl in kimono.

A student at the University of Tokyo, a girl who claims to be Kujo Josuke's friend, Asakami Takuno!
Obviously, it should have nothing to do with the identity of the ghoul, but Kaneki understood the identity of the ghoul at once by virtue of the voice during the previous communication, and when he raised his head and looked at Asakami Tenno, the girl The slightly different look in his eyes also made Kaneki Ken realize that the other party also knew his identity.

Also, who in District 20 doesn't know that there is a one-eyed ghoul in the antique coffee shop?This one-eyed blindfolded outfit of myself is also reminiscent of it at a glance.

So, under the watchful eyes of Yongjin Yingliang, these two "ghouls" who saw through each other's identities just stood there without saying a word, until Irumian Xuan who went to the second floor to call for someone just now brought the store manager Come downstairs together, this silence is broken.

"Jin Mu-kun." With a hint of kind reminder, the store manager happened to meet Jin Muyan who turned back after being called. He nodded and said kindly: "Please, please entertain this guest first." .”

At this time, Yongjin Hideyoshi just came back to his memory. Although he knew nothing about the inside story, he still smiled at Kaneki Ken very considerately, winked and said, "Go, Pikachu! Haha, don't worry about me, you Go to work."

"Compared to Kaneki, I want the lovely Dong Xiangjiang to entertain me—"

Pursing his lips, he showed a helpless smile at Yongjin Yingliang, Kaneki Ken and Kirishima Touka next to him looked at each other and nodded, before he no longer hesitated to lead the silent ghoul Asakami Tengno to Take an empty seat on one side.

Kaneki Ken purposely chose a place far away from where they were just now. After guessing that Yongjin Yingliang should not be able to hear the conversation here, he said to the store manager: "The store manager. This is the person who claims to be [Doll ] Miss seems to have something to talk to you, do you want me to avoid it first?"

"No need." Before the words finished, Qian Shang Teng Nai over there said directly: "One of the reasons I came here is you."

Tengno Asakami, who has always been disguised as a "faceless puppet" of the ghoul, this time shoulders the task of making a big splash in the ghoul world, so he found the one-eyed ghoul who is vaguely famous recently, and came to the 20th district An antique cafe in a tragic settlement.

The original plan was very simple. No matter what method was used, whether it was coercion or friendly cooperation, as long as the attention of the ghouls was diverted from the "scarlet devil", Tengno Asakami would have completed the task.As for the new man of the hour?One-eyed ghouls are the best, and faceless dolls can be reluctant, but the only thing that can't be Asakami Tengno.

Can't reveal her identity, Qianshang Tengnai thought, she was not in a good mood, but her tone of voice was slow: "Please sit down, you two. I seem to be an unexpected guest this time, but I don't have any malicious intentions."

In other words, malice disappears after sensing the number of ghouls in the coffee shop. Asakami Tengno's ability is suitable for one-on-one, and two or three can barely handle it. However, there are more than a dozen ghouls in this coffee shop. If you can't kill them all at once, there will always be fish that slip through the net.
Asaka Tengnao, whose race is human, naturally has no sympathy for cannibal ghouls, but she has no delusions that she is invincible among ghouls.Facing the danger of her identity being exposed, she decisively adjusted her plan and became friendly.

"Miss Puppet." The store manager smiled with squinted eyes, his tone was still so gentle, but the content he said was not gentle: "I wonder if you would like to tell us the purpose of your visit this time?"

If there was no malice, why did he dress so eye-catchingly?Wearing a mask and a kimono, dressed like a ghoul, doesn't look like a good conversation, does it?
Kaneki Ken on the one side didn't say much. While Asakami Tengno was afraid of revealing his identity, he was even more afraid that his ghoul's identity would be known by Yongjin Yingliang.Yongjin Yingliang is his only close friend. From childhood to adulthood, the relationship between the two is like brothers. Kaneki Ken can't bear Yongjin Yingliang's repulsion after learning his identity as a ghoul.

"My real identity is more sensitive." Asakami Tengno explained lightly: "The store manager can ask Jin Mu-kun, he has seen me in real life."

Since you can't hide it, you can only be sincere.

Hearing Asagami Tengno's words, the store manager looked at Kaneki Ken with a smile.Although he didn't expect Asagami Tengno to hit the straight ball like this, Kaneki didn't shirk it, but nodded directly, expressing his agreement with her words.

"I see." The store manager seemed to be less vigilant, and asked the girl in kimono opposite in a calm tone: "Then, what is your purpose for coming to Antiques this time?"

"." Asagami Tengno was silent for a while and said, "Recently, there has been a popular ghoul investigator in the 20th district, a man named Kujo Josuke. He is my target."

"Don't get me wrong, it's not that he's my prey target." The faceless puppet lady lowered her head as if shy, and her voice began to soften, as if just because of the mention of that person's name, the whole person became gentle : "He is the object of my crush, I don't want him to be as eye-catching as he is now, it's too dangerous——"

I'm sorry, Master, you don't mind if I say that here, right?It's just for the mission, for the mission.

"That's it." I don't know if I believe it, but the manager still nodded.

He took the coffee from Gu Jian Yuan'er who was walking by, pushed it in front of the faceless doll, and at the same time drank his own cup of coffee with a satisfied smile on his face.

"I think it should be true."

At this time, Jin Muyan, who had been silent for a long time, said, "However, what do you want to do, Miss Doll?"

Ken Kaneki, who knew the true identity of Asakami Tengno, recalled his memories of going to Tokyo University. At that time, Asagami Tengno seemed to have a close relationship with Kujo Josuke, and it is indeed possible to say that he had a crush on him.However, Kujo-kun is a bit miserable. It seems that all the ghouls around him who are interested in him can gather together to play poker. Fortunately, he is now a ghoul investigator, otherwise how can people feel at ease.

The worrying Kujo Josuke (actually the man behind the scenes who knows everything) said: It doesn't matter, as long as the ghoul takes the initiative, he will be considered a loser if he doesn't move.

"I, I heard that the one-eyed ghouls are very famous recently." Instead of answering Kaneki Ken directly, Asakami Tengno turned around and said: "The blindfolded ghouls that roam around in various districts never take the initiative to attack humans, nor do they take the initiative to attack ghouls. Only when the ghouls show malice towards him will they strike mercilessly."

She raised her eyes, stared at Jin Muyan and said word by word: "This one-eyed ghoul should have the potential to be famous."

Want to practice with distraction?The store manager understood the meaning of the faceless puppet as soon as he heard it, but he was absolutely impossible to agree to this plan. Kaneki Ken was the existence he placed high hopes on, and it was too early to launch it, and it would easily die halfway.

But before the store manager could refuse, the faceless puppet continued, "I was there that day."

"What...?" Kaneki Ken asked with a premonition.

"It was that day, the day Miss Lishi had an accident." The faceless puppet quietly lifted off a mask, revealing a small chin and beautifully shaped lips, took a sip of coffee and said, "I happened to see that day, a piece of steel bars fell down. In an instant, there was a figure on the tall building."

With a surprised expression on his face, Kaneki Ken couldn't help asking: "Who is it!?" Who is this person who changed his life's destiny?

Asagami Tengno, who revealed his cards in advance, shook his head and kept something.She said: "There are two ghouls, they seem to be members of a certain organization. I killed one of them and told the other to run away. The dead one is called Roma."

The store manager repeated the name of this ghoul: "Roma, mother of chaos." He glanced at the small girl opposite him calmly. There are also some means to come to this faceless puppet.

"Moreover, I also know the reason for becoming a ghoul." The faceless puppet looked at Kaneki Ken's clenched fists and said, "It's an operation, but this operation is not an accident."

"The doctor named Jiana is your attending doctor. He deliberately cultivated you, a one-eyed ghoul."

Suddenly learning such an astonishing inside story, almost instantly, Kaneki Ken clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.A few clips quickly flashed back in his head, Kamdai Toshiyo's charming face, Yongjin Yingliang's cheerful smile, Kujo Josuke's quiet face, the store manager's kind smile Kaneki Ken suppressed the tyranny he didn't know why, take a deep breath.

"What do you want me to do." Kaneki Ken said to Asakami Tenno in the disapproving eyes of the store manager.But before Qian Shang Teng Nai had time to settle down, he continued to say: "But I have a request."

"In my opinion, human beings are not bad people, and neither are ghouls. It is possible for everyone to live in peace." Kaneki Ken pursed his lips, and glanced at Yongjin Yingliang who was chatting with Kirishima Touka from the corner of his eye. .

Ying. just seemed to be having a lively conversation. Since he was a child, whenever he slipped away, he always had this expression.Ying, don't worry about him anymore.

"I want to see Josuke Kujo, as a ghoul."

"What." Asakami Tengno said in surprise.

"If I'm not mistaken, Kujo-kun should know your identity as a ghoul, Ms. Asakami Tengno." Ken Kaneki said with a wry smile, "We don't have to hide it, and we don't have to lie to ourselves."

"My human friend Ying has been tentatively chatting with me about ghouls recently, and he probably has already guessed my identity. Kujo-kun, who has become a ghoul investigator, should be more interested in you, Ms. Asakami. You know your identity well."

Unexpectedly, the other party would suddenly tear up the peace on the surface, Asakami Teng Nai's mind went blank for a moment, and then a burst of anger surged into his heart.She even had the idea of ​​killing the other party, after all, she was just a human being pretending to be a ghoul, even if her identity was known, it didn't matter.
But in the end, Asakami Tengno still gritted his teeth and continued to listen to Kaneki Ken's statement.

"I think, compared to each other, we ghouls and investigators should deal with existences like Dr. Kano." Kaneki Ken said: "I will search for the truth about Miss Lishi and find a way to cooperate with CCG , In this way, I, who disturbed the water in this pond, should attract more attention."

"I'm the only one who has become a lunatic on the surface, and I won't hurt others." Kaneki finally interrupted the store manager's unspoken words with one sentence.

Seeing the surprised or unbelievable expressions of the people around him, Kaneki Ken confronted the silent Asakami Tengno for a while.It wasn't that he wasn't weak anymore, but he didn't know why. At this moment, the thought of wanting to change shattered his escape.

After devouring the shadows of those eaten ghouls in his mind, Kaneki Ken realized that he seemed to be a little braver.

At this time, the girl opposite finally gave an answer.

"it is good."


(End of this chapter)

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