I, BOSS, just want to live a peaceful life

Chapter 209 "No Interest"

Chapter 209 "No Interest"

Although he didn't know what he had misunderstood with Xiu Changji, but just relying on his words of sitting in the sky, Kujo Josuke couldn't even think of any angry thoughts.

Even the series of troubles caused by Hexiu's surname, he didn't feel as irritable as before, but felt a little funny.

"Contains the blood of harmony and cultivation"?
Now, Kujo Josuke has learned what kind of oolong this is.

The blood of the True Ancestor can be said to be the source of the True Ancestor's power, and the bloodline identification, a modern scientific thing, is helpless in many aspects of the mysterious side.In the face of the blood of the true ancestor because of its mysterious properties, it is a normal mistake to simply think that it is related to blood.

However, although Kujo Josuke probably understood the reason for the twists and turns, he was not interested in continuing to play with him.

He can properly use the Hexiu clan to achieve some of his goals and provide convenience for himself, but he doesn't really want to bear the name of the Hexiu clan.

So, facing the old man Kazuna Kichi who was about to blow his beard and stare, Kujo Josuke spoke quite straightforwardly.

"I really don't know anything about all this." In a way, this is not a lie, so Kujo Josuke has no psychological pressure: "As for the power you mentioned, I don't think it has anything to do with blood .”

Arima Kisho is not from the Hexiu family, but isn't he also very strong?Kujo Josuke, who had fought against him, knew very well that the strength of Arima Kisho was already one of the few in this world among human beings.

Hearing Kutiao Josuke's words, He Xiu Changji snorted coldly, and he no longer had the cold confrontation with his eyebrows just now.Obviously, his angry attitude was just a disguise to frighten Kujo Josuke, and now it seems that Kujo Josuke is not afraid because of his anger just now, and there is a smile on He Xiu Changji's face .

"Indeed, having a strong bloodline doesn't mean you should have strong power." Hexiu Changji's attitude became much more kind, and the originally depressing atmosphere in the room also changed accordingly: "There are also some people in the Hexiu clan. A trash who can't stand up can have the current strength because you have a strong potential to do it."

Is it too hard to be soft? This guy is still quite difficult.

Kujo Josuke frowned secretly, he found that this and Xiu Changji were obviously not a very rigid person.In other words, he is indeed very rigid and stubborn. Whether it is from the traditional Japanese-style mansion to the patriarchal style that is used to making decisions, it can be seen that Hexiu Changji is indeed stubborn.

However, his stubbornness and conservativeness depend on the target.

Only when this person needs to be treated with discretion for him, will he stop sticking to his own set of rules.Obviously, Kongtiao Chengsuke is the object that needs to be valued by Xiu Changji now. In the few conversations just now, he found the correct attitude to communicate with Chengsuke.

Facing the friendliness of He Xiu Changji who obviously lowered his posture, Kujo Josuke did not tear off his gentle disguise, and simply smiled and lowered his head, looking a little panicked.

"Your potential is top-notch in Hexiu's younger generation." Hexiu Changji's tone was light, and he sounded a little appreciative: "The old man said the truth before. Originally, the old man wanted to investigate you for a while. But due to some reasons, this old man has no choice but to meet you now."

After saying this, he and Xiu Changji paused, reached out to pick up the teapot in front of him, and poured tea into the two empty cups.Then he pushed one of the cups in front of Kujo Josuke, and took a sip of the tea cup himself, with a soft face.

In an instant, the leisurely tea fragrance rippling out, combined with the faint woody fragrance in the room, as if people were in the elegant nature.

"." Kujo Josuke didn't speak, he fulfilled his duty as a listener very well.

Hexiu Changji put the teacup back on the tatami, coughed, and said, "You must not know the true identity of your parents. They used to be members of Hexiu, but they turned their backs on the glory brought by this surname. But , there is no need to mention the past, and this old man is not looking for you now."

"In the eyes of outsiders, the Hexiu clan holds great power, but only the old man knows how difficult it is to take this position." Hexiu Changji said slowly: "The surrounding ghouls are eyeing, but the human compatriots are also dissatisfied. The Ghoul Countermeasure Bureau is the only front line against the ghouls, and this old man cannot allow him to make any mistakes."

"." So what does this have to do with me, Kujo Josuke secretly sneered.He didn't believe that He Xiu Changji would want to get his "wandering blood" back just to reminisce about the past, so this person must have another purpose.

"Only the Hexiu clan can stand on this line of defense." Hexiu Changji finally revealed his true purpose: "The old man is old, the auspicious time is too kind, and the government is even more impossible. It is sad and lamentable. In the past The glorious Hexiu has fallen to the point where no one can inherit it."

Hexiu Changji sighed, as if he was really emotional, he shook his head and said, "I will not hide anything from you now, if the Hexiu clan doesn't want to lose power, they must have a strong leader to support the situation This person can't be at the age of the old man, he must have the vitality of the morning sun, which is enough to give human beings real hope."

Chaoyang is so vibrant and dazzling.However, the same glory is only for a moment, just like the short and brilliant life of a half-human.

The Hexiu family needs an heir, and the Hexiu family also needs a strong leader, but this person cannot be a half-human with a lifespan of at most 30 years.It's a pity with Xiu Changji secretly, he is very satisfied with all aspects of Kongtiao Chengsuke in front of him, but the one who is not satisfied at all is the most important thing.

Fortunately, after finding the "birther" and letting this crisis pass. The "birther" will give birth to Hexiu's real heir, and this Kujo Josuke, who is temporarily used to deal with it, has some small shortcomings and Xiu Changji thinks he can accept it.

Hexiu Changji doesn't think Kujo Josuke will refuse, he has already given Josuke a little benefit, and there can be more in the future. How about the youngest first-class investigator in the history of CCG, and what about the human hero Kisho Arima as a teacher himself?No one can resist the taste of power, and He Xiu Changji has always believed in this so deeply.

Speaking of which, Hexiu Changji chose Kongtiao Chengsuke as the heir of this "for a while" because his "father" was of the blood of Hexiu's direct line.There are also outstanding young people in Hexiu's family now, but Hexiu Changji mercilessly ignores them just because of the threshold of blood.

The heirs of the Hexiu clan must be perfect, no matter in terms of origin or strength.Hexiu Changji thinks that Zheng's sexual orientation is a major flaw, and Erfu's background is also an indelible stain, so he needs a "birther" to give birth to a real Hexiu, only a real Hexiu can ascend to the real throne .

rather than a half-human.

Although he didn't know the twists and turns in He Xiu Changji's mind, Kujo Josuke didn't talk nonsense, and answered him directly and neatly.

"Sorry." The dim lighting in the room made the young man's hair have a dark and elegant color, with an indescribably alienated temperament, Kujo Josuke raised his head and smiled generously: "I think, I'm afraid I can't do it The heir of the Hexiu family."

Kujo Josuke didn't bother to identify any blood issues, he knew that this misunderstanding might not be resolved.So he just simply refused, no matter what you think, but I don't want to obey, it's that simple.

"Why? Could it be that you were jealous of the Hexiu clan and didn't find you in time?" Hexiu Changji narrowed his eyes dangerously.

"It has nothing to do with that." Kujo Josuke still smiled, but he had stood up slowly, ignoring Shu Changji's eyes that widened for a moment: "I like a peaceful life, and I hate unknown things in daily life." Trouble, I have no interest in power, I just want to be an ordinary investigator."

Kujo Josuke's eyes darkened, he knew that he and Xiu Changji must have some schemes secretly, no matter how you look at it, it is impossible to send a Hexiu clan for nothing, no matter how extravagant he said.However, no matter what his idea is, Kujo Josuke just doesn't intend to cooperate.

"Wait a minute, I have something to say—" He Xiu Changji couldn't help but say.


Leaving the room directly, closing the sliding door, shutting the room together with Xiu Changji's unspoken words, and the trembling servants in the courtyard, who were [-] years old at the age of Kujo Josuke, returned directly from the original road, leaving and Build a big house.

No one dared to stop them. The first reaction of the beautiful maids was to kneel down when they saw Kujo Josuke approaching. Josuke left the Hexiu mansion easily, without the slightest hint of nostalgia.

When Kujo Josuke stood on the land of District 10 again, he thought about what Arima Kisho said before. "Come to CCG headquarters to report tomorrow"?Kisho Arima probably didn't think that Kujo Josuke would refuse Kazuo's courtship, so he said that?

Moreover, Kisho Arima, who has always been gentle and kind outside, treats Kujo Josuke with an extraordinarily indifferent attitude. It seems that he can't understand the way of the Washu clan?By the way, he also doesn't like Kujo Josuke, who is "destined to become a Heshu clan"?
Kujojosuke didn't know what Kisho Arima thought, but he looked at the sky and knew that he had to return to his residence quickly.Tokyo at night is not a suitable time to play. Although Kujo Josuke is not afraid of ghouls, but when he returns to the 20th district, he is bound to pass the 11th district. When the time comes, he will be dressed as a search officer, obviously asking for trouble.

Reaching out his hand to take out his mobile phone from his trousers pocket, he unexpectedly saw a message from "Tenno Asagami". After opening it, Josuke Sorajo raised his eyebrows in surprise.

One-eyed ghoul?

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(End of this chapter)

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