I, BOSS, just want to live a peaceful life

Chapter 211 "Faction Selection"

Chapter 211 "Faction Selection"

Jason is undoubtedly not a good person, or rather, not a good ghoul.

He has a violent personality, and he is merciless towards his compatriots. He always holds a pair of pliers and makes "bang, bang—" and even has the habit of mistreating prisoners.For some weak ghouls, he is a nightmare that makes people unable to sleep at midnight.For human ghoul investigators, they have always been a troublesome and difficult enemy.

Until a rookie investigator personally tore up Jason's pride.

Accompanied by the fame of the "Scarlet Devil" everywhere, Jason's collapse was the opposite.No, it can't be said that it was a failure, but it was completely reduced to the laughing stock of the background story.

Whether it is a ghoul who thinks he is stronger than Jason, or a weak ghoul who was once looked down upon by Jason, now when Jason is mentioned in his mind, the first reaction is: "The ghoul whose son was torn off by the investigator" "The ghoul who was beaten to cry" "Survived to escape from the scarlet demon" "Feng Shui turns".
These whispered comments couldn't reach Jason's ears, but the constant pain in his body was enough to make Jason want to go crazy.

Hezi is a part of the ghoul's body, just like the limbs are to human beings. Jason, who lost two hebaos at once, seemed to have changed from a complete ghoul to a disabled in an instant.Even if he wants to achieve his goal of growing back the Hebao through a lot of cannibalism, the Hebao that will be restored later will not be the same as the previous Hebao.

Jason is cranky.

He attributed everything wrong to the other party, to that ghoul investigator named Kujo Josuke.He wanted revenge, wanted to tear the opponent apart with his hands, felt the warm blood of the opponent, and wanted to sweep away all the previous humiliation.

But can't.

The gap in strength is an irreparable gap.Other ghouls above S rank may not have taken this newly released "scarlet devil" seriously, but Jason himself clearly knew how easy it was for that man to tear off his son with a smile on his face. .

Just like I used to be, I can end a person's life with a wave of my hand.

But now it's just a change of status, and Jason, who has been preaching that "the strong can dominate the weak", can't stand it anymore.

Jason ate desperately, and finally recovered a rich bag, but the unrestrained ghoul cannibalism made his own sanity, which was already on the verge of collapse, fall further into the abyss.

Ah, it must be the fault of that stinky woman Kamdairishi that I became what I am now.That's right. That's right!That's her!She lost my pliers, that's why I went to Dikou to make a new weapon, and then I met the white dove, that's why I became like this!

The position of the lost purpura in the body was in unbearable pain again. It was a kind of skin-cutting pain of being cut out of flesh and blood, which made Jason's eyes red uncontrollably.

He raised his arm, tapped the pliers he found from the mouth of the flute, and stared at the black-haired young man.

"found it"

From that young man, Jason saw the shadow of God Dai Lishi.That nasty stinky woman showed a surprised smile as if she was showing off her power, and said to him artificially:
"Oh, I've come to you." Shendai Lishi smiled slightly: "However, why did you make yourself look like a bereaved dog?"

Can't control and don't want to control.

With a grinning grin, Jason rushed to where Shendai Lishi was, trying to reach out and grab the young man's neck.Whoever he is, as long as he has the breath of that stinky woman of God Dai Lishi on his body, even if he dies eight hundred times, it won't be a pity!


"Damn it! The store manager just left the house!" Kirishima Touka looked at these uninvited guests, and frowned fiercely: "And Xuandu returned!"

At this time, Ken Kaneki jumped back to avoid the arm that Jason extended to him in front of him, and looked sideways at Touka Kirishima: "Dong Xiangjiang, is that your younger brother?"

"Well, count"

"I don't have such a weak old lady—" The purple-haired boy named Xuandu showed a contemptuous smile, looked at Kaneki Ken with a cold expression: "Besides, the smell of profit on your body is so strong and scary There are many other ghouls, you are really not picky eaters, you can eat anything."

Ken Kaneki ignored Kirishima Ayano's provocation, he felt a gust of wind in front of him, so he looked back.Sure enough, Jason, who didn't get a reply from Kaneki Ken for a long time, became more and more crazy. He even stretched out his back and smashed the tables, chairs and benches in the coffee shop into tatters.

"Because Jason is already half-crazy, let me remind you." Ayato Kirishima watched Kaneki Ken and Jason's fight coldly: "This is an order from the organization, and Rishi must be caught, even if it is with him. Anyone with a little relationship with her will also be taken away."


Kirishima Touka rolled her eyes at Kirishima Ayato, and the single Kazuko wings behind her stretched out, ready to rush over to help Kaneki Ken.But before she took two steps, she had to retreat because of the enemy Yuhe's attack.

The gorgeous wings shook off the sharp feathers, and Kirishima Ayato showed no mercy to his own sister. He even used his own feather, Kazuko, to shoot out sharp prisms as a threat.

"Although you are my sister by blood, you are too weak." Kirishima Ayato ignored Dong Xiang's resentful eyes, and spoke contemptuously: "Although it's nothing. But I'm a member of the organization anyway. The man with the smell of the world, we will take it away."

"And over there, even if I hide, I still remember you, Wanjo." Kirishima Ayato sneered: "I will beat you until you can't vomit blood."

"Oh, oh, although I already knew that Mr. Xuandu has a beautiful sister, I didn't expect that both siblings are beautiful." Nicole leaned on the door and blocked the exit: "This is really impressive. jealous."

"Trouble is dead, long-winded long-winded long-winded!"

Kirishima Touka glanced at the scene, Nicole blocked the exit, Kirishima Ayato was standing in front of the French window, Kaneki Ken was entangled with Jason, but he couldn't help much.The store manager and Sifang Lianshu went out to investigate, and Gu Jian and Ru Jian went to help evacuate some ghouls, lest they be caught by the white pigeons that have recently increased in number
What kind of luck is this, the enemy just picked a time when the strength of the store is the weakest!Kirishima Touka glanced back from the corner of his eye, that guy Wanzhang is really weak, if you don't want him to die, don't ask him to help.

But just when Touka Kirishima was about to despair, a turning point appeared at this moment.

A pleasant female voice suddenly appeared, with an indelible sense of gloom, and said politely: "Sorry, it's very lively here, sorry, I picked this time to disturb you."

Kaneki Ken, who had been dodging attacks all this time, resolutely fought back against Jason after hearing the female voice.From behind him, four bright red horns suddenly sprang out like centipedes, poking four holes in Jason's body in an instant.

"Miss Doll, I'm sorry." Ken Kaneki jumped forward, seized the opportunity, and bit down on Jason's Kazuko while Jason was still in a daze.

Chewing, swallowing, Kaneki Ken, who has long been accustomed to eating Kazuko, has no feeling for the onlookers at the scene.He ate in big mouthfuls, before Jason pushed him away, like a jackal who had only been hungry for a few days and nights and was finally able to feast.

Kind of gross and not tasty.But Kaneki Ken is already used to this taste, no matter how delicious human flesh is, he will not take a bite, eating Kazuko can make him stronger, he was just a weak chicken because he ate Kazuko, a gourmet, and now he ate Jason Hezi. Speaking of it, it seems that he is already quite strong, right?

Jason, who had been eaten raw, didn't have such a good psychological quality as Kaneki Ken. He felt that the newly grown hemp was gone, and he almost fell into madness, howling non-stop.

"What a lunatic." With a simple evaluation, Kirishima Ayato glanced at Kirishima Touka who was also showing discomfort, and then cautiously jumped away from the faceless doll, and mockingly said to Kaneki Ken: "No wonder your smell is messed up. , It seems that I ate a lot."

"Ah, that's right, Hezi is my staple food after all." There was still blood on the corner of his mouth, but Kaneki Ken showed a kind smile: "I thought you all knew it, it seems that I, a one-eyed ghoul, is still not very famous .”

"One-eyed!—" Nicole, who had been watching the fire from the other side, couldn't stand anymore. He glanced at Kaneki Ken, and the other's only one eye was particularly obvious now.

The organization didn't say that the one-eyed ghoul with the aura of benefiting the world is unexpectedly powerful, no, I'm afraid it will lose if it goes on like this.And the other party also came with a helper, the recently famous faceless puppet!

Thoughts flashed through her mind for a moment, and Nicole said directly to Jason, "Jason, let's go—!"

"Don't!——" Before Nicole finished speaking, Jason stood up with a smirk, and he said to Kaneki Ken: "Am I delicious?! Am I delicious?! You eat my Kazuko, let me eat you all—"

Seeing Jason's wild laugh, Aya Kirishima snorted coldly: "Shame."

Unexpectedly, Kaneki Ken has such strength. It seems that the plan will not succeed, and the other party still has helpers. In this case, we should retreat first.
"Do you want me to help?" The faceless puppet was wearing wooden clogs. She was petite and weak, and looked fragile, but no one dared to underestimate her.This woman whose strength is a mystery, so far no one knows her ability, because all the ghouls who fought her have died.

"No need, Ms. Asahi Doll." Ken Kaneki's eyes sparkled, and Kujo Josuke's face flashed in his mind: "Since I'm already a collaborator, let Josuke see how strong I am."

The faceless puppet didn't speak. She looked at the one-eyed ghoul with a smile on his face. His soft black hair was covered with blood, and his white teeth were stained red with blood.

Kaneki Ken ate two of Jason's knuckles, and there was a strange shaking behind him, and the six knuckles slowly stretched out.

"The weakness in the image, thanks to Josuke. If Jason hadn't been injured, I wouldn't be able to relax so easily." Kaneki Ken stood up, the waiter's clothes were covered with blood, and his feet were twitching. Jason.He looked at Aya Kirishima and licked his lips, but considering Dong Xiang, he turned his head to Nicole, showing a salivating expression.

It's the salivation that carnivores make when they see their prey.

"Kaneki, you are not in the right state!" Regardless of the situation present, or the other ghouls present were also shocked by this scene, Touka Kirishima took the opportunity to grab Kaneki Ken's sleeve, frowned and said: "The ghouls interact with each other!" Eating will make your spirit—"

"I'm fine now, Dong Xiangjiang." Gently breaking away from Kirishima Dongxiang, Kaneki Ken kicked Jason's body away in disgust: "I have a very complete plan, and so does Miss Faceless Doll." I called to help."

"If I'm not mistaken, your organization is the Bronze Tree, right? The ghoul organization in District 11?" Kaneki Ken's expression was gentle, but it looked very strange with blood on his face: "I heard that your leader is a one-eyed King? That's great, I'm also one-eyed, so I should be able to fight for the throne, right?"

"What are you talking about, are you crazy!?" Kirishima Touka asked in shock, "Kaneki?"

"Don't worry, Ms. Kirishima, this is an agreement between me and Kaneki-kun." The faceless puppet said politely.Let Ken Kaneki come forward to claim the name of One-Eyed, let the ghouls fall into infighting, and let the war in District 11 stop for this reason. This is the method Asagami Tengno discussed to help Kujo Josuke.

However, the news is a bit lagging behind. Asakami Tengno’s information was still left when Kujo Josuke was also a member of the ghoul countermeasure team in the 11th district. She thought that this would relieve the pressure on Kujo Josuke, but in fact no longer Kujo Josuke of the countermeasures team, the source of pressure has changed to something else.

I don't know if he received the short message sent to Chengjie.Asakami Teng is distracted to think about it, Kujo Josuke is not in the habit of playing with mobile phones, and it is not very often to read short messages, and her mobile phone will be muted when she is working, so she has to send regular short messages after get off work in Josuke.If he hadn't seen the message from Asakami Teng Nai, he would have been in a little trouble.

"Cut——" Kirishima Ayato snorted coldly. He glanced at Kaneki Ken and said, "Contest? You don't know what kind of lunatic the leader of the Bronze Tree is. As long as there is no accident, she has been bloodbathed for 11 years." The district's CCG branch—"

"What!? This is a declaration of war!" Kirishima Touka couldn't believe it, and Asakami Tengno over there also frowned, but he felt relieved when he thought of Kujo Josuke's strength.

Even in District 11, Chengjie will be fine.

Kujo Josuke at this time, um, is a bit unfortunate.

Kujo Josuke, who just walked from the 10th district to the 11th district and is about to return to the 20th district, is sorting out his things at the CCG branch in the 11th district.

Kirishima Ayato, who thought that the 11th division was already under control, looked at Kaneki Ken and said mockingly: "You have some strength, but compared with the leader, you are still far behind!"

"That's it." Jin Muyan smiled with a good temper: "It doesn't matter, you are Dong Xiang's younger brother. When I eat the one next to me, I should become stronger."

Kaneki Ken looked at Nicole and said softly, "I only eat Kazuko, not meat. Don't worry, you won't die."

Nicole over there twitched the corners of her mouth, and her enchanting posture became stiff.

Is this the bully college student Kaneki Ken in the data?What went wrong?This is obviously a mental illness similar to Jason's, right? !

For humans and good ghouls, they are lawful and good, but Kaneki Ken, who treats enemy ghouls as chaotic and evil, walked over with a smile.

 By the way, I would like to mention that Kongtiao Chengsuke is [lawful·evil], thank you for the support of the 0 starting point coins for turning the article to 100! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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