I, BOSS, just want to live a peaceful life

Chapter 217 "The Eve of the War"

Chapter 217 "The Eve of the War"

"Ah, it's okay, it's okay. Um, okay, I see. Has the date been postponed? Ah, me? Of course I, I'm fine. In fact, it's okay to put it after this battle, and then we can talk The effect may be better. Although it cannot be carried out according to the plan, it is nothing. After all, it is a sudden accident and cannot be controlled. Yes, yes!. Ah? Yes, I can do it, oh, Goodbye then, go get busy first, Chengsuke."

"Beep beep beep beep beep."

Ken Kaneki looked at the call interface of the phone for a while, even though the annoying busy tone kept ringing in his ear because the call ended, he didn't put away the phone, but stared at the name on the screen in a daze.

Kujo Josuke, can he and Kaneki Ken become a bridge between humans and ghouls?Kaneki Ken is a one-eyed ghoul. Although he has no malice towards investigators and humans, his identity as a ghoul cannot be convincing. Moreover, he also cherishes the partners he met in the antique coffee shop, and he does not want them to be attacked because of his actions. implicated.

The store manager is kind and kind, Mr. Sifang is calm and reliable, Mr. Nishio is awkward and caring, Dong Xiangjiang is arrogant and caring, Ms. Liangzi is gentle and considerate, and Hinami sauce is cute and cute. These ghouls have the same richness as humans. Kaneki Ken couldn't treat them as bad guys, and couldn't watch them get expelled by CCG.

The wind at night is very cool, with a hint of fishy smell, the sound of seagulls hovering in the sky, inexplicably a little desolate.

The place where no one lives is empty, and the area around the pier is pitch black. If you look down from the sky above the city, this area may seem to have disappeared on the map.The night in Tokyo is also bright all night, so the dark area seems to be really unknown. Ken Kaneki looks at the dark sea, feeling as if he has a lot to say.

He left the Antique Cafe on the grounds of "I want to fight the bronze tree openly, and I don't want to hurt everyone", quarreled with Touka Kirishima, endured the cynicism of Senior Nishio, comforted Hina-chan's teary eyes, and accepted The store manager's earnestness and earnestness.

"I know you want to disclose the identity of the one-eyed ghoul." The store manager said, "But the waiter in the antique is not a one-eyed ghoul, but Kaneki Ken, can't you?"

"Sorry, store manager. To build a relationship of mutual trust, I'm afraid I can't hide a little bit." Kaneki Ken said at the time: "And, I want to investigate with the investigator, what happened to the doctor who performed the operation on me?" thing"

Later, the store manager didn't speak, but patted him on the shoulder gently.

And now Kaneki Ken is standing here, he doesn't have anything to do now, it's just because this is the closest place to see the sea from Kujo Josuke's agreed place.

Looking at the sea, the mood will unknowingly calm down.Originally, Kaneki Ken thought that if he met with Josuke smoothly, after they finished talking about the agreed things, he could share the beauty of the sunrise by the sea with Josuke, although he felt that it was impossible for Josuke to go out with him just to watch the sunrise. Foolishly waiting from night to dawn.
But now the dating thing can't be done, after all, with the high cooperation of the residents of District 11 and the police, CCG's original one-week preparation time has been shortened by half, and they are now preparing to launch a surprise attack like the Bronze Tree.And listening to Kujo Josuke's explanation on the phone just now, it seems that he not only has to go to the battlefield over there to do auxiliary tasks, but also entertains the foreign exchange staff, and he has no time from day to night.

Kaneki Ken feels a little regretful, but he is not planning to leave when he comes to this pier. Although it seems a bit silly to watch the sunrise by himself, he thinks it is quite interesting.

The battle against the bronze tree in the 11th district seems to start tomorrow night, Kaneki Ken sat, thinking wildly in his head.The Bronze Tree should know about Jason's death, but the CCG should not know.

In fact, Kaneki Ken shouldn't have had that much malice towards Jason.It's not that there is no malice, but that there is not that much malice.I don't know why, seeing this person, Jin Muyan felt his blood was cold, and the sound of worms crawling into his brain appeared in his ears, and a nameless anger and resentment almost controlled his mind .

So, he just ate him raw at Antique Café and bled everywhere, and made Dong Xiangjiang angry
However, although because of this, Kaneki Ken cleaned up for a while, but he strangely didn't regret it at all, instead he felt a strange satisfaction.

Kaneki Ken had actually had some dreams before, although he no longer remembered the content, but he still remembered some words.

"How much is 1000 minus 7? This question is quite boring, why I keep thinking about it." Kaneki Ken muttered a few words, and sat down on the container at the dock. He leaned back and supported himself with both hands With the weight of his body, he focused his gaze on the pitch-black night sky.

The stars are not visible tonight, and the dark clouds gather together to cover most of the moon.It looks like it's going to rain. Kaneki Ken feels a little unlucky. If it rains, is he going to wait outside in the rain to watch the sunrise?Although a little rain has no effect on the body of the ghoul, but I always feel that this is a bit silly
"Hey!—are you stupid!—"

At this moment, a female voice really yelled out what Kaneki Ken was thinking.Startled by the familiar voice, he couldn't help but look back.

Although there were no lights on this small pier, and the moonlight was dim, the ghoul's good night vision ability still allowed Kaneki Ken to see clearly who was coming.

She was a slim woman, wearing a long black windbreaker that didn't match her usual image, her long black hair was meticulously tied high behind her head and tied into a high ponytail.However, the expression on her face was one of consistent disgust and contempt, with a willful disregard for her personality.

"You came here at night to see the sea, what kind of literary youth are you?" Shiina Setsu disdainfully complained, and then refuted himself: "Ah, no, I already knew that you are a literary youth, now come See you are not literary, but completely stupid."

"Hey? Miss Shiina?" Surprised by the identity of the visitor, Kaneki Ken said in surprise: "Why did you come!"

"Good evening, my dear friend—"

Just when Kaneki Ken's attention was on Shiina Setsuna, another tall figure stepped out from the darkness.Wearing a red suit, purple hair is very conspicuous, with a sad and melancholy expression on his face: "Since that meeting, I have missed you so much—"

"Hehe." Kaneki Ken said with a blank expression, "Mr. Yueshan, what are you doing here? You have grown the pouch I ate last time."

"This guy is the eldest son of the Yueshan family. He can buy as many ghouls as he wants. Before, it was just that he disliked the bad taste." Shiina Setsuna rolled her eyes: "It's very hypocritical, this time Knowing that I am weak, I finally started to eat Hebao."

"Hmph, a real gentleman doesn't care about a lady's little faux pas." Yue Shanxi pretended that he hadn't been poked, and said to Kaneki Ken: "It's okay, Kaneki, it's very common in the world of ghouls, such as Shiina Miss, she usually eats the same kind of herb for three meals a day."

"Yueshan, you just grew up, are you sure you want to provoke me now?"

Seeing the two quarreled, and they were about to fight each other, Kaneki Ken couldn't help but sighed helplessly.He doesn't have a good impression of these two people, and he believes that these two people treat him the same. If that's the case, why bother to chat here.

Kaneki Ken looked at the two of them and said, "Miss Shiina, Mr. Yueshan, come to see me this time, what's the matter?"

When Yue Shanxi heard Jin Muyan's words, he didn't know why he was a little shy and didn't make a sound.Instead, Shiina Setsuna spoke first, "Ah, that's right, I need you for something."

"I haven't seen Josuke for a long time, and he almost doesn't go to school now." Setsuna Shiina's face was cold and pale, as if revealing his natural indifference, and said: "He is a promising ghoul investigator of CCG, As a human, Shiina Setsuna can't disturb his future because of his own affairs, and it's impossible for me, as a ghoul, to tell him my true identity at this time.

"That's why I came to you." Setsuna Shiina looked up at Ken Kaneki who was sitting on the container, and said, "I went to Antique, and Dong Xiang told me that you want to cooperate with Chengsuke, right?"

Kaneki Ken's pupils shrank, he didn't expect Shiina Setsuna to know this.Although this is indeed not something to hide, everyone in the antiques knows it, but if Shiina Setsuna tells other ghouls that his cooperation with the investigators has been known to ordinary ghouls, some ghouls may think that he is a one-eyed Ghouls are traitors.

"Don't worry, I won't tell others." Being watched by Kaneki Ken with somewhat dangerous eyes, Shiina waved his hand indifferently, saw Kaneki Ken and then turned his gaze to Yue Shanxi, and said: "This guy is now being taken care of by you." If you are attracted by the taste, you can just use your meat to hang him. I want to taste the taste of Chengsuke if I can't control myself, let's talk about it after you eat the idiot Jinmu."

Kaneki Ken: Wait a minute, what are you talking about.

"Ah, that's right, Jin Mu-kun." Yue Shanxi said with an exaggerated aria: "Your delicacy, which belongs to the one-eyed ghoul, has attracted me deeply. My soul as a gourmet is burning. If you are willing to—"

"I don't want to." Jin Muyan was very moved, and then rejected Yue Shanxi.You don't need to listen to this guy whose mind is full of food, you know what he is thinking.Ken Kaneki glanced at Shiina Setsuna, and then said to her: "So, Miss Setsuna, you want to use the identity of a ghoul to contact Josuke, right?"

"It's very simple, I can just wear a mask." Shiina Setsuna fumbled from her arms, took out a mask and put it on: "After that, I will be the subordinate of the one-eyed ghoul eyepatch, you can call me Black Mando Luo."

The woman's slender fingers slid across the black mask. Under the light of the moon, the swirling and blooming black mandala appeared on the mask as lines, and the boring geometric lines were also endowed with flower-like connotations.

"That's it." Kaneki-ken nodded without saying anything.After such a long time, Shiina Setsuna, who kept saying that she was going to eat Kujo Josuke, has never moved. Kaneki Ken has long since discovered that she has been pretending to be indifferent. In fact, the identity of the prey and the hunter may have long been in the Inadvertently switched.

Moreover, he also believed in Shiina Setsuna's strength.Whether it is in Kirishima Touka or in the mouth of the store manager, this "fraudster" Setsuna Shiina is a character that cannot be underestimated.Although Kaneki Ken didn't know why, he always felt that even one person could defeat the one-eyed king, but having a helper might save a lot of trouble.

"As for this gourmet..." Setsuna Shiina, wearing a mask, no, the black mandala glanced at the man beside him, and his tone revealed disgust: "He is interested in your meat, and he is secretly interested in you It's hiding over there, I caught it just now."

"Where is it?" Jin Muyan was a little surprised, he hadn't found anyone other than himself on the pier before.

"It's far away.. How should I say, this guy has an accomplice, he seems to be a primary school student?" Speaking of this, the black mandala was also a little confused, wondering if he had read it wrong: "That primary school student is secretly taking pictures of you, and then Bring all the photos to the gourmet. However, that little mouse ran incredibly fast and disappeared in the blink of an eye, so I couldn't catch it."

Hearing Shiina Setsuna's explanation, Kaneki Ken looked at Tsukiyama like he was looking at garbage.No, this guy is a complete pervert. It is against the law to steal or take pictures. It seems like he just ate it like this.
"Jin Mu-kun!" Being looked at by Jin Muyan with dangerous eyes, Yue Shanxi smiled flatteringly, and then said: "Don't do this, I'm just admiring your beauty, you have to be yourself. Haha. That, That, no, I said I threw away the photos—"

Ignoring the gourmet who was lost because the treasure was lost, Ken Kaneki looked up to the southwest.There was a jumping figure approaching quickly, from her bright kimono and snow-white mask, Ken Kaneki could accurately judge the identity of the person.

It's a faceless doll, Ms. Asakami Tengno.Among Kaneki Ken and Kujo Josuke, the ghouls who exist as half messengers have unique abilities and are powerful.

Teng Nao Asakami jumped to stand on the container next to Kaneki Ken in a few steps, and said in a disguised voice, "I'll help you."

The black mandala was suddenly silent because of the visitor, she paused, and even took a step back to hide in the darkness.

Asakami Teng Nai over there was all focused on Kaneki Ken and the plan to be carried out tomorrow. For the other people present, she saw that Kaneki Ken's attitude was normal, so she didn't care too much, and said, "Tomorrow night, the CCG will officially meet. Start the extermination campaign against District 11. This is the best chance, the best time for you to become famous."

Kaneki Ken over there nodded, and started talking with Asakami Tengno.

Asakami Tengno has become very cautious since revealing her identity last time. She sprays perfume on purpose and uses a voice changer. Ordinary ghouls will never be able to discover her identity, and Yue Shanxi over there is just indifferent.

However, Asakami Tengno underestimated the accurate radar of the woman's rivals.


(End of this chapter)

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