I, BOSS, just want to live a peaceful life

Chapter 220 "Crimson Streamer"

Chapter 220 "Crimson Streamer"

"The best prey won't come out by itself." Mado Wu Xu closed his eyes and sniffed the smell in the air, then opened his eyes and looked directly in one direction: "Over here, there is a smell of blood. The blood. It seems that this piece of garbage has killed many people. This direction is where Class B used to be. Hehe, we are going to catch him, Amon, Josuke, and after the end, we will go back to the top of the building with Shinohara Tetsu to gather. .”

"Okay, Mr. Mado." Clenching the white box in his hand, Amon Kotaro also looked in the direction Mado Wuxu was pointing at.

There is a passage between the parking lot and the annex. It looks like a very ordinary outdoor corridor. There is a considerable distance from where Rijosuke and the others are located. Ordinary people can't find that much in this weather. There is something far away.

Kujo Josuke, who was following Mado Wuxu and Amon Kotaro, could easily spot the appearance of this ghoul: he was wearing a dark red robe, with a high ponytail on his head, and his whole body was stiff. Holding a clock, motionless as if waiting for some order.

Although I knew that Mr. Mado has a good nose, but this is too good, it simply violated my original intention.Kujo Josuke felt a bit difficult to deal with. He obviously chose to come here with Mr. Mado and the others because he wanted to fish in water. He didn't want to go to the noisy and lively frontal battlefield to mix with a bunch of people, but he didn't want to drive away the ghouls either. What's the name.

Now that there are rumors like "Kujo Josuke is indeed the student chosen by Arima Kisho." "Scarlet Devil's nickname is well-deserved", how can Josuke be a low-key ordinary office worker?
So, without much hesitation, Kujo Josuke spoke when he was about the same distance from the ghoul: "Mr. Mado, that ghoul seems to be holding something, and he is motionless, as if he is waiting for someone."

"Still motionless?" Kotarou Amon frowned when he heard Kujo Josuke's words, and looked over there, and sure enough, he saw a tall black figure standing blankly.He immediately pressed the button on the handle of the box, clenched his Quinker tightly, and said: "Sure enough, Mr. Mado, we saw that ghoul! Mask. Giant mouth mask, that ghoul is an SS-level giant ghoul. mouth!"

On the mask of the tall ghoul standing dumbfounded, there was indeed only a huge bloody mouth occupying half of his face.

"SS-level giant mouth, Yelu hehehe, very good, very good, we caught a big fish!——" Mado Wu Xu obviously confirmed the identity of this ghoul, and suddenly became excited. The white box also instantly changed into Quink.I saw that Mado Wu Xu didn't think much, and rushed directly to the ghouls over there, saying: "Yamen, Chengsuke, support!——"

"It's just for me to try this new Quinker, whether it's easy to use or not!"

"Yes!" Although Amon Kotaro felt a little scared because of his opponent's SS-rank status as a ghoul, he no longer had any worries after thinking that he was not alone at this time.The experienced Mr. Mado was there, and the young but powerful Josuke was also there. Amon Kotaro secretly thought that with these two people by his side, he must not be ashamed, and he must play his role.

"." Kujo Josuke felt that no matter how loud he responded, Amon Kotarou's angry voice would overwhelm him, so he stopped talking altogether.

All right, all right, he knows it, anyway, no matter what, he will kill the ghouls in the end, right?Then kill him.Anyway, he's not fighting alone this time, as long as this monster doesn't seek his own death like Jason did last time, and let everyone kill this monster together this time, and score the performance together at the end.

Facing the menacing three ghoul investigators, the shadow standing in the dark seemed to be activated from the dormant mode as if some button had been touched.He put the clock in his hand back into his robe, turned his head to look at the investigator, and murmured, "Human beings."

"Aite said that all human beings...killed."

"Hehehe, very good, I finally got a response, otherwise I would have thought you, a ghoul, was a mute who couldn't speak." Just now, Mado Wu Xu provoked several words but failed to get Noro's response , he almost thought that his provocative skills had been lost, but looking at it this way, it really was a problem with this ghoul.

The lack of fluent speech may be due to his lack of complete will, as if he acted according to some order.The seasoned Mado Wu Xu sharply narrowed his glasses and laughed a few times, but what does it matter?As long as it is a ghoul, it is an extremely evil monster to him, and there is no need for mercy at all.

"Mr. Mado, be careful of the top of your head!" Amon Kotaro waved the club-shaped Quinque in his hand, and slammed the ghoul back. "Giant Hezi attack!"

"I know I know—Amen, don't worry so much!" Mado Wuxu still stood in place with a smile, and flicked Quink, the long chain-like weapon was thrown straight like a snake's tail.He said: "Noro is Okura, good at long-distance attacks, by the way, Josuke, I remember you expelled the tail brother who is also Okura?"

"That's right." At this time, Kujo Josuke, who was helplessly named, couldn't paddle too clearly. He held a Quink shaped like a chainsaw in one hand, and slashed from top to bottom like a knife. .The "buzzing" spikes of the chainsaw looked like a stream of red light in the night, exuding a terrifying vitality, constantly clamoring for hunger.

Then, the SS-level ghoul was chopped off by the chainsaw, and it was split from head to toe, completing a 100% accurate split into two halves.The scarlet blood spilled out like money, Kujo Josuke's whole body was immediately soaked in blood, and his white hair under the moonlight also turned light red.

Feeling the aroma of blood, Kujo Josuke instinctively licked his lips, tasting the taste of ghouls without his own will.

a little tasty
For True Ancestors, the amount of power contained in the blood is the only criterion for them to measure "deliciousness".As for taste?They don't have any special pursuit of that thing, and the True Ancestor is not a poor little ghoul who can't eat human food. They can taste any kind of delicacies, but they just have a special liking for the blood full of strength.

Although Kujo Josuke said that he has no appetite for ghouls, this sentence is also true.But for a True Ancestor who hasn't eaten normally for a long time, there is nothing wrong with tasting blood. If he eats it, he won't eat it, so he just tastes a little.

A certain cleanliness ancestor who once thought that the blood of the heart was the cleanest, so he only drank the blood of the heart, his eyes lit up, and his eyes swept towards the body with his mouth opened.

However, when Kujo Josuke observed this ghoul, he found that this SS-level Noro really lived up to his SS-level rating.Facing the injury where his body was split horizontally, he was completely unaffected. Okura was still attacking Mado Wuxu, and drilled a bunch of bloody silk threads from the cross section of the wound, rewinding his separated body Stitched together.

Mado Wuxu jumped sideways to avoid Okatsu's attack, and the enemy's Kazuko didn't intend to continue chasing him.Mato Wu Xu chuckled, and the expression on his face became more ferocious: "Very good, very good, this kind of injury can be ignored, it is worthy of being an SS-level ghoul, and it can recover even if it is split in half."

"Indeed." Amon Kotaro had a headache. He was very self-aware that his Quinke was not good at attacking but tended to defend. He could only do not hold back when facing SS-level ghouls.If you want to completely eliminate him, I'm afraid you can only rely on the powerful attack power of Chengsuke.

Kujo Josuke, who was stared at by his companions with eager eyes, froze with a smile, and had to smile too: "Ah, that's right. If this kind of enemy with extraordinary resilience can be regarded as minced meat and stored separately, it should not be able to back to normal.."

Wait, what you said seems a bit wrong?Amon Kotaro was startled, and just about to say something, Mado Wuxu burst into a hearty smile.

"That's great, Chengsuke, hehe, that's right, the method you mentioned is a rare way to completely solve the trouble." The gray-haired middle-aged man bent his back, his eyes were cold and frightening, and revenge was vaguely engraved in it. color. "Then let's kill this guy before the big army wins!"

Kujo Josuke didn't reply, but responded with action.He easily lifted the heavy chainsaw with one hand, and rushed towards the enemy at an extremely fast speed.

The murder weapon, which was more than one meter long, gave people an extremely terrifying impression, and even the pieces of flesh and blood stained on the sawtooth were still fresh.

If Noro was not a ghoul with almost no self-interest, he would probably turn around and run away when he saw this nightmarish scene, right?
But even if Noro had no intention of running away, it was time to leave.

After Kujo Josuke gave him a perfect cut in half, Noro stretched out his tail and prepared to leave.Now is the time, the order given by Aite must be obeyed, so he can't continue to stand in a stalemate with these investigators, and if it continues, he may really die here.

So like last time, thin and dense silk threads grew from the cross section of Noro's wound, and then entangled his upper and lower body to rejoin them, and then the nimble Mikura bounced and tried to lift into the air.

"He's leaving!" Mado Wu Xu keenly noticed the ghoul's intention to leave, Quinke tried to trap him like a chain, and said to Chengsuke and Yamen at the same time: "The hunter can't do it at this time." Let the prey go!—”Then Mado Wuxu grabbed Noro even harder, and didn't let go until his Quinker made an overwhelmed sound, but laughed loudly excitedly: "Hehehe, Josuke, come on, I Get this guy!—”

"Received!——" At this time, Kotaro Amon suppressed his nervousness and used Quink to attack the ghoul's Oka.

"." Kujo Josuke turned around abruptly as if he had discovered something.

So, at this moment, a burst of light laughter came.As if approaching quietly from afar, the clear and melodious girl's laughter echoed, and then it slowly got closer and closer until——

Being kicked and flying, Amon Kotaro felt an extremely severe pain in his abdomen.Restraining the pain, he raised his head and tried to see the face of the attacker clearly, but he could only see a petite body and bandages all over his body.

"That's rude, Inspector."

After the petite girl kicked Amon Kotaro away, she didn't bother him anymore, but directly directed at Noro who was being entangled by Mado Wuxukuink over there.After a few jumps, she stood on a relatively low roof in the annex, and then Kujo Josuke saw that Noro, who was still entangled with Quinke just now, seemed to suddenly regain his strength, and instantly broke free from the shackles and went to where the girl was. location close to.

"The enemy has a helping hand! Ahem——" Amon Kotaro struggled and shouted.

"We can't let them run away—" Mado Wuxu had an experience of Quinker damage, this time he didn't feel so distressed, and instead reminded Kujo Josuke first.

"Understood, Mr. Amon, Mr. Mado." Kujo Josuke didn't feel any excitement, even if he saw his prey about to flee.At this time, he was quietly thinking, it would be too exaggerated to expel all of these two ghouls, and expelling only one would also expel SS rank, so half of them should be expelled.

This amount is just right. If Kazuko stays half of it, he can probably make two Quinkers. When the time comes, save one to make a very ugly Quinker, and give it to Suzuya Jozo.

This is Kazuko of the SS rank ghoul.

So, just when the two enemies were about to leave in a big way, Kujo Josuke rushed forward a few steps and directly grabbed Okura who was still in mid-air.

The tail is extremely developed, it seems to be a thick tree trunk with a hundred years of age, in terms of thickness, it is about as thick as five or six adults surrounded by it, Kujo Josuke stepped on the tail and followed, It didn't take much effort.He ran very fast, although in his own eyes it was just a normal speed, but in the eyes of others, he almost reached the eyes of those two people with a teleportation speed.

Then, there were no pleasantries, no conversations, no revenge, no elation.Kujo Josuke raised his right hand indifferently, and the crimson light flashed across gently.

It sounded like a heavy landing of something.

At first, Aite only saw a perfect face under the moonlight that was not real. The black high collar vaguely covered the opponent's chin, but he could still see the corners of his slightly raised mouth.

This almost dreamy encounter was only a prelude to the blood flying in the air.

At this time, Aite realized that the other party was using that standard smile to slowly cut off Noro's body in front of her.Divided into two horizontally with the chest as the boundary, almost only one silent head of the Gundam ghouls fell in front of Aite.

And the white-haired investigator was completely unscathed, bathed in the praise of blood, and lightly licked his lips.

It doesn't seem to be a deliberate provocation, but just a simple taste.It's like a human being, out of curiosity, wants to taste what it's like to be a ghoul that has been eating human beings for a long time.

 Thanks for Juetice's January ticket support! ! !Thanks for the support of the February ticket that always feels wrong! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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