I, BOSS, just want to live a peaceful life

Chapter 225 "Deliberate Retaliation"

Chapter 225 "Deliberate Retaliation"

Jiu Duoerfu hummed a ditty and took off his gloves.

He observed the woman in the petri dish contentedly, her flowing hair and bright eyes were the beauty that he dreamed of.Especially now, her fragile and helpless appearance, with her jade body stretched out and bruises all over her body, is really very lovable.

"The progress of the experiment is going well." A middle-aged man dressed as a doctor with a mask on his side came over, glanced at the petri dish and said, "The technology of transforming humans into ghouls has gradually matured, and more and more experimental animals have successfully survived." more."

"When are you going to have the surgery?"

Facing the question from the doctor next to him, Jiu Duo Erfu slightly frowned, with a melancholy expression on his face: "Dr. Jiana, I... I'm really scared, no matter whether the operation succeeds or fails, once [V] If the organization finds out, it will be really difficult to deal with, and they have been watching me really closely recently."

"Hmph." Kanamimbo sneered, distrusting everything that Jiu Duoerfu showed.

This way you can say "This is the woman I love the most, we will get married and have a hundred children" on the one hand, and then treat this woman as an experimental subject as if nothing had happened. This kind of guy's brain circuit can't be figured out by ordinary people .

Kanamimbo glanced at the ghoul in the petri dish, this "big hero" who is indispensable for the advancement of his own experiments.It is precisely because of this female ghoul that he can continuously obtain fresh ghoul internal organs, and then transplant them to humans, turning humans into one-eyed ghouls.

Therefore, as a beneficiary, Kanamimbo has no dissatisfaction with Jiu Duerfu's neurotic behavior.

"Didn't you decide to report this technology? At that time, you will have an excuse to become a one-eyed ghoul." Kanamimbo took off his mask: "And isn't this the purpose of our cooperation at the beginning?"

Jiu Duoerfu wanted to become a one-eyed ghoul, and he wanted to explore the mysteries of humans and ghouls.

"That's right." Jiu Duo Erfu sighed lightly, he stroked the woman's face lightly through the glass, turning a blind eye to her dull eyes. "Okay, I'll pick a time for surgery, but not today. If it's today, there's something big waiting for Kuklia, so I can't be absent."

Is this guy going to make trouble again? Janamimbo frowned. He has no patience for things unrelated to the experiment, and he has never inquired about how many identities his "assistant" has.Therefore, Kanamimbo just watched the old Doerfu get up slowly, preparing to continue his experiment as usual.

But what he didn't expect was that the underground research institute, which was peaceful and quiet in the past, would actually have a visit from a distinguished guest that people would avoid.

There were bursts of noisy sounds in the distance, no doubt that this was the proof of the intrusion of outsiders.


A black-haired girl hurried over, her face full of panic.Her clothes were stained with blood, she was shaking uncontrollably, tears were streaming down her face, and a single He eye was particularly obvious.

"Sure enough, it's a defective product." Kano Mingbo thought.

"Dad! There are outsiders. Yes, it's the investigator!" Heinai trembled and said, "It's two white-haired investigators, sister, sister, by that investigator!"

Kanamihiro, who was called "Papa", faced the crying girl with a cold expression.He glanced at the experimental equipment and materials around him, as well as the most important source of the internal organs of the ghoul, then turned his head and said to Jiu Duoerfu: "You have to delay the time, or kill those two investigators. If our research is discovered by investigators at this time, they will definitely be banned by those people, and these hard-earned experimental products will also be destroyed."

"I'm so unlucky!? Doctor, you want me to kill those two people, are you kidding?" Jiu Duoerfu's eyes widened, and he puffed his mouth and said, "The white-haired investigator who can kill Bai Nai in one blow, No matter how you look at it, it’s Kisho Arima, right? Too bad, why did he come here.”

Although he pretended to be terrified, Jiu Ta Erfu still took the time to go to the place where Kisho Arima was.As soon as he moved his legs, he found that his sleeve was pulled by a force.

"Big brother!" Heinai looked at him with pleading eyes: "Can you, can you also take me there, please, save my sister, okay?"

"Of course it's not good." Jiu Duo Erfu directly ignored the experimental girl, threw off his sleeves, and left alone.Can be fooled by Kanamimbo and take this mad scientist as his father.No matter how you look at this pair of sisters, they have IQ problems, and their strength is so weak, they will die if they die.


Just when the one-eyed ghoul girl was in a panic, Dr. Kano walked up to her and said, "Go and help me clean up first, Naibai will be fine."

"Really?" Anjiu Henai said cautiously, looking at her "father", she still trusted him in her heart.

Of course not.Kanamimbo didn't care about the girl's emotions anymore, but rather anxiously urged her to move faster.

There is no need to cherish this kind of defective product at all. Being able to die under the hands of Arima Kisho, the white god of death, can be regarded as gaining some experimental data.

Kujo Josuke frowned secretly.

Ever since he entered this underground research institute, Arima Kisho had a rather indifferent expression on his face.The enemies encountered on the road were just let Chengjie deal with them coldly, and they also called it "exercise".

What kind of exercise is this?No matter how many miscellaneous soldiers of these levels are sent up, they will not be of any training effect.

However, Kujo Josuke can be considered to understand Arima Kisho's feelings.

Arima Kisho first learned about a bunch of dark aspects of CCG from Kaneki Ken, and finally even learned that there are investigators secretly funding this brutal "artificial ghoul" experiment.As a conscientious ghoul investigator, Arima Kisho has always been friendly to humans. Now that he knows that these ghouls are all transformed by innocent humans through surgery, he may not be able to continue to feel no guilt. Take up arms against them.

Understanding is understandable, but Kujo Josuke is still in a bad mood.Why should he take action against these man-made ghouls? He really hates fighting.

While maintaining such an unhappy mood, Kujo Josuke naturally attacked the enemy mercilessly when he saw the enemy.He held Quinker with one hand, and he showed no mercy. All the enemies along the way were dealt with with one blow.Just as he was about to pass through the corridor and reach the laboratory, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

It was a thin young man in a black uniform, with a slightly feminine face, and a tear mole at the corner of his eye was particularly conspicuous.

"Ah, it's Mr. Arima." The young man smirked a few times, and beckoned to Kisho Arima with a little guilt: "Why did you come back here today?"

Kisho Arima, who was greeted by this effeminate young man, didn't react much. He just pushed his glasses flatly, then took out Quink directly, and embedded him into the wall with one blow.

"Old and many blessings." Arima Kisho had a cold face and sharp eyes: "Do you know what you are doing?"

"Ahem." Struggling to crawl out from the wall, Jiu Duo Erfu knelt on the ground, lowered his head in embarrassment, and spat out a few mouthfuls of blood.After a while, he slowly stood up, smiled weakly, and said to Kisho Arima: "Mr. Arima, can we go back and talk about these things? There are more here." He glanced at Kujo Castle Jie, his eyes darkened: "What about an irrelevant outsider."


Arima Kishou walked up to Jiuta Erfuku, and gave him another blow with a blank face.Kunke Mingshen directly changed into the shape of a sword, and slammed the opponent's face fiercely. The powerful lightning strike mercilessly walked on Jiu Duoerfu's body, and Kujo Josuke could smell it from a distance. A burnt smell.

"There are no outsiders who are irrelevant here. You should already know the old man." Kisho Arima took a few more steps, walked up to Jiuta Erfuku who had fallen to the side, and said, "This Kujo is the first class." , no, quasi-special investigator, you should have seen it too, right?"

Kujo Josuke: Why are you blaming me? I'm just an innocent onlooker.And when did I become a quasi-special investigator?

"Yes, it is."

By this time, Jiuta Erfu also knew that Kisho Arima sincerely wanted to beat him up, so he didn't resist at all, holding his swollen face with sobs, and then struggled to raise his face, looking Kujo Josuke said: "This is Kujo Jojo, I am Jiu Duo Erfu, a first-class investigator, and I was born in Bai Riting."

"There is no need to say such nonsense." Kisho Arima interrupted the old Tajifuku, he frowned and looked at the old Tajifuku under his feet, rarely showing such obvious emotions: "Don't delay, just go straight Take us to the laboratory, and then go to receive the punishment yourself."


Hearing Arima Kisho's words, Jiuta Erfuku lowered his head, and his long bangs covered his expression.

Damn damn damn damn!Kisho Arima, what are you so proud of, a dying guy? ? !Aren't you the watchdog of Hexiu's family? !How dare you do such a disrespectful thing to my Hexiu bloodline, sooner or later, sooner or later, I will ask you to lick the soles of my shoes and beg for mercy on your knees!

And that joker, Kujo Josuke!Why can you be selected by the old man as the acting head of the family? Why can't I be a half-human? !And you turned down the position of acting Patriarch so disgustingly, huh?who do you think You Are?Without Hexiu, can you become a quasi-prime so easily? !

Dirty malice rolled in Jiu Duo Erfu's chest, and he almost couldn't help but spit out vicious curses.But he endured it in the end, Jiu Tajifuku glanced at Arima Kisho and Kujo Josuke with resentful eyes, then got up with his head down, and stood beside Arima Kisho.

I don't know if Kanamimbo has finished cleaning up, but now he has no choice but to take these two people there.

and many more!

The old Duo Erfu, who almost gave up struggling, suddenly had a bright light, and he thought of a way to alleviate his current crisis.Although this method may not work, but it can always be tried, right?

Old Duoerfu put his hand into his trouser pocket, rang the bell, and then took out his mobile phone as if to answer it.

"Hello, yes, I'm Old Tajifuku. What? Kuklia was attacked!" Raising his voice suddenly, the old Tajifu quietly caught a glimpse of Arima Kisho's clenched fist from the corner of his eye, and continued contentedly: "Is it a bronze tree? Good, good! I'll be right away!"

After the end, the old Tajifu pretended to hang up the phone again, and said to Kisho Arima with a sad face: "Mr. Arima, it seems that the bronze tree has attacked Mr. Kukeria, and the situation is not good. Let's go there quickly!"

"." Arima Kisho did not speak, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, he turned around and walked in the opposite direction of the laboratory.

No, although your acting skills are good, but at this time, only fools will be deceived by you.Kujo Josuke was moved by the current brain circuit of the old Duofuku. You said that Kisho Arima didn't know the news of Kuklia's attack, so it must be the ghouls who blocked the signal.But at this time, you, a first-class investigator, know that Kuklia has been attacked?Doesn't this expose the connection between you and the ghouls?
Jiu Duo Erfu, who had also thought of this himself, gradually stiffened his smile.

Jiu Duo Erfu himself couldn't believe it. Following the exposure of the artificial ghoul's underground research institute, he actually took the initiative to expose his connection with the Bronze Tree! ?

What happened to him just now, why would he want to use this excuse to transfer away from Kisho Arima?Now Kisho Arima can see that he is walking in the direction of Kouklia, and he will definitely be able to catch up with the battle. The bronze tree may not be able to save the prisoner he wants from Kouklia!

"Josuke, follow up." Kisho Arima said.


The footsteps of the two investigators gradually faded away, leaving only the mess in front of Jiu Duoerfu.He gritted his teeth fiercely and kept cursing in his heart.

Now is not the time to regret. Although the battle of Kuklia was exposed, the staff of the Bronze Tree was also there, and a pile of cannon fodder and miscellaneous fish died.Jiu Duo Erfu turned around and walked towards the laboratory. Since the current situation is already like this, the preservation of the artificial ghoul plan is the top priority.

However, what Jiu Duo Erfu didn't expect was that when he returned to the laboratory, he saw an unexpected person.

The experimental equipment turned into a pile of scrap iron, and the precious data was thrown on the ground casually.More than a dozen petri dishes have been broken, and the turbid liquid flowing out has reached the ankle.

The young man with black shattered hair was expressionless, watching the woman under his feet laying down and biting the corpse, eating frantically in front of his eyes.

Food was wearing a white coat, and his head had been thrown aside, but Jiu Duoerfu could still identify this person.

It was clear that the body belonged to Kanamimbo.

In other words, he was blessed with two blessings, and lost the hope of becoming a one-eyed ghoul.

Then, the young man with black shattered hair turned his head slowly, looked at Jiu Duoerfu, and smiled gently.

"Old and many blessings." Putting these words in his mouth and spitting them out word by word, Kaneki Ken said maliciously, "You should know me, right? I'm Kaneki Ken."

"That's the Kaneki Ken who was transformed from a human into a one-eyed ghoul by you."

Jiu Duo Erfu stood where he was, stunned. He probably couldn't believe that everything in front of him was real.

"Kana Akihiro is dead, and you will always be a half-human with a lifespan of 30 years." Kaneki Ken said with a smile: "Arima Kisho discovered your experiment, and you are finished in CCG."

"The Hexiu family has other direct bloodlines besides you. You have no chance to bear Hexiu's surname."

"How? Are you happy?"

 Thanks for Futiantang's February ticket support! ! !Thank you for the 2 starting point coin reward support from Ximai Highway! ! !
  [That's right, Jin Mu's memory is restored bit by bit! 】

(End of this chapter)

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