I, BOSS, just want to live a peaceful life

Chapter 227 "The One-Eyed King"

Chapter 227 "The One-Eyed King"

Grabbing a bottle of canned coffee, Gao Yuquan stumbled around the piles of books on the floor, walked to his sofa, sat down on it, and turned on the TV.

"According to specific information, the ghoul organization [Bronze Tree], which was previously entrenched in District 11, launched a retaliatory attack on Kuklia, the ghoul shelter yesterday, after losing the battle of expulsion in District 11. Fortunately, Yes, in the end the plan of the ghoul organization was thwarted by the CCG again."

On the floating electronic screen, the hostess with short hair has a pretty face and a gentle temperament, and she is reporting the news.

"On November 11th, at 27:10 a.m., the CCG headquarters learned that Kouklia was attacked by the ghoul organization, and quickly sent investigators to District 29 for support."

"This station was honored to interview Marutesai, the special investigator in charge of District 11."

"Those ghouls will do this this time precisely because they have nowhere to go!" On the TV screen appeared a hideous face because of emotions. This man often appeared on TV and spoke on behalf of CCG. Naturally, Gao Yuquan I also recognize him.

"This attack did not cause any damage to Kukeria. Instead, we took this opportunity to wipe out many Bronze Tree remnants who escaped during the expulsion battle in District 11." Marude Sai said righteously: "Please believe in CCG, we will soon It will restore the peace in District 11!"

"The above is the speech of Special Investigator Marute."

With a snap of his fingers, the electronic screen disappeared instantly.

"It's this kind of news again, it's so annoying." Gao Yuquan scratched her hair, the long grass-green hair was already in a mess behind her head. "It's not interesting, it's not interesting"

There was a sound of unlocking the door first, and then the sound of someone pushing the door.

"It's better not to do things that you find interesting, Mr. Gao Xi."

A male voice came from the entrance, and it was getting closer.

"Teacher, I think you have a lot of time now. How about the preparations for the new book release?"

"Yoya—why are you always talking about work and work?" He fell down on the sofa and knocked a few books to the ground. Gao Yuquan looked up at the entrance and murmured to his editor He muttered: "Put aside the matter of the new book, I'm so bored now, I'm not in a good mood at all!"

"You said why I always talk to you about work. Because I am your editor!" Shioya Shunji smiled helplessly. He abruptly made the editor's job into a nanny's job. There is nothing the bestselling author in front of him can do. "Teacher, your new book is only one book signing away from the sale, so please don't be willful."

"That book. Ah! That's right! Let's change the book! Salt too!"

The girl who was lazily lying on the sofa just now suddenly sat up like a dead body, full of energy, and shouted: "I want to write a new book, think it over, I want to write a super interesting book!"

"Don't be joking, teacher." Shioya's head was full of black lines: "Even if the teacher is a superman, there is no way to write a new book in a week, right?"

"Although it is true to say so, but driven by interest, people will explode their potential." Gao Yuquan smiled, and he didn't listen to the words of his editor's persuasion.


"Oh, Yanya, I have prepared this book for a long time. I have been waiting for a long time, and finally at this time I can let it meet the public!"

Gao Yuquan showed a pitiful expression, stood up from the sofa, and pushed Shioya Shunji's back with both hands to drive him out.

"Yao, you can go now, I have to eat, and I have to conceive a new book!——"

"Teacher, you are too much, this is completely crossing the river and tearing down the bridge!"

Just came to the apartment of Gao Yuquan, and after staying for less than 3 minutes, Yan couldn't laugh or cry: "Ok, okay, can I go, since you said so, teacher, then I have to hand in the manuscript next week!"

"I know, I know!——" Gao Yuquan continued to push Shioya Shunji, no matter how many piles of books he knocked down, he just didn't stop until he was driven out of his house.

"The deadline is next Monday, teacher, you have to remember, when the time comes, you have to proofread and review—don't leave the manuscript"


Slamming the door and shutting the editor's unfinished words, Gao Yuquan said with a smile: "Hmph, I will definitely deliver the manuscript on time, and you must not regret it when the time comes."

Of course, Shio, who was locked out of the door, couldn't hear those words.

After finishing speaking, Gao Yuquan did not continue to lie down on the sofa.Just now when she said that she was going to eat, it was not an excuse for perfunctory, but now she is also hungry.

I spent so much energy yesterday, I need to eat more today.

Jumping up and down to the refrigerator in the kitchen, Gao Yuquan was just about to open the door of the refrigerator when he felt a vibration in his pocket.

"Troublesome person's phone" You don't need to look to know who is calling, Gao Yuquan reluctantly took out the phone from his pocket: "Hey, you called so early, aren't you afraid I'm still sleeping!"

"Can you sleep last night, Aite." A cold male voice came from the other end of the phone: "Why didn't you explain to me what happened yesterday?"

"Explain what? Also, I will be angry with your questioning tone!" Gao Yuquan, no, Fangcun Ait, she put the phone between her neck and squatted open the door of the refrigerator.

In an instant, a gust of cold air mixed with the smell of blood rushed over.

The interior of the cute pink refrigerator for home use is filled with Fangcun Aite's food today - limbs cut with exquisite knife work, and they are stuffed in the refrigerator.

"Do you want to cancel the cooperation now?" Still in a questioning tone, the person on the other end of the phone was a little dissatisfied with Fangcun Ait's ambiguity: "You didn't tell me that the bronze tree will invade Kuklia."

"Ah, that." Responding nonchalantly, Fangcun Aite took out a frozen arm from the refrigerator and grabbed it in Zuo's hand, then took the phone with his right hand, stood up and walked to the kitchen. "Actually, I don't know that. To attack Kuklia so suddenly is just courting death. This is not an order from me."

"No, if I hadn't arrived earlier, maybe you would have succeeded in robbing the prison."

"Oh, don't doubt me!" Aite threw his arm on the table impatiently, and then squatted on the chair: "The bronze tree is not a rigid one, and it's normal for people to mix in with others, why are you grabbing me?" Don't let it go!"

"That clown organization, I guess they did it." Aite held a finger and chewed: "That guy Nick, originally wanted you to kill him when the CCG attacked the 11th area, but he ran away when he saw that the situation was not good. It's gone, maybe I went to find someone else from the clown?"

"Also, you mentioned Kuklia, the boy who was with you at that time felt pretty good~" Fangcun Aite said with a smile.

"Ait, that's Kujo Josuke, my heir." The male voice on the other side of the phone spoke again, with a threatening tone: "You know what to do and what not to do."

"Ah, of course I know how to measure, don't worry—" biting off the flesh, it felt like eating ice cream, Fangcun Aite shook his head and said: "You Ma, you are so arrogant, I also said before that this Kongtiao Chengsuke might get involved with Hexiu and asked me to kill him if necessary, but now he looks like a guard. Hey, man—”

"." Arima Kisho was vaguely irritable: "I won't do anything to Ken Kaneki either."

"That kid, hmph, you might not be able to beat him, a dying man." With a little pride in his tone, Fangcun Aite said: "As a one-eyed ghoul, Mr. Jinmu is very powerful, has extensive intelligence, and is soft-hearted. , I think it’s much better than that Kujo Josuke.”

After a pause, she continued to speak, complaining a little.

Although Kaneki Ken who came back from rebirth often has memory confusion and has a strange personality, he has always acted very well, and the things he has done have taken into account both ghouls and humans.

"That Kujo Josuke, your CCG scarlet demon, almost killed Noro?! He saved his head for me, really, it's too much!" Aite chewed: "Anyway, the next one One-eyed king, I think Mr. Jinmu is better, a benevolent king is much better than a tyrant!"

"The investigator's duty is to expel ghouls." Kisho Arima didn't care about Yoshimura Aite's nonsense: "I can't even understand his strength. If you don't want them to think like us. Or just admit that he did it." The next one-eyed king."

"This Kujo Josuke is only human."

Curling his lips, Fangcun Aite had nothing to say.Regardless of whether they are human beings or not, this world is ultimately dominated by the strong.

In fact, although Fangcun Aite and Arima Kisho were both the one-eyed kings of the previous generation, this was just a helpless move.Although Arima Kisho has the powerful power that a king should have, she is not a one-eyed ghoul; and she has done everything a king should do as a one-eyed ghoul, but she still cannot defeat Arima Kisho.

In the end, the two incomplete "one-eyed kings" decided to cooperate to warm up the throne for the next generation of true one-eyed kings.They look forward to someone who can hold more powerful power than Arima and has the determination to change the world.

If Kaneki Ken is allowed to inherit the one-eyed king, this gentle big boy is indeed a good candidate. He might be able to realize the dream shared by Yoshimura Aite and Arima Kisho and change this wrong world.But in terms of strength, CCG's Kujo Josuke is like the undefeated white god of death, the spokesperson of absolute power.To be able to kill SS-level Noro in one blow in front of the SSS-level One-Eyed Owl, Fangmura Ait knows that the current Kaneki Ken is absolutely unmatched.

If Kaneki Ken is insisted on being chosen as the successor, perhaps the battle between Yoshimura Aite and Arima Kisho will be repeated now.

"Okay. I know!" Fangcun Aite hesitated for a while, and finally made up his mind: "Let's choose fairly among these two people! Whoever can defeat me will become the one-eyed king, how about it? ?”

"What do you want to do." Arima Kisho on the other side of the phone frowned: "You want to use the identity of the one-eyed owl?"

"That identity...no." Aite finished his meal, took out a tissue and wiped his mouth, jumped off the chair, and ran to the sofa in the living room barefoot. "I want to publish a new book, a masterpiece that spans the century!"

"I want to write a book from the perspective of ghouls to expose the truth of this world—" Shaking his head, Fangcun Aite showed a longing expression on his face, as if the day when his dream came true would come soon : "On that day, whoever defeats me will be able to ascend to the seat of the One-Eyed King."

"." Although Yoshimura Aite's words were cloudy, Kisho Arima still understood what she was trying to express.

She probably wants to use words to expose the truth of the world, to expose the ugliness of the Hexiu clan, and then to disclose her identity as a ghoul, making her sacrifice the first step to arouse social reflection.

As the daughter of "The Unkillable Owl" Fangcun Gongshan and humans, Fangcun Aite has been living in the gap between the human world and the ghoul world since the day he was born.Although because his father was a member of the "V" organization under the Hexiu clan, Aite also has "V" blood in his body, so he can ignore the RC cell test and live a normal life like a human being.

But she couldn't continue to do nothing as an ordinary person.

Fangcun Aite's mother is a human reporter. She has found out many secrets of Hexiu and learned the truth that Hexiu's family are all ghouls. After being discovered by Hexiu, the "V" organization ordered her to be hunted down.

As a father, Fang Cun Gongshan couldn't compete with "V". He didn't protect Aite's mother, he only rescued Aite, and gave Aite to Noro and Tatara, and asked them to raise Aite in the 24th district Special, while he stayed in the 20th district.

With such a background, how could Fangcun Aite live as an ordinary person.

She has the sentimentality of human beings, the ruthlessness of ghouls, and even a martyrdom dream of sacrificing for her ideals.

In order to let Hexiu's ugly face be exposed, so that the mother's death can get the value it deserves.!

Although this dream of martyrdom is actually shared by both Arima Kisho and Yoshimura Aite.In their opinion, as long as they can change this contradictory world and let humans and ghouls live in peace, even anyone's life can be sacrificed.Of course, it also includes your own life.

All the gifts given by fate have their prices secretly marked.

Now that Fangcun Aite has already made up his mind, Kisho Arima will naturally not say anything more.

"When." Kisho Arima asked calmly, "Can I help you?"

"Maybe it is necessary!" Fangcun Aite tilted his head and thought for a while: "For the new book, I should hold a press conference next week. At that time, I would like to trouble you, the undefeated god of death of CCG, to accompany me."

After finishing speaking, Fangcun Aite hung up the phone.

She threw her mobile phone on the coffee table beside her, and lay down lazily on the sofa, staring at the snow-white ceiling in a daze.

"What name should I give the new book?" Fangcun Ait said to himself: "Let's call it "The One-Eyed King""

 Preserving Manuscript Ji: The author Ji Ji, who has to drop by before school starts, would rather die than die.

  Thanks for the support of the 0 starting point coins for turning the bar to 1000! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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