I, BOSS, just want to live a peaceful life

Chapter 230 "You'll Never Know What Tenjo Josuke Paid That Day"

Chapter 230 "You'll Never Know What Tenjo Josuke Paid That Day"

The quasi-special class Kujo is closely related to the ghoul organization that killed Chairman Hexiu and Chief Hexiu! ?
These words from the mouth of the next CCG director made all the investigators unable to help but turn their attention to Josuke Kujo.

"How is it possible!" Looking at the low-level investigators below who looked at Kujo Josuke with suspicion, Marute Tetsu couldn't help but sneered: "Arima Kisho's disciple, the famous scarlet demon, and the ghoul The organization is closely related!? Hey, if you want to frame someone, make up a more plausible excuse, how could he betray CCG!"

Before Jiu Duo Erfu could explain something, there was another clear applause. It turned out that Mato Wu Xu was clapping against the back of his chair.Seeing Jiu Daerfu looking at him, he didn't panic at all, but chuckled: "Marute, don't talk about the kid like that, he told a funny joke, we should at least applaud for the face."

The two investigators stood openly in front of Kujo Josuke, and many people stopped looking at Kujo Josuke.Originally, the investigators didn't really believe that Kujo Josuke, who had illustrious military exploits, would betray him. They were just shocked by the news of "the ghoul organization that killed Chairman Kazuo and Director Kazuo".

"Hehehe—hahaha——" Sneered at first, then laughed wildly, Jiu Toerfu exaggeratedly pointed at Kujo Josuke, looked at his indifferent appearance, and said: "Oh, Kujo Zhuntai is really reliable, I wonder if my evidence is enough to prove your identity as a traitor!"

Kujo Josuke, how can you be regarded as Hexiu's heir by that old man!

"The clown mask left at the scene of the Hexiu house crime—" Jiu Duoerfu sent a picture to all the network terminals on the table, "I don't know the evidence of the conversation between the one-eyed ghoul [eye patch] and Kujo-kun, can you?" Do you want everyone to trust me?"

Looking at the pictures in front of the table, everyone was shocked at the scene of Hexiu's extermination, and then surprised that Kujo Josuke was indeed connected with ghouls.

Kaneki Ken in the picture and the masked one-eyed ghoul "eyepatch" are indeed the same person after professional facial comparison.And the person talking to Kaneki Ken in the cafe in the photo is indeed Kujo Josuke.

"Kaneki Ken is a one-eyed ghoul [blindfold] and the leader of the clown organization, the terrible ghoul who killed Chairman Hexiu and Director Hexiu~" Hexiu Erfu spread his hands, tilted his head and said: "Kujo-kun , the evidence is like a mountain, stop sophistry, give up resisting obediently—”

"Even if you are Kisho Arima's disciple, betrayal is betrayal, and this kind of behavior cannot be tolerated—" Looking at the silent Kujo Josuke, Jiuta Erfuku became more and more arrogant.

How about it, old man, the new investigator with full potential in your heart, the guy who can inherit the Hexiu family, is now going to obediently bear the name of "human traitor" and be sent to prison by me!

He probably felt that the winning ticket was in his hands, and Jiu Duoerfu could be said to be overwhelmed. He walked up to Josuke Kujo under the flashing lights all the way, and took down Josuke's medal with his hand.

"White Wing Single Badge, White Wing Double Badge." Jiu Duo Erfu said with a smile: "This kind of medal given to heroes cannot be buried in the hands of traitors. I'd better take it back!"

"You—" Amen Kotaro couldn't help standing up not far away. He didn't know if Josuke was a traitor, but he knew that the battle achievements made by Josuke were true: "How can you be so innocent when the evidence is so vague?" Condemnation under such circumstances! I have seen that ghoul named Kaneki Ken—”

"That's right?" Putting his feet on the table, Jozo Suzuya bit a lollipop and said vaguely, "That one-eyed ghoul isn't a ghoul in District 11. He saved us during the war? It seems that there is a [bang——] bomb in the underground of the shopping center, or did the blindfolded guy tell everyone?"

Suzuya Juzo's brain circuit has always been magical. Not far away, Shinohara Toru covered his face in pain, and said, "Well, Sota, Kujo Juntou really has Suspected, but it cannot be said that he is a traitor. The ghoul [blindfold] does not match the characteristics of the clown organization we have been pursuing."

Riding a tiger is hard to get off, Jiu Duo Er Fu did not expect so many people to refute him.

Isn't it just a quasi-special, is it more honorable than him, the future chief? !Why do these investigators take the risk of offending their future bosses to speak for this guy!

Jiu Duo Erfu raised his head in embarrassment and stared at Kujo Josuke fiercely.

Then he discovered that this person seemed to have been indifferent all along.

Kujo Josuke didn't change his expression, his eyes were as indifferent as ever, he looked down at the old Tajifuku's way, just like watching a poor performance of a clown.It can even be said that he has no feeling at all about Jiu Duo Erfu's framing, and under the threat of ruin, this person has no feeling at all.

Jiu Ta Erfu couldn't help but took a step back, because he saw Kujo Josuke finally made a move.

Kujo Josuke left his seat and walked to the table where the special investigator was. He reached out and turned on the electronic screen, slowly turned on the TV function, and released the news on the big screen in the conference room.

"Mr. Kongtiao Zhun, what are you doing!—" Jiu Duoerfu sneered again and again at the other party's ignoring attitude, this guy, wouldn't he bow his head even when he was about to die!
Even the other investigators in the meeting room couldn't quite understand Kujo Josuke's behavior, and shrugged after looking at each other.At this time, instead of presenting evidence to explain and prove his innocence, Mr. Kuotiao is going to turn on the TV instead?What is this operation?
"Teacher Arima?!"

Following Uijun's surprised cry, everyone turned their attention to the big screen in the conference room.

It was probably a scene similar to a press conference. Arima Kisho stood at the back of the podium, with a straight back and serious expression, and those cold gray eyes, as if he was meeting the eyes of all the investigators in the conference room.

In front of him was a girl with long green hair, a petite figure and a cute face.

"Gao Yuquan?" A search officer murmured suspiciously.

The messy and fluffy long green hair in the past has been patiently taken care of, and it spreads along the girl's shoulders to her chest in a docile way.Gao Yuquan was wearing a beige formal suit, standing behind four or five microphone microphones, and said with a faint smile: "Today, I have something to tell everyone."

"I" Gao Yuquan lowered his head slightly, then raised his head with a smile, revealing his scarlet and ferocious eyes. "I'm a ghoul."

The organs that belonged exclusively to the man-eating monster were the most familiar eyes of the investigators during the battle.

"Although today is my new book launch conference, and I told everyone such news, I think you are all surprised enough, right?" Gao Yuquan took out a book and put it on his chest as if nothing had happened, and said with a smile : "New book, "The One-Eyed King", a book about the secrets of ghouls!—"

Just when the investigators in the conference room couldn't believe it, the reporters on the TV had overcome their fear and struggled to ask this "genius writer" who was actually a ghoul for the breaking point of the news: "Miss Gao Yuquan, are you Is it really a ghoul, how did you manage to live in the human world without being discovered!"

"Miss Gao Yuquan, have you ever killed someone? Have you ever eaten human flesh?!"

"Miss Gao Yuquan, what is the secret of the ghouls, can you tell us all now?!"

Facing the surging reporters, Gao Yuquan smiled in a good temper, made a pause gesture, and waited for the reporters' voices to subside, before saying: "I am really a ghoul, as for the secrets and secrets of the ghouls. .Why can I live in the human world."

"Because, the RC cell detection gate is useless to some ghouls." Gao Yuquan smiled and said: "After all, the rulers of the CCG, the powerful and well-known Hexiu clan, are ghouls. The smartest ghouls in history Zhong Hexiu fooled those investigators in CCG around, I really admire it."

"And the detection door, after all, was developed by the ghouls themselves, so it's only natural for Xiu to use his hands and feet to make things easier for his compatriots."

"Poor CCG investigators, who thought they sacrificed their lives to expel ghouls, were actually used by their immediate superiors to eliminate dissidents."

"Haha." Seeing that even those reporters who were not afraid of death were shocked, Gao Yuquan laughed until tears came out: "I have now revealed such a big secret about the Hexiu clan, but I am a traitor in the ghoul world. —beep—”

The TV station simply interrupted the live broadcast of the press conference, but everyone who should know knows it.

There was dead silence in the conference room, and everyone was still staring at the direction of the electronic screen for a long time unable to recover.

The Hexiu clan are ghouls? The founder of CCG, the only guardian of mankind, is actually a ghoul?They are here to expel

The human investigators who sacrificed their families and names to ghouls were actually completely deceived by the Hexiu clan?The Hexiu family holds the power in the human world, watching them as "human guardians" act as obedient dogs under their command——

I can't believe it, but I have to believe it.

The investigators should have doubted the secret revealed by a ghoul hidden in the human world, but her intact existence in the human world for so many years is the sure evidence.

RC cell detection gate, this detection tool is everywhere, no wonder not many ghouls were caught.


Marute stood up abruptly, and the chair fell to the ground due to his violent movements. She drew out a pistol with lightning speed and pointed it at the heart of Jiu Toerfu not far away.

"Don't move." The irascible investigator in the past said now with a cold voice: "If you dare to move, I will shoot your heart out."

"This is a framing—" Jiu Duo Erfu tilted his head, and for the first time he was glad that he hadn't had time to transform into a one-eyed ghoul. "I'm human."

How did that damned stinky woman know Hexiu's secret? !Jiu Duo Erfu secretly gritted his teeth, and cast a vicious glance at Kongjo Josuke standing beside him very calmly.This guy already knew it! ! !He actually played me like a clown, playing with me and King Xiu!

"Don't move!" Marude Tetsu directly shot at the foot of the old Takafuku: "Whether it is a frame-up or not, you will know after you have done the test, if you resist now, I will shoot! Even if it is a ghoul, Even if you are pierced through the heart by a specially made bullet, you will die!"

At the same time, many investigators silently took out their Quinkers.

They also said the same thing as Marute and others, they don't know if Jiu Ta Erfu is a ghoul, but there is nothing wrong with taking out the weapon first.If Jiu Duo Erfu dared to resist, then he had a guilty conscience, and the hundreds of investigators present would not be afraid of him alone; if Jiu Duo Erfu did not resist, then the result would just have to wait for the test.

"Okay, okay, really, that ghoul is lying at first sight—" I can't admit it!Jiu Duo Erfu smiled, and raised his hands in a gesture of surrender: "After the inspection is over, you will know that I am telling the truth—"

The reporters and cameras brought by the old Duo Erfu looked at each other in blank dismay. They were supposed to film the scene of "He Xiuxin, the new CCG director, who is on the top". They didn't expect to witness such a farce.

However, these reporters didn't believe Gao Yuquan's words just now. She, a ghoul, framed CCG's Hexiu clan out of revenge. This possibility is really high.Didn't he have any fear at all if he didn't read the old Duo Er Fu?After Jiu Duoerfu finishes the test and proves that he is not a ghoul, they will come to interview him again.

How could I just watch you linger on like this.

Standing in front of the meeting room, Josuke Kujo looked at the indifferent expression on the old Taerfuku's face, stretched out his right hand lightly, and pressed his thumb.

Although I don't like those two medals, they are also my stuff.Kongtiaocheng's face is expressionless, and his silver-gray eyes are like extremely cold ice that has never melted, revealing a bone-chilling coldness.

I didn't intend to do anything at first, but since you took the initiative to seek death, then I will naturally help you.

"[Killer Queen·First Bomb], activate." Kujo Josuke stared at the two medals in the old Tojifu's pocket, and a shadow that no one saw suddenly appeared behind him. He said softly: "The one-day CCG Goodbye, Chief."

So, in the eyes of all the investigators, the new director of CCG and the suspected ghoul disappeared before their eyes.

Without leaving even a trace, the young man who was smiling proudly just now disappeared from the world in the next second.

This scene that challenged the three views of human beings suddenly appeared, and Marute and others shot subconsciously, while the other investigators also took Quinker and waited for it.There was a mixture of fear and anger on everyone's face, obviously——

"He ran away." Kujo Josuke said, twisting his wrist.

Yes, everyone thinks so.

The abilities of ghouls are all kinds of strange. If the old duoerfu can teleport, everyone will be surprised for a second.

"The old Taerfuku just now is indeed a ghoul." Kujo Josuke came to the front, full of conflicting emotions.Now that it wants to end, these investigators must not let these investigators think that He Xiu is a ghoul.Once the Hexiu family is ruined, the deceived humans will be furious like never before, and the conflict between ghouls and humans will be further intensified. The peaceful coexistence between humans and ghouls that Kaneki Research hopes will be completely impossible.

For the sake of the Holy Grail, I admit this grievance.

"But the Hexiu family is not a ghoul." Kujo Josuke stepped up to the stage: "Let me introduce myself, I am the last heir of the Hexiu family, and I am a genuine human being."

"As for the old duoerfu, it's just a counterfeit."

 Thank you for the 500 starting point coins rewarded by a ridiculous clown! ! !
  Manuscript Saver Ji: Author Ji has officially started school!

(End of this chapter)

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