I, BOSS, just want to live a peaceful life

Chapter 233 "The Daughter of the Black Goat"

Chapter 233 "The Daughter of the Black Goat"

After Jill came to this world, although he has always said that he acted independently, he actually has a lot of connections with Asakami Fujino, and he occasionally reports the information he has obtained.And when Jill was really cut off, it was from the moment he went deep into the underground maze and saw Veronica again.

As the childhood version of Gilgamesh, although Jill is not as defiant and egoistic as he grew up, he is not a simple character in the final analysis.Unlike Asakami Fujino, who has been investigating the relationship between ghouls and characters, he directly investigated the core secrets of humans and ghouls from the beginning. With the appearance of a child and the skill of "clairvoyance", Jill quickly noticed the 24th district Something is wrong.

The underground labyrinth entrenched in the entire Tokyo has never been known to the humans on the ground. There are too many places that can be mentioned.

Jill didn't suppress his curiosity at all, relying on his identity as a heroic spirit, he plunged into the underground maze without any scruples.

In fact, there is really nothing in this world that can threaten the Heroic Spirits.Asakami Fujino was able to achieve great fame with his pair of distorted magic eyes, and Jill was still able to use his [King's Treasure] even though his body was in his infancy. Based on this alone, he can say that he would not encounter any Danger.

After Jill stepped into the underground labyrinth, the whole journey was uneventful, and occasionally encountered three or two ghouls with kittens, but they were not threatening.He soon came to the core of the underground labyrinth, and saw the source of the so-called ghoul virus infection.

It was a very strong thing. Although it was neither a ghoul nor a human being, it could be at the top level of the ghoul world in terms of combat power and vitality.However, of course, this level cannot be compared with Heroic Spirit. Jill just opened the king's treasury and threw a few treasures, and the other party was almost dying.

At that time, the outcome had been decided, and Jill was thinking about whether to show the source of infection to the Master, but she saw Black Joan rushing over.

Unlike Jill, Joan of Arc didn't have any intention of collecting information at first.She came here for a relaxing vacation, transferred to an ordinary high school, mixed with human high school students, made three or two friends, and tried Kujo Josuke's so-called "calm high school life" .

The result is not bad.Faced with the love problem that Joan of Arc found difficult, the high school girls expressed that it was not worth mentioning.They analyzed and guessed, such as "If you like it, let him see you", "Don't keep giving in obscurity", "I prefer independent and capable girls rather than pestering each other's boys". These theories successfully put Hei Zhen It's almost time for Germany to flicker.

Therefore, although he originally wanted to distract himself, Joan Hei finally decided to collect some information that could help Josuke Kujo.However, compared to the meticulous Asakami Fujino and the experienced Jill, Black Joan was lucky to be able to come to the underground labyrinth. She came to the core after violent destruction all the way.

In the end Jill and Joan of Arc looked at each other in blank dismay, neither of them wanted to simply back down and give this information to the other party.

Compared with Black Joan's insistence, Jill should just have a bad taste.He said for a while, "This guy seems to be carrying a virus, what if he gets infected when he goes out, what should he do?" You can see our hard work." He tried to get Hei Jean to contact Kujo Josuke.

Anyway, these two Heroic Spirits dawdled, and finally bumped into Veronica who was late.

It's also because of their bad luck, and now the Outer God, who has crossed the space barrier with his physical body, is starving.Although they ate all the living creatures in the underground labyrinth on the way here, those mortals were nothing more than a side dish between their teeth.Veronica even came for the two heroic spirits. Although she didn't know how to use magic power, she readily accepted this kind of energy.

Therefore, Veronica directly became a prototype as soon as she came up, first cut off the connection between Gilgamesh and Black Joan and their main bodies on the Throne of Heroes, and then began a pleasant eating time.

"Big sister probably couldn't hold on, and she was in a coma for self-protection." Jill said to Kujo Josuke: "The mucus flowing in this guy's body is similar to the black mud of the Holy Grail, and can cause mental pollution. But The Holy Grail is more like mind control, but this one is direct mind destruction."

"." Kujo Josuke didn't speak, he looked at the huge monster wriggling in front of him, and then glanced at Kaneki Ken who was in a state of fear and kept muttering to himself.

"Hey? This big brother seems to have the Holy Grail on him, he can hold on for a while~" Jill was still soaked in the monster's mucus, most of his face was covered, and he said with Command Seals and Kujo Josuke: "However, master, you'd better deal with this guy, otherwise my big sister and I will be almost digested soon!"

Kujo Josuke can't blame his heroic spirit for being careless, because he didn't expect such a thing to appear.And it's rare for these two guys to work hard, so it's better not to dampen their self-confidence.

So Kujo Josuke decided to make a quick decision to get rid of this monster suspected of Veronica quickly, and then fulfill Kaneki Ken's last wish and obtain the Holy Grail of successful hatching.

"Understood." Kujo Josuke put Kaneki Ken, who was already semi-comatose, in a distant place, and then walked up to the monster entrenched in the core of the underground maze: "If you two can't come out by yourself, I'll just put You killed it together."

"Hey hey!?" I didn't expect Kujo Josuke to do this, but looking at his appearance, he was completely serious!Jill hurriedly said: "Don't be like this, Master, wow, I still have so many interesting things I haven't figured out, I don't want to just go back to the Seat of Heroes!"

"I don't know when you met this monster. If you solve it together, I'll go back to the sea of ​​electrons and summon you." I have to go through what I went through before.Thinking of CCG's large-scale performance scene and disturbance, he decisively thanked him for not being sensitive.

"You will definitely not call us again." Jill is very self-aware. He fully knows how annoying he is when he grows up, and how many times he has provoked Chengsuke.So I didn't care about other things, and told some of the information I saw before, hoping to play a role: "Forget it, since this is the case, why don't you find out the weakness of this guy or something."

"I remember when I first met this monster, she was a very beautiful girl." Jill said: "Red waist-length hair, snow-white skin, but, although she looks cute, this guy has always exuded a terrifying aura Woolen cloth."

"Horror. I don't feel it." I just felt a strong sense of disgust.

Kujo Josuke became more and more sure that the fleshy monster in front of him was Veronica Ashford. Although he didn't know why she became like this now, it was the business to get rid of her no matter what.

As for the way to get rid of her, Kujo Josuke still has it.Rather than wreaking havoc and making it known to everyone, it is better to use the Killer Queen to get rid of her silently. Although Jill and Joan of Arc might be solved together, there is no way to do it, it is just a necessary sacrifice. .

So Kujo Josuke still stretched out his hand. Although there was obvious disgust on his face, he was still ready to touch the huge body of the monster.

Faced with such a situation, Veronica finally couldn't pretend to be dead.

Although she didn't know the existence of the Killer Queen, and didn't know what Kujo Josuke was going to do to her, Veronica didn't want Kujo Josuke to touch her current body.

"Raphael!" A female voice came from above, Veronica struggled in her heart for a while, and said, "I didn't expect to meet you here."

"I'm not Raphael." Kujo Josuke coldly refused. Now that he has recovered all his memories, he has no special feelings for Veronica. Instead, he has an instinctive aversion to this outer god because he is connected to the root. . "You got the wrong guy."

"Is that so?" Veronica realized something when she heard Kujo Josuke's words.She is 100% sure that the other party is her own Raphael, and no one can imitate that unique taste, but what is the reason why Raphael is unwilling to admit it now, she thought.

Could it be because I never ate these two guys?

Veronica felt something was wrong. There were two high-quality foods in her body, but these two foods seemed to have a little connection with Raphael.From this point of view, could it be that Rafael is sulking because he ate these two guys?

"That... I'll stop eating them two." Feeling a little depressed, Veronica "vomited" Joan of Arc and Gilgamesh out.

The two powerful heroic spirits were released from the lump, and they were not melted into a ball of mucus like the other corpses.Although his whole body was sticky after he came out, he was still alive anyway, so Kujo Josuke didn't say anything.

He looked at the two heroic spirits not far from his feet, silently moved a few steps away from them, then turned around, ready to leave.

Now that the source of infection has been resolved, and this monster is also coming for him, as long as he takes the Holy Grail from Kaneki Ken, he will have nothing to do and can leave.

Seeing Kujo Josuke's back, Veronica instinctively wanted to stop him.As a result, the black lump of meat entrenched in the ground wriggled violently, and began to evaporate like boiling hot water.The corpse wrapped in the huge cyst quickly turned into viscous black water, and then disappeared together with the flesh, as if it had been absorbed by something.

"Raphael, wait for me!" Veronica said with a coquettish smile.

The originally ferocious and ugly behemoth disappeared, and turned into a lovely girl instead.Only some writhing black tentacles on the ground could prove that what happened just now was not someone's illusion.

Not caring about the other party's indifference, Veronica trotted to catch up with Kujo Josuke.She walked beside him, laughed lively, and looked at him with her head tilted: "Where are you going, Raphael?"

No matter where I go, I don't want to be with you.

Can't help frowning, Kujo Josuke's instinctive disgust became more and more unbearable.For the roots that are closely related to the earth itself, outer gods like Veronica can be regarded as uninvited guests, and have always been unwelcome.If it is a possession or a possession, it may not cause such strong rejection from the source, but Veronica has come directly in her real body, so there is nothing to say.

However, before Kujo Josuke could say anything more extreme, he received a call from BB.

"Wow, senior!—" In a rare panic, BB was in a hurry in the sea of ​​electronics, and she said quickly: "Now, take the Holy Grail and leave! Senior, if the Outer God stays in that world again Here, that singularity is about to collapse completely! Before that, let’s take the Holy Grail away!—”

Kujo Josuke stopped and glanced at the girl beside him.

"The existence of the Outer God is too extraordinary for ordinary people!" BB continued: "If you bring her to the surface now, senior, then this world will almost be completely over, and everyone will be judged by reason!"

Although it maintains its human appearance, it is just a disguise in the eyes of Kujo Josuke.Veronica hasn't finished digesting her food, and she still looks like a monster in the eyes of others.

"Oh, got it."

Unilaterally hanging up on BB, ignoring Veronica beside him, Kujo Josuke walked up to Ken Kaneki, stood in a position blocking Veronica, and started to wake him up.

"Chengsuke." Kaneki Ken half-opened his eyes and felt a splitting headache. He felt that the whole world was spinning, and countless wailings were whirling in his head. All he could see was mud and mucus, just like the tide wanted to drown himself.But when he turned his gaze to Kujo Josuke, all the horrible things disappeared again, Kaneki Ken insisted and said: "What's the matter. That monster, it's Josuke, have you dealt with it yet?"

"Basically, it won't appear again." Originally, he came with Kujo Josuke, and after he left, Veronica would naturally not stay in this world, so what Josuke said was absolutely true. guilty conscience. "We have also eliminated the source of infection of the ghoul virus, your wish should be fulfilled."

"Ah, thank you." Struggling to stand up, Kaneki Ken did not doubt Kujo Josuke's words, he panted, then reached out his hand to take out the Holy Grail from his chest, and handed it to Kujo Josuke. "The Holy Grail is useless to me now, so I'll leave it to you."

After Kaneki Ken finished his sentence, he felt a burst of relief.Although his physical condition is very bad now, his limbs are dizzy, his limbs are weak, and he looks like a child with no strength to restrain his hands, but Kaneki Ken feels that he is very relaxed and will soon return to his peak state.

[Fourth Turning Point: Pass]

[Fifth Turning Point: Pass]

[Holy Grail hatching rate: 75% 85% 94% 100%]

The magnificent glow appeared again, Kujo Josuke took the Holy Grail from Kaneki Ken's hand, then smiled and nodded at Kaneki Ken.

Kaneki Ken, without the protection of the Holy Grail, closed his eyes and passed out again, but this time he should wake up soon.After all, the source of his discomfort - the uninvited foreign god will soon return to her original world.

"Senior, if the Holy Grail is in hand, we will start the spiritual transfer!"

Turning around inadvertently, he happened to meet Veronica's innocent eyes, but Kujo Josuke didn't respond, but simply responded to BB.

"Let's go."

 Thanks to Lengyue Tianhu for the January ticket support! ! !There is probably one more chapter, and then the next world benchmark world

(End of this chapter)

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