I, BOSS, just want to live a peaceful life

Chapter 235 "The Remains of the Saint"

Chapter 235 "The Remains of the Saint"

【This chapter has been replaced】

In the past, under the setting sun on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, you can see thousands of miles away, falling stars, grasslands and sky roads, and the scenery changes and rugged mountains.

"This is the origin of the sea of ​​trees maze here." Jonny Joestar had no expression on his face, as if he was not very surprised by the Chaldeans who unexpectedly appeared in the maze.

"The former Eastern China country encountered a rare meteor shower in a millennium when the world was changing." Johnny added lightly, "Of course it is a force of nature that cannot be stopped by manpower. The land used to be a beautiful prairie road, but now it's just this inaccessible ghost."

What used to be a glimpse of thousands of miles in the setting sun, and the grandeur of the grassland sky road, are now nothing but broken mountains with potholes.

"Why?" Hearing the other party's words, Matthew Kyrielight, who has never been out of Chaldea, and a few heroic spirits from ancient times, let's not talk about it for now, but Fujimaru Tachika, who still has common sense, has almost lost his voice: "Then Now, it's all here"

"It's a forbidden place that no one dares to come to!" Although the young cowboy named Jelo was a little curious as to why Jonny would explain this to these people, he hadn't guessed the origin of the people in Chaldea. He slapped his butt and shook them off, walked back to his companion, and said, "Oh, Johnny, how did you find it!"

"If you go out in this kind of place for a long time and no one is around, do you think I won't come looking for you, Gero!" Gritting his teeth, Johnny, who was calm and unfathomable just now, stepped forward and said, "If you It's gone in this maze-"

"Hey, don't be angry, don't be angry." For the time being, Jie Luo didn't bother to be curious about the strange-looking guys he met, and hurriedly comforted his companion: "Let me tell you a bad joke, huh?"

"You say it." Jonny silently took out his little notebook, apparently ready to write it down.

Then all the Chaldeans who were watching silently saw these two people who were still aura of a strong man just now, performing a very shaky two-person cross talk.

The one who looked like a cowboy Jello, performed wildly, and amused the always calm Johnny with jokes that were colder and more boring than the ice and snow in the first Lost Belt.

"Hey, this joke isn't funny at all." It's all for self-entertainment.Cu Chulainn, a well-informed heroic spirit, is amazed by these two people. From the inscrutable at the beginning to the nonsensical sand sculptures now, the speed of this impression changing is unbelievable.

"The level of this kind of joke is probably about the same as the luck of a certain spearman." Emiya nodded with a serious face, and made a conclusion.

"." Karna has the ability to see through people's hearts like [The Wisdom of the Poor], and he clearly knows that Jonny, who seems to be smiling exaggeratedly, is actually completely puzzled by his companion's cold jokes, but he still smiles seriously .

It seems that these two people have a very good relationship.
Because outsiders were present, it was difficult to use electronic communication to communicate with Holmes and Da Vinci. Matthew was a little impatient. She looked at Jonny and Gero who were slowly calming down, and turned to Tachika Fujimaru: "Senior, what do we want to do?" Don't tell them."

Tell them where we came from?
"It doesn't matter." Sherlock Holmes in the electronic communication suddenly appeared generously, not caring about the exposure of his figure, and said, "I think the two of you have already known about our strangeness, and the explanation just now is probably correct. Our kind reminder."

Not frightened by the sudden electronic communication, Jonny and Gero looked at each other and returned to normal.

Jonny put the cold joke book in his pocket, and said to the people in Chaldea: "Your vigilance is really lacking. Even though you are in this maze of trees and seas, you have not done any protective work. , the origin is a mystery, neither the Guardian nor the Paradise Island people, and it doesn't look like Umbrella's people, as for Chaldea."

Jonny shook his head slowly: "Mary is too busy to take care of herself, it is impossible to send people here again."

Chaldea! ?

Hearing the familiar vocabulary, Fujimaru Tachika couldn't help being a little shocked.She looked sideways and Matthew looked at each other, both of them were very surprised.

So, is there Chaldea in this lore belt?And Mary, could it be that Director Mary is still alive! ?
Before Fujimaru Tachika and the others could react, that Gero continued: "You don't have to think too much, I thought you would be the ones who came to find fault with us, but now it looks like you are obviously not. That being the case, no matter where you come from, we will send you out."

Unlike the unreliable look who made a bad joke just now, Jie Luo grinned now, and suddenly he was very handsome and handsome: "Otherwise, you may not survive three days in this sea of ​​trees."

"Oh, why do you know that?" Sherlock Holmes in the electronic communication asked calmly, "Is there any taboo in this sea of ​​trees?"

Johnny glanced at Holmes in the electronic communication, the blue eyes had a penetrating sharpness, but after he smiled slightly, the sharpness was hidden.

"It seems that you are really not hiding your identities." Jonny said, "This taboo in the Limu Tree Sea Labyrinth is something that people all over the world know about."

As soon as the words fell, although they did not raise their weapons to prepare for battle, the heroic spirits subconsciously tensed their muscles and raised their vigilance.

Fujimaru Tateka swallowed, pretending to be calm and said, "I believe you have no malicious intentions."

Jie Luo looked at them a few times, and saw that Jonny was threatening the little girl, so he elbowed him: "It's almost enough, I think they really don't know anything."

"Hey!" Jonny was stunned, and a tic-tac-toe popped up on his head: "Good people tell you to do it, and it makes me look like I'm trying to make things difficult for someone!"

"Come on!" Seeing Gero's appearance, Jonny simply didn't bother to test the Chaldeans. It's impossible for these guys on the left and right to beat the two of them who have the [Saint's Remains], so he said: "If you want to get out of this sea of ​​trees, you have to wait for the sun to set and the moon to rise alternately, and go straight to the east. Once the sun rises, you must stop and the moon will rise again before you can start. You can't go until you see the sea. Figured it out."

Such a strange rule does not mean to be suspicious, but it is still very strange.

"Then will you go with us?" Cu Chulainn raised his eyebrows, and smiled familiarly while carrying a spear: "We are alone and helpless, let's help others to the end!"

"Of course we will send you out." Anyway, it's useless to stay here, and the body is also in hand."Where do you want to go?" Johnny asked.

"Huh? What?" Cu Chulainn looked surprised.

"Idiot!" Emiya knocked Cu Chulainn on the head, and gave him a blank look: "He is asking where we want to go!" Then he returned to his calm look, and said to Johnny: "We don't care about this world. Everything is unclear, so please introduce it.”

"It's all right." Gero shook his hand indifferently: "Actually, even if you are aliens, we won't care."

Jonny interrupted Jie Luo calmly, and continued: "Then I will introduce the world to you while waiting for the sun to set."

After finishing speaking, Jonny looked around and nodded in satisfaction.As soon as he whistled, everyone saw a white shadow coming out of the forest with a "whoosh--".

It was actually a horse, with smooth fur and bright eyes, carrying heavy luggage and shuttling through the forest, still as fast as lightning.

Johnny waved at the horse, and the white horse ran to his master in the blink of an eye.

"Since we're going to stay here for a long time, let's set up a tent first." Jonny took the luggage from the horse's back, and Gero on the side also whistled, probably to call his horse.

"Huh?" Matthew looked up at the sky, if he saw the sun's position correctly, it should be afternoon now?Have to wait for the sun and the moon to change, can we wait for it in a few hours? "Are we going to live here for a while?"

"Yes." Jie Luo answered casually, and his horse also ran to the front of its owner, sizing up the stranger obediently with its gentle almond eyes."It's a conservative estimate of a week until the sun goes down," Gero said.

One week! ?

Fujimaru Tatsuka and Mash looked at each other.Now that the sun is at this position, there is still a week before it sets, so doesn't that mean that once the sun shines, it will be a month! ?

This is a serious matter, thought Holmes.Not only the terrain changes, but from this point of view, the positions of the planets in this anecdote belt may have changed.Now is not the time to hesitate and cover up. When you meet such two people who don't mind helping them, you must seize the opportunity.

So Holmes asked with a smile, "We've been chatting for so long, but I don't even know the names of the two of you."

Probably because he wanted to use his appearance, Da Vinci, who had been collecting data to improve the submarine just now, came over and said, "Yes, two big brothers, let's introduce ourselves, let's get to know each other?"

When Cu Chulainn and Emiya heard Da Vinci's cute voice, they couldn't help but looked at each other.Both of them saw the other's cold look from each other's eyes.

Cu Chulainn: "It's shameful to be cute"

Emiya: "In the face of Mona Lisa, Da Vinci is no longer a human being"

Karna was still standing blankly. According to common sense, the summoned heroic spirit would naturally be endowed with the knowledge of this world.But now this great Indian hero doesn’t know what’s wrong with the summoning procedure, and the knowledge about the present world is still in the history of pan-humanity. Facing the situation in front of him, he looks confused, and the Master has no order, so he has to stand in a daze.

The system update is not in place.

"My name is Jello Shepilly." He grinned, revealing a mouthful of domineering golden teeth.Gero didn't care about other people's reactions, he smiled at Da Vinci, very friendly.Although he looks like a robust young man, in fact, Gero likes some cute things very much. He has a very cherished bear doll, so he also has a good sense of the cutely dressed Lolita Vinci.

"Just to introduce myself." Gerald paused, "Right now, Jonny and I are the only two contestants in the world-crossing equestrian competition SBR!"

The world-crossing equestrian competition SBR?Although everyone in Chaldea was puzzled, they still grasped the key point very keenly.

Looking at the two horses beside Jonny and Gero, Da Vinci smiled, and was about to continue asking when Jonny interrupted him.

"My name is Jonny Joestar." Jonny, who was slightly thinner but had a strong personality, said, "You can just call me Jonny."

After packing up the tent, Jonny looked back at the people in Chaldea and said, "Don't you want to know about this world? Let me tell you."

Although it's a pity that I couldn't find out the background of these two mysterious people, it's not a loss to know information about this world.Da Vinci smiled cutely: "Okay, big brother, thank you!"

Jie Luo warmly greeted Fujimaru Tachika and Matthew to sit on the mats he had laid out, and several heroic spirits next to them consciously followed. After they were all packed, Jonny also sat down and spoke slowly.

"You can all see that, right?" Above the sky, the huge snow-white pillar piercing into the dome is particularly obvious.Jonny said: "Even in the forest with an average height of more than 20 meters, the sky tree can still be seen. This is the beginning of all disputes in this world."

"Since that tree appeared, the world has undergone tremendous changes."

"Everest, the highest mountain in the world in the past, is now the largest Himalayan rift in the world." Johnny said in a flat manner without any emotion: "The deepest trench once passed through the seabed, and now it is suspended on the sea. The paradise island of Ulifemoan. The thickest Mount Chimborazo has become a direct passage to the center of the earth, the largest Sahara desert has become the icy Atlas Sea, and the Amazon River has become a volcano without night Karst Corridor. Once the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.”

Jonny pressed the grass under his feet with his fingers: "This is here, this canyon and mountains covered by the sea of ​​trees."

Hearing what Johnny said, Fujimaru Tachika couldn't believe it at all.This is almost a complete reversal of the world that once existed in the history of pan-humanity, and the best of those worlds have become opposite existences one after another. This kind of power cannot be achieved by just a fantasy tree that has just taken root!
Holmes also realized the seriousness of the problem, so he remained silent and continued to listen to Johnny.

"Plate movement, continental displacement, seabed activity, and climate change." Johnny said: "This level of variation is indeed incredible, as if the whole world was rewritten by some god."

The catastrophe of the last days, whose birth ceremony is it?
All beings in the world seem to be turned into blood flowing forever, whether the mountains, rivers and land will become flesh and last forever.

"It's impossible for human beings to sit idly by such changes in the world." Zero nodded, and took the words: "Everyone thinks that all the changes are caused by that sky tree."

"So the human beings who are still alive are arguing about the ending of that tree." Jonny said: "Should I cut it down? Or guard it? This is a question."

When several people in Chaldea were sitting in danger, Jonny turned around suddenly: "You guys."

"And how would you choose?"

 Thanks to Obsidian for the support of the January ticket! ! !Thank you very much for the 1 starting point coin reward from Obsidian Jiutian! ! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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