I, BOSS, just want to live a peaceful life

Chapter 243 "Actually, I'm the Movie King"

Chapter 243 "Actually, I'm the Movie King"

Fujimaru Tatsuka suspected that he probably had a dream just now.Otherwise, how could time go back to the beginning?

Obviously, the heroic spirits whose memories were kept at the age of 8 just now were struggling with Enrique Pucci, and also defeated the substitute envoy Lu Jiahao who was paddling over there, but why is everything restored now?
Fujimaru Tachika, who was at a loss, was a little at a loss. She saw Puqi struggling to get up from the starting position, and murmured with a complicated expression: "Going back in time, it's Kujo. Josuke."

Kujo Josuke would actually come here, why would that Kujo Josuke come here! ?Could it be that there is a pillar of the world who is injured and dying?Apart from this reason, Enrique Pucci couldn't think of anything that would attract Kujo Josuke on Paradise Island.

Before this paradise island, there were no pillars of the world who were injured and dying. Puqi understood something. He stared at Fujimaru Tachika, and understood the reason why this girl had fled and returned generously.

Are you stalling for time? Something must have happened to my best friend!

Compared with Dio Brando, everything on this island is now of little importance to temper.Enrique Pucci stood up immediately. He didn't seem to have any intention of attacking Fujimaru Tachika and the others now. He just bypassed them and was about to leave the palace, and walked straight in one direction.

"Father Puqi!" Fujimaru Tatsuka called him, but the other party didn't respond at all, and was still obsessed with leaving here.

Seeing that the task of procrastinating for time was about to fail, and now there was no time to worry about whether the time would not go back, Fujimaru Tatsuka gritted her teeth and wanted to actively attack Enrique Pucci to attract the opponent's attention.

But just when Fujimaru Tachika aimed at Father Puqi and was about to attack him, a golden lump suddenly appeared in front of him.


The golden little milk cat suddenly became excited and fired directly into Fujimaru Tachika's arms like a small cannonball.

"Meow meow meow!--"

Under Fujimaru Tachika's bewildered expression, the little milk cat meowed non-stop. It jumped up and down in Fujimaru Tachika's arms very anxiously. Seeing that Fujimaru Tachika hadn't moved, it even thought impatiently. to leave.

"? What's the matter, why do you have to leave?" Fujimaru Lixiang looked at the kitten that was still in her arms just now, "whoosh—" jumped to the ground, and the direction of departure was even the same as that of Father Puqi just now. Looking at the direction, I couldn't help but have a bad feeling: "Could it be that something happened over there?"

"Ha, don't think about it so much now!" Cu Chulainn, who was only "8" years old, was a little annoyed when he always felt that his poor shooting skills caused the black-skinned man to run away. He muttered, and then took He picked up his weapon and followed up: "No matter what, I won't just admit defeat so easily!"

"We still have to fight." Emiya (Shirou) sighed, and looked at Fujimaru Tachika with warm eyes and concern, "Are we going to follow? Although I think it's better for us to follow up, but we have been fighting for so long just now. Sister, you may be tired." After that, Emiya (Shirou) reached out and touched Matthew who had been silent all this time: "She still doesn't speak, maybe it's good for us to stay here."

Mash, whose head was being patted, glanced at Emiya, and then turned his head to look at Tatsuka Fujimaru.

"Let's go." Stared at by Matthew's pure eyes, Fujimaru Tatsuka smiled slightly.She felt that it was impossible for her to escape just like that. Leaving aside Cu Chulainn who ran out, the commotion over there was obviously caused by the accident of Fanny Valentine.

Now that they have informed the plan and become an ally, of course they cannot betray.

"That's right, Lixiang." The god whose mental strength surpassed that of ordinary people has now vaguely recalled something.Seeing Fujimaru Tachika's determined look, Karna also nodded and started walking.He left behind a back, and a low voice: "Just now. The time has changed."

"We'd better, follow up and have a look"

Seeing that everyone present decided to follow, Fujimaru Tachika naturally would not object.She reached out and pulled Matthew to stand up, and then started running in the direction that Father Puqi and the little milk cat left.

Then, they saw a very strange scene.

Father Pucci, who was the first to leave, was standing aside, clasping his hands together as if praying for something.Mr. Fanny Valentine standing in the distance was not injured at all, but the expression on his face was not good-looking at all.

Hayato Kawajiri, known as the killer, was not as smart and calm as before, and was trembling as he tried to run away from a young man.But there was nothing scary about that young man, he just hugged the little golden milk cat and gently stroked the other's fur.

Cu Chulainn was pointing a gun at the young man, and he seemed relieved to see Fujimaru Tachika and the others coming. "Hey!" Cu Chulainn turned his head and shouted at Fujimaru Tachika: "That what. That Holmes, let you save that child!"

"Holmes?" Fujimaru Tateka looked at this group of people, and actually didn't really want to move forward, but seeing the figure of Holmes in the electronic communication in front of Kawajiri Hayato, he still walked forward: "What happened? "

"Actually, there's nothing wrong with it." Holmes saw Fujimaru Tachika coming, and understood that he was attracted by the movement here.Since Enrique Pucci, who was asked to stall for time, has come, it doesn't make sense for Fujimaru Tatsuka to stay there, "That's it."

What is it?Fujimaru Tachika was a little at a loss, she had always trusted Holmes very much.This well-known detective has top-notch reasoning ability and top-notch strategy and planning ability. When he takes one step, he can think of fifty steps at the same time. He can be said to be a very reliable teammate.

It is really rare for Holmes to look hesitant now.

Facing Fujimaru Tatsuka's innocent trusting expression, Holmes felt his conscience hurt a little.What should he say, saying that when he saw this Kujo Josuke, he felt that the other party was a threat?Then saw Kawajiri Hayana begging for help, as if promising him to take him away from this paradise island?
In fact, Sherlock Holmes also saw it just now. It was Kujo Josuke who ended the battle. He seemed to have used the ability of "backtracking time" to return time to the very beginning.From this point of view, this Kujo Josuke really saved Kawajiri Hayato, and it stands to reason that he is much more reliable than Fani Valentine who doesn't care about Kawajiri Hayato's life.

However, Holmes felt that Kujo Josuke was much more terrifying than that black-hearted politician.

The famous detective believed in his intuition. Although he said that there is no evidence to slander others, but the guy who can scare Kawajiri Hayato to such an extent, even if he belongs to the same organization as Hayato, is obviously unreliable.

"Let's take Hazato and leave together, Lixiang." Holmes smiled. "Hazato wants to go with us, and the battle between Mr. Dior and Mr. Fani will not continue, so we can leave now."

"Da Vinci is ready to meet us." Holmes continued: "So Lixiang, let's leave now."

"Uh" Fujimaru Tachika glanced at Kawajiri Hayato, he really wanted to leave with them as Holmes said.Seeing that Holmes said that he wanted to take him away, a complicated expression appeared on his face. "It's okay, it doesn't matter, it's perfectly fine to take Zao people away."

Fujimaru Tachika looked at Fani Valentine and the strong man standing opposite him, and realized that it should be Dio Brando.Now that the war has ceased and Enrique Pucci hasn't responded yet, it's time for them to leave quickly.

Hearing Fujimaru Tachika's statement, Kawajiri Hayato immediately ran towards this side, but before he could run a few steps, he was grabbed by the collar by the young man behind him.

The young man holding the cat stretched out a hand slowly, restraining Kawajiri Hayato with ease. "No, Hayato." Fujimaru Tachika saw that the platinum-haired young man completely ignored Holmes, bent down and whispered to Kawajiri Hayato, "Don't you really want to go home, isn't it just right to go back with me now?" ?"

"No!" Kawajiri Hayato fiercely resisted, gritted his teeth, and even said, "I never said I wanted to go home! You, you go first, you go first!"

Seeing this scene, Fanny Valentine, whose plan was ruined, vented her displeasure and said, "Kosuke Josuke, aren't you being chased by Veronica from Umbrella?"Are you really not afraid of killing him with this child?
The unfinished words were stopped by Kujo Josuke's sudden sharp eyes, Kujo Josuke turned his head and forgot Fanny Valentine coldly, and then stroked the cat in his arms, saying to Hayato Kawajiri said: "Hayato, be obedient, come back with me obediently."

Zaoren, who was grabbed by the collar, suddenly remembered that none of these people present could protect him from Kujo Josuke.Since this is the case, if he continues to struggle, these people may be implicated, so why don't he give up resisting and go back with Kujo Josuke obediently.

So, the dejected Kawajiri Hayato slowly took off the bracelet on his wrist, threw it in the direction of Fujimaru Tachika, and walked obediently to Kujo Josuke.

"Hey!" It seems that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. The 8-year-old Cu Chulainn is far from being as calm as he will be many years later. , why take him away! Didn’t you see that this kid is unwilling!?”

Karna also frowned: "The child was forced."

"You can't force others to do what they don't want." Emiya (Shirou) with a sense of justice also held his head up. Although he didn't know where his courage came from, he didn't back down at this tense time: "Just now, that kid said he was willing to leave with us!"

Looking at the heroic spirits who are still brave even though they only have 8-year-old memories, Holmes took a deep breath.He doesn't regret any of the decisions he made, and he still doesn't.Chaldea is new to the Lost Belt and needs a guide. Hayato Kawajiri is a good choice, and it is not a loss to bring him.

Kongtiao Josuke over there is powerful, and I don't know why I have lingering fears about him, and I have the illusion that I will fight "sooner or later".

"Mr. Kujo Josuke." Finally, Holmes spoke to Kujo Josuke, and he said, "I don't think the early people seem to want to leave with you, why don't you let them go with us, and in the end we will take him away." Delivered safely to the Guardian's base in the Atlas Sea."

"That's...not good." Hearing what Holmes said, Kujo Josuke shook his head lightly.He put down the cat in his arms, and let the little milk cat "meow meow" circle around his feet without wavering. "Mr. Jotaro is very worried about Hayashi, so if I take him back, Mr. Jotaro will be happy."

"I can, I can go back by myself!"

"You can't, early man." Kujo Josuke said softly: "Your double has no attack power, you can hurt the enemy one thousand and yourself one thousand, the outside world is still so dangerous, you'd better go home as soon as possible. "

"But." Trembling with grievance and fear, he finally gave up struggling, Kawajiri Hayato nodded, and stood silently on the spot.

"Very good, good boy." After stroking Kawajiri Hayato's hair, Kujo Josuke turned around and was about to leave. He had no intention of answering Chaldea and his party at all.

"Hey, you—" Cu Chulainn snorted angrily, trying to catch up, but was stopped by Karna. "What are you doing, dead wood?" Cu Chulainn looked at Karna and said angrily, "Why are you stopping me?!"

"There's something coming." Karna looked at the back of Kujo Josuke who had just turned around, and said, "The smell...is disgusting."

"Raphael——" is a sweet female voice with its own echo. It sounds cheerful and lively, but for some reason it gives people a sense of chill.

"God, please forgive our sins." Hearing the female voice, Enrique Pucci immediately began to pray loudly, as if he was using his own voice to offset something.

"Come here now." Hearing this female voice, Kutiao Chengjie looked a little unhappy, but didn't say much.He lowered his head, patted Kawajiri Hayato on the shoulder, and said kindly, "You wait here for a while."

"Okay" Hayato Kawajiri replied tremblingly, and after watching Kujo Josuke tore a space crack and left, he ran to Fujimaru Tachika and the side without saying a word.

Everyone: "."

"It's not a good thing to have too fanatical suitors." Dio Brando saw that after Kujo Josuke disappeared, and the sweet female voice never appeared again, he snorted and said.

"Yes, my best friend." Enrique Pucci also stopped praying. He turned around, looked at Fujimaru Tachika and his party, and said to Dio, "My best friend, these people are the food I originally prepared for you."

"Originally?" Dio frowned.

"It's okay now." To this, Father Pucci replied.

This made Tateka Fujimaru, who thought she could leave after the battle, looked at all this in shock.

"Now, as the pillar of the world that can't kill each other, Mr. Fanny may not be able to help us." Holmes expected this result, and shook his head helplessly. No matter how you think, Fanny would not dedicate himself to a group of strangers like himself. At that point, Dio, who was hit by [Equal Sacrifice] once, probably won't get hit a second time.

"This is so... difficult."


"Senior—" BB tilted his head, and said to Kujo Josuke, "Aren't you going to attack those people now?"

Kujo Josuke, who was supposed to be chased by Veronica, replied calmly: "Now, it's not the time yet."

Plan, proceed to 1/3.

 Reminder: Chengsuke is acting 2333
(End of this chapter)

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