I, BOSS, just want to live a peaceful life

Chapter 249 "Involvement"

Chapter 249 "Involvement"

"Mr. Osmandias."

Matthew Kyrielight was a little lost and muttered to herself. Although she knew that Ramses II of the Lost Belt could never remember their previous intersection in pan-human history, she looked at this king calmly in order to save them. Going to die, Matthew still felt the pain in his heart.

Obviously, if they are ignored, Osmandias can completely protect himself. Although Mr. Osmandias probably didn't care about them at all, he just saved them.

Thinking like this, Matthew gradually filled her heart with guilt. She recalled Osmandias' words - "Protect his master".

The master of Osmandias must be the person from Chaldea, the rumor belt. Although Director Mary closed the door in the end, this kind of monster with its own spiritual pollution may not be solved by closing the door. .Mash deliberately didn't look at the location where Ramses II was fighting. She shifted her eyes to the ground facilities in Chaldea over there, and sure enough, she didn't see anyone coming out.

But Osmandias couldn't possibly be lying either.
"Matthew." Taking the fussy Fujimaru Tachika from Matthew's arms, Holmes signaled her not to care about other things, and the most important thing now is to leave quickly: "I just saw a few people from Chaldea They should have some kind of special passage after being driven out of the facility. All in all." Holmes and Matthew looked at each other: "Now we can't waste the time that Mr. Osmandias bought."

Da Vinci also nodded, with a heavy expression on his face: "I thought before that this kind of monster is probably the same as the previous World Pillar, not too affected by the ability of the heroic spirit."

Da Vinci looked back at the sludge and tentacles that still remained with life, gritted his teeth and turned his head: "Looking at it now, it really is the case. The fighting power of the heroic spirits in this world may have been weakened a lot."

"Ah" Matthew was empty-handed, watching Fujimaru Tatsuka walk away for a while, and then hurriedly replied: "Yes, let's leave quickly." Matthew who said so really thought of the submarine. Looking at the situation around him, I also started to feel a little worried in my heart: "The director, Munir and Zao people, they should all be fine."

In fact, Matthew's expectation of "nothing" may come to nothing.

When Holmes and the others hurried back to the vicinity of the submarine, they felt that something was wrong almost immediately: the silent atmosphere around the submarine, as well as the densely packed and heavily armed strangers around, all showed what happened here.

"That... Sherlock Holmes." Coming out of the submarine, the fat director trembled, as if he was being held hostage, and said, "Look, everyone is a magician, so...haha, let's Let's get along well."

True, Forced, Friendly

Goldruf really wanted to save face in front of Olga Marie, but feeling the cold blade behind him, he automatically beautified those arrogant words hundreds of times: "Look, cough cough, this way we can have a good talk Right? Right? Originally, there was no contradiction between us, and the purpose was the same.”

Under the indifferent expressions of Holmes and others who hurried back, the brown-haired priest standing aside put on a gentle smile, and patted Goldrew on the shoulder lightly: "That's right." The priest nodded Nodding his head, he said, "Kiritsugu, it's fine."

As soon as the priest finished speaking, Goldruf felt the cold sensation on his back disappear, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Damn Assassin, the ability to cover his breath is too much, how could he do such a rude thing to him!
Holmes watched helplessly as his head was threatened, and then a white-haired man with dark brown skin and a young face appeared beside the priest.Apparently, this heroic spirit whose job title is an assassin should have been summoned by this priest.

Compared with the priest who was still holding the hole card in his hand, Olga Marie looked pale and didn't say much. She just watched coldly with her arms folded, watching the priest with long sleeves and dancing witty words.

"I'm Kotomine Kirei." The priest in the standard attire of the Holy Church smiled gently, standing very close to the heroic spirit beside him: "This is my heroic spirit, Kiritsugu."

The heroic spirit whose name was called remained silent, but Mash pursed his lips, and his affection for the priest fell to the bottom.

Although she knew that Kotomine Kirei should not be the same person as the priest in Panhuman History, let alone the pseudo-Servant in the Russian Lost Belt, but looking at him with a hidden knife in his smile, people didn't like him at all.This kind of emotion exploded to the apex when Mash saw Emiya [ASSASSIN] next to the priest.

As a guardian, although the assassin with the same name as Wei Gong is taciturn and withdrawn, he is actually just a bit arrogant on the outside and hot on the inside.As the guardian of [Humanity Restoration], Emiya [ARCHER] once said, "Their guardians take their duties as the first priority", that is to say——

Emiya Kiritsugu who is standing next to Kotomine Kirei, probably signed some normal contract, right?Perhaps some binding spell was added?
A normal Mr. Emiya Kiritsugu, no matter how silent he is, he will not be so unpopular, as cold as a machine!

Da Vinci shook Matthew's hand and comforted the girl beside him.Chaldea before the Lost Belt came, both Ramses II and Emiya Kiritsugu were their partners.The arrogant and cute Osmandias, the silent and arrogant Emiya Kiritsugu, the unrestrained Cu Chulainn, the poisonous mother Emiya.
"That's it, Mr. Yanfeng." The little Da Vinci tilted his head: "After you have finished introducing yourself, can you tell us the purpose of your coming here?" She pretended to be a little confused and said: "Look at you It doesn't look like you want to do something, if that's the case, why don't you just say it straight to the point!"

"It's very simple." Kotomine Kirei smiled: "We just dropped by."

Kotomine Kirei took a step forward, with Emiya Kiritsugu closely following him, and then a group of magicians also wearing the costumes of the Holy Church.

"Your destination is obviously the guardian organization located in the Sea of ​​Atlas." Kotomine Kirei explained: "And those of us just need you to lead the way." Kawajiri Hayato, who was hugged by the magician, squatted down and patted the child's head: "Also, by the way, I'll take you back for Brother Josuke."

Kawajiri Hayato's original calm expression collapsed in an instant, his eyes widened and he began to struggle, and a "woo woo" sound came from his covered mouth and nose.However, Kotomine Kirei, who was pretending to be friendly just now, ignored him at all, and walked directly in front of Holmes: "Well, it's that simple, I didn't lie."

"Although we—" Kotomine Kirei pointed to himself, and then to Olga Marie behind him: "We are all going to Atlas, but Ms. Marie's purpose is a bit more complicated than mine. .”

It's not easy for such a weak person like Mash to happen, so he can only hold his breath to see Kotomine Kirei's bad mood there. He thought he had to endure this guy to continue talking, but he didn't expect a sneer to come from the other party himself first.

"You continue to perform." The short silver hair was only a few centimeters long, and the male and female boy with a mean face and a stern expression showed disdain: "Yanfeng, stop pretending to be a good person!"

"Mademoiselle Jeanne."

"Don't call me by my name—" the young man called Jeanna raised the big sword in his hand, pointing at Kotomine Kirei: "If it wasn't for Raphael's sake, I would have killed you with one sword!"

Sensing the opponent's attack intention, Emiya Kiritsugu, who was a heroic spirit, stood in front of Kotomine Kirei without saying a word.

Contrary to the vigilant attitude of his heroic spirit, he shook his head helplessly and confidently. Kotomine Kirei was quite tolerant, and he turned his head and explained to Holmes and the others: "Please don't mind, Miss Jeanna is a monarch reserve of the Magic Association, see Those who came from the Holy Church are dissatisfied, I laugh at you."

This is complete nonsense. Jeanne Barthemeiro's family has a very good attitude towards the people of the Church of the Holy Church, and they still have a lot in common as believers.She just simply hates Kotomine Kirei. This man secretly summons a heroic spirit to act as his bodyguard, and he and Raphael have so many opportunities to talk alone (emphasis added)!
"You said—" There was a sinister smile on the corner of her mouth, and just when Jeanne Barthemelo was about to make a move, she was grabbed by a white palm behind her.Jeanna couldn't help saying with a bit of complaint: "Lorelai"

"You can't do it." Jeanne Barthemelo is a strategic weapon, a weapon that would rather abandon the research facility and preserve it when facing that Veronica, but she can't do things emotionally.Lorelei Barthemelo grabbed Jeanne's wrist, turned to Olga Marie and said, "Marie."

When Olga Marie was called by name, she just nodded in frustration, although from the outside, she was just calm.Although Olga Marie is also an aristocrat, she doesn't come close to a top class like Barthumello, and has nothing to do with the "God" and "God" Church of the Holy Church.

Although, as the director of Chaldea, Olga Marie took care of the remaining forces of the Magic Association and the Holy Church in a balanced way, but in fact she and the leader of the Magic Association, Bathmelo, and the leader of the Holy Church, Kotomine Kirei There is no personal relationship.

She didn't even know that Kotomine Kirei had abused the facility to secretly summon a heroic spirit, and she didn't know that Lorelai's artificial baby had come out a pseudo-servant named Rana.

I thought it was the existence of a companion, but I didn't expect to cooperate just because of interests. Olga Marie smiled bitterly. The excitement of seeing someone survived disappeared, and her emotions returned to the mood when Asakami Fujino induced her.Forget it, it was her fault in the first place, she shouldn't cling to the position of director and the honor of the family.

Now that Osmandias has returned to the Seat of Heroes, and Attila is nowhere to be found, it is better for her to avenge those companions earlier.

Even though Olga Marie was determined, she couldn't help giving up on herself at this time. She said to the "uninvited guests" in a cold tone: "It's your fault."

"What." Matthew couldn't help being a little puzzled, what's wrong?

"Can't you understand human language! You are the ones who brought that monster here!" Olga Marie frowned and scolded mercilessly: "The Venia you brought is Umbrella's!" The monster Veronica, she tricked you into getting close to Chaldea. You made Chaldea look like this!"

There is nothing wrong with this statement, for Venia. No, Veronica is indeed a group of people in the history of pan-humanity.They were indeed coaxed and became accomplices, and even Tachika Fujimaru is still in a state of being charmed by the evil god and cannot escape.

However, watching this extremely familiar face spit out such harsh words, Matthew still couldn't help feeling aggrieved and helpless.Is this really Director Mary?Clearly, clearly Director Mary is so sharp-mouthed, so reliable, strong, and gentle.
Even Leonardo Da Vinci couldn't help but feel a little stunned when he heard Olga Marie's accusation.Only Holmes, who had not had much contact with Olga, remained calm, but now even Holmes felt very helpless.

"If Tachika is awake" Holmes is really glad that Fujimaru Tachika is still in this weird state. After all, if she is fully awake and hears Olga Marie's accusation, she might cry.

"Hehe, you don't know how many people died in Chaldea, right?" Looking at those people, Olga Marie continued to add coldly: "Gal, Linda, Selena are the magicians who died this time, It can almost wipe out many factions in the magic world, which is more serious than the casualties caused when the world changed!"

The erosion of the evil gods caused those positions, allegiances, and even the monarchs to die from cannibalism. How could this make Olga Marie indifferent!

"." Let the magic world go extinct. Such an accusation left Matthew in a daze. She hugged her body tightly subconsciously and looked up at Da Vinci, but she only saw the silence on her face.On the other hand, Munir and Goldruf, who were born in Chaldea and the Magic Association, looked even paler.

Even if this is the world of the Lost Belt, they still know the so-called treasures of magicians.Letting the magician's faction become extinct is equivalent to directly massacring the race, yes, that's how it is seen/
Even Tachika Fujimaru, who kept clamoring to find Vinia, was stunned, as if she knew that she had "caused a lot of trouble" and saved her head.

"Although I don't know where you guys come from as magicians, you are really ruthless. You have no grievances or enmity, and you are so cruel to Caleb." Sneered: "It was almost a complete massacre." Olga A cold light flashed in Mary's eyes: "I will remember you."

"We do not--"

"But I don't want you to pay for your life." The director of Chaldea raised his chin and said, "I want you to avenge those dead people, revenge like that monster!" The waste of the circuit, but also knows the spell that can expel the outer gods"

"If you really have a little empathy as a human being and self-esteem as a magician... Oh, no, as long as you are a moral person, you will agree." Olga Marie pressed on step by step: "I want you to read Cast a spell, even at the cost of your life!"

"For those who died innocently, go to that evil god for justice!"

 It's a complete moral kidnapping. When I come up with this plan, I always have the illusion that I (Gudazi) is also being abused.

(End of this chapter)

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