I, BOSS, just want to live a peaceful life

Chapter 58 "Tsundere Super Evolution! Sickness"

Chapter 58 "Tsundere Super Evolution! Sickness"

Go back in time to the day before everything happened.

Tomorrow is the joint school festival that everyone is looking forward to, both openly and secretly. Statement, prestige, strength. Under the social environment, the "United School Festival" is undoubtedly the fastest way to achieve everything.

But these things obviously have no effect on Joan of Arc, because her real body is Joan of Arc, the saint who saved the country in the Hundred Years' War in France. After being tortured by the fire, she turned into a witch who controlled the evil dragon.Now her real body is already on the seat of heroes. As long as the human desires in this world still exist one day, then she will still be the immortal and free witch, like a burning flame, fresh and powerful free again.

So she didn't put her mind on tomorrow's event, the opening ceremony of the joint school festival?So what, it's not as important to her as the things in front of her.

At midnight, the cosmopolitan metropolis named Tokyo is still lit up, and the colorful neon lights are connected into a colorful kaleidoscope.

Just walking in this city that never sleeps, you are unconsciously immersed in the laughter of singing and dancing, and even the concept of time becomes confused, and the night is like day.The subway roared and sped through the night, like a beating heart that continuously pumped blood to the body, carrying thousands of people to and fro. Those people probably sat under incandescent lamps anxiously watching the clock turn.

Through the window, the lush and natural spruce trees are tall and straight, stretching their branches leisurely under the night breeze; Yingling's eyesight far surpasses that of ordinary people can easily see the blue waves of the lake with the same color as the sky, and there are waves of ripples , At this time, it gently reflects the stars in the sky.

Even in Arkham College on the outskirts, you can see the towering Tokyo Tower in the distance, which is a famous holy place for confession all over the world. Holding the hand of the future partner there, even if the cherry blossoms wither and bloom again, they will never be separated.

Joan of Arc stared blankly at the rose-colored lights lit up in the night.April, when the grass grows and the warbler flies, flies by. If you count in your heart with your fingers, it is already the season of the turn of spring and summer.

Those on the forum have said that May [-]th is Rose Valentine's Day today.Couples who cherish each other will exchange roses of love on this day, and "yellow rose" will bless every couple of lovers and make their wishes come true for a long time.

Joan Hei still remembers the scene when he saw Kujo Josuke for the first time, the lonely faceless moon hung high above the blood-red night, the scattered limbs were filled with the evil sludge of this world, Stepping on the sacred contract lit by the blood of the girls under my feet, I waved the fallen flag that drives the dragon.

The other party's expression seemed to be the same as now, with a hypocritical smile all the time, blamed on the stylized perfunctory on his face, which wasted a handsome face.

At that time, Joan of Arc was summoned by the polluted Holy Grail, and her heart was full of unwillingness and resentment that the "Little Holy Grail" had not awakened. When she saw Kujo Josuke, her first reaction was that she didn't think he was so handsome at all.

After all, who cares what the person who is about to die in his hands looks like, after the other party has tasted the flames of hell, no matter how stunning the skin is, it will turn into a handful of loess in the end.

So Joan of Arc doesn't understand how she got to where she is today.Say you like it?She doesn't know whether this feeling is called liking.You will feel that there is no more handsome person than the other party in the world, even if you turn your head away from the corner of your eye, you will not be willing to remove the other party's face, and you can firmly remember the other party's appearance in your heart without using a paintbrush; you will feel cold and heartless It is also a kind of chic, cruel and aloof, and also a kind of innocence, because he feels a sense of superiority because of his honest words to other girls, and he feels warm because of his concern for himself.

Even he himself knew that it was just a formality.

She still remembered the age when she turned into a demon in the flames. At that age, girls from ordinary families were still running in the boundless wilderness, dancing their favorite dances in the sun, and humming melodious tunes.

At such an age, as the Holy Maiden of Salvation, she bears the destiny on her shoulders, steps on the national feud, and devotes all her heart and soul to France, the land she loves so much. Naturally, it is impossible to experience the ordinary Mood of girls in love.

Before, Joan of Arc felt that it must be a side effect of the summoning from the Lesser Holy Grail. After all, at that time, besides receiving resentment, she also tasted the sourness and pain that the soul wanted.She felt like a child who was attracted by the glamorous appearance of inferior candy and thought it was the sweet taste of revenge. Who would have thought that there were such sour and complex emotions wrapped in this candy wrapper.

But Joan of Arc doesn't want to be blindly gentle like her past self, she is not the woman who makes such a fuss.If you want something, getting it is the first priority.As for whether to abandon it after getting it, it depends on your mood.

She didn't want to speak up by herself, even in France, which naturally prefers freedom and romance, pursuing people is also the duty of a gentleman as a man.

But she never thought that Kujo Josuke would really act like a fool as if he didn't realize anything.

Are you an idiot? !I've been looking at you, don't you realize?Although my tone was fierce when I spoke, didn't you notice my blushing face?Don't you take the flickering eyes as avoidance, don't you know what it means to refuse and welcome?

I am Jeanne d'Arc, Your Highness the Evil Dragon Witch, I reluctantly gave you my precious contract, you should know what I want to say, even if you just make eye contact!It is even more important to put me first among all heroic spirits. No matter how unpalatable the breakfast I make, I will eat it with a smile. The jokes I tell are old-fashioned and I will cry until I cry. My remarks are regarded as Guigao!Always trust me alone!
In this case
I fight for you regardless of right or wrong, raise the flag regardless of the reason, and raise the butcher's knife against innocent people regardless of the reason; for you, I fight until the last drop of blood is gone, and for you, I am willing to re-experience the unbearable burning , for you take off your strong armor and put on your white wedding gown.

If you can't do what I said before, don't you think I'm too humble and pitiful? ?

Black Joan grabbed the quilt angrily, gritted her teeth viciously, and threw the white pillow flying all over the sky.

She remembered the forum she had checked before, and she just said: How to make boys confess.Those idiots are just wishful thinking, if you are not good-looking and have a bad figure, how can anyone look at you more?
"Am I ugly...?" Black Joan tugged at her short silver hair. They all said that the golden hair was more gentle before, and that women with long hair are attractive. She knelt down on the white bed again, pulling with her left hand. In the pajamas with straps on, the white and tender skin on the chest exudes a shiny luster under the dim light.

"Or do they all like women with big breasts?... That kind of thing can only be called a sow! I... mine must be enough!"

It's so annoying, why on earth is she thinking about this kind of thing at such a late hour?Talking to himself so irritablely, saying disgusting words on his mouth, he clicked on the webpage that he said he would never open again.Just take a look. It's nothing, right?

2L: "The poster said that the person he likes is a scumbag, so why do you still like him? Looking for abuse!"

3L "A high-cold scumbag. It's rare, and it's not a central air conditioner. You say he's unfamiliar with all the girls, so what a scumbag!"

Black Joan felt her fingers move involuntarily, and even told the truth to those who didn't know her.

4L: Reply to 3L: "Anyway, he's a scumbag! The kind who can take advantage of the girls who like him without any regrets!"

5L: Reply to 2L: ".How would I know! If I knew, I wouldn't like him, no, I didn't like him!"

She saw another new comment appearing on the screen of the phone, with black and white text line by line, so she couldn't help but continue to read.

6L: "Maybe the scumbag is strong and handsome~ Hehe, just like the enemy who became popular recently? As a hero, I think Kujo Josuke is very handsome, and I fall in love with him in a suit and uniform~"

7L: "Don't talk about the host like that. You can't control who you like. I also liked scumbags before. I feel uncomfortable but I can't control myself."

Black Joan silently clicked on 7L's private message interface, thought for a while, and finally sent a private message to this seemingly experienced person: ".I am the one [I like a scumbag, how can I get him to confess] The poster of the post, what you said in the post, that"

The other party was probably a night owl, even though it was so late, he was still very energetic. He replied immediately to the message he just sent, and his tone was still very kind: "Ah, you are that girl. It's okay, don't bother me, what do you want to ask?" , I have nothing to say, everyone in the forum knows about me."

It seems that this girl is quite experienced, and she doesn't look too repulsed, so Joan of Arc tapped on her phone, her fair and slender fingers nimbly clicking: "Then I'll ask directly, you and the scumbag you said you like, Are you still together now?"

"We've broken up a long time ago." The other party replied, and with the blue sky and white clouds on his head, he said very Buddhist remarks: "Why are we still torturing each other together, since it's so inappropriate."

What are you doing!Since we were together, why break up, cherish it!I don't know what to do with the first step of connecting together!Cut, this kind of made my confidence almost gone!

"Actually, I don't have any regrets. I know he is a scumbag and inconsiderate, so I thought it was enough for me to be tolerant." Hei Zhende frowned, and watched the other party continue typing with a cold face: "But my facts with him have proved that love In other words, one side can’t just give in, it needs to be equal.”

"I wish I had been stronger back then."


"At the very least, if you are strong, you won't regret that you didn't try your best. In any case, you took the initiative and worked hard."

Staring at the screen in front of her, Joan of Arc clenched her fists as if suddenly realized.That's right, what was she thinking, why was she so jabbering and hinting before, there was no need for that at all!
She typed the word "thank you", ignored the other party's question marks on the chat interface, and turned off her mobile phone.

Obviously I am a witch?It's not a decent heroine!In this case, just grab what you like, why bother to think so much?The golden pupils shone dangerously with the coldness of metal, and Joan of Arc smiled mockingly: If being a rebellious witch can get everything she wants, will she still have to guess most of her choices?

Since you hate fighting, you like to be peaceful and ordinary, you are not interested in love, and you are an indifferent individualist who puts interests first.

Then as long as I make you my thing, everything will be solved easily!
It's like a giant dragon likes to collect treasures. It is greedy and selfish and has no scruples about anyone. It always hides what it likes in a place that only itself knows.It's not a problem for the evil dragon witch to choose to plunder the man she likes like a dragon occupying a princess, right?

Since you are always moving forward indifferently, you will not look back at the words of those who silently support you behind you.

Thoughtful, Mosuo looked at the traces of the command spell of the contract in her hand, and she thought: "Then don't hate me for being unscrupulous."

"Who told you that you are unlucky, I like you."

With the sound of a button being touched, the room also became dark.

The giant dragon closed its eyes lightly, and fell asleep satisfied with the prey he had chosen with his own hands.

 I thought I set the time to post the archived manuscript, but I didn't, if I just took a look at it. I almost broke the update QAQすみません! ! !as well as!Thank you so much to those who tipped me! !Comparing!I have received your wishes!Speaking of which, if we get a group, will someone come? . .

(End of this chapter)

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