I, BOSS, just want to live a peaceful life

Chapter 67 "Who will win this year's Oscars"

Chapter 67 "Who will win this year's Oscars"

From the center of the entire academy to the forest training area in the southwest, the journey alone took a full 15 minutes, and this was the closest one to them among all the mission locations.

The journey is time-consuming, and the tasks are time-consuming. When they are still tangled in the trivial things, time has flown by quickly.Kujo Josuke checked the time just now, and it is already 10:42, less than 20 minutes before the end of the first round of exams.

In this case, it is too inefficient to waste this precious time on the road, after all, everyone will return to the central castle to report the end of the exam after a while.In this case, there is no need to go to the next mission location, it is better to catch the exchange person now.

Kujo Josuke doesn't care about the somewhat frozen atmosphere. For this first round of exams, the most important thing is to catch the person who exchanged identities, and any other tasks are just adjustments: in the rules for bonus points in the electronic announcement, the task It only accounts for 20% of the score, a level that cannot be ignored but is also tasteless.

This is the reason why no one is scrambling to complete their own tasks first, and the calculation of the task completion speed is the time difference between the officially declared end time and the start time of the task. question.

And even if the next round of exams is no longer with this team, or they are far away from their mission location and don't do their own mission, but the total time is up to 8 hours, they will always complete the mission.In contrast, the question of identification, which accounts for 50% of the score, is much more important.

Such an easy calculation can be understood by several people present. Seeing Kujo Josuke's meaningful words, Shigaraki didn't refute anything, but simply asked: "Oh? Kujo, you found it. That [undercover]?"

Several other people also focused their attention on this side, and listened carefully with their ears pricked up.Under the nervous, excited, or excited eyes, the interface of Kongtiaocheng smiled without changing his expression: "It can be said that it is right, everyone should also analyze your own information."

Now that it's confirmed, we can wait until the time when everyone submits their suspect list and there will be no mistakes, Cheng Jie thought, so he nodded slowly to be more sure.

"I quite believe that you are not the person who exchanged identities." Shigaraki saw the action of Kujo Josuke and said, he handed over the plant file he asked just now to Sister Mag, and asked him to scan it with the bracelet Pass it on: "After all, your temperament is difficult to imitate."

"However, although you can prove your identity." As he spoke, he took a few steps closer, tilting his head and getting closer with fabricated emphasis: "How can you prove your suspicion?"

Sweeping his gaze over the others, Tubi glanced indifferently and irrelevantly, Sister Mag frowned and hesitated to speak, and Wataru was still out of the situation, obviously not interested in the exam.

All in all, just like what Sigang Muhang said, none of the people present were willing to listen to him.

This is as it should be.Kujo Josuke backed away silently, because he felt that the distance between him and Niigaragi was too close and obviously exceeded the social distance, so he took a few steps back in a fit of cleanliness, but his face was still polite: "Of course, if I were the person who exchanged identities, it would be impossible for the system to assign me to this group, at least everyone is not very familiar with it. If that's the case, this game is a bit too much for me Easy."

No matter what you think in your heart or how you act, there will always be a friendly and ordinary attitude on the interface of Kongtiao City.Although such a hypocritical gesture does not stand up to careful scrutiny, after a long time, it also makes the enemies who know his extraordinary strength and ruthless methods less fearful.

After all, compared to unreasonable psychotic lunatics, people who can communicate normally always seem to be suitable for dating.

Therefore, all the people present were members of the enemy alliance. When they suddenly heard "outsiders" doubting themselves, no matter what the facts were, the psychological attitude was not very comfortable after all.Although he didn't refute Cheng Jie's own strength, but he didn't take his words too seriously, and his doubts about one of his own people dropped a lot because of this rebellious psychology.

Didn't Chengjie expect such a thing?

As an outsider, Kujo Josuke, he couldn't be more clear about the consequences of his actions. As for why he still does this, it is to use the inherent xenophobic psychology of human beings to confuse the public to achieve the goal of the city.

Sister Ma Ge hesitated for a long time and finally said it, he looked at Kujo Josuke with a smile and finally showed some courage: "Indeed, if you are the person who exchanged identities, Kujo-san, it is impossible for the system to You, Kujo, were assigned to our team."

"However. In comparison, I think, um, we are more familiar with each other. Kujo-san, your opinion must be very reasonable, but, we always sit together, and we are together in and out of class."

If the real Dabi was standing here, he would have jumped out long ago. Why, seeing Kujo Josuke always wearing a smiling mask for a long time, you forget his own virtues?My memory is really worrying, so I have forgotten the mysterious "mustard" that disappeared?

Faced with this kind of scary guy who has completely different views from normal people, he still dares to choke. Don’t you look at who are the people who like to pester him: dual personality, king of middle school, vengeful witch, sick loli A cold-faced villain, an ordinary enemy like us, can't afford this level of trouble.

However, the counterfeit Tubi standing here naturally knows nothing about Chengsuke, and Ma Ge, who was blinded by Chengsuke's smile, couldn't think of so much, so she naturally spoke her mind in the most tactful way.

Hearing this would still be unpleasant no matter what, Shirosuke didn't feel anything other than "the plan was accomplished", he smiled and nodded and said, "It's okay, I can understand."

"However, maybe I'm overthinking, and I always feel that Dabi-jun is unusually silent today."

At the end of the finale, Kujo Josuke meditated in his heart, and then talked about the innocent transformation of the crowd watching the other people in the team.

What are "Dabi actually talks so little", "Miss Mage is very decisive today", "I never got angry so easily before". In short, if they didn't dare to talk about Shigaraki and Josuke, these people would be afraid Didn't they also have to be attached to Chengjie and the others.

Kujo Josuke followed the team to the central road, preparing for the end of the first round of exams, and ignored the meaningless arguments in his ears.

In this way, when the time comes, there will not be many people who really choose to be played by Dabi, and I can be regarded as providing some kind of help to the actor who is full of loopholes.

The silver-gray glasses looked even colder when he was calculating, and the smile on his face couldn't tell the contradiction.

In the second round, no matter which group the 800 million players who play themselves are assigned to, there will be a 1/5 probability that they will be assigned to one of the current team members.At that time, no matter whether 800 million is "frustrated and silent" or "emotionally strange", she can use the excuses she created this round to evade.

In short, the first round of tracing points must be obtained, and the second round of performance points has an 80% possibility. In this way, as long as the scores are swiped in the next few rounds, the No.2 score can be guaranteed.

Kujo Josuke, who was thinking like this, still cared a little bit about the fact that he missed the first place in the entrance exam. He thought that he would be No.2 this time, and he walked briskly because of the successful implementation of the plan. Time passed In about 10 minutes, their team set foot on the starting point again.

It is now close to 10:50, and most of the other teams have gathered in front of the central castle again. Only one or two of the sixteen teams did not come back, probably because of the delay for some reason.

The building called the Central Castle was the castle where Kujo Josuke and the others had been taking indoor lessons.Although it is given a simple and straightforward name like "Central Castle", it does not fit the retro temperament of this castle, but this is because its name is the full name of the designer, and the full name of this British nobleman is too long , leading everyone to simply refer to it as Central Castle.

The Central Castle is located in the very center of Arkham College, surrounded by four tall towers in the north, south, west, and east. The main tower is connected to the castle at high altitude with a beautiful and dangerous glass walkway.

Its southwest grows a large area of ​​spruce trees, lush and towering, turning into a green ocean, famous for planting a variety of rare plants; its southeast is a specially opened training ground, which is the only ground training ground Fully equipped with various functions, simulating different architectural styles such as cities, factories, and schools.

The beautiful lake connects the forest with the research center in the northwest. The blue lakes are like star spots sprinkled by the Milky Way, and finally end at the white and cold tower in the northwest; and finally, the northeast has always been a forbidden area that no one cares about. Layers of warning lines surround the mysterious building and block everyone's curiosity.

As the center of all this, the central castle, which bears the most important position of all buildings, simply has a road connected to the tall main entrance of the academy.The castle with a strong style is retro and dignified, and the slightly old walls on the outer walls look more mellow. Even the frames of the windows have exquisite reliefs, and the garden made of white jade is even more delicate and delicate.

This building has an elegance and beauty that is completely incompatible with the enemy's personality, and it makes people wonder why the owner of this manor gave it to the enemy to use it as a school.

Kujo Josuke could hear people from other teams discussing something. Although only 5 people had switched identities, these teams almost all swore that those cosplayers must be hiding in their teams.

"800 million is not usually so silent. Usually, you always answer the questions I ask you at the first time." Er Lang looked suspiciously at 800 million with black ponytail beside him: "I think it's a little question."

"Rather than talking about 800 million, let's talk about Bakugo! He was not angry today, and he didn't come up to find fault with Midori Valley!" Kirishima Ruijiro said in disbelief: "This is the strangest thing!"

Liri Ochako: "Student Lu Gu is always thoughtful today."

Izuku Midoriya: "I don't have QAQ, I'm just thinking about something. Speaking of it, I still feel a little strange on the expression of Hong-kun. Of course, it's not strange that there is no Monoma-san."

Wujianningren: "Huh? What did you say? (Significant sarcasm face), do you look down on me in Class A? You are in the same team now and my mission has been completed but your mission has not been completed——Ale Al—how strange—”

"Shut up!" Quan Ning Yijia sent his classmates to shut up with a fist, and smiled apologetically at Lugu and the others: "Leave him alone, he is just such a bad character."

"Ah, it's all right." Lugu Izuku hurriedly waved his hand to indicate that he didn't take it to heart, anyway, he's been used to the miraculous ridicule of Mujian Ningren all this way: "No need to apologize, I just said that about Mujian The classmate was also a little rude. I'm really sorry."

However, I couldn't help but say it for a moment just now.

Midoriya Izuku frowned, and found that the current atmosphere was really easy to get people's attention.In the situation just now, he was also a little anxious to prove his innocence, so he didn't easily drag the next person into the vortex of controversy.

Looking around, I found that the atmosphere of the other teams was similar to the situation of my own team just now, and because they were very familiar with each other, they almost tried to find all the information in their memory of the other party.

This is not good. At this time, Green Valley realized something. Could it be that this is the purpose of this competition?
Probably some real dissatisfaction came out of the quarrel. Almost everyone took the information they usually saw as evidence and wanted to refute those who held the opposite opinion.Now, here, this is a large-scale information leak site, and Josuke can see the recording of Orihara Rin walking around with a fox smile.

This is what the higher-ups meant, Cheng Jie thought.But he was also a little puzzled. Now that the two parties have leaked information to this extent, it is really hard to tell which side will benefit more. After all, they have almost revealed the bottom of each other.

Therefore, the organizer's purpose must not be simply to obtain information
He was keenly aware of something, but when the information was insufficient, Cheng Jie had no choice but to put it down first. With the late arrival of the last two teams, finally at 11:[-], the host Hei Wu stuck and read out said that sentence.

"Every contestant, it's 11 o'clock now. After an hour of competition, the first round of the preliminary round of the joint school festival has officially ended." Looking at the 80 people standing on the lawn under the steps, Hei Wu Binbin Standing politely on the steps of the castle: "Next, please click on the voting interface of the wristband, and complete the vote for the person to be replaced within 2 minutes."

"After the voting is completed, everyone can go back to the castle to rest for a while. The first round of competition is officially over."

Chengsuke followed these words, and then saw the nervous smile of the dead man next to him, so he asked him: "What? Who did you choose?"

"Of course it's Dabi haha." In the shocked expression of Sister Mage and my bewildered expression, Shigaraki said naturally: "His acting skills are much worse than yours."

 The author doesn't want to play stand-alone, please don't be stingy to talk to me about QAQ, I update it every day, I rely on love to generate power without reader interaction, I'm so lost
(End of this chapter)

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