I, BOSS, just want to live a peaceful life

Chapter 84 "Pursuing the Promised Summer"

Chapter 84 "Pursuing the Promised Summer"

Although the external image has always been a charming and sexy female hero, Midnight's real personality is a bit tougher. If it wasn't because her personality is the "sleep scent" that needs to be exposed to the skin, Midnight's current character might not be Known as the 18 banned heroes.

Just left the main control room in the middle of the night, and now wandering down the clean and reflective corridor.She stepped on slender high-heeled shoes with an enchanting figure, and her slender fingers touched the call interface of Olumat on the bracelet that popped up in the air, and turned her head to look at the stairs at the corner of the tall building in a daze.

She knew that her anger towards Kujo Josuke was mostly due to her own incompetence and self-blame, and midnight also knew that now she was standing at a fork in the road of choice, and the most correct choice was not to make any more troubles.But she can't suppress her emotions and act calmly like Aizawa Shouta, and put the overall situation first like Olu Matt, so she can't watch great opportunities slip away before her eyes.

Midnight chose to abandon the long and safe road and pursue the shortcut full of thorns.She opened the mobile phone, clicked on the communication interface of another person, hesitated for a while, and finally said: "Are you there? I will pick you up"

"Be careful, the way to bypass the monitoring in the main control room is the only one I know."

"Then thank you, Teacher Midnight." The other party replied, and said in a gentle tone: "Don't worry, teacher, I will definitely abide by the agreement."

For example, she would rather be scarred than to push away the thorns hidden in the trembling to reveal bright flowers. Midnight also hopes that she can greet the light of dawn before dawn. For this reason, she would rather give up all unimportant things.

Anyway, the public opinion in the society is already like that. If she doesn't do what those reporters say, won't she be at a disadvantage?And if it really succeeds, the society's public opinion on heroes will definitely improve by then!

Not only was she guilty or something else, she subconsciously looked in the direction of the main control room: from the semi-open space, she could faintly see the flickering fluorescent light of electronic equipment, and the various and complicated devices were like a man-made maze. In the cold, mechanical room, the only person sitting in it seemed to have the illusion of being mechanical.

For such a long time, he didn't seem to have moved at all.
And as Midnight saw, Kujo Josuke, who was sitting in the main control room, really didn't move at all. He concentrated on watching the live broadcast on the screen. There is no mosaic in the underground, so people can watch it openly, and even the blood splashed from the cross-section of the body can be clearly seen.

Although he has a cleanliness habit, but for some reason, Kujo Josuke doesn't feel disgusted by corpses, so he doesn't have much repulsion.He is currently observing the guessed cause of death of the corpse, hoping to guess the specific use of the fighting person's personality.

That's right, the one who appears on the screen now is [Repair Master] Jisaki Kai, with clean short black hair and a crow's mouth mask like a medieval Black Death doctor. Jisaki Kai just frowned and touched After touching the person from Shijie High School, the only remaining lower body became the only evidence that that person existed here just now.

Under the influence of the video, Chisaki Kai indifferently stepped over the stump lying on the ground, and slowly walked in front of another Shijie student.Dazed by the sudden blow, the student from Shijie High School held his head in disbelief, even forgot to fight back and escape, and asked, "What did you do to Ze?! You scum?!"

"The rules of the game say that as long as you win, you can eliminate your opponent, you—!"

"I am a person who hates garbage." Zhizaki Kai did not avoid answering this person's question, on the contrary, he carefully covered this person's eyes with the hand that took off the glove: " The [——] that is dirty, ugly, and doesn’t make any contribution by surviving is society’s rubbish, everyone knows it.”

Feeling the sensation of his flesh melting under his palm, Kaoru took a deep breath.This world is a little cleaner because of the disappearance of a personality.

"The current head of the Shihou Basai Association, [Repair Master] Zhizaki Kai is the first [Assault] position in the Arkham side to fight against the hero, and he used a strange method to suddenly break the two-person combination of the C camp. !!" Frowning, Bressant said with strong personal emotion, almost sarcastically: "Well—it seems that the future of Shihou Bazhai will be promising!"

"This event is not responsible for any casualties in this competition." Aizawa Shouta read the statement in his hand with an emotionless stick, then pushed it aside with one hand, his face slightly gloomy: "This is the organizer Fang Personality Management Office’s statement, detailed introduction can be found on the official website.”

"Zai Zhizaki's personality is quite incomprehensible aggressive personality." This is when the two heroes' faces are not good, but only Black Mist, who is on the same side as the enemy, can explain normally: "Although the medium is to touch , but Zhisaki-san won’t activate it casually because of his personal habit of wearing gloves all the year round.”

This is just a way to deal with the enemy. Black mist thought about it while looking at the incoming screen, and then said after a moment of deliberation: "Another student from the C camp also fell, and the body part left this time is an arm. Zhisaki The classmate represented Arkham College in their first encounter and ended with a big victory, and now there are [58 people] remaining in the game."

"." Shaking away Zhizaki's vigorous wiping of his fingers in front of him, the whites of Mike's eyes under the sunglasses rolled up, and the emotion in his heart made him sneer and say, "It's best to besiege students who meet Arkham, so that they It is a guarantee of victory. The enemy can kill the hero but the hero cannot kill the enemy. The government's bullshit regulations are too standard!"

Aizawa Shota, who was next to him, saw that Mike was even a little unscrupulous, and couldn't help sighing at his violent temper, so he took over the conversation: "Different from Arkham, which uses single-player combat, and heroes who use group raids, Shijie High School chooses Safe two-person team mode."

"Now [defense] is in place, and the striker part of [Assault] has also fought with Arkham's B camp." Hei Wu added, comparing the list, it always feels like one person is missing, but it is also Not too concerned: "The overall situation is relatively stalemate, but considering that the heroes of the A camp will soon arrive in Tokyo for support, the next outcome is also temporarily unpredictable." Where is the blind corner of the monitoring, where is the laziness, Hei Wu thought.

The hypocrisy of this scene makes people feel even more arrogant, and he does not comment on Kurogiri's personal speaking style, but Kujo Josuke still focuses on Jisaki Kai.

【Reviser】Zai Zhizaki, who lives up to his name.Because of the lack of information before, although Josuke knew that Zhisaki could repair people, he did not expect this effect: this ability to decompose people can turn people into molecules in the air with a wave of his hand. The deterrent effect is absolutely top-notch.

Of course, with Chengsuke's observation ability, he also noticed that there was one less person from the C camp in the flashing live broadcast.But unlike the black mist who gently put this matter down, the morbid perfectionist Chengsuke compulsively asks himself to make everything clear, and this kind of trivial matter must be compulsively known.

A list of 60 people. Check the people who were assigned to the C camp one by one in my mind, Gilgamesh and the three in Arkham who are under the enemy alliance, people from Shijie himself, and people from Xiongying High School
Just at the moment when Chengsuke was thinking, he keenly sensed a sharp voice coming from behind accompanied by a charming female voice: it was the familiar steps of high heels, and it was also a familiar voice.

"Kujo Josuke, as expected, I still feel—" Midnight stepped on her high-heeled shoes, and a slightly vague voice sounded from behind.


Kujo Josuke, who had guessed who was coming, had no patience to deal with anything. Since someone stepped into this area and disturbed his rest, no matter who it was, Josuke Kujo would let the Killer Queen give him a good time.

Wait - strange, something is wrong!Kujo Josuke suddenly realized something and turned his head suddenly, and saw Midnight who was holding a black amplifier in his hand with his head lowered. The tangled face made this always valiant hero very strange.But what Kujo Josuke cared more about was the figure leaning against the main control room, that figure with purple hair and black mask.

That's right, this person is the one who can't be found in the C camp, the youngest student in class A of the first year of Xiongying High School, the survivor of the general department in the [USJ incident], so troublesome!

"It's dangerous. Almost." He stroked the purple hair on his forehead lazily, looking calm and breezy, but in fact his back was soaked in cold sweat.Xin Caoren couldn't hide his excitement and walked a few steps, looked at the figure in front of him who was stunned and said: "What a sharp guy, I feel that he has made up his mind to kill me the moment I speak , Miss Midnight, did you offend him somewhere?"

"." Midnight, who was asked, didn't answer directly. She didn't do anything to the unconscious Kujo Josuke as she imagined, but turned around and left after leaving a sentence.

"Heart trouble. I did something wrong this time, and I will take everything by heart. When I meet a reporter later, just say that it is because I am eager for revenge." Midnight said: "The difference between a hero and an enemy lies in the means. You can't abandon your bottom line for revenge. Don't do that either."

"." Looking at the slender figure behind Midnight, he touched the back of his neck anxiously, not bothering to pretend to be a gentle and good student, and whispered: "Me? Revenge? Don't worry, I won't be swayed by this .”

I said I wanted revenge, so I hoped to personally deal with Kujo Josuke, who burned the old campus of Xiongying in the [USJ Incident]?This is of course a lie, it's just trying to take advantage of you who have the same thoughts, Miss Midnight.

The heart worrying person shook his neck, and slowly walked in front of Kujo Josuke, the distance was too close so that the heart worrying person could observe the Kujo Josuke more carefully.

This guy is really scary, Xincao thought, he realized something was wrong at the first time, if it weren't for my [brainwashing], it would work on anyone who responded to my words, and Kujo Josuke had This habit of reading out before making moves, maybe I am the one who has lost consciousness now.

Of course, it's not like Kujo Josuke is now, but dead.

Although I don't know what the words Kujo Josuke said at the time mean, but it's the first time I've seen the kind of killing intent that can make people tremble uncontrollably.If he was allowed to make a move, it would be a miracle that he didn't die now.

Having thought about all these things in his mind, he was worried and was about to reach out his hand to Kujo Josuke's temple to activate his personality.Tsk, it's really high.The worrying person made a cry in his heart, this kind of handsome, good-looking, and strong guy is really enviable.

The eyes of this color are actually a bit nice, and the eyelashes are quite long. It's just a little scary.And no matter whether he is conscious or not, this person's eyes don't change. He frowned worryingly. Forget it, we can't waste time. We need to get rid of this big boss once and for all before being discovered. There is plenty of time after such trivial matters.

After knowing that the teacher who stayed in school for this competition was Midnight, he tried his best to create a "suffering, gentle and revengeful boy" for her to show, and finally obtained the qualification that is strictly speaking cheating. He entered the director's room of Campus A of Xiongying High School unobstructed.

Although as long as he stabbed down, the victory would belong to the hero, but he was so worried that he didn't intend to do that.Because if things become like that, only the hero will get the benefits in the end, and he himself will only be pushed out to vent his anger on the enemy with the infamy of "villain", and then he will be mocked and said: "I said he was born to be an enemy." look!"

Therefore, the worrying person decided to take this opportunity to use waste to collect clues from Kongtiao Chengsuke's memory, and then send him to the police in its entirety.

Where do I start? Although if you want to look up recent events, you have to look from the back to the front, but this person's memory is too messy, right? ! !He was almost frightened to let go of the hand touching Josuke's temple, but he was taken aback by the huge memory palace in front of him.

Most people's memory is like a one-way sidewalk, and they can only simply go back and forth, and they can see clearly easily.But this person, Kujo Josuke, his memory is not only entangled like a mess, but also has a large number of messy contents. It is not an easy matter to find something from such a memory
Moreover, there is a danger of getting lost if you travel through a memory palace of this level
Even if he thought so, the worrying person finally stretched out his hand towards a relatively clear memory, and then a white light suddenly lit up in front of his eyes, and fragments of memory gushed out.

When I woke up again, I saw a strange Japanese town.

In the promised summer of 1999, the memory of Yoshikage Kira, a demon in human skin, quietly appeared in an ordinary town.

 Today's update is a bit late! ! !I'm really sorry, because the sports team trained today, and the big playground made me die of the sun. Fortunately, I applied sunscreen.

  What follows is a detailed explanation of the setting plus a review of the plot plus background supplements, please don’t miss it hehehe
(End of this chapter)

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