Chapter 11

"And what?"

"And this cover is included in the documents you sent." Yan Feimo's tone was a little more certain, although he also advised himself not to deal with things with colored eyes, but the fact is so obvious He couldn't allow him to think about other things, and he didn't want to waste his brain cells trying to excuse this woman.

"I don't think this file bag has passed through anyone else's hands." He naturally understood Yan Feifei's thoughts. Since she asked Yu Xiaoran to deliver the files on her behalf, she must have given instructions, because there were her meticulous care in it. The gift prepared by Guo Wei: "Therefore, you are the only one who has the time, the opportunity, and the conditions to commit the crime."

The statement recommended by Yan Feimo had almost no flaws, making it irrefutable, but how could Yu Xiaoxi admit what she hadn't done, so she continued to speculate on the next possibility: "I haven't touched the file bag. , this love letter means that the director didn't put it in by himself."

"Yu Xiaoxi." As soon as Yu Xiaoxi finished speaking, Yan Feimo suddenly shouted, and then added: "She is my sister." His eyes were full of flames.His face was extremely distorted as if someone had scalded it with an iron.

Knowing that she had made a slip of the tongue, Yu Xiaoxi quickly explained: "I mean, this letter may be written by the director to someone else." Yu Xiaoxi's voice was very small, she knew that it was very bad for her to speculate on Yan Feifei like this, but He has pushed himself to a dead end.

"Enough." With a roar, Yan Feimo's decibels could almost knock down the entire building, and a red fire flashed in his black and white eyeballs: "I gave you a chance to admit it consciously, but you are still stubborn , since this is the case, I have no choice but to act dictatorially once according to your words, and Feiyang will never tolerate an employee of your character."

"Yan Feimo, can you explain something?" Yu Xiaoxi also became angry at being wronged for no reason. Since he has already kept saying that he will fire him, then in the next second, he may not be his boss. , so from now on she doesn't have to wrong herself: "As the CEO of Feiyang, this is how you make decisions."

"Don't you think that you look like a street shrew now?" Although Yu Xiaoxi was impulsive before, she was polite, but now she calls him by his first name without any scruples at all.

"What about you, your current morality is not as good as those gangsters. I feel dirty when I look at you." Yu Xiaoxi retorted. She was still hesitating just now. Decided to leave with dignity.

"If you think it's dirty, why do you write so many disgusting things to me; if you think it's dirty, how can you love me so deeply; If you don't go, why do you want to enter Feiyang?" Yan Feimo pushed towards Yu Xiaoxi step by step, and stopped until she could see her flickering eyelashes clearly: "Even if I am dirty, I am better than those who love you." Vanity, wishful thinking, betraying one's body, being a shameless woman." Yan Feimo's words were extremely clear.

'Pa...' A slap was thrown out suddenly, and landed on Yan Feimo's face: "Yan Feimo, you are such a fucking bastard, you are not only dirty, but also narcissistic and arrogant. I heard clearly, even if men all over the world die, I, Yu Xiaoxi, will never fall in love with you, and from now on you are no longer my boss, because I am ashamed and ashamed to have a boss like you Shame." Yu Xiaoxi let out all the resentment and anger in her heart, then quickly turned around and ran out the door...

This time it was Yan Feimo's turn to be shocked, and he stayed in place for a while, until he heard the door close with a 'bang...' before he recovered.

His hands couldn't help touching his face, touching the scorching skin. Although Yu Xiaoxi's strength was not heavy, he still felt the burning pain.

Since he was a child, he has always looked down on everyone with a lofty attitude, not to mention beating, and he has never been moved by others.But today, he was slapped by a woman of low status.

Yan Feimo's self-esteem was severely hit. If Yu Xiaoxi hadn't walked too fast, he would have redoubled the slap in the face.

It's just that Yu Xiaoxi's words just now completely fooled him, so that he didn't even have time to react.

"Shit, hateful woman." Yan Feimo clenched his hands into fists: "If I meet again, I need you to look good."

Coming out of Feiyang Building, Yu Xiaoxi's tears were like a broken embankment, and she couldn't control it. Her pear blossoms with rain on her face and her hoarse crying attracted the attention of many passers-by. The good-hearted people who are nosy came up to advise, but at the moment Yu Xiaoxi's eyes were blurred, only Yan Feimo's annoying face and those ugly words were in her mind.

She has never been humiliated like this. From childhood to adulthood, she is the most popular among her classmates, and she is the most obedient in front of adults. She rarely plays with her temper or loses her temper.

But ever since she met this bastard named Yan Feimo, she felt that her emotions were completely out of control, like being possessed by ghosts and gods, and she was in trouble everywhere.

If it was her fault that she lost her first night, it should be considered his inadvertence, but no matter what, she must be the one who suffers.Why is he always bossing him around, and why is he indiscriminately accusing himself of unnecessary crimes.

Isn't it because the gods don't have eyes and gave him a good skin, and how much money is there in the family, so he needs to be so arrogant and conceited?

What do you say that I love him, I will only see a bastard like him if I am blinded, who does he think he is, and he doesn't take a look in the mirror.

While thinking, Yu Xiaoxi scolded in her heart, she couldn't be like those concubines and maids in ancient times, make a doll, write Yan Feimo's birth date on it, and then use needles to ruthlessly poke thousands of times on his body. a hole.

"Oh my god, Xixi, what's wrong with you? Why are you crying like this? Who bullied you?" The moment Yu Xiaoxi entered the door, she saw that her eyes were swollen like walnuts, and her face was vaguely still. With tears in her eyes, Ruan Lingjia looked worried, and reached out to support her distraught and distraught body.

"Come on, Xixi, what happened?" After being together for so many years, Ruan Lingjia rarely saw Yu Xiaoxi cry, but in the past two days, Yu Xiaoxi seemed to be possessed, losing her temper for a while, and It will be like this without energy again.

"Lingjia, am I a bad woman?" Yu Xiaoxi squatted on the sofa with her hands on her knees, raised her innocent face, and looked at Ruan Lingjia with hurt eyes. She was about to be caught by Yan Feimo along the way. The words made me schizophrenic.

(End of this chapter)

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