Chapter 119

"Don't say I won't let this kind of thing happen. Even if it does happen, you don't have any power to stop it, because in comparison, some people are more competent than you."

"Jing Sihan?" When this name was mentioned, Yan Feimo gritted his teeth. Although his renunciation at the time accounted for a large part of the reason for this result, Jing Sihan is not without responsibility for the real investigation.If Yan Feimo is said to be selfish, then why is Jing Sihan a selfless person?
Yu Xiaoxi didn't answer, her eyes were as cold as her expression, because from the standpoint of a mother, what Jing Sihan did for their mother and son in the past six years has indeed surpassed Yan Feimo by a lot. Given the choice between Yan Feimo and Yan Feimo, she would choose the former without hesitation.

Yu Xiaoxi's silence made Yan Feimo's heart twitch for no reason. Although she and Jing Sihan had not been together for so many years and gave him a lot of comfort, such acquiescence still burned the softness in his heart. : "Have you considered the feelings of the two children? Can he really accept them without any grievances? Have you ever thought about his real purpose?" Yan Feimo remembered what Yuxin said to him at Pizza Hut that day , so a timely reminder said.

"You have no right to accuse and comment on him. What he has done for the children, you have not done, and you may not be able to do it. No matter what his purpose is, at least in the past six years, he has been good to me and the children. The world is a lesson, you will never catch up, and the first thing a child sees when he is born is him, and the first noun he will call is not dad but Uncle Jing."

There was burning pain in Yan Feimo's eyes, and his heart was full of desolation, because missing the birth of his child was a regret that he could never make up for in his life, so now he can no longer lose the opportunity to grow up with them: "Their past I have no way to participate anymore, but in the future, I will definitely stay by their side."

"That requires my permission, but I'm sorry, you have already been out." Yu Xiaoxi raised her eyebrows, and the determination in her eyes had already sentenced Yan Feimo to the limbo.

Knowing that she would not be easily persuaded by him, Yan Feimo sighed and said: "I finished what I said before, I don't want to hurt the child, if you are willing to give up the custody of the child, I can promise you anything, but if you You must be so persistent and stubborn, then I can only say to you: I will see you in court." He did not expect to come to this step after all.

As soon as this remark came out, Yu Xiaoxi's eyes lit up. It goes without saying that she really didn't want the situation to get out of hand, but she didn't want to compromise in the face of Yan Feimo's strength, so she also used He replied in a strong tone: "The court is not run by your family. You can do whatever you want. Even if you are rich, I enjoy more advantages than you. I believe the court will not blindly favor you, and I And one last warning to you, the children belong to me alone, if you must snatch them, then I will spare no effort to keep them by my side at all costs." After Yu Xiaoxi finished speaking, she stood up and lowered her eyebrows He looked at Yan Feimo: "I'm waiting for the court summons, you wait, I'll make you give up." Then he left in a hurry.

Yan Feimo turned his face sideways, looking at Yu Xiaoxi's back that was pulled farther and farther away by the afterglow of autumn, his tense nerves finally relaxed, then turned his head, and picked up the already cold body in front of him. Taking a sip of the tea, he realized for the first time that the tea he had always loved had become so bitter...

Feiyang Building, the CEO's office, Yan Feimo in formal attire leaned down on the office chair, the tie of his jacket was loosened to his chest, and the tea stem was sandwiched between the index finger and middle finger of his left hand. The white mist followed his body. His fingertips curled up and down along an irregular path, and dissipated in the air. The sparse soot had already fallen all over the ground. His face was depressed and melancholy, and his heart was impatient and restless. After staying, he fell into such a confused state. It was the first time that he, who had always acted swiftly and resolutely, lost in front of her.Although he told her that day that in order to get the child, he would not rule out using legal means, but now he realized that he was just shooting himself in the foot. He couldn't bear to hurt the child, let alone confront her. Arguing against the court, but without a child, he would have no bargaining chips, which means losing her, so he struggled, struggled, and contradicted, until the long-lost voice sounded outside the door.

"Mo, what do you want from me?" Guo Wei pushed the door open. Originally, his honeymoon with Yan Feifei was still two days away, but he suddenly received a call from Yan Feimo saying that he was urgently needed to come back. Guo Wei didn't know what happened. What, I only heard Yan Feimo's tone of helplessness at that time, and I knew that things must be very difficult, so I had to leave my newlywed wife and daughter and fly back.

"Sit down first." Yan Feimo raised his eyes and looked at Guo Wei, his voice was tinged with desolation and helplessness, and he would not take this step unless he had to, although he also understood that Guo Wei was not necessarily What can he do to help him, but he knows the relationship between him and Yu Xiaoxi, so he thinks that this matter may turn around if he comes forward, of course, this is the only way he can do now.

Guo Wei then sat down and looked at Yan Feimo's sloppy appearance instantly, he couldn't help being a little stunned, but the man in front of him was different from the man he was when he was hurt six years ago.I once remembered that at that time he was negative, depraved, like a walking corpse, but at this moment, although he looked depressed, there was an unusually bright light in his eyes: "Mo, what is it that even you can't handle?"

"She's back?" Yan Feimo stood up, stretched out his hand to light the cigarette ash, and then breathed out again without a sound?

"Yao Yun?" Guo Wei's first reaction was that in his conception, apart from his mother and Yan Feifei, the only women left in Yan Feimo's memory were Yao Yun. After the accident, Yao Yun suddenly disappeared, not lost.

Mentioning these two words, a sharp light flashed in Yan Feimo's eyes from time to time, and then he cast his gaze straight at Guo Wei: "I don't have this person in my memory for a long time." Hate and forget, he I chose the latter, because some people and some things are too tiring to remember and too bitter to hate, so instead of torturing yourself, it is better to let each other relax.

"It's not her, who is that?" Guo Wei didn't understand, his face was full of curiosity.

Yan Feimo took another puff of cigarette, his eyes lit up for an instant, but soon dimmed again, and then he replied very helplessly: "Xiaoxi, Yu Xiaoxi, should be called Single now. M, she came back and brought Come back proud."

(End of this chapter)

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