Chapter 121

"Wei, I've made all the preparations for coming to you. As long as you can get the guardianship of Xinxin and Fanfan, you can vent your anger however you want. I definitely have no complaints." Yan Feimo's voice was slightly weaker. A little, but on the face it is very serious and solemn.

"What?" Guo Wei looked into Yan Feimo's eyes, his face was like frost, and then looked at Yan Feimo coldly: "I want to return the child, Yan Feimo, are you talking about it?" Guo Wei While talking, he grabbed Yan Feimo's collar again: "Six years, the child is over five years old, you want to return the child now, where did you go six years ago? Before you kept asking me to treat Feifei Responsibility, so what about your responsibility? Do you think it is hard work for Feifei to bring up Da Rouer alone, what about Xiaoxi? Have you ever thought about her? At least Feifei has a family with you, with superior conditions and capital , but what does Xiaoxi have? When she was eight years old, her parents divorced, and she became an unwanted child. At the age of 14, her grandfather who loved her the most died in an earthquake. From then on, she didn’t know what home is. , what is love, but you hurt her like that, if it wasn't for our relationship, I would have wished to abolish you, but you still want to have a child shamelessly, do you want to snatch her away just because you provided two sperm? Zou Xiaoxiao has guarded the things for so many years, do you know how much energy and painstaking effort it takes to bring up a child? The difficulties of single mothers, you should know it without me telling you, you think the child is something you can say if you want it Do you ignore other people's hard work for so many years? You only think about your child now, what did you do six years ago, and where did you have the courage to promise me to be responsible for Feifei six years ago?"

"I also want to be responsible, but I need her to give me a chance." After Yan Feimo finished speaking, he closed his eyes heavily, and then turned his face aside.

"Give you a chance. Didn't she give it to you? Otherwise, how would you know that she was pregnant with your child?" Guo Wei immediately retorted, "I'm really ashamed of you for saying such things until now. As a friend, I don't care. I should talk about you, but for the sake of Xiaoxiao, I have to ask you if Yao Yun didn't have that incident back then, if you could still have children, would you still think of her? I really want to know what you think of her, it's you Is it a spare tire or a child-bearing machine? Do you think you can get back the dignity you once lost when you have a child? Do you think that the harm you have caused to others can be offset by having a child?"

"Wei, I know you are very emotional now, and you also have a lot of opinions on my actions. I don't want to explain. I just want to fulfill my father's obligation and be a good father? Is it wrong for me to do so?" Yan Feimo doesn't want to tell him the deepest thoughts in his heart yet.

"Fulfill your father's duty and be a good father? Don't you think it's too late now? A cat or a dog will have feelings after being raised for a long time, let alone someone who has worked so hard to raise such a big child, you This kind of behavior is no different from robbers and bandits." Guo Wei's cold eyes were full of bloody flames, and his tone was undoubtedly angry. Thinking of the injuries that Yu Xiaoxi may have suffered for so many years, he couldn't help but feel pain in his heart, so the pain Then all the power turned into words was vented on Yan Feimo's body.

"It's not that I haven't looked for her, it's just..."

"That's enough, you don't need to explain. Do you think it's meaningful to find those reasons and excuses? Sometimes you should reflect on yourself and consider other people's feelings. Don't blindly use your own worldview and outlook on life. Asking others, since they are already wrong, let it continue to be wrong, please don't bother Xiaoxiao anymore, even if you want a child again, I still hope you can let go, not to mention that Xiaoxiao will not agree , I will not allow it, and now I still say that, since I have married Feifei, I will promise her a future, and I will do my best for your Yan family, but if Xiaoxiao suffers a little more Hurt, even if it kills me, I will not let you go."

Yan Feimo bit his lip, looked at the upright Guo Wei in front of him, the pain hidden in his heart filled his heart again, then slowly raised his eyes, looked at the corner of the window at a 45-degree angle, and said with extreme sadness: "You're right. It's too late for me to say anything now. I also know that what I do is despicable and shameless, but what do you want me to do? Do you want me to just watch her marry Jing Sihan?" , want me to listen to my own child calling someone else's father?" Yan Feimo turned around, faced the window, and put his hands on the window sill: "Why don't I know that when I say these words now, others will listen to me? How hypocritical, how fake, but I really don't want to hurt her, if I had other ways, I wouldn't look for you, being misunderstood by friends is another injury."

"How did Xiaoxiao and Jing Sihan get involved?" Guo Wei grasped the key words in Yan Feimo's words.

Yan Feimo didn't answer immediately, but heaved a long sigh, then lit a cigarette and said slowly: "She has been with Jing Sihan all these years, and it was Jing Sihan who went abroad when she went abroad. It was arranged, after what happened to Yao Yun, I went to look for her, but unfortunately I was deceived by Jing Sihan." Speaking of this, Yan Feimo held his breath for a while, this matter has always been his flaw.

"You mean that Xiaoxiao became Jing Sihan's mistress?" Guo Wei's eyes widened, full of suspicion. Although he never doubted Yu Xiaoxi's character, a woman could do it for the sake of her child. Come up with something that goes against the principles.

"No, I checked with someone. She was the tutor of Young Master Jing Er at the time, so she went abroad together under Jing Sihan's arrangement. It's just that Jing Sihan has always regarded himself as his boyfriend, and for so many years, They have been living together." Ever since he met Yu Xin at the playground, he began to investigate everything that happened before and after Yu Xiaoxi went to Toronto.

Yan Feimo's unclear explanation made Guo Wei momentarily unable to tell what he was trying to express. Although he couldn't see Yan Feimo's expression at the moment, he could feel the vicissitudes in his words, just this kind of vicissitudes He didn't know the source of the relationship: "If Jing Sihan loves her and has taken care of their mother and child for so many years, if they can really get together, I think it's only natural." A man, his life will be uncomfortable, but when he can no longer give promises and happiness, then the best way is to let someone who can afford to give it.

(End of this chapter)

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