Chapter 129

"Thank you." Yu Xiaoxi could only silently follow the secretary into Jing Sihan's office.

"You drink water, the president should be coming out soon." The secretary poured Yu Xiaoxi a glass of water, and then left the office.

Yu Xiaoxi put down the water glass in her hand, but her heart felt lonely at this moment. Although she impulsively wanted to ask Jing Sihan for clarification, her thoughts were completely chaotic, what would happen next, How he should deal with it, he didn't think about anything.

"Xiaoxi, you're here." Not long after, Jing Sihan pushed the door open, then went straight to his desk and put down the folder in his hand, his serious face melted the moment he saw Yu Xiaoxi It became a warm smile.

"Why did you do this?" Yu Xiaoxi stood up, her face was full of solemnity and seriousness, her two beautiful willow eyebrows formed a line, which was enough to show how angry she was at the moment.

"Xiaoxi, don't be angry." Jing Sihan still had a warm smile on his face, walked up to Yu Xiaoxi lightly, then raised his hand to gently smooth her brows: "I don't like to see you like this .”

"Sihan, how could you do this? What do you think of me in your eyes?" Yu Xiaoxi shook off Jing Sihan's hand, and when she thought of those words in the newspaper, she felt extremely heartbroken: When did you have such feelings in the past, why did you lie?"

"Are you really angry?" Jing Sihan looked at Yu Xiaoxi with affectionate eyes, and then said slowly: "I'm not lying, I said every word at the press conference yesterday from the bottom of my heart , I love you for six full years."

"But when did we have so many romantic affairs, when did our first acquaintance turn into a fairy tale about Cinderella and the prince, why do you say that we are ready to get married, and when did I agree to get married? Give it to you?" Yu Xiaoxi was so angry that she asked all the words in her heart in one breath.

Hearing Yu Xiaoxi's questioning, Jing Sihan's heart was filled with soreness. In fact, when he made such a decision, he was already prepared to wait for her storm: "Yes, no, we never had a romantic encounter, I have never been together like other couples who are in love with each other, but these are what I have always dreamed of and longed for. I believe that as long as you are willing, we will have these."

"But did you get my permission? Did you ask me if I would? Do you know how much your report will hurt me?" Yu Xiaoxi's eyes turned red as she spoke.

"Xiaoxi, I know that what I do is disrespectful to you, but it has been six years, and in six years, I can melt a piece of ice. I have hinted countless times, but you can't give me the answer, you know How uncomfortable am I?" Facing the angry Yu Xiaoxi, Jing Sihan finally poured out the pain in his heart.

"But you can't force me in this way. I also have my own thoughts and concerns. Have you ever felt my feelings?" Yu Xiaoxi burst into tears as she spoke. To Jing Sihan, she It is true that she owes something, but she really has no way to accept it emotionally in the face of his methods.

"Xiaoxi, I know you are worried about the child. In your mind, the child will always be higher than me. I don't expect you to put me on top of your heart, but please think about me sometimes and consider my feelings. And I did this for you, I want to give you a home, so that you don't have to wander and worry anymore, because I have already asked the lawyer, Yan Feimo is still single now, if you are married, there is Once we get home, considering the child's growth environment and conditions, the law will be more inclined to a complete family, even if he has a background, our chances of winning are still very high." Jing Sihan stretched out his hand, very gently for Yu Xiao Xi wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, although he knew it was a bit despicable to use this incident as an excuse, but this was the only way for him to cut off Yan Feimo's thoughts.

"Even if it's for me, for the child, you should discuss it with me. Where will you put me if you do this? Is this love for me?" Yu Xiaoxi shook her head, unable to understand Jing Sihan's words, adding According to Guo Wei's explanation that day, her previous stubborn thoughts also began to waver, so the child's problem has not yet reached the point where it has to be solved.

"To discuss with you, will you agree? I don't know what you are worried about all these years, do you think I am not good enough for you?" Because Yu Xiaoxi's excuses for rejecting him are often inappropriate, but he has never Knowing these three words, how did she conclude: "You never gave me a clear answer, you just kept saying that we are not suitable, we can get along peacefully and peacefully in six years, what else is not suitable? Time is the best proof."

"That's different. Living together and getting married are two different things, and the relationship between us is not deep enough to entrust each other." Yu Xiaoxi raised her face and looked at the ceiling at a 45-degree angle. Knowing this sentence, saying it would be very lethal to Jing Sihan, but facing his selfish behavior, she really couldn't control her emotions.

Sure enough, Jing Sihan's face was full of injuries, and his eyes fell directly on the side of Yu Xiaoxi's face: "I can give you my heart, don't you still doubt it?"

"I don't doubt you, I'm not sure about myself, Sihan, I know how good you are to me, but you have really gone too far in this matter. Marriage is something that should be your wish. , but you are so arbitrary, I really can't accept it." Yu Xiaoxi couldn't help taking two steps back as she said, with tears in her eyes.

"Xiaoxi, I asked you before, are you willing to give up everything for the sake of your child? If your tone hadn't been so firm at the time, I wouldn't have acted so decisively. Although I don't deny that I have selfish intentions in doing so, but Don't you think this is a way to have the best of both worlds? The child can stay by your side, and it has fulfilled my long-cherished dream." Jing Sihan approached Yu Xiaoxi again as he spoke, and put his hands on her Shoulder.

Yu Xiaoxi couldn't agree with Jing Sihan's thoughts: "No matter how perfect this method is, you must at least discuss it with me in advance. How can you let me trust you with the rest of my life?"

Jing Sihan finally fell silent, and asked slowly after a long time: "Now the whole city of C should know the news, what do you think should end?" Now that things have happened, he can only persecute her: " Xiaoxi, if you feel bad, or if you don’t feel anything about me, you think I’m not good enough for you, and you don’t want to marry me, I’m willing to hold another press conference for you to explain that yesterday’s remarks are all worthless. It's my wishful thinking, it's because I, Jing Sihan, don't have the charm and ability to make you fall in love with me."

(End of this chapter)

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