Chapter 13

"Thank you supervisor for your kindness, I can't stay in Feiyang any longer, sorry." Yu Xiaoxi bent down and bowed reverently.

"Xiaoxi, are you encountering any difficulties at work, or for other reasons, if you need time, I can give you a certain amount of time off." Even without Yan Feifei's relationship, he didn't want to lose someone with potential Although Yu Xiaoxi has not worked for a long time, judging from her work situation, she is a very thoughtful and capable person, so he does not want to lose such a talent.

"No, I like my colleagues here very much. They are all very good to me. It is my own reason, so thank you supervisor." At this moment, besides thank you, there is only thank you: "I hope the supervisor approves my resignation request."

"Xiaoxi, Feiyang is not something that ordinary people can enter. I hope you can think about it again." Seeing Yu Xiaoxi's stubborn expression, the supervisor's tone became serious.

Yu Xiaoxi nodded seriously: "I've thought it through very clearly."

"Well, how about we talk about it when the director comes back?" Because Yu Xiaoxi had some relationship with Yan Feifei, so he didn't dare to make a decision easily.

Yu Xiaoxi smiled lightly, and then explained: "I've already made an agreement with Sister Feifei, she hopes you can help me deal with it as soon as possible." She doesn't want to have anything to do with the Yan family anymore, although Yan Feifei treats her very well , but there is an extra barrier in the face, and such lies are the fastest way to end.

The supervisor sighed for a long time, feeling very sorry for it, because Yu Xiaoxi's character has always been well-known, so he did not doubt the authenticity of her words.

The moment she got the resignation procedures and left the company, Yu Xiaoxi couldn't help but look back at the building behind her that had become her history, and couldn't help but let out a long sigh. She was finally free, and it was time to start again...

Because he had just returned to the headquarters, there were many things that needed to be dealt with, so Yan Feimo's schedule was extremely tight, and he couldn't spare any time to be busy with other things in the two days.

Although he was very annoyed by Yu Xiaoxi's matter, he didn't have the mind to deal with personal affairs. The endless meetings made him overwhelmed, and he wished he could become overbearing.

"Second brother, where are you now?" In the middle of the second day, Yan Feimo was eating and looking at the documents when the phone rang, and Yan Feifei's unique voice came from the loudspeaker soon, Of course, only in front of him can she make such a sound like the roar of a lion in the east of the river.

"I'm in the office." Yan Feimo tried hard to swallow the sushi in his mouth, in order to make his voice clearer.

"I'm back." Yan Feifei's tone was full of excitement.

"How are things going over there? Does Mr. Lin have any objections to our design plan?" Yan Feimo asked.

"Perfect." Yan Feifei's tone clearly revealed great joy.

"That's right, there's progress, and I can stand alone so soon." Yan Feimo praised her once in a while.

"Your sister, I have won world-class awards anyway, so don't underestimate me, so you have to reward me well."

A faint smile appeared on Yan Feimo's stern face: "Okay, okay, okay, whatever you want, I will promise you."

Yan Feifei on the other end of the phone chuckled, and then said, "I'd better go to your office and talk to you. If I'm not wrong, you're eating sushi right now."

"Ghost girl." After Yan Feimo finished speaking, he put away the thread, put away the unfinished sushi, and cleaned the table.

Not long after, a knock on the door was heard.

"The door is open, come in."

Pushing the door open, Yan Feifei had a shy and weird smile on her face, and then habitually glanced at Yan Feimo's office: "It hasn't changed at all, it's still exactly the same as before, second brother, why don't you think about it?" How about changing your style? Anyway, now that you are the CEO of Feiyang, you have to change it."

"Some things can be changed, but some things can never be changed." Yan Feimo said, and Yao Yun's long black hair and warm jade-like smile flashed in his mind.

"You mean something else." Yan Feifei approached Yan Feimo's desk, then shrugged her shoulders and said, "Actually, I have always felt that you and Yao Yun are not suitable at all. People from two worlds." Yan Feifei still knows a little about Yan Feimo's obsession with Yao Yun, although it was only a few acquaintances, she doesn't like that woman very much, even though she is pretty and lovely, She didn't understand why Yan Feimo treated her like a goddess, wishing to give her the whole world.

"You don't need to dictate my private affairs, you should take care of your own affairs." The expression on Yan Feimo's face began to change from sunny to cloudy, very unhappy.

Yan Feifei stuck out her tongue, and didn't say any more. She knew Yan Feimo's temper very well, and other things might follow her, but it was about Yao Yun. No matter how she provoked her, it was useless.

"Tell me, you are so eager to find me, and you have wasted so much time asking me for credit, what conditions do you want me to promise you?" You can go to the Three Treasures Hall for everything, let alone his most helpless sister.

A blush suddenly appeared on Yan Feifei's face, and then she asked in a low voice, "Well, I want to ask, can you give Guo Wei two days off?"

"No, the company still has a lot of things waiting for him to deal with?" Yan Feimo refused.

"That day?" Yan Feifei immediately lowered the price and stretched out a finger.

"Feifei, please stop harassing Wei, it is because of you that he refuses to come back." Yan Feimo had to tell the truth.

Yan Feifei was startled, then looked at Yan Feimo with a particularly aggrieved look, and muttered in a low voice: "Is that why he doesn't want to see me?"

Yan Feimo crossed his fingers and put them together, then shook his head: "Who told you to do such a bad thing, otherwise Wei will always avoid you, you should accept this heart."

"So he didn't receive the birthday present I gave him?" It took her a lot of effort to get the bronzing version of the high-simulation pastoral souvenir book. Guo Wei never left Yan Feimo's side, but in order to avoid her Staying alone in Italy, thinking about it, Yan Feifei's eyes filled with tears.

"It happened that the manager of the marketing department was going to Italy that day, so I asked him to take him there. In the morning, I received a call from Wei, and he asked me to thank you on his behalf, saying that he liked the things very much." Yan Feimo pressed his body on the office very casually. chair.

"He really likes it?" Yan Feifei's tears that were about to flow disappeared in an instant, her face was filled with joy, and her eyes were shining with excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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