Chapter 150

"Is there no room for maneuver? I don't want to get involved in legal matters, but I know he won't do business that loses money. The project that MOD is currently working on is definitely a promising project, otherwise he wouldn't have done so Big bet." Yu Xiaoxi understood that the reason why Jing Sihan gave it a go was entirely for Jing Yunqi, because he once said that when Jing Yunqi was able to succeed him, he would hand over the company to him , and at that time MOD would definitely be a brilliant enterprise, that was his promise to his younger brother.

"Xixi, I've said so much, don't you understand at all?" Xiao Qifeng finally couldn't help it, determined to expose the dark thread that had been hidden all along.

"Understand what?" Yu Xiaoxi asked reflexively, her eyes full of doubts.

Xiao Qifeng gently shook his head with a helpless expression: "I thought you had really changed, but I didn't expect you to be so simple. Do you know what Jing Sihan has done besides bribery? In order to get this loan , he invited the previous president to go to the nightclub no less than five times, I said that, should you understand?"

A cold light shot out of Yu Xiaoxi's eyes for an instant, and then she looked straight at Xiao Qifeng. Although he didn't say it very clearly, the meaning in the words was clear. How many people are there in that kind of place? Being able to get out of the mud without being stained, at this moment, Yu Xiaoxi began to have conflicts. The six years of dependence and the rumors about Jing Sihan all appeared in her mind at once, making her lose her mind for a while. Without judgment, should he stick to the trust in him in his heart, or listen to Xiao Qifeng's words and doubt him.

"I don't say this to destroy the relationship between you. Although I admit that I still can't forget you, I know that I am no longer qualified to say love to you, but I don't want you to go my way. I hope Hey, don't try to change any man who is philandering. Men have bad roots. No matter how gentle and considerate he is in front of you, it is just a fake, because you never know what will happen tomorrow. Getting up is no slower than turning the pages of a book."

"No, don't talk about Qi Feng. I believe in Sihan. Although, as you expected, I haven't loved him to the point of sacrificing my life. But in the past six years, he has done a lot for me and my child. There are too many, and in the past six years, he has never been rumored to have an affair with any woman, even if, as you said, he has been to those romantic places, I believe it is just for work." Yu Xiaoxi bit her lip Said, even though her heart was very tangled at this moment, how can an ordinary person be able to take care of him without complaint or regret for six years, not for anything else, but for this kindness, she can't doubt him.

"Since you are so sure, I can't say anything, but Xixi, what I want to tell you is that I really hope that you can be happy, no matter whether he has done something sorry to you or not, but I am sure that in his In my heart, you must not be the first."

"Why?" Yu Xiaoxi's tone was not strong. In fact, she didn't expect Jing Sihan to put herself in the most important position, but she knew that Xiao Qifeng would never say anything dead, so facing him so She felt very curious about the decisive tone.

Xiao Qifeng smiled lightly, and then explained: "Because I have read the information about Jing Sihan, he is not personally interested in shopping malls, and I heard that he once suffered from obsessive-compulsive disorder due to work, but he wanted to win it at any cost. This project shows that he has another purpose, his parents have been dead for many years, and he can still have such perseverance, it shows that there must be someone very important to him supporting him."

"What did you say, he had OCD?" Yu Xiaoxi's face was in a daze, and what made her even more embarrassed was that they had lived together for six full years, and she didn't even know that he had OCD.

"Unexpectedly, you don't even know this." Xiao Qifeng lamented again, and then looked at Yu Xiaoxi seriously: "Xixi, how much do you really know about Jing Sihan? A man who is about to become your husband, how much do you think about him?" Doesn't he care about his past at all?"

"I..." Yu Xiaoxi choked up, and at this moment, she suddenly realized that she really didn't understand Jing Sihan, and it seemed that what remained in her memory were only the pictures of them together, or In other words, she never cared about his affairs.

"Jing Sihan has a younger brother, right?" Xiao Qifeng finally couldn't help it anymore, and decided to say those things clearly: "If I'm not wrong about your connection with the Jing family, it's because of his younger brother, right? .”

"If the person you just mentioned is Yun Qi, I think I should feel relieved." If Jing Sihan made a mistake because of Jing Yunqi, then she would feel happy instead, because a person who can put family affection aside The first man must be a good man.

"Xixi, you have been short of love since you were a child, so you cherish family affection very much, but have you ever thought about yourself?"

"I don't understand what you mean. Is Sihan's love for Yunqi conflicting with his love for me?" Love and family affection can exist independently.

"Xixi, you are so stupid. Haven't you ever thought that if one day he has to choose between you and your brother, can you accept the result?" Xiao Qifeng sighed and looked at Yu Xiao Xi's eyes were full of helplessness.

Yu Xiaoxi looked at Xiao Qifeng in a daze, and then said very firmly: "No, there will be a day. If there is a day, I will also support him in choosing Yunqi."

"Then if he chooses younger brother, would you still choose him? Will you marry him?" Xiao Qifeng looked into Yu Xiaoxi's eyes. He didn't really want to force her, but he really didn't want her to be like him. You can't get the happiness you want.

"I..." Yu Xiaoxi paused again, looking at Xiao Qifeng began to hesitate, because the support she just said was from the standpoint of an outsider, but when she was also placed in the circle, she suddenly With a feeling of being abandoned, she could sincerely wish the two brothers better and better, but she couldn't marry a man who abandoned her.

"So Xixi, think about it carefully. Marriage is not a child's play. If you make a wrong step, you will make a wrong step. It will be too late for you to regret it." It is extremely heavy.

Yu Xiaoxi came back to her senses, and then smiled lightly: "I have no choice, and I believe there will be no such day."

(End of this chapter)

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