Chapter 152

"What?" Jing Sihan's heart skipped a beat when he heard Yu Xiaoxi's three words. Although Ruan Lingjia hadn't made it clear yet, he was already aware of the hidden intention in her words.

Jing Sihan's reaction made Ruan Lingjia feel like someone stabbed her heart with something in an instant, but now is not the time to be jealous, so she had to swallow the discomfort: "Xiao Qifeng is Yu Xiaoxi's first love Boyfriend."

As soon as these words came out, Jing Sihan pulled his whole face down, and the nerves in his whole body tensed up. Then he looked at Ruan Lingjia with a very serious expression. One Yan Feimo was enough for him to give him a headache, but now there was another one. Such a powerful rival in love, and this person can control the future destiny of him and MOD, how much irony and challenge for him: "So what?"

"During college, Xiao Qifeng and Yu Xiaoxi were recognized as golden boys and girls in our school. Xiao Qifeng loved Yu Xiaoxi very much. Because he came from a military family, he always strictly observed discipline. Of course, he never revealed his However, because of Yu Xiaoxi, he skipped class to buy her candied haws from the shopping street of C University, and in order to accompany her to watch movies in the middle of the night, he didn’t even go back to the dormitory at all, but because of family relations, when he was a senior, Due to pressure from the family, the two of them had to break up, but Xiao Qifeng never told Yu Xiaoxi the real reason, and she still doesn't know the reason."

"What do you mean by telling me this? Xiaoxi is my fiancee now. If you just want to tell me about her past, then please go out. I don't want to hear it." The businessman's sensitivity made Jing Sihan understand Ruan Lingjia What does the method refer to, but the man's self-esteem makes him naturally reject it.

"I think you should have understood, I know you don't want to do this, but now MOD has been pushed to the cusp, if I'm not wrong, other banks should have rejected your application, of course, if you don't want to save MOD, then It's another matter, just pretend that I didn't say anything just now." Ruan Lingjia spoke slowly, but her tone was full of determination.

Jing Sihan didn't make a sound, and pressed his clenched hands tightly on the table. After a long period of ideological struggle, he finally gritted his teeth and asked Ruan Lingjia suspiciously: "Are you so sure about Xiao Xi's love?" If he comes forward, he will sell his face."

"Of course not." Ruan Lingjia replied with certainty: "There is no free lunch in the world, let alone such a big matter. Besides, Xiao Qifeng is not a person who ignores the overall situation. Naturally, he will not give up because of Yu Xiaoxi's words. Just to help you with this, but what I'm sure is that Xiao Qifeng still loves Yu Xiaoxi now, because Xiao Qifeng got married after graduation, but his married life was not happy, and after getting married, almost every time he Yue will call me to ask about Yu Xiaoxi, and it has never stopped in the past six years, so as long as Yu Xiaoxi is willing to sacrifice, and this project is originally a win-win and promising project, Xiao Qifeng will definitely help this .”

"It's not his family that opened the Banking Regulatory Commission. How can he still cover the sky with one hand? Why are you so sure that the president of Minyou Bank will listen to him?" Ruan Lingjia's words stimulated Jing Sihan, and the meaning in her words was already expressed very clearly It is clear that in exchange for the safety of the MOD, Yu Xiaoxi must be lost. Although he hopes that the company can turn the crisis into safety, he still feels heartache when he thinks of losing the happiness and cherished emotions for six years. : "And I don't want Xiaoxi to be treated as a victim."

"There is nothing to gain from what is lost, not to mention which one is more important to you, MOD or her, I don't think I need to say that you know it in your heart, otherwise you wouldn't force yourself to carry such a big burden, besides Yes, love can start all over again, but once the company is lost, it is not just a matter of six years, two six years, and maybe there is no way to get back up in this life. As for whether Xiao Qifeng has this ability , I just said about his background, you should also understand that what a person does depends not on his ability, but on his background. I believe that as long as he is willing to speak up, the company's crisis will be easily resolved "For so many years, Ruan Lingjia has already figured out Jing Sihan clearly, and naturally knows how important MOD is to him.

Jing Sihan lowered his brows instantly, and was caught in a dilemma for a while, he must not break his promise to his brother, but would he have to pay for his own happiness?No matter how he chooses, he feels that he will be a mistake...

"There is something that I may not want to tell you, but seeing that you love her so much, I think it is necessary to tell you, do you know why Minyou Bank has such a big incident, but you are safe and sound? ?" Ruan Lingjia gritted her teeth, seeing that he could compare the interests of the company with Yu Xiaoxi, she finally decided to speak out what was in her heart.

The businessman's unique acuity made Jing Sihan understand the meaning of the words naturally, and then the corners of a pair of peach-blossom eyes hooked up: "It's you?" Although he also left a way out for himself in the matter of bribery, he wanted to add insult to injury There are quite a few people, so it will not be so easy for him to get Jin Chan out of his shell. It's just that he has been thinking about how to save the company these days, so he hasn't thought about the reason for this, but when Ruan Lingjia asked, He has already understood that being able to study Xiao Qifeng's background so thoroughly, and knowing that the bank case has something to do with him, already shows that her social status is not low. Although she is not as good as Xiao Qiran, she definitely has a considerable background of.

"I didn't want you to repay or appreciate me by doing this. I just hope that you can look at others with more eyes sometimes. Don't think that she is the only good woman in this world, although I admit that she is excellent in many ways. , and deserves to be loved by many men, but I think you think too highly of her, have you really understood her? Are you sure she loves you?" Seeing the shock and surprise on Jing Sihan's face, Ruan Lingjia So he said what had been accumulated for a long time, and then looked straight at Sihan with a pair of almond eyes, and there was warmth like water in it: "Such a big thing happened in the company, has she ever looked for you? Has she ever cared about you?" Do you really want to watch the company fall into trouble and not want to take this step?"

"Of course I know her, and I'm sure she loves me, otherwise she wouldn't agree to marry me." Jing Sihan clenched his fists, although he didn't want to tell her these things, but anyway It was because of her help that he was able to escape this catastrophe, so he didn't show his face to Ruan Lingjia anymore, but he was still conflicted and struggling with Yu Xiaoxi's matter. After being reminded by Ruan Lingjia, he looked back. Yu Xiaoxi's previous firmness towards her was shaken at this moment. Although they had been together for six years, all he could see in those six years was her gentle and kind side, but he had never walked past her. In his heart, even for so many years, he didn't know that she had an unknown past with Xiao Qifeng. In fact, sometimes, he also asked himself whether he really loved her, or because this kind of love had already passed away. became a habit.

(End of this chapter)

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