Chapter 161

"I'm tired, let me go." At this moment, she just felt tired. Along the way, she had been struggling and contradicting in that dead end, but she couldn't make a decision.

"Xiaoxi, it's all my fault, I'm useless, let you suffer like this, if you feel uncomfortable, hit me." After Jing Sihan finished speaking, he grabbed Yu Xiaoxi's hand, and said to himself Slap it on the face.

"Please let me go?" At this moment, she didn't know how to face him: "I'm really tired, I want to rest, please don't bother me anymore, okay?" Xiaoxi almost begged.

"Xiaoxi, I know, you won't forgive me again, but..." Jing Sihan still wanted to explain something, but Yu Xiaoxi had already walked upstairs.

Looking at her back, he almost wanted to go crazy.But what can he do now?Can that already fragile relationship stand still after being baptized by such a violent storm?

This night, in the two rooms, no one has ever closed their eyes...

"What did you say, Xiao Qifeng left City C?" Early the next morning, Jing Sihan received a call from the hotel. Hearing the news, he was both shocked and puzzled. He remembered that he made it very clear that day that he would stay in City C for a month, that's why he wanted Yu Xiaoxi to accompany him for a month, why did he leave in such a hurry?Furthermore, if he leaves at this time, will the agreement between them still be fulfilled?

"Yes, the room card was returned at [-]:[-] last night. It is said that he had already booked a flight to Yunnan a week ago. Because there was a small accident at the hotel last night, he did not inform the president in time. Report, that's why I disturbed the president early in the morning." After Yu Xiaoxi agreed to the conditions, Jing Sihan asked the hotel to observe Xiao Qifeng's movements, and asked the relevant person in charge to report to Xiao Qifeng at any time. He reports.

"The room was checked out at [-]:[-] last night? Are you sure?" Jing Sihan was very suspicious. If Xiao Qifeng checked out the room at [-]:[-], why did Yu Xiaoxi come back so late, and her face was so ugly , such a time difference is simply not established.

"I'm sure, and I've checked, he was on the flight at 09:30 last night, and someone saw him appearing at the airport around 08:30."

"Okay, I get it." Jing Sihan hung up the phone after finishing speaking, and sat on the sofa with his hands on his forehead with thick eyebrows, thinking about the context. Could it be that all of this was Xiao Qifeng's conspiracy? ?Because just now he heard that Xiao Qifeng had already booked a plane ticket a week ago, that is to say, he was ready to go to Yunnan seven days ago, but when he was negotiating yesterday, he kept saying that he would stay in City C for a month , since he was going to leave, why did he lie to him?And was this done by him alone, or was he lying to him with Yu Xiaoxi?Thinking of this, Jing Sihan immediately called the company to ask people to check everything about Xiao Qifeng.

Just when Jing Sihan had just finished making the phone call, Yu Xiaoxi had already dressed and came out of the room. Because she hadn't slept all night, her eyes were severely swollen at this moment, and her complexion was extremely haggard.

"Xiaoxi, there is something I want to ask you." Jing Sihan stood up from the sofa and faced Yu Xiaoxi, both hands were clenched tightly by his side, his eyes were full of suspicion.If this was Xiao Qifeng's personal behavior, then he couldn't figure it out. If this was a joint attempt by him and Yu Xiaoxi to tempt him, then should he get to know her again?

"I'm going to work." The whole night, she didn't sort out her thoughts clearly, so before she could figure it out, she needed to be quiet for a while, and she didn't want to have too much communication with Jing Sihan.

Seeing Yu Xiaoxi's impatience, Jing Sihan didn't make any detours, and said directly: "I heard that Xiao Qifeng's flight went to Yunnan at 09:30 last night, is it true?" Jing Sihan tried his best to restrain himself For fear of saying the wrong thing because of my own impulse.

Yu Xiaoxi raised her face, and then looked at Jing Sihan: "What's the matter, is there a problem?" She didn't intend to hide it from her, but because she was really tired yesterday, she was too lazy to talk.

"Then between you?" Seeing Yu Xiaoxi's calm expression, Jing Sihan felt very strange.

"Nothing happened between us, he left around [-]:[-]." Yu Xiaoxi rubbed her forehead, her tone was very indifferent.

"Then why did you come back so late? Do you know that I've been waiting for you for a whole night?" Hearing Yu Xiaoxi's calm tone, Jing Sihan couldn't help but get angry: "Call me if you have nothing to worry about." Give me a call."

Yu Xiaoxi looked directly at Jing Sihan, but her heart ached, she bit her lips tightly, but didn't say a word, she felt like the blood in her whole body was flowing backwards, causing her inexplicable chest to be blocked.

Yu Xiaoxi's silence made Jing Sihan more skeptical, so the question that had settled in his heart also came out: "Xiaoxi, tell me honestly, does this matter have anything to do with you?"

Looking at the mistrust in Jing Sihan's eyes, Yu Xiaoxi suddenly heard her heartbroken voice: "What are you doubting?" The company's crisis has been resolved, and everything should be calm , she didn't understand why Jing Sihan seemed to have been greatly hurt.

"Xiao Qifeng already booked a flight ticket to Yunnan seven days ago." Looking at Yu Xiaoxi's innocent face, Jing Sihan couldn't help adding, although he hoped that this was just his guess and suspicion, but he hoped that She could tell him herself.

Hearing these words, Yu Xiaoxi couldn't help but caressed her chest, looked into Jing Sihan's eyes coldly, a shallow arc appeared at the corner of her mouth, and then smiled helplessly: "So you don't believe me so much. "At this moment, Yu Xiaoxi really realized that she didn't understand him at all. She had thought about living with him like this before, even though there were no unforgettable memories and romantic journeys between them, but after all, they lived For six years, we still understand each other's living habits and personalities, so this may not be a good destination. However, now, she feels that she should really consider her own choices. There can be no love between husband and wife, but they can't lose love. Without trust, she likes a simpler life, and doesn't like to seek balance in the cracks of intrigue.

"It's not that I don't believe you, I just need you to explain to me, since Xiao Qifeng decided to go to Yunnan, why did he make a deal with such vulgar terms, and Xiaoxi, you asked me to make a promise earlier , don't you..." Yu Xiaoxi didn't want to marry him willingly, so if Yu Xiaoxi asked Xiao Qifeng to use such means to regain her freedom, it's not impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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